Lloyd Bridges

Lloyd Bridges

출생 : 1913-01-15, San Leandro, California, USA

사망 : 1998-03-10


Lloyd Bridges (1913–1998) was an American actor who starred in a number of television series and appeared in more than 150 feature films. Bridges is best known for his role on Sea Hunt. He is the father of actors Beau Bridges and Jeff Bridges.

프로필 사진

Lloyd Bridges
Lloyd Bridges

참여 작품

Acting: The First Six Lessons
Acting: The First Six Lessons follows The Teacher and his student, The Creature, played by Beau Bridges and Emily Bridges. Together they explore the craft of acting and evolve in their understanding and appreciation of life itself. The story unfolds in six lessons over the course of their relationship, nestled within a larger conversation with three generations of The Bridges Family. A unique hybrid of narrative and documentary storytelling, Acting: The First Six Lessons brings Richard Boleslavsky’s 1933 novel to the screen for the first time as part of an intimate glimpse into the life and craft of a multi-generational acting family.
Meeting Daddy
Mr. Branson
An aspiring writer from New York visits his girlfriend's eccentric family in Georgia.
From Russia to Hollywood: The 100-Year Odyssey of Chekhov and Shdanoff
From Czarist Russia's Moscow Art Theatre to Hollywood's biggest film, narrator Gregory Peck joins an A-list of Hollywood stars to take us through the odyssey of two Russian born Hollywood legends: The great acting teacher Michael Chekhov and the amazing director George Shdanoff.
Vincenzo Cortino
Takeoff on the Godfather with the son of a mafia king taking over for his dying father.
The Deliverance of Elaine
Addison Hodges
A small town schoolteacher is hunted by a paroled con who holds the secret of her dark past.
Sex, Censorship and the Silver Screen
Quote Reader
Explores sexuality and censorship over a hundred years of motion pictures.
Peter and the Wolf
Sergei Prokofiev's symphonic masterpiece, first performed in Russia in 1936, has been lauded not only for the spectacular musical score, but also for the story itself--of a young boy who outwits a wily wolf. George Daugherty brings this timeless tale to modern audiences by seamlessly weaving live-action with animation and music by the RCA Symphony Orchestra. The story opens as a grandfather (Lloyd Bridges) hosts his daughter (Kirstie Alley) and grandson (Ross Malinger from Sleepless in Seattle) during a visit to his country cottage. After lunch, the trio settles in as grandfather recounts "The Story" of Peter's adventures with a bird, cat, and dizzy duck on the outskirts "of a very dark forest." The film morphs into a clever cartoon designed by the legendary Chuck Jones (of Wile E. Coyote fame). The "story within a story" leaps to life while the accompanying musical instruments also emerge as playful personalities.
Col. Kress
In his own garage, a discredited scientist creates intelligent, insect-like creatures that were yielded by soil samples from Mars.
The Other Woman
After the divorce from Michael, Tessa raises her daughters Kate and Lara alone. None of them can stand Michael's new young wife Carolyn, a model. But when Tessa learns that she's suffering from cancer and soon will die, she tries to get her kids to accept Carolyn as new mother. She takes them on a trip across the country to her father Jacob's ranch in Wyoming. During this trip, Tessa tries to teach Carolyn about the responsibilities involved in raising kids.
분노의 폭발
Max O'Bannon
지미 도브(Jimmy Dove/Liam McGivney: 제프 브리지스 분)는 보스톤 경찰국 폭발물 제거반에서 누구보다도 활약이 뛰어난 대원이다. 어느날 사랑하는 여자가 생기고 안정된 생활을 위하여 자신이 하고 있는 일을 그만두려고 한다. 지미의 결혼식날 대원들이 폭탄을 제거하려다 죽는 사건이 발생한다. 폭탄을 장치한 범인은 지미가 미국으로 오기전 아일랜드에서 함께 일했던 동료 라이언 게리티(Ryan Gaerity: 토미 리 존스 분)였다. 그는 오랜 감옥생활 끝에 감방 친구를 죽이고 탈옥해 자신을 체포한 지미를 찾아다니는 중이었다. 따라서 사건은 아일랜드에서 미국 보스톤으로 옮겨져 게리티는 지미가 사랑하는 모든 것에 광적으로 폭탄을 설치하여 지미와 한판 대결을 벌이게 된다. 부인과 딸 그리고 아버지와 이웃집의 맥스(Max O'Bannon: 로이드 브리지스 분), 그중 맥스는 희생양이 되어 폭탄에 죽게 되고 최후로 지미의 부인이 연주하는 오케스트라 무대로 폭탄이 옮겨지게 된다.
Secret Sins of the Father
Louis Thielman
Louis (Lloyd Bridges) is a farmer in small-town Nebraska. All seems well in his quiet life until the town's spiteful sheriff, Tom (Beau Bridges), who is also Louis' son, unexpectedly charges Louis with the murder of his mother. Louis knows he's innocent and thinks that his son is merely out to get him because he's been having a heated affair with Tom's former lover. Can father and son put their bad blood aside for the sake of the family? Or will Tom's vengeance prevail?
못말리는 람보
President Thomas 'Tug' Benson
사담 후세인(Saddam Hussein: 제리 할레바 분)에 의해 인질로 잡혀 있는 미국인 포로들을 구출하려는 시도가 실패하자 미국 대통령은 토퍼 할리(Topper Harley: 찰리 쉰 분)에게 인질 구조의 임무를 맡기기로 한다. 미모의 CIA 요원 미셀(Michelle Rodham Huddleston: 브렌다 바케 분)과 할리의 전직 사령관 월터스 대령(Col.Denton Walters: 리차드 크레나 분)은 태국의 한 사원에서 은둔 생활을 하고 있는 할리를 찾아내지만 그는 임무를 거절한다. 할리는 애인 라마다(Ramada Rodham Hayman: 발레리나 골리노 분)가 이유없이 자기를 떠난데 대해 상심하여 세상과 담을 쌓고 살아가는 중이다. 혼자 중동에 간 월터스 대령마저 인질로 잡히게 되자 할리는 나설 것을 결심하고 미셀을 찾아온다. 할리에게 매료된 미셀은 그를 유혹하지만 할리는 아직도 라마다를 생각한다. 할리와 미셀은 중동으로 가서 구조대와 합류, 작전을 개시한다. 안내를 맡은 접선인이 라마다임을 알게 된 할리는 매우 놀란다. 라마다는 할리를 떠나게 된 사정을 말해준다. 그녀는 할리를 만나기 전 이미 CIA를 위해 일하는 덱스터(Dexter Hayman: 로완 엣킨슨 분)와 결혼한 몸이었는데 텍스터가 임무 수행 중 부상을 당해 병원에 있다는 소식을 받고 할리 곁을 떠날 수 밖에 없었다고 말한다. [스포일러] 할리는 대령과 인질들을 구하나 그곳에는 텍스터도 있었다. 헬기를 대기시켜 놓고 기다리던 미셀은 텍스터를 포기하자고 하나 할리는 수용소로 돌아간다. 라마다는 이 모든 일이 그녀에 대한 질투심 때문에 할리와 텍스터를 제거하려는 미셀의 음모임을 알게 된다. 할리는 결국 텍스터를 구해오지만 라마다와 할리가 진정으로 사랑하고 있음을 안 텍스터는 라마다를 할리에게 양보한다.
Hearts of Hot Shots! Part Deux—A Filmmaker's Apology
Spoof documentary
Mr. Bluesman
Blues hommage by Sönke Wortmann.
Earth and the American Dream
A beautiful and disturbing film recounts America’s story from the environment’s point of view. From the arrival of Columbus to the simple wilderness living of the 16th and 17th centuries, through the agrarian lifestyle of the 18th century, the changes from the Industrial Revolution, to the 20th century when most of the planet’s resources have been depleted — this film examines the North American landscape and all the wildlife destruction, deforestation, soil depletion and pollution that have been wrought to make the American Dream come true.
Bill Brennan
A troubled cop is framed in the murder of his brother-in-law, whose father is a political boss.
아이가 커졌어요
Clifford Sterling
물체축소기로 아이들을 잘못 줄여서 고생했던 웨인 스잘린스키(Wayne Szalinski : 릭 모라니스 분)는 그후 2년여 세월이 흐르는 동안, 이번에는 물체확대기를 발명하기 위해 고심한다. 스털링 연구소에 들어가서 여러 연구원들과 공동 작업을 하고 있지만 기본적인 구상과 연구는 모두 스잘린스키가 하고 있는 형편. 반면 연구소 부소장인 핸드릭슨 박사(Charles Hendrickson : 존 셰어 분)는 이런 스잘린스키의 일거수 일투족을 감시하며, 스잘린스키를 제거할 궁리를 하고 있던 차였다. 그 동안에 새로 태어난, 애이미(Amy Szalinski : 에이미 오닐 분)와 닉의 동생, 아담(Adam : 다니엘 샬리카 / 조슈아 샬리카 분)은 한참 말썽을 부리는 두살짜리 사내 아이. 아빠와 형을 따라 연구소에 갔다가 그만 레이저를 잘못 쏘여서 몸이 커지게 된다. 아담은 집의 전자렌지 전자파를 쏘인 후 몸이 한층 커져서 집 밖으로 튀어나간다. 전자파를 쏘일 수록 몸이 자꾸만 커져가던 아담은 드디어 몸크기가 30미터를 넘어서는 거인이 되버려서 온 세상을 놀라게 하는데...
The Making of High Noon
Documentary about High Noon featuring Fred Zinnemann and Stanley Kramer.
In the Nick of Time
Santa Claus
Santa Claus is up for retirement after his 300 years, and he searches New York City for a replacement.
못말리는 비행사
Admiral Benson
세계 최고의 조종 실력을 지닌 전투기 조종사 토퍼 할리(Topper Harley: 찰리 쉰 분)는 고집스러운 성격으로 해군 비행단에서 쫓겨난 후 인디언 부락에 살고 있다가 해군의 요청으로 다시 비행단에 들어와 비밀작전에 참가한다. 토퍼는 부친 버즈(Buzz Harley: 빌 어윈 분)가 20여년전 뛰어난 조종사 였으면서도 장난이 심하고 불운이 따라다니는 인물이어서 다른 조종사를 죽게 했다는 사실이 항상 마음에 걸려 부친 얘기만 나오면 성격이 거칠어 지는 과민반응을 보인다. 토퍼는 미모의 정신과 여의사 라마다(Ramada Thompson: 발레리아 골리노 분)를 두고 같은 엘리트 조종사인 켄트(Kent Gregory: 칼 엘위스 분)와 경쟁을 벌이기도 한다. 아버지의 망상 때문에 좌절을 겪기도 했던 토퍼는 라마다의 설득으로 작전에 참가, 대단한 공을 세운다. 블락 중령(Lt. Commander Block: 케빈 던 분)은 20여년전 토퍼의 부친 버즈에 대한 나쁜 비평은 버즈를 시기하여 자신이 꾸며낸 일이라고 자백하여 토퍼의 정신적 부담을 덜어주고 토퍼는 라마다와 가벼운 마음으로 재회한다
The Great Indian Wars 1840-1890
Documentation of the encroachment of European settlers upon Native American lands and the violent reaction of the Indians in their struggle to survive.
Shining Time Station: 'Tis a Gift
Mr. Nicholas
It's Christmas at Shining Time Station! Stacy Jones is busy helping passengers, Schemer tries to win the role of Santa's helper for the Indian Valley Gala Holiday Pageant, Mr. Conductor tells the kids a story about Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends and helps them deal with a bratty kid, while a kind old passenger, Mr. Nicholas, arrives and brightens the holiday for everybody.
Leona Helmsley: The Queen of Mean
Harry Helmsley
Spanning years of both Harry and Leona Helmsley's cutthroat control of their eponymonous empire, this made-for-TV movie chronicles both the high and low points of the couple's life together.
톰 행크스의 볼케이노
Samuel Harvey Graynamore
전직 소방수였다가 그만두고 지금은 별볼일 없는 직장에서 주급 300달러의 봉급 생활을 하는 죠 뱅크스(톰 행크스 분)는 어느날 의사로부터 뇌종양으로 6개월 선고를 받고 직장을 그만 둔다. 항상 우울함에 빠져 삶의 의욕을 잃고 있던 죠는 그동안 자신이 너무나 무의미하게 세월을 허비했음을 깨닫고 직장 동료인 디디(맥 라이언 분)에게 접근하는 등 그동안 하지 못한 일로 남은 생을 즐기며 살려고 한다. 그런데, 의사로부터 알고 왔다는 노신사 재벌 그래즈모어씨로부터, 남태평양의 위포니올이라는 섬에 가서 그곳에 있는 화산의 폭발을 막기 위한 제물로서 화산에 뛰어들 영웅이 되어달라는 제안을 받고 계약을 한다. 목숨의 대가로 받은 신용카드로 이것저것 여행 준비를 하고는 LA로 가는데 그래즈모어의 딸 안젤리카(맥 라이언 분)가 마중을 나와있다. 또 배로 자신을 섬으로 데려다 줄 그녀의 이복 동생 패트리시아(맥 라이언 분)를 만나게 되어 요트를 타고 항해를 시작하는데.
Winter People
William Wright
Wayland Jackson (Russell), a widower with a young daughter, moves to a small, impoverished mountain village in North Carolina, circa 1934. They are taken in by Collie Wright (McGillis), a single mother with an illegitimate baby, and she and Wayland soon fall in love. Trouble starts when the identity of her baby's father is revealed.
Vincent Kozinski
아버지의 재혼을 축하하러 온 래리(Larry : 테드 댄슨 분), 어머니의 재혼을 축하하러 온 마리아(Maria Hardy : 이사벨라 로셀리니 분). 그러나 축하연이 끝나고 그들은 각각 자신의 아내와 남편이 행방불명되었음을 알게 된다. 얼마 후 함께 돌아온 래리의 아내 수잔과 마리아의 남편 톰(Tom : 윌리암 L. 피터슨 분)은 과장된 언동을 보이는데. 바람둥이인 톰과 수잔의 밀회는 횟수를 더해가고, 그들의 관계를 의심하던 마리아는 고민하던 끝에 래리를 찾아가나, 오히려 래리의 자유로운 생활과 사고에 놀린다. 마리아와 래리는 사랑을 느끼게 되고, 그들의 사랑을 눈치챈 톰과 수잔은 그제서야 자신들이 진정으로 사랑하고 있는 사람은 자신의 아내와 남편이라는 사실을 깨닫고 서둘러 사랑을 지키려 한다. 그러나 래리와 마리아의 사랑은 멈출 수 없게 된다. 과연 뒤늦게 만난 이 독특한 연인의 밀애는 어떻게 될 것이지.
She Was Marked for Murder
Justin Matthews
While jogging in New York Central Park, the rich widow Elena meets Eric. Although he's 10 years younger, she falls in love with him and they marry shortly after. Soon she discovers that he has a long-going affair with her secretary Claire. Elena suspects they're after her money.
Senator Homer Ferguson (uncredited)
소년시절 자동차를 본 이후 혁신적인 자동차를 만들겠다는 꿈을 가지게된 터커는 더 빨리, 더 안전하게 달릴 수 있는 미래형 자동차 개발에 착수한다. 가족을 비롯 유능한 세일즈맨 에이브, 많은 기술자들의 든든한 후원으로 시작학 작업은 그러나 3대 자동차 메이커 포드, GM, 크라이슬라와 결탁한 관료주의의 벽에 부딪고 만다.터커가 새 차의 광고 홍보차 자리를 비운 사이, 메이저사의 압력으로 차의 설계가 바뀌고, 의회의 조사위원회는 터커를 사기혐의로 고소하기에 이른다. 무서운 음모에 대항하는 방법은 한가지. 최종판결이 나기 전 그가 차를 만들어낼 의도가 있다는 증거로 새 차 50대를 생산해야 하는 것이다.
The Wild Pair
Col. Heser
A strait-laced FBI agent and a hulking, big-hearted narcotics cop team up to track down a drug lord associated with a militant hate group.
The Thanksgiving Promise
Stewart Larson
A teenage boy is torn between his love for an injured Canadian goose that he has found and his agreement to fatten and kill it for an approaching Thanksgiving dinner for his neighbors.
Weekend Warriors
Col. Archer
In 1961, with war looming in Berlin, an Air National Guard unit of actors, journalists and studio personnel is up for military academy consideration.
Night of 100 Stars II
This special is the second "Night of 100 Stars" to benefit The Actors Fund of America. Edited from a seven-hour live entertainment marathon that was taped February 17, 1985, at New York's Radio City Music Hall, this sequel to the 1982 "Night of 100 Stars" special features 288 celebrities.
All-Star Party for Frank Sinatra
A Celebration of the great life of Frank Sinatra with song, dance, and many famous guests.
Johnny Forbes
Feature-length prime time pilot for a daytime soap centered around the wealthy and influential Aldens family, who almost alone own the small university town.
Grandpa, Will You Run with Me?
A celebration of how the very young and the very old appreciate and enjoy each other via sketches and variety performances.
Grace Kelly
Jack Kelly
The fairy tale story of the actress who became a princess is told in this biography that traces her rise from Philadelphia socialite to Hollywood movie star.
에어플레인 2
Steven McCroskey
{20세기 말 달 표면에 식민지 건설이 시작되었다. 이로 인해 우주 여행 시대의 막이 오르게 되었다. 이 이야기는 메이플라워 1호(Mayflower 1)가 최초로 승객을 싣고 달로 처녀비행을 하는 것부터 시작된다. 기대로 가득찬 이 여행이 엉망이 될 줄은 아무도 모른 채.} 최초의 우주왕복여행선 메이플라워 1호는 비행사 스트라이커에 의해 그 결함이 사전바라견되나 위원회의 관료주의적인 태도로 인해 발사가 강행된다. 한편 우주선 재점검을 요구하다 정신병동에 갇힌 스트라이커는 초읽기에 들어간 메이플라워호 발사 저지를 위해 병원을 탈출, 비밀리에 우주선에 잠입하고, 승무원이자 옛 연인인 일레인을 만나 상황 설명 후 승객들의 대피를 요구하지만 그러는 와중 카운트다운이 시작되고 우주선은 하늘로 치솟는다. 목적지는 달. 그러나 우주선은 자체결함으로 인해 태양을 향해 가게 되고 설상가상으로 보험금을 노린 승객 한사람이 시한폭탄을 소지하고 승선, 우주선 폭파를 기도하는데.
Life of the Party: The Story of Beatrice
Johnny O'Reilly
A dramatization of the life of the founder of Los Angeles's first alcoholic recovery center for women, Beatrice O'Reilly.
Steve McCroskey
택시 기사인 테드 스트라이커(Ted Striker: 로버트 헤이스 분)와 스튜어디스인 일레인(Elaine Dickinson: 줄리 헤거티 분)은 오랜 연인 사이. 그러나 과거 공군 조종사로 참전했던 테드가 작전 수행 도중 전사한 동료들에 대한 기억으로 인해 일종의 비행 공포증을 앓게 되고, 전우의 죽음이 자신의 판단 착오 탓이라며 하루하루 자책하며 살아가자 견디다 못한 일레인은 결별을 선언한다. 이에 테드는 떠나는 일레인을 설득하고자 엉겁결에 그녀가 승선한 시카고행 209편기에 오르게 되고, 비행 공포증을 이겨내고자 과거 일레인과의 추억담을 옆좌석 사람들에게 들려준다. 그러던 중 기내 식사로 생선을 먹은 승객들이 식중독 증세를 보이고, 기장(Captain Oveur: 피터 그레이브스 분)을 비롯한 조종사들마저 정신을 잃게 된다. 위기 상황에 처한 여승무원들은 조종 경험이 있는 승객을 수소문하고 마침내 테드가 조종대를 잡게 된다. 1시간 내에 병원으로 후송되지 못하면 생명이 위태로운 승객들. 테드는 시카고 공항에 불시착하고자 하지만 되살아나는 과거의 악몽으로 상황은 어려워져만 간다. 하지만 위기 상황에서 지휘를 맡은 노의사 러막크(Doctor Rumack: 레슬리 닐슨 분)의 말에 감명을 받아 마침내 용기를 얻어 여객기를 무사히 착륙시킨다. 그리고 일레인의 사랑도 되찾는다.
This Year's Blonde
Johnny Hyde
First he seduced her. Then he made her a star. He was Johnny Hyde, 52-year-old agent, friend, lover. She was an unemployed starlet — destined to be America's greatest sex goddess. Theirs was a sizzling romance — torrid, touching, tragic.
Bear Island
A group of people converge on a barren Arctic island. They have their reasons for being there but when a series of mysterious accidents and murders take place, a whole lot of darker motives become apparent. Could the fortune in buried Nazi gold be the key to the mystery? Donald Sutherland and Vanessa Redgrave investigate
Disaster on the Coastliner
Al Mitchell
A deranged engineer, bent on revenge for the deaths of his wife and daughter, sets two passenger trains on a collision course, and con-man Robert Fuller puts his life on the line to ward off the crash.
피프스 머스커티어
King Louis XIV has without his knowledge a twin brother, Philippe, but when he is told, he immediately locks up his brother in the Bastille. The king wants to increase his popularity and stages an assassination against himself where Philippe is dressed as king Louis. But Philippe manages to escape the assassination and everybody believes him to be the real king...
Mission Galactica: The Cylon Attack
Commander Cain
Running low on fuel, the Battlestar Galactica receives the help of the supposedly lost Battlestar Pegasus which is taking the offensive with the Cylons.
Shimmering Light
Sean Pearse
1978 Australian television film about an American surfer who travels to Australia in search of the perfect wave. It was one of six TV movies made in Australia by Transatlantic Enterprises.
The Great Wallendas
Karl Wallenda
Drama based on the legendary circus family, its spectacular but tragic career, and its unique aerial act that includes the seven-member pyramid that led to the 1962 accident in which two of the troupe were killed and another permanently paralyzed.
Matt Tallman
The behind-the-scenes intrigues — including, possibly, a murder — of an all-star fundraising telethon set in Las Vegas.
The Force of Evil
A murderer on parole victimizes a family against whom he holds a grudge.
Cop on the Beat
Joe Forrester
An aging street cop goes after a gang of toughs involved in several robbery-rapes on his beat in this pilot (a spin-off from "Police Story") for the 1975-76 series. The veteran cop concept also was the basis for "The Blue Knight" series at the same time — and that, too, was based on a Joseph Wambaugh creation. Also known as "The Return of Joe Forrester."
Stowaway to the Moon
Charlie Englehardt
E.J. Mackernutt, Jr., an 11-year-old boy who has always been fascinated by space and astronauts, sneaks into Cape Kennedy and becomes a stowaway on a spaceship scheduled for a lunar landing. After he is discovered, NASA at first cancels the landing, but E.J. and the astronauts convince them to go forward with it. Problems arise when one of the astronauts is incapacitated by illness and the other two are stranded on the moon's surface, but E.J. is able to command the space capsule and save the day.
Death Race
Gen. Ernst Beimler
In the North African desert in World War II, a crippled American fighter plane that is unable to take off tries to evade and destroy a pursuing Nazi tank.
Running Wild
Jeff Methune
A photographer travels to the stunning vistas of Colorado and becomes involved in an effort to save a herd of wild horses.
Crime Club
Paul Cord
A group of public and private investigators looks into the suspicious death of the son of one of its members' wealthy girlfriends.
Trouble Comes to Town
Sheriff Porter Murdock
A Southern sheriff brings into his home a black juvenile delinquent, who is the son of the man who saved his life during the Korean War.
Haunts of the Very Rich
Dave Woodrough
A group of wealthy but secretly very troubled people travel to an island resort. After experiencing a brush with death, they find themselves wondering about their existences.
To Find a Man
A boarding-school girl asks the boy next door for help getting an abortion.
The Deadly Dream
Dr. Jim Hanley
A scientist keeps having dreams that he is marked for murder by a mysterious tribunal for something that he's not aware that he's done, and that his wife and his friends are part of the conspiracy. Soon he's not sure which is the dream and which is reality.
A Tattered Web
Sgt. Ed Stagg
A detective discovers his son-in-law is cheating on his wife. He confronts the other woman and accidentally kills her, then tries to pin the crime on a local derelict.
Do You Take This Stranger?
Steven Breck
A social climber/con artist schemes to inherit one million dollars by trading identities with a dying man.
Lost Flight
Steve Bannerman
The captain of a downed airliner must help his crew and passengers survive on a deserted jungle island in the midst of a power struggle - an adult version of "Lord of the Flies."
The Sixth Column
Two different alien races are at war. Representatives of each race have landed on Earth to battle it out here, but they've taken human form and they can only spot other aliens through the use of special glasses.
The Happy Ending
The triumphs and failures of middle age as seen through the eyes of runaway American housewife Mary Wilson, a woman who believes that ultimate reality exists above and beyond the routine procedures of conscious, uninspired, everyday life. She feels cheated by an older generation that taught her to settle for nothing less than storybook finales, people who are disillusioned and restless and don't know why, people for whom life holds no easy answers.
Silent Night, Lonely Night
John Sparrow
Over the Christmas holidays in a small New England college town, a man and a woman share a brief interlude. He is there to visit his wife, who is a mental patient at the university, and she is there visiting her son, who is a student, after discovering her husband's infidelity.
The Silent Gun
Brad Clinton
A sheriff with a reputation as a fast gun almost kills an innocent child. He makes up his mind that he is not going to carry around loaded weapons anymore, but, since he's the sheriff of a lawless town, he compromises by carrying an unloaded pistol and relying on his reputation to keep order.
Attack on the Iron Coast
Maj. James Wilson
Attack on the Iron Coast is a 1967 British-American Oakmont Productions international co-production war film directed by Paul Wendkos in the first of his five picture contract with Mirisch Productions, and starring Lloyd Bridges, Andrew Keir, Sue Lloyd, Mark Eden and Maurice Denham. The film depicts an account of Allied Combined Operations Headquarters commandos executing a daring raid on the German-occupied French coast during the Second World War. The film is based on the commando raid on the French port of St. Nazaire and is reminiscent of the film The Gift Horse. In the United States it was released as a double feature with Danger Route.
Daring Game
Vic Powers
Survival Devices, Inc are an organisation that employ a team of adventurers known as "the Flying Fish" who are adept in sky diving, scuba diving and martial arts. They are engaged to rescue a captured scientist imprisoned on a Caribbean island by a dictator. The team parachutes off the coast of the island in a HALO jump and establishes an inflatable underwater basecamp in an "Instant Underwater Habitat" or "Igloo".
전세계 바다 밑
Dr. Doug Standish
A five man submarine plants sensors around the worlds oceans to monitor for a impending earthquake.
Who Killed Julie Greer?
Joe Montana
Amos Burke is an L.A. cop who's inherited millions and usually arrives at crime scenes in a chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce. Investigating the death of actress Julie Greer, he finds lots of suspects - but the killer's identity surprises him.
The Goddess
Dutch Seymour
Booze, pills and loneliness mark a young actress' rise to stardom.
Ride Out for Revenge
Captain George
When an Indian chief is murdered in a hateful town, a sympathizing ex marshal tries to stop the Indians from attacking for revenge.
Noah Curry
Lizzie Curry is on the verge of becoming a hopeless old maid. Her wit and intelligence and skills as a homemaker can't make up for the fact that she's just plain plain! Even the town sheriff, File, for whom she harbors a secrect yen, won't take a chance --- until the town suffers a drought and into the lives of Lizzie and her brothers and father comes one Bill Starbuck ... profession: Rainmaker!
Jim Benson
Former Coastguardsmen Jim Benson is about to lose his boat when a couple approaches him for a fishing charter. Jim departs just ahead of the Sherrif with drunken Shanks, and his companion Sally (Gates). Shanks takes off into a small Mexican village after a fight with Jim, stranding both Sally and him with no money. Two local men hear of Jim's plight, and offer him money to smuggle a batch of illegal aliens, called Wetbacks, into the U.S. He agrees but is blackmailed into continuing to run the smuggling operation. Afraid, Jim decides to make a run for it, but someone close to him reveals themselves as a US Immigration agent and asks him to assist them in shutting down the smugglers for good.
Tragedy in a Temporary Town
Alec Beggs
Fifteen-year-old girl Dotty Fisher is assaulted at a construction camp. In the wake of this incident, the construction workers form a vigilante group led by the hot-headed Frank Doran in order to find the person responsible for the attack. After the group erroneously assume that innocent Puerto Rican Raphael Infante is guilty of the crime, only one lone man named Alec Beggs dares to stand up to the angry mob
Apache Woman
Rex Moffet
A government agent ventures west to look into reports that Apaches are behind a recent wave of frontier attacks. Begins to suspect a set-up.
Gyp Clements
Former buffalo hunter and entrepreneur Wyatt Earp arrives in the lawless cattle town of Wichita Kansas. His skill as a gun-fighter makes him a perfect candidate for Marshal, but he refuses the job until he feels morally obligated to bring law and order to this wild town.
Third Party Risk
Philip Graham
Vacationing at a resort hotel in Spain, a man discovers he is the only one not mixed up one way or another in murder, drugs and microfilm smuggling. But, the police are after him!
Pride of the Blue Grass
A girl owns a horse, and hires a boy as a trainer. The horse enters a race and is injured. The boy takes job at another stable and is semi-seduced by the stable siren. The girl finally rehabilitates the horse then enters it in a big race.
The Limping Man
Frank Prior
An American veteran returns to England after WWII to learn that his London lover has become involved with a dangerous spy ring and their search for a limping sniper.
City of Bad Men
Gar Stanton
Outlaws plan a robbery to take place during a championship prizefight in Carson City, Nevada.
The Kid from Left Field
Pete Haines
Coop's an ex-ballplayer is now a peanut vendor, who takes too much of an interest in the game. But he's passed on his craze for baseball to his son, Christie. When his dad gets fired, Chris makes friends with the former team owner's niece (and her boyfriend Pete), and not only gets his dad's job back, but a batboy position for himself. With his dad's help, Christie begins to make a few suggestions here and there. And as a publicity stunt, the team makes him their youngest manager on record. But when Chris gets sick, Coop has to come to the rescue.
Last of the Comanches
Jim Starbuck
It's 1876 and all the Indians are at peace except the Comanches lead by Black Cloud. When Black Cloud wipes out a town, only six soldiers are left and they head for the nearest fort. In the desert they are reinforced by members of a stagecoach and find some water at a deserted mission. Pinned down by Black Cloud they send an Indian boy who was Black Cloud's prisoner on to the fort while they try to bargain with Black Cloud whom they learn is without water.
The Tall Texan
Ben Trask
Groups of desperate travelers journey together throughout the Southwest and soon find trouble when they all get gold fever. The action and drama are heightened when they discover gold…on an Indian burial ground!
사선을 넘어서
During the Mayflower pilgrims' long voyage across the Atlantic Ocean on their way to America, Captain Christopher Jones falls in love with William Bradford's wife Dorothy.
하이 눈
Deputy Marshal Harvey Pell
1870년 서부의 작은 마을 헤이드리빌의 어느 일요일 아침, 세 명의 무법자들이 마을 역에서 서성거리며 시계를 본다. 이들의 보스 프랭크 밀러가 탄 기차가 12시 정오에 도착하는 것을 기다리고 있다. 이날은 바로 헤이들리빌 마을의 보안관 윌 케인이 보안관직을 은퇴하여 아름다운 신부 에이미와 결혼식을 올리고 마을을 떠나려하는 날인데, 5년 전 그에게 체포되어 투옥된 밀러가 복수를 하러오고 있는 중인 것이다. 이미 보안관직을 사임한 윌에게 더 이상의 책임은 없지만, 그는 밀러가 마을에 큰 피해를 줄 것을 알기에 고뇌에 빠지는데...
더 휘슬 앳 이턴 폴스
Brad Adams
A newly promoted plant supervisor finds himself in the position of having to announce a layoff of his fellow workers.
Three Steps North
Frank Keeler
An ex-American GI returns to Italy to find some money he stashed before doing a prison term. He discovers his cash is now gone and quickly sets off on a manhunt to find out who stole his buried fortune.
Little Big Horn
Capt. Phillip Donlin
Two cavalry officers (Lloyd Bridges, John Ireland) lead a patrol to warn Gen. Custer about an ambush.
The Sound of Fury
Jerry Slocum
A family man -desperate for a job- latches onto a friend that encourages him into being a criminal.
The White Tower
Mountain climbers in the Swiss Alps mull over past problems while trying to conquer a perilous peak.
Rocketship X-M
Colonel Floyd Graham
Astronauts blast off to explore the moon on Rocketship X-M or "Rocketship eXploration Moon". A spacecraft malfunction and some fuel miscalculations cause them to end up landing on Mars. On Mars, evidence of a once powerful civilization is found. The scientists determined that an atomic war destroyed most of the Martians. Those that survived reverted to a caveman like existence.
Colt .45
Paul Donovan
Gun salesman Steve Farrell gets two of his new Colt .45 pistols stolen from him by ruthless killer Jason Brett but vows to recover them.
Tris Stewart
U.S. Treasury Department agents go after a ring of counterfeiters.
Calamity Jane and Sam Bass
Joel Collins
Drifter Sam Bass shows up in Denton, Texas (soon to host a great horse race) looking for work. Before long, he attracts the attention of pretty storekeeper Katherine Egan (the sheriff's sister) and that wild frontiers woman, Calamity Jane. Circumstances make Sam richer by a very fast race horse. But his seemingly good luck with horses and women leads him to disaster. Will he be forced into a life of crime?
Home of the Brave
A sensitive, educated black man's World War II-time problems. This is essentially the duplicate of his peace-time problems which are pointed up in a flashback of his life, and primarily of his war-time adventures with four white soldiers on a dangerous reconnaissance mission on a Japanese-held island.
Mr. Whitney Had a Notion
Eli Whitney
Historical short showing how Eli Whitney (best known for the invention of the cotton gin) played a significant role in the introduction of mass production techniques to the USA in the late 18th century.
Red Canyon
Virgil Cordts
A former outlaw goes straight and is determined to catch and tame a wild stallion. Western.
George Browning
Philip Ford's crime thriller stars Lloyd Bridges as a city attorney who comes to the dawning realization that a jewelry heist may be behind the discovery of a dead body in the park -- and that the culprit may be one of the town's leading citizens (Ray Collins). Unfortunately, his investigation is hampered by his girlfriend and ex-secretary (Lorna Gray), who could very well be in cahoots with the bad guys.
Breakdowns of 1949
The Warner Bros. annual blooper reel for 1949.
Jerry Sykes
대니의 아버지는 사형수로 오래 전 감옥에서 세상을 떠났다.
16 Fathoms Deep
Ray Douglas
A bitterly jealous sponge fisherman tries to sabotage a fellow diver.
Secret Service Investigator
Steve Mallory / Dan Redfern
Lloyd Bridges plays a flying ace war hero who gets sucked into a counterfeiting scheme by opposing gangs of crooks.
정복되지 않는 사람들
Lieut. Hutchins
1763년 중죄인 애비 헤일은 영국에서 처형을 당하거나 또는 식민지에서 도제사리로 보내져 14년간 노역을 하든 둘 중 하나를 선택해야 하는 여인의 약정에 입찰하기 위해 두 사람은 런던에서 버지니아로 돌아가는 같은 배에 타고 있다. 승자인 홀덴은 친절하게 그녀에게 자유를 말하고 그의 약혼자를 만나러 배로 간다. 패자는 계약을 무효로 하고 여인을 국경지방으로 데리고 간다.
Pilot (voice)
Documentary about the U.S. Air Force's P-47 Thunderbolt bomber's role in the Italian Campaign.
The Trouble with Women
Avery Wilson
A psychology professor comes up with a theory that women have a desire to be subjugated. A newswoman, using a pseudonym, accuses him of advocating wife-beating. There is trouble, when he falls in love with her, unaware of who she is.
Red Cates
A cattle-vs.-sheepman feud loses Connie Dickason her fiance, but gains her his ranch, which she determines to run alone in opposition to Frank Ivey, "boss" of the valley, whom her father Ben wanted her to marry. She hires recovering alcoholic Dave Nash as foreman and a crew of Ivey's enemies. Ivey fights back with violence and destruction, but Dave is determined to counter him legally... a feeling not shared by his associates. Connie's boast that, as a woman, she doesn't need guns proves justified, but plenty of gunplay results.
패시지 계곡
Johnny Steele
1856년, 서부 개척지에서 운송업을 하는 로건은 친구 조지의 약혼녀 루시를 조지가 있는 오리건의 잭슨빌까지 데려다 주기로 하는데, 잭슨빌까지의 험난한 여정 속에서 로건과 루시는 서로에게 끌린다. 한편, 일확천금을 꿈꾸며 도박에 빠진 조지는 로건이 준 돈도 잃고, 광부들의 금에까지 손을 대고, 도박꾼의 아내에게 추파도 던진다. 로건 역시 경쟁자 브래그와 대치하는 가운데, 마을에서는 살인 사건이 일어난다. 존 포드의 〈역마차〉(1939)의 원작을 쓴 미국의 서부 소설 작가 어니스트 헤이콕스의 『협곡 통과』를 바탕으로 한 서부극. 서부 개척지를 배경으로, 꿈과 야망, 우정과 사랑을 비롯해 도박, 살인, 인디언과의 갈등 등을 다루고 있다. ((재)영화의전당)
Miss Susie Slagle's
Silas Holmes
A student nurse falls in love with a young intern in 1910 Baltimore, but tragedy ensues when he contracts a fatal disease.
Abilene Town
Henry Deiser
Marshall Dan Mitchell, who is the law in Abilene, has the job of keeping peace between two groups. For a long time, the town had been divided, with the cattlemen and cowboys having one end of town to themselves, while townspeople occupied the other end. Mitchell liked it this way, it made things easier for him, and kept problems from arising between the two factions. However…
워크 인 더 선
Sgt. Ward
1943년 이탈리아의 침공에, 미국의 한 소대는 땅을 파기 시작했다. 그것은 국내 농가의 방어를 강화하기 위해서 시도된 것이다. 점차 불안과 긴장감은 고조되고 희생자는 늘어만 간다.
스트레인지 컨페션
Dave Curtis
A scientist who is working on a cure for influenza is victimized by his unscrupulous boss, who releases the vaccine before it's ready, resulting in the death of the scientist's son.
Secret Agent X-9
Phil Corrigan (Secret Agent X-9)
American, Chinese and Australian agents join forces to stop the Nazis from obtaining the formula for synthetic fuel.
Saddle Leather Law
Paul Edwards
A posse, hunting the assailant of Denton's Partner, captures Steve Carlisle (Charles Starrett), who identifies himself as a mineralogist sent to check the area for quartz for radio parts. Calling at the Denton ranch, Steve hires Cannonball Mullins (Dub Taylor), who has just been fired by Jane Fielding (Vi Athens), Denton's ward. Steve learns that she wants to sell the ranch to the Empire Syndicate. Paul Edwards (Lloyd Bridges), syndicate representative, plans to convert the ranch into a swank hotel-gambling operation. At a party which Jane gives for Edwards, Hiram Denton (William Gould), is murdered and Steve is accused. He and Cannonball escape before the sheriff can take them into custody, and in searching for evidence find that Jane and Edwards are married and have done the killings in order to gain the ranch.
The Master Race
When allied troops liberate a small battle-scarred Belgium town in 1944 the American and British commanders do all they can to help the war-weary people back on their feet. There are mental and physical wounds to heal, fields to plough, the church to rebuild. But a top Nazi, knowing the War is lost, has infiltrated the town and is fostering dissent and disunity.
Louisiana Hayride
Montague Price
A naïve farm girl is duped by con men who promise her movie stardom in exchange for her savings.
Once Upon a Time
Aviator Captain (uncredited)
Broadway producer Jerry Flynn is anxious to recapture the magic and reclaim the crowds after a set of costly flops. Outside his theater one night, Flynn meets a young boy who just might save the day. Inside a small box the boy shows Flynn his pride and joy: a caterpillar named Curly that dances to Yes Sir, That's My Baby. Word quickly spreads about the amazingly talented hoofer, and the caterpillar becomes a symbol of hope for wartime America. Soon, offers are pouring in to capitalize on this sensational insect.
Once Upon a Time
Broadway producer Jerry Flynn is anxious to recapture the magic and reclaim the crowds after a set of costly flops. Outside his theater one night, Flynn meets a young boy who just might save the day. Inside a small box the boy shows Flynn his pride and joy: a caterpillar named Curly that dances to Yes Sir, That's My Baby. Word quickly spreads about the amazingly talented hoofer, and the caterpillar becomes a symbol of hope for wartime America. Soon, offers are pouring in to capitalize on this sensational insect.
She's a Soldier Too
Charles Jones
Wartime workers deal with homefront dramatics.
The Crime Doctor’s Strangest Case
Jimmy Trotter
The Crime Doctor gets involved in the case of the poisoning of a wealthy industrialist.
The Heat's On
Andy Walker
Broadway star Fay Lawrence (West) is a temperamental diva who is reluctantly persuaded by a Broadway producer (Gaxton) to star in his latest production.
사하라 전차대
Fred Clarkson
조건 하사관(험프리 보가트 역)은 본부와 연락이 끊긴 채 낡은 탱크와 와코, 그리고 지미 병사를 이끌고 사하라 사막을 떠돈다. 본부로 향하던 이들 일행은 사막 한 가운데서 역시 낙오된 채 지원군의 도착만 기다리고 있던 일련의 병사들을 만나게 된다. 영국군 군의관, 할리데이 병장은 모든 지휘권을 군 하사관에게 맡기고 한 대 남은 탱크를 타고 본부를 찾아 떠난다. 이들 일행은 매번 우물을 찾아 나서지만 뜨거운 사하라 사막의 태양 아래 모든 우물은 고갈된 상태였다. 그러는 가운데 우연히 탱크를 발견한 독일군 전투기 조종사가 이들을 향해 사격을 가하고 사상자가 발생한다. 반격을 가한 총탄에 맞아 쓰러진 독일군을 포로로잡고 이들은 다시 우물을 찾아 나서고 마침내 몇 방울씩 떨어지고 있는 우물을 찾고 안도의 한숨을 내쉰다. 한편 독일군과 이탈리아 연합군 역시 우물을 찾아 사하라 사막을 헤매던 중 마침내 군 하사관이 이끄는 부대가 머물고 있는 우물까지 공격해 온다. 군하사관은 자신의 부하인 와코를 본부로 보내고 모두 남아 독일군에 맞서 싸울 것을 다짐하지만 9명으로 100여명의 적과 맞서 싸우기란 쉬운 일이 아니다. 끈질긴 싸움 끝에 결국 독일군은 갈증을 이기지 못하고 몇 안되는 이들 일행에 항복을 한다. 하지만 이미 할리데이 군의관, 프렌치, 윌리엄스, 마이크, 지미 등 대부분의 동료가 전사한 상태였다. 군하사관은 치열했던 전투지 사하라 사막을 둘러보며 이들의 죽음이 결코 헛된 것이 아니었음을 깨닫는데...
Hail to the Rangers
Dave Kerlin
In this western, fake settlers make themselves at home on an ex-ranger's ranch and drive him away. A shady newspaper publisher and a gambler then conspire to take over the land. Fortunately, another ranger endeavors to help his pal. Enlisting the aide of his fellow rangers, they get oust the homesteaders. The publisher and the gambler shoot each other and the retired ranger gets his ranch back.
2nd Fireman (uncredited)
Flagwaving story of a new American destroyer, the JOHN PAUL JONES, from the day her keel is laid, to what was very nearly her last voyage. Among the crew, is Steve Boleslavski, a shipyard welder that helped build her, who reenlists, with his old rank of Chief bosuns mate. After failing her sea trials, she is assigned to the mail run, until caught up in a disparate battle with a Japanese sub. After getting torpedoed, and on the verge of sinking, the Captain, and crew hatch a plan to try and save the ship, and destroy the sub.
Passport to Suez
The Lone Wolf goes undercover in Egypt to foil a Nazi plot to bomb and disable the Suez canal, which is vital to England's war effort.
One Dangerous Night
Airline Gate Attendant (uncredited)
Reformed jewel thief the Lone Wolf investigates the murder of a playboy who was blackmailing three socialites.
HIs Wedding Scare
Train Concuctor Charlie - Susie's 1st Husband
El and his new bride go on their honeymoon; no matter where they go, they keep running into her former husbands.
City Without Men
Coast Guard Helmsman (uncredited)
A young woman's husband has been imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. In order to be near him to try to help him get his sentence overturned, she moves into a boardinghouse near the prison whose residents are the wives of inmates.
They Stooge to Conga
Telephone Customer #2 (uncredited)
The stooges are repairmen who get a job fixing the doorbell in large house which is the secret headquarters of some Nazi spies. They manage to ruin most of the house while working on the wiring and then subdue the spies and sink an enemy submarine by remote control.
Pardon My Gun
Henchman (uncredited)
In this western, a rancher is ambushed, killed, and robbed, but for some reason the killers through his money pouch in the bushes without opening it. Later a woman happens upon the cash and finds herself a prime suspect in the killing. Fortunately, a survey engineer proves her innocence, and they begin looking for the real villains.
The Daring Young Man
Hans Muller
Jonathan Peckinpaw feels he's failed in his patriotic duty when he's rejected by the army, but he sees a chance to redeem himself by exposing a secret ring of Nazi spies.
A Man's World
Somewhere beyond the shores of the United States on a small island, where men ask no questions, women reveal no past and spies neither receive nor expect any mercy, a giant Chromite plant is working full blast to supply the United Nations with the precious war-metal. This is the story of that mine and the people working it in a land the law forget, but the evil and devious Nazis remembered.
Waiter/Spy (uncredited)
The Lone Wolf tracks down Nazi spies in London during the German bombing.
사랑의 별장
Donald Forrester (uncredited)
고리타분한 법학자, 마이클 라이트캡(Michael Lightcap: 로널드 콜맨 분)이라는 법학 교수가 여름 휴가를 보내기 위해 교사인 노라 셸리(Nora Shelley: 진 아서 분)의 집으로 온다. 대법원의 임명 발표를 기다리며 조용히 저작에나 힘쓸 양으로 집을 떠나온 것. 하지만 그의 여름 휴가는 조용함과는 거리가 멀게 됐다. 노라의 집에서 탈옥범인 리오폴드 딜그(Leopold Dilg: 캐리 그랜트 분)와 함께 지내게 됐기 때문이다. 리오폴드는 억울하게 공장 화재 사건의 주범으로 몰려 공장 방화와 과실 치사의 혐의를 받다 탈옥한 노라와 같은 마을 주민. 노라와의 친분을 이용, 노라를 설득해서 라이트캡에게는 정원사라고 속이고 그집에서 지낸다. 한편, 라이트캡 교수와 리오폴드는 노라를 두고 삼각 관계에 빠지게 되고 완고한 라이트캡 교수와 자유 분방한 리오폴드는 서로의 경쟁 속에 조금 씩 조금 씩 우정을 쌓기 시작한다. 라이트캡 교수는 리오폴드와의 대화를 통하여 완고하기만 하던 자신의 정의관을 점차 수정하며 자신의 강경 노선을 조금씩 바꿔가게되고, 리오폴드의 과거를 알게 되었을 때에도 리오폴드를 도와준다. 그리고 나중에는 화재 당시 죽은 것으로 알려졌던 공장 주임이 아직 살아 있으며 그 공장 주임에 의해 리오폴드가 누명을 썼다는 사실을 밝혀내 리오폴드의 죄를 씻어준다. 결말에 가서 라이트캡은 염원하던 대법원장의 일을 맡게 되고 리오폴드는 자유를, 그리고 노라까지 쟁취하여 각자 나름대로 행복한 결말을 맞는다.
Flight Lieutenant
Cadet William "Bill" Robinson
A disgraced pilot determines to regain the respect of both his son, now a test pilot for the Army, and the men he once flew with.
Atlantic Convoy
American naval forces are using a port in Iceland as a base for anti-submarine patrols to protect North Atlantic convoys from Nazi subs. The Nazis send undercover agents into the port in a scheme to blow up the entrance to the harbor and keep the patrols blocked in. The officers in charge of the patrols have to find the spies and stop them before they achieve their objective.
Riders of the Northland
In this western, three Texas Rangers decide to do their part to save the world and join the Army, but before they can, they are sent to Alaska to destroy a secret Nazi operation involving a submarine refueling station. The outpost is located behind an impenetrable tangle of barbed wire. The rangers get a little help, and discover a traitor. Then to get through the wire, they start a cattle stampede and save the day.
The Wife Takes a Flyer
German Sergeant
Christopher Reynolds, an American flying with the R.A.F, is shot down over German-occupied Holland and is given shelter by a Dutch family. Posing as the insane husband of the daughter of the house, Anita Wolverman, Reynolds convinces the German officer quartered there, Major Zellfritz, with the necessity for her divorce decree to be granted. After the court-hearing, Anita, goes to manage a home for retired ladies and, persuaded by Reynolds, tries to gain military information from the German Officer. When her former husband escapes from the insane-asylum his exploits are blamed on Reynolds. With the help of the old ladies and Anita, who "remarries" him, Reynolds escapes to England in a stolen German airplane.
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp!
Jackie Gleason and Jack Durant are teamed for the first and only time as Hank and Jed, a pair of dimwitted barbers who are forced into bankruptcy because all their customers have marched off to war. Figuring that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, Hank and Jed try to join the Army themselves, only to be rejected for a variety of reasons (When asked to read the eye-chart, Hank says he can't-not because he can't see, but because he can't read).
North of the Rockies
Constable McDowell
Morgan and his gang are smuggling furs across the border. Both the Mounties on the Canadian side and Tex Martin on the American side are after them. When Morgan sets up Tex to be found with furs, Mountie Bill arrests him. But he lets him go hoping he will lead him to the gang and eventually the two join forces.
Alias Boston Blackie
Bus Driver (uncredited)
It is the Christmas Holidays and reformed thief, Boston Blackie goes to Castle Theater to pick up players who will perform for prisoners that are still in prison. He takes a girl with him who has a brother already in prison. She has visited the prison twice in the month, so is not suppose to visit again. However when the group is completed the girl is included as well as Inspector Farrady. One of the clowns in the show is kidnapped and replaced by a con who wants to get even with two ex-partners. Boston Blackie figures out that a con has replaced one of his clowns but is unable to stop him. Blackie's clothes are stolen and a murder is committed. Of course, the Inspector immediately suspects Blackie of being involved. Now it is Blackie's job to find the killer, exonerate himself and help the girl free her brother.
Shut My Big Mouth
A shy horticulturist becomes involved with a local criminal in the old west.
Blondie Goes to College
Ben Dixon
Number 10 in the Blondie series, Blondie Goes to College is predicated on the notion that Dagwood Bumstead (Arthur Lake) must receive a college diploma or lose his job with the Dithers Construction Company. Not wishing to be separated from her husband, Blondie (Penny Singleton) enrolls in college as well. But Leighton College rules stipulate "No Married Couples", forcing Blondie and Dagwood to pretend that they're not married. This causes quite a dilemma when coed Laura Wadsworth (Janet Blair) begins flirting with Dagwood and Rusty Bryant (Larry Parks) does same with Blondie. And Blondie's discovery of a very pleasant secret threatens to expose her and Dagwood's marital status too. The student body at this particular seat of learning is comprised of quite a few familiar faces, including Lloyd Bridges, Sid Melton, and Adele Mara.
Harvard Here I Come
Slapsie Rosenbloom receives an award from the satirical Harvard Lampoon for his well-known stupidity. Instead of being enraged, Slapsie Maxie is delighted by the "honor", and promptly tries to enroll at the ivy-league university. Upon arriving on campus, he is pounced upon by a group of eccentric scientists led by Professor Alvin, who is convinced that Rosenbloom is the "missing link" that science has long been searching for.
Honolulu Lu
Desk Clerk
While in Hawaii, Velez begins the film as a risque nightclub act and due to her involvement with a group of sailors becomes a beauty queen.
The Royal Mounted Patrol
Hap Andrews
Western star Charles Starrett makes one of his periodic forays into the Great White North in Columbia's Royal Mounted Patrol. When villainous lumberman Frenchy Duvalle (Donald Curtis) refuses to limit his wood-chopping activities, he inadvertently touches off a forest fire. Trapped in the middle of the conflagration, Frenchy's only hope for rescue is mountie Tom Jeffries (Charles Starrett), presently scouring the countryside in his scout plane. Jeffries' reasons for bringing Frenchy out safely are twofold: he must deliver the renegade lumberjack to the authorities, and he happens to be in love with Frenchy's sister Betty (Wanda McKay).
Three Girls About Town
Faith and Hope Banner, sisters, are "convention hostesses" in a hotel. A body is discovered next door as the magician's convention is leaving and the mortician's convention is arriving, and the sisters, with help from manager Wilburforce Puddle, try to hide it. Complicating matters, Hope's boyfriend, Tommy, is a newspaper reporter in the hotel covering some labor negotiations.
You Belong to Me
Ski Patrol (uncredited)
A playboy marries a woman doctor then grows jealous of her male patients.
Two Latins from Manhattan
Tommy Curtis
Joan Daley, a New York booking/press agent, attempts to recruit two local stand-ins, Jinx Terry and Lois Morgan, when the Cuban sister-act, Marianela and Rosita she as booked into the nightclub for which she works fails to materialize. Complications arrive when the real Cuban sisters show up.
Harmon of Michigan
A former University of Michigan football star (Tom Harmon) rejects an opportunity to play professional football. Instead, he marries his college sweetheart (Anita Louise) and begins a career as a college football coach.
Our Wife
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
A musician's ex-wife wants him back after he finds love and success.
천국의 사도 조단
Sloan (uncredited)
조 펜들톤(Joe Pendleton / Bruce Farnsworth / Ralph Murdoch: 로버트 몽고메리 분)은 비행기 조종과 색소폰 연주를 즐기는 낭만적인 프로권투 선수다. 어느날 그는 뉴욕에서의 훈련을 마치고 비행을 하던 중 뜻하지 않은 사고를 당해 하늘나라로 가게 된다. 하지만 신참 천국의 사도의 실수로 예정된 시간보다 50년 일찍 불려온 것임이 밝혀지면서 다시 땅으로 보내진다. 천사장 조단(Mr. Jordan: 클로드 레인스 분)과 천국의 사도는 함께 조의 시체를 찾지만 시체는 이미 화장된 뒤였다. 다시 하늘나라로 돌아온 조는 조단과 함께 자신에게 맞는 육체를 찾아 나선다. 조단은 조에게 부인과 비서에게 살해당한 백만장자 판스워스의 몸에 들어 갈 것을 제의하고 때마침 찾아온 베티(Bette Logan: 에벨리 키스 분)라는 여인을 보고 반한 조는 곤경에 처한 그녀를 돕기 위해 판스워스의 몸으로 들어간다. 판스워스가 된 조는 베티의 아버지를 구하고 선행을 베푸는가 하면 예전의 매니저였던 맥스(Max 'Pop' Corkle: 제임스 글리슨 분)를 불러 세계 챔피언전을 주선해 달라고 부탁한다. 맥스는 처음엔 조의 말을 안 믿었지만 조가 불어주는 색소폰 연주를 듣고 그의 말을 믿게 된다. 그러나 판스워스의 몸을 사용할 수 있는 시간도 잠시 뿐, 판스워스는 결국 부인과 비서의 손에 다시 살해되고 만다. 판스워스가 실종되자 수사가 벌어지고, 조는 다시 조단과 함께 육체를 찾아 떠돌아다닌다. 그러는 가운데 머독과 길버트의 세계 챔피언전이 벌어지고 라디오를 통해 중계를 듣고 있던 조는 머독이 도박꾼들의 사기 시합의 희생양이 되어 시합 도중 총에 맞아 죽는 것을 보게 된다. 조단은 조에게 머독이 되어 시합을 끝낼 것을 제의하고 조는 쓰러져있는 머독의 몸에 들어가 시합을 승리로 이끈다.
I Was a Prisoner on Devil's Island
Rene (uncredited)
A ship's officer is sentenced to Devil's Island for murder after a fatal brawl.
The Son of Davy Crockett
Dave Crockett (Bill Elliott) comes to the aid of ranchers living on the Yucca Strip, who want their area made part of the United States. A greedy land baron, however, wants the property as his own.
They Dare Not Love
Blonde Officer
An Austrian prince flees his homeland when the Nazis take over and settles in London. He meets a beautiful Austrian émigré who makes him realize his mistake in leaving. He makes a deal with the Nazis to return in exchange for some Austrian prisoners, but discovers that the Nazis are not to be trusted.
The Lone Wolf Takes a Chance
Johnny Baker
A reformed jewel thief fights to clear his name when he's framed for murder.
Northwest Passage
Uniformed Soldier / Officer
Based on the Kenneth Roberts novel of the same name, this film tells the story of two friends who join Rogers' Rangers, as the legendary elite force engages the enemy during the French and Indian War. The film focuses on their famous raid at Fort St. Francis and their marches before and after the battle.
Dancing Feet
Young Man
Peyton Wells (Ben Lyon) rescues Judy Jones (Joan Marsh) from a very dull young man, at a sedate party given for her by her multi-millionaire grandfather Silas P. Jones (Purnell Pratt.) Judy refuses to accompany Peyton on a slumming trip to a cheap dance hall, and Peyton dances with several of the dowagers and tells them that Silas is practically dying of scarlet fever. The guests hastily depart and Joan joins Peyton at the Dreamland Dance Hall. She is mistaken by Jimmy Cassidy (Edward J. Nugent) as one of the hostesses and decides to dance with him as a lark. One thing follows another and Judy gets disinherited and takes a job at the dance hall through Jimmy and his friend Mabel(Isabel Jewell.) Jimmy confides to Judy his ambition to become a dance instructor over the radio and Judy decides to help him but can't get the needed financial backing. She gets Peyton to front the money, promising him she will reconsider his offer of marriage if Jimmy's plan fails.
Freshman Love
College Boy (uncredited)
A star rower is forced to join a good school under a pseudonym because his wealthy dad doesn't like schools that have high academic standards.