Daphne Robin
Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Owl, and Tigger decide to take the fight to the town of Ashdown, home of Christopher Robin, leaving a bloody trail of death and mayhem in their wake.
Worn out by the uphill battle of caring for her husband with early-onset dementia and his rapid decline, a tenacious woman has to face a tough decision: will she move on with her life or stay with him, for better or worse?
An accountant for the mob, has to escape a whirlwind of fire while is chased by armed robbers.
Angel Tree
On Christmas Eve, a scorned widow casts an ancient spell to resurrect her executed husband. However, when the spell goes wrong, the husband is brought back as an Evil Christmas Tree. Hell-bent on getting revenge on the one who caused his execution, the body count keeps rising as the Tree hunts her down.
A supernatural creature will stop at nothing in order to turn a family's whole world upside with his icy mayhem.
2030년 3차 세계대전 발발 후, 각국은 비밀리에 군사용 무기 개발에 박차를 올리며 멸종된 공룡 개발에 성공한다. 하지만 실험실이 폭격 당하면서 포악한 공룡들은 세상 밖으로 탈출하게 되고 소수의 생존자들만 벙커에서 살아남는다. 그로부터 2년 후, 생존자들은 식료품이 떨어지자 밖으로 나갈 준비를 한다. 바깥에는 어떤 존재들이 있는지도 모른 채… 더 강력해진 공룡들의 반격이 시작된다!
Vanessa Reid
After surviving the events of the first movie, Vanessa has gone into hiding after being threatened by the government. However, a group of researchers find her and soon convince her to go back to the mountains, and this time, the dragons are more deadly than ever.
Years after their separation, Marianne accompanies Joe at his allotment. Together, they talk navigating through their lives, their love and the loss of their daughter.
When a prominent family is terrorized by a demonic force, a priest that the Vatican calls upon to do their dirty work has to root out the evil, soon realizing that the solution to this mystery is tied to his own past.
Ava uncovers the whereabouts of her missing father to an unchartered Island; a mythical lost world uncovered before them by her grandfather. Joined by a group of adventurers and scientists, they arrive at Jurassic Island where it becomes clear that the previous team had run into disaster. Dinosaurs and toxic leeches mean it’s no longer a search for her father, but a battle for survival.
Dr. Fran
즐거운 가족여행에서 자신의 실수로 요트에서 떨어져 아버지와 동생을 잃은 클로이는 자신의 탓이라 자책하며 지낸다. 그런 클로이를 안타까워하던 친구 에이미는 그녀에게 심리상담을 권하지만, 남자친구인 아이작과 새엄마인 비키는 심리상담을 받아도 달라지는 건 없다며 그냥 쉴 것을 권한다. 클로이는 새엄마와 남자친구 몰래 상담을 받으러 다니고, 상담사와 얘기하며 그날의 기억이 떠오르는데...
Olga Marsdale
When a vintage Jack-in-the-box is opened by a dying woman, she enters into a deal with the demon within that would see her illness cured in return for helping it claim six innocent victims.
A troubled wealthy family gathers in a quaint manor home for the holidays, never suspecting that bloodthirsty, sadistic Volker and his crew linger at the gates, ready to attack, rob, and maim them at nightfall. But they didn’t count on the estate’s quiet gardener, Peter Juhasz , who must return to the savage ways he learned as a soldier to save the family.
Linda Buxton
A deadly nest of spiders lurk in the attic - And the nest is about to be awoken by a news reporter and her colleagues
Betty Hill
Aliens invade Earth after the capture of two Extra-terrestrials by the American military.
살인 사건이 연달아 발생하며 저주받은 곳이라고 소문난 아미티빌 캠핑장. 매리와 티나 자매의 어머니인 리디아는 여름 캠프를 다시 연다는 명분으로 캠핑장 부지를 매입하지만 정작 땅은 방치된 채로 수십 년이 지난다. 시간이 흘러 소원해졌던 매리와 티나 자매는 어머니가 상속한 땅에 대해 의논하기 위해 아미티빌 캠핑장에서 재회하지만, 알 수 없는 사건들이 연달아 발생하며 두 자매의 숨을 조여오는데...
Wendy Loomas
An old doll seemingly returns to life to wreak havoc.
남자들에게 농락당하는 인생이 싫어 떠난 칼라는 다시 한번 상처를 받고 다시 돌아간다. 마약에 의존해 슬픔을 잊던 칼라는 의문의 사내를 찾아갔다가 뱀에게 물리게 되고, 치명적인 독 바이러스가 몸속에 퍼지면서 그때부터 몸에 이상한 변화가 생기게 된다. 하지만 원치 않는 변화에 놀라는 것도 잠시, 칼라는 알 수 없는 본능에 이끌리면서 그동안 숨겨왔던 분노를 서서히 드러내는데…
금기의 실험, 그 대가는 죽음이다. 깨워선 안 될 최강 살인 공룡들이 눈 뜬다! ‘사이먼’은 유전자 조작으로 랩터와 티라노들을 부활시키지만, 하루가 다르게 거대해지는 진화 속도를 감당하지 못하고 무참히 잡아먹힌다. 한편 연락이 끊긴 오빠 ‘사이먼’의 집에 찾아온 ‘조슬린’과 가족들은 눈앞에서 살인 공룡들을 마주하게 된다. 이 사실을 알게 된 최정예 특수부대는 세상을 혼란에 빠트릴 공룡들을 막기 위해 마지막 전투를 준비하고, 이 상황 속에서 ‘조슬린’과 가족들은 목숨을 건 탈출을 하려 하는데…
It's late at night, Frank's essay is due at 9am the next day, and he’s currently done no work for it. So, in the hope of improving his concentration—he indulges in some psychedelic micro-dosing.
Vanessa Reid
버려진 정부 통제 구역에 이상한 생명체가 출몰한다는 목격자들의 진술이 잇따르자 정부는 유능한 직원인 네스를 현장에 파견한다. 팀원인 리비, 렉시와 함께 현장에 도착한 네스를 기다리는 사람은 바로 의문의 핵무기 과학자.
Sue Adams
갑작스럽게 아버지를 잃고 깊은 슬픔에 빠져 있던 모건은 친구들의 도움으로 다시 대학 생활을 시작한다. 모건은 과제를 위해 도시 전설에 대해 조사하다가 정령을 소환한다는 인터넷 광고를 발견하고, 친구들과 함께 낯선 남자를 만나 소원을 들어주는 정령을 소환하는 의식을 치른다. 이들 앞에 나타난 '진'이라는 존재에게 모건은 죽은 아빠를 살려 달라는 소원을 빌게 되면서 모건과 친구들 앞에 사악한 그림자가 드리우는데...
Tild Von Erich
Jessica accepts an invitation to study at the private and exclusive Amityville Academy. After her induction, she realizes that it's a coven of evil witches trying to summon and unleash the demon Botis in order to spread terror throughout the world.
Pamela Seers
낸시는 남편과 헤어지고 시골로 이사한다. 엄마 패멀라와 대학생 딸 캐시가 이사를 도울 겸 얼마간 함께 지내기로 하는데, 이사한 첫날부터 이상한 손님이 나타난다. 자신이 신디 램 수녀라고 말하며 문을 열어달라고 하자, 패멀라는 정색을 하고 누구냐고 다그친다. 다음 날 아침 패멀라가 동네 성당을 찾는데, 존 신부가 이곳 성당은 더는 운영하지 않으며 수녀는 아무도 없다고 한다. 같은 목소리의 수녀가 전화로 협박을 하자, 세 모녀 가족은 경찰에 신고하고 출동한 경찰관은 이 마을의 비극을 이야기해준다. 수녀원에서 학대받은 어린 소년 중 한 명이 정신 질환을 겪으며 살인마가 되었다는 이야기인데 그는 지금 체포되어 수감 중이다. 세 모녀를 협박하는 인물은 누구인가?
14살 소녀 리는 브라이튼의 외곽에서 무심한 아빠와 살고 있다. 재능 있는 체조선수인 리는 첫 대회 출전을 앞두고 있다. 아직은 자신감도 부족하고, 돈에 쪼들리고, 자신을 괴롭히는 동료들 때문에 힘든 일 뿐이지만 그래도 열심히 훈련 중이다. 그러던 어느 날 밤 이복 오빠가 리의 집에 나타나고, 리의 외로움은 사라진다. 리가 그토록 원하던 관심을 받게 되면서 사람에 대한 불신은 점차 새로운 흥분으로 바뀐다. 하지만 동시에 그녀는 오토바이 범죄의 스릴과 위험에도 노출되게 되는데...
(2021년 제16회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제)
심장마비로 쓰러진 아버지를 만나기 위해 아이들과 함께 고향을 찾은 앨런 부부. 하지만, 이들을 기다리는 건 사람들이 모두 사라진 텅 빈 마을과 불길한 공기뿐이다. 무언가 심상치 않은 느낌을 받은 리타와 앨런은 서둘러 도움을 찾아 나서지만 곧 정체를 알 수 없는 괴생명체가 이들 가족을 차례대로 습격하기 시작하는데...
Ms Simmons
전교생으로부터 왕따를 당하는 소녀 '페이'. 특히, 같은 학년 엘리스는 부모님 사이의 문제로 페이를 더 심각하게 괴롭힌다. 어느 날, 친구들이 모여 있는 장소에서 공개적으로 페이에게 망신을 준 엘리스. 참다못한 페이는 학교의 괴담처럼 내려오는 악마의 주문을 외우고, 이후 학교에서 공포스러운 사건들이 발생하는데...
Alice is lonely and self isolated, her reverent and compulsive behavior keeps the door shut to her demons. Then one day her father is thrust back into her life. Wilhelm is suffering from a terminal illness and is completely dependent on his daughter, as time and memory begin to merge into one another, Alice unable to cope allows her lover Tris back in her life. Alice and Tris' co-dependent relationship begin's Alice's journey of self destruction and ultimately her self discovery.
A fictional documentary set in the year 2025 interviewing people of London about their first Christmas heatwave.
Operator Voice #3
Nearing her final year of school, Hilda’s aspirations hit rock bottom when she is forced to contend with the abandonment of her parents and the dependency of younger siblings. Determined to avoid the breakup of her family, she depends on dance to keep the enclosing chaos at bay. As people begin to vanish from Hilda's life, her only constant is music, but when it stops the silence is deafening.
A humor- filled story of a group of Thai in London. With their lack of language ability, chaotic but fun love stories await.
Stranded in the suburbs, student filmmaker Chloe begins to make a documentary about her family's troubled past. Whilst filming, she and best friend Ed, witness an hysterical girl appearing to escape from a neighbour's house, only to be quickly dragged back inside again. Is she a recovering drug addict like the neighbours say? Or is she really in danger from those who claim to be caring for her? Chloe and Ed begin to run surveillance, but as they dig deeper, they find themselves caught up in a world of strange beliefs, old religions, and dark witchcraft. Their search for the truth will climax in a live webcast that will terrify and make those watching question the very authenticity of what they are seeing. Webcast is inspired by a wealth of films from both the horror and thriller genres, including Rear Window, The Wicker Man, The Blair Witch Project, Rosemary's Baby, Paranormal Activity, and Race with the Devil.
Kimberley Webber
Stranded in the suburbs, student filmmaker Chloe begins to make a documentary about her family's troubled past. Whilst filming, she and best friend Ed, witness an hysterical girl appearing to escape from a neighbour's house, only to be quickly dragged back inside again. Is she a recovering drug addict like the neighbours say? Or is she really in danger from those who claim to be caring for her? Chloe and Ed begin to run surveillance, but as they dig deeper, they find themselves caught up in a world of strange beliefs, old religions, and dark witchcraft. Their search for the truth will climax in a live webcast that will terrify and make those watching question the very authenticity of what they are seeing. Webcast is inspired by a wealth of films from both the horror and thriller genres, including Rear Window, The Wicker Man, The Blair Witch Project, Rosemary's Baby, Paranormal Activity, and Race with the Devil.
Mark's Wife
Three generations of women face years of family resentments, betrayals and revelations during one life altering night together.
A fly-on-the-wall documentary film crew follow Alex, a hopelessly romantic, rom-com obsessed virgin on a quest to find love. Alex quickly finds himself out of his depth when Lana, a Moldovan mail-order bride he met online makes the bold decision of moving to London to marry him.
Prison Officer
Five years after the unusual deaths of a group of teenagers, paranormal investigator Max Archer interviews survivor Matt Swanson who is serving life in prison for the murder of his classmates - but Matt claims he is innocent and that the inhuman force that killed his friends is still after him. Matt recalls how he and his best friend Liam were ensnared into a deadly game of tag with their friends and why the game still isn't over.
Weighed down by financial problems, Tina takes a job as a receptionist at an illegal massage parlour in London. As she slowly gets to know the women who work there, Tina is forced to question her values and morals. But how far will she be drawn into this world, and can she avoid losing herself in the process?
Jay's Mother
After his family falls apart Joshua is forced to move to Canada. It is there he meets Jay, a local tattoo artist who fled the violent actions of his parents back home in Alabama. Both young men, abandoned and lonely in their own way, find themselves falling for one another... until a pair of high school brats intrude on the boys' growing relationship.
To fulfill the last wish of her deceased mother, grieving Holly seeks out love and finds it in Matthew; their relationship swiftly becomes very close and all-encompassing. After receiving the news of Matthew’s ailing mother, both arrive to provide care in her final days, only to be faced with a nightmarish reality spiraling out of control.
Polly Granger
No Smoke is a compelling story, based on true events.What would you do if the police took your life savings and suspected you of being involved in terrorism and drug dealing?Could you beat the system?
Verity's Summer is a contemporary-set coming of age drama. The story of a young woman's journey from the security of childhood to the compromises of adulthood and moral ambiguities of love. It is also an intimate portrayal of a family coming to terms with the traumas and violence of distant war that are brought back home.
Mike is a composer who dreams of creating symphonies but instead, dashes off jingles for TV commercials -- all the while pining over ex-girlfriend Helen. But Mike's life takes several unexpected turns when he meets Sara. After the two depart for an idyllic vacation together, Mike locates his mother (Susannah York), who, 35 years previous, had left his father. Writer-director Kevin W. Smith's feature-film directorial debut.
Brian's Wife
After inheriting a large country estate from his late father, Peter invites his friends from college: married couple Roger and Mary, the lonely Maggie, fashionable Sarah, and writer Andrew, who brings his American TV star wife, Carol. Sarah's new boyfriend, Brian, also attends. It has been 10 years since college, and they find their lives are very different.
Post Girl
An aimless young man, Johnny, is sent prison. He entrusts his beloved dog, Evie, to the care of his former lover and best friend, Frank. When he gets out of prison, he has to face difficulties at home. Added to this, is the fact that he may have to give up Evie to Frank.
Adina Fialova
Czechoslovakia, 1952. For some, life under the post-war Stalinist regime is hardly worth living and although the escape route to the West is almost suicide, the rewards - prosperity, political freedom, even luxury - make it a risk worth taking.
Hotel Receptionist
Michael Lamb is a Father questioning his calling, in a Reform School in Ireland. When young epileptic runaway Eoin is sent to the school, the two recognise kindred spirits and escape to London together. With the police on their tail and the money running out however, Lamb is forced to make some terrible decisions.
Der Pizzahaus Girl
동독은 특별 작전 수행을 위해 세계 이목을 끌 문화 축제를 개최하려는 계획을 세운다. 그래서 소련에서 테너 빌렛니코프, 미국에서는 인기챠트 톱40에 1, 2, 3위을 휩쓸고 온갖 주간지의 표지 인물이 된 정상의 록콘롤 가수 닉 리버스를 초청한다.
Cam (aged 17)
A faithful dramatization of Virginia Woolf's novel. A lecturer, his family, the spinster Aunt Lily, an old friend, and a student, Charles Tansley, spend a summer in an isolated house in Cornwall just before World War I. The stern Mr. Ramsay scolds everybody, while Mrs. Ramsay is the linchpin in keeping the family together. Aunt Lily paints, and the family talk about sailing to the lighthouse, but the trip is always postponed.
A group of Devonport-based Royal Navy ratings, due to sail to America for a six-month NATO exercise, go out on the town on their last night in port, hitting Plymouth's notorious Union Street district, with violent results.
A young black woman in England becomes increasingly frustrated with her life with her lazy, demanding boyfriend, and with the help of friends seeks something better.
Jane Mason
Plot to be confirmed