Daphne Robin
Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Owl, and Tigger decide to take the fight to the town of Ashdown, home of Christopher Robin, leaving a bloody trail of death and mayhem in their wake.
Worn out by the uphill battle of caring for her husband with early-onset dementia and his rapid decline, a tenacious woman has to face a tough decision: will she move on with her life or stay with him, for better or worse?
An accountant for the mob, has to escape a whirlwind of fire while is chased by armed robbers.
Angel Tree
В канун Рождества скорбящая вдова произносит древнее заклинание, чтобы воскресить мужа. Покойный возвращается в виде новогодней ёлки, которая готова отомстить виновным в своей смерти.
A supernatural creature will stop at nothing in order to turn a family's whole world upside with his icy mayhem.
In 2030 during World War III, a small group of survivors make it into a bunker. Two years later they have to exit to find new supplies, but they are greeted by dinosaur predators.
Vanessa Reid
After surviving the events of the first movie, Vanessa has gone into hiding after being threatened by the government. However, a group of researchers find her and soon convince her to go back to the mountains, and this time, the dragons are more deadly than ever.
Years after their separation, Marianne accompanies Joe at his allotment. Together, they talk navigating through their lives, their love and the loss of their daughter.
When a prominent family is terrorized by a demonic force, a priest that the Vatican calls upon to do their dirty work has to root out the evil, soon realizing that the solution to this mystery is tied to his own past.
Ava uncovers the whereabouts of her missing father to an unchartered Island; a mythical lost world uncovered before them by her grandfather. Joined by a group of adventurers and scientists, they arrive at Jurassic Island where it becomes clear that the previous team had run into disaster. Dinosaurs and toxic leeches mean it’s no longer a search for her father, but a battle for survival.
Dr. Fran
После нападения акулы, в результате которого погибли её отец и сестра, жизнь Лекси превращается в сущий кошмар. Однако с помощью психолога она глубже погружается в преследующие её воспоминания и постепенно узнает правду о том, что случилось той роковой ночью.
Olga Marsdale
Тяжело больная женщина открывает старинную шкатулку и высвобождает демона. Женщина заключает с ним договор: в обмен на своё исцеление она поможет ему заполучить шесть невинных жертв.
Иммигрант, ведущий тихую жизнь садовником в усадьбе в Англии, должен полагаться на старые навыки, чтобы спасти семью, на которую он работает, от домашних захватчиков.
Linda Buxton
A deadly nest of spiders lurk in the attic - And the nest is about to be awoken by a news reporter and her colleagues
Betty Hill
Инопланетяне вторгаются на Землю после захвата двух пришельцев американскими военными.
A summer camp that is about to open to unwitting guests. However, there is something evil that lurks on the land.
Wendy Loomas
An old doll seemingly returns to life to wreak havoc.
После укуса змеи жизнь девушки по вызову Карли превращается в настоящий кошмар. Ее тело сначала поражает странный вирус, а затем оно начинает мутировать. Карли начинает чувствовать сильный голод…
Something has been discovered, and this time, a city is under attack by a fast growing T-Rex.
It's late at night, Frank's essay is due at 9am the next day, and he’s currently done no work for it. So, in the hope of improving his concentration—he indulges in some psychedelic micro-dosing.
Vanessa Reid
Несс со своим отрядом отправляется в горы, чтобы изучить странное существо, обитающее в местных лесах. Вскоре она понимает, что имеет дело с настоящим драконом, опасным существом, которое не берет никакое оружие.
Sue Adams
A young lady unleashes a demonic Genie from an amulet.
Tild Von Erich
Люси, Саманта и Елена Белл - сёстры и потомки тысячелетней династии белых ведьм, задача которых - не допустить распространение тёмной магии. Однажды в поле их зрения попадает Доминика - колдунья, которая пытается обрести неограниченную силу, принося в жертву молодых чародеек. Троица спасает из её лап юную Джессику, которая носит таинственный знак зверя о трёх рогах, и обладает скрытой силой. Теперь им предстоит обучить её премудростям белой магии и подготовить к борьбе с силами зла.
Pamela Seers
Catherine and her family recently moved into a converted church. Upon moving in, they have been harassed by an unknown religious stalker, claiming them to be sinners. Pamela, Catherine's grandmother soon begins to reveal she has secrets hidden to the local church, and not all is as it seems. Each night the Nun returns, and this time, she is looking to claim more than one soul.
14-year-old Leigh lives with her neglectful father on the outskirts of Brighton. She’s a talented gymnast, training hard for her first competition. When an older half-brother appears at her house one night, Leigh’s lonely existence is altered.
Upon arriving at their grandparents farm, a family soon realise the entire town has been taken out by an unknown monster that hunts by sound. And soon, they become its prey.
Ms Simmons
После того, как одноклассницы опозорили Фэй , практикующая ведьма решает отомстить обидчицам. В День святого Валентина она призывает злого Купидона, который не остановится ни перед чем, пока все не будут наказаны.
Alice is lonely and self isolated, her reverent and compulsive behavior keeps the door shut to her demons. Then one day her father is thrust back into her life. Wilhelm is suffering from a terminal illness and is completely dependent on his daughter, as time and memory begin to merge into one another, Alice unable to cope allows her lover Tris back in her life. Alice and Tris' co-dependent relationship begin's Alice's journey of self destruction and ultimately her self discovery.
A fictional documentary set in the year 2025 interviewing people of London about their first Christmas heatwave.
Operator Voice #3
Накануне выпускного года в школе Гильда оказывается в непростой ситуации. Пока родители выясняют отношения и планируют развод, старшая дочь вынуждена заботится о младших. Чтобы как-то справится с катастрофой в семье и прочими сложностями своей жизни, Гильда начинает танцевать.
A humor- filled story of a group of Thai in London. With their lack of language ability, chaotic but fun love stories await.
Хлоуи и Эд снимают документальный фильм про то, как тридцать лет назад пропала без вести тетя девушки. Совершенно случайно в кадр попадает кое-что, что соседи Хлоуи хотели ото всех скрыть... По всей видимости, странная парочка похитила и насильно удерживает девочку-подростка, так что вывести их на чистую воду - теперь дело принципа.
Kimberley Webber
Хлоуи и Эд снимают документальный фильм про то, как тридцать лет назад пропала без вести тетя девушки. Совершенно случайно в кадр попадает кое-что, что соседи Хлоуи хотели ото всех скрыть... По всей видимости, странная парочка похитила и насильно удерживает девочку-подростка, так что вывести их на чистую воду - теперь дело принципа.
Mark's Wife
Three generations of women face years of family resentments, betrayals and revelations during one life altering night together.
A fly-on-the-wall documentary film crew follow Alex, a hopelessly romantic, rom-com obsessed virgin on a quest to find love. Alex quickly finds himself out of his depth when Lana, a Moldovan mail-order bride he met online makes the bold decision of moving to London to marry him.
Prison Officer
Five years after the unusual deaths of a group of teenagers, paranormal investigator Max Archer interviews survivor Matt Swanson who is serving life in prison for the murder of his classmates - but Matt claims he is innocent and that the inhuman force that killed his friends is still after him. Matt recalls how he and his best friend Liam were ensnared into a deadly game of tag with their friends and why the game still isn't over.
Weighed down by financial problems, Tina takes a job as a receptionist at an illegal massage parlour in London. As she slowly gets to know the women who work there, Tina is forced to question her values and morals. But how far will she be drawn into this world, and can she avoid losing herself in the process?
Jay's Mother
After his family falls apart Joshua is forced to move to Canada. It is there he meets Jay, a local tattoo artist who fled the violent actions of his parents back home in Alabama. Both young men, abandoned and lonely in their own way, find themselves falling for one another... until a pair of high school brats intrude on the boys' growing relationship.
To fulfill the last wish of her deceased mother, grieving Holly seeks out love and finds it in Matthew; their relationship swiftly becomes very close and all-encompassing. After receiving the news of Matthew’s ailing mother, both arrive to provide care in her final days, only to be faced with a nightmarish reality spiraling out of control.
Polly Granger
No Smoke is a compelling story, based on true events.What would you do if the police took your life savings and suspected you of being involved in terrorism and drug dealing?Could you beat the system?
Verity's Summer is a contemporary-set coming of age drama. The story of a young woman's journey from the security of childhood to the compromises of adulthood and moral ambiguities of love. It is also an intimate portrayal of a family coming to terms with the traumas and violence of distant war that are brought back home.
Mike is a composer who dreams of creating symphonies but instead, dashes off jingles for TV commercials -- all the while pining over ex-girlfriend Helen. But Mike's life takes several unexpected turns when he meets Sara. After the two depart for an idyllic vacation together, Mike locates his mother (Susannah York), who, 35 years previous, had left his father. Writer-director Kevin W. Smith's feature-film directorial debut.
Brian's Wife
Семеро друзей — выпускников Кембриджа 1982 года встречаются 10 лет спустя. Питер наследует большое поместье от отца, и приглашает других провести Новый год с ним. Много изменений произошло в жизнях друзей, но самый темный секрет открывает сам Питер…
Post Girl
An aimless young man, Johnny, is sent prison. He entrusts his beloved dog, Evie, to the care of his former lover and best friend, Frank. When he gets out of prison, he has to face difficulties at home. Added to this, is the fact that he may have to give up Evie to Frank.
Adina Fialova
Czechoslovakia, 1952. For some, life under the post-war Stalinist regime is hardly worth living and although the escape route to the West is almost suicide, the rewards - prosperity, political freedom, even luxury - make it a risk worth taking.
Hotel Receptionist
Michael Lamb is a Father questioning his calling, in a Reform School in Ireland. When young epileptic runaway Eoin is sent to the school, the two recognise kindred spirits and escape to London together. With the police on their tail and the money running out however, Lamb is forced to make some terrible decisions.
Der Pizzahaus Girl
Пародия на шпионские фильмы. Восточная Германия времен «холодной войны». Здесь военщина замышляет коварный план по уничтожению кораблей НАТО, для чего похищает ученого доктора Фламонда, запирает его в темнице, заставляя сотворить мину «Поларис». Прикрытием для преступных замыслов служит международный фестиваль, на который приглашают артистов из разных стран. Из Америки приезжает рок-певец Ник Риверс и знакомится с очаровательной Хиллари — дочерью Фламонда. Она — участник подпольного сопротивления, к которому привлекает и Ника.
Cam (aged 17)
A faithful dramatization of Virginia Woolf's novel. A lecturer, his family, the spinster Aunt Lily, an old friend, and a student, Charles Tansley, spend a summer in an isolated house in Cornwall just before World War I. The stern Mr. Ramsay scolds everybody, while Mrs. Ramsay is the linchpin in keeping the family together. Aunt Lily paints, and the family talk about sailing to the lighthouse, but the trip is always postponed.
A group of Devonport-based Royal Navy ratings, due to sail to America for a six-month NATO exercise, go out on the town on their last night in port, hitting Plymouth's notorious Union Street district, with violent results.
A young black woman in England becomes increasingly frustrated with her life with her lazy, demanding boyfriend, and with the help of friends seeks something better.
Jane Mason
Plot to be confirmed