Community Service the Movie is about a young boy, Billy, who had a rough childhood and ends up being committed to a psychiatric center. Roughly 20 years later, Billy discovers that one of his old childhood tormentors is now in charge of running community service program, which is taking place at a campground a few miles away from the psychiatric center. When Billy escapes from the institution, eight troubled teens are in for more than just a weekend of Community Service.
Associate Producer
엄마(Selma Lidz: 앤디 맥도웰 분)가 아프기 전까지는 스티븐(Steven/Franz Lidz: 나단 왓트 분)의 집도 행복한 가정이었다. 아빠(Sid Lidz: 존 터투로 분)는 발명과 기록에만 몰두했지만, 생일날이면 침대위에 덮을 멋진 덴트와 별세계를 만들어 주었고, 엄마는 맛난 팬케이크를 구워주었다. 그런데, 그런 그녀의 집에서 엄마가 쓰러진 것이다. 학교 회장 선거에 출마한 스티븐이 아빠와 전략을 짜고 있을 때, 아래층에서 우당탕하는 소리가 나더니 엄마가 쓰러졌다. 엄마는 곧 병원에 실려갔고, 집에는 도무지 맘에 드는 것이라곤 찾을 수 없는 밀리 아줌마가 가정부로 들어왔다. 아빠는 신경이 예민해져서 스티븐과 리사의 말엔 대꾸도 안했고, 엄마를 귀찮게 하지 말라며 엄마방에 가지도 못하게 했다. 침울해진 집안 분위기 속에서 스티븐과 리사 공동의 적으로 떠오른 사람은 밀리 아줌마였다. 아이들은 아줌마에게 대놓고 심통을 부렸고, 그것이 다툼으로까지 번졌다. 그러나, 문제가 된 것은 아줌마가 실수로 흘린 말이었다. 아이들의 적개심 어린 장난에 질려버린 밀리가 역정을 내다가 '위층에선 엄마가 죽어가는데, 말 잘듣고 착하게 굴면 좀 증겠냐'고 한 것이다. 엄마가 죽는다는 말에 화가 난 아이들은 밀리를 창고에 가두어 버리고 방안으로 숨어든다. 결국 밀리는 일을 그만두었고, 자초지종을 모르는 아빠가 아이들에게 무슨 일인지를 다그치자, 어린 리사가 천진한 얼굴로 대답했다. "아줌마는 엄마가 죽는다고 거짓말을 했어요..' 이에 아빠는 아무 말도 없는데...
In 1928, Amelia Earhart gains fame by undertaking a transatlantic flight as a passenger. In 1937, she and her navigator Fred Noonan undertake her longest flight: a round-the-world attempt. However, the plane disappears in the process.
Associate Producer
Hugh Hathaway was captain of the high school football team when Aggie Snow first went giddy over him. Now, he's a successful senator running for president and she's an award-winning children's author. They may clash on some political issues, but they can agree on one thing: they're falling in love. Aggie isn't sure she's ready to become anyone's first lady, let alone the country's but she's soon seduced by the smiling senator and introduced as his bride-to-be to the nation. Unfortunately for the White House hopefuls, someone has film footage of Aggie from the Nixon Years, showing her in a series of compromising positions which could compromise Hugh's chances of winning. Will the two running mates ruin into in a brick wall — or will love conquer all before election day?
One day Sammy and his younger sister Ellie happen upon a cabin where Alice, a young, partially deaf girl with epilepsy is being kept by her abusive stepfather. The three soon become friends and hope to get Alice an education and help her escape from the torture she undergoes daily. However, Alice's stepfather soon finds out about the friendship Alice has struck up and punishes her brutally. This story of friendship and youth shows that everyone is human and deserves to be treated so, no matter their disability or weakness.
Three life-long friends work the bars in 1980s Atlantic City performing the songs of the 1960s girl groups.
Director of Photography
A series of interviews are conducted concerning people's beliefs towards the possibility of an afterlife. The interviews are filmed against a set of strange backdrops, and are intercut with clips from classic films and a variety of stock footage.
A series of interviews are conducted concerning people's beliefs towards the possibility of an afterlife. The interviews are filmed against a set of strange backdrops, and are intercut with clips from classic films and a variety of stock footage.