Community Service the Movie is about a young boy, Billy, who had a rough childhood and ends up being committed to a psychiatric center. Roughly 20 years later, Billy discovers that one of his old childhood tormentors is now in charge of running community service program, which is taking place at a campground a few miles away from the psychiatric center. When Billy escapes from the institution, eight troubled teens are in for more than just a weekend of Community Service.
Associate Producer
Потрясающая мелодрама знаменитой Дайан Китон по сценарию Ричарда ЛаГравенеса с неподражаемой Энди МакДауэлл в главной роли. Незабываемая история о том, как в самые тяжелые времена обычные люди могут стать настоящими героями, отмечена великолепной актерской игрой, тонким сценарием и мастерски выстроенным сюжетом. Критики единодушно признали картину одним из самых значительных фильмов года.
Амелия Эрхарт стартовала 17 мая 1937 года, чтобы совершить воздушное кругосветное путешествие по широте экватора. Самый длинный и последний полет…
Associate Producer
Hugh Hathaway was captain of the high school football team when Aggie Snow first went giddy over him. Now, he's a successful senator running for president and she's an award-winning children's author. They may clash on some political issues, but they can agree on one thing: they're falling in love. Aggie isn't sure she's ready to become anyone's first lady, let alone the country's but she's soon seduced by the smiling senator and introduced as his bride-to-be to the nation. Unfortunately for the White House hopefuls, someone has film footage of Aggie from the Nixon Years, showing her in a series of compromising positions which could compromise Hugh's chances of winning. Will the two running mates ruin into in a brick wall — or will love conquer all before election day?
1985 год. 17-летняя Келли живет со своим странным отцом в прибрежной коммуне, которая навсегда осталась в "эпохе хигши". Упрямая и самостоятельная Келли не знает, кто ее мать, а отец отказывается говорить о ней. Однажды Келли замечает загадочную девушку и начинает следить за ней. Вскоре вольная художница Сабина становится для юной мечтательницы воплощением ее матери и всех ее грез. Она хочет во всем подражать Сабине, но знает ли она, какие неожиданности уготовил ей чужой мир и чужие страсти?
Three life-long friends work the bars in 1980s Atlantic City performing the songs of the 1960s girl groups.
Director of Photography
A series of interviews are conducted concerning people's beliefs towards the possibility of an afterlife. The interviews are filmed against a set of strange backdrops, and are intercut with clips from classic films and a variety of stock footage.
A series of interviews are conducted concerning people's beliefs towards the possibility of an afterlife. The interviews are filmed against a set of strange backdrops, and are intercut with clips from classic films and a variety of stock footage.