Sheriff Black
Ex-UFC fighter Dalton takes a job as a bouncer at a Florida Keys roadhouse, only to discover that this paradise is not all it seems.
Dr. Ciro
Dr. Lima
A drama set on New Year’s Eve 1999 in a luxurious hotel in the Swiss Alps where the lives of various guests and those who work for them intersect.
Hernan Reyes
돔과 그의 패밀리 앞에 나타난 운명의 적 단테. 과거의 그림자는 돔의 모든 것을 파괴하기 위해 달려온다. 단테에 의해 산산히 흩어진 패밀리들은 모두 목숨을 걸고 맞서야 하는 함정에 빠지고 마는데...
여행을 끝내고 월요일 귀국을 알린 엄마의 영상통화 그리고 마중 나간 딸. 그러나 엄마가 사라졌다 경찰에 도움을 요청하지만, 결정적인 단서들이 나오지 않는 가운데 딸 준은 엄마의 흔적을 찾기 위해 엄마가 방문한 호텔의 CCTV, 같이 간 지인의 SNS, 거리뷰 지도까지 온라인에 남아있는 모든 흔적을 검색하는데…
Julian / Dr. Palmer
Simin is an Iranian woman on a journey to discover what it means to be a free American. She works for the Census Bureau which, in an effort to control its citizens, has begun a program to record their dreams. Unaware of this devious plot, Simin is torn between her compassion for those whose dreams she is recording and a truth she must find within.
A dramedy about four Drag Queens who find themselves at the very same therapy retreat. In an effort to overcome issues holding them back, they dissect their problems, told in vignettes of their lives. They discover common ground; Perhaps, it wasn't serendipity that brought them together. Maybe they're not alone?
Father Ferreira
1917년, 제1차 세계대전이 한창이던 어느 날 포르투갈의 작은 마을 파티마에 한 줄기 빛이 비춘다. 10살 소녀 루치아와 그녀의 어린 사촌동생들은 그 빛 가운데 믿기 힘든 놀라운 광경을 목격한다. “누구세요? 어디서 오셨어요?” “천국에서 왔단다” “저희에게 오신 이유가 뭔가요?” 그들의 물음에, 그녀는 매달 13일 자신을 찾아오라 이야기하고 매일 빠짐없이 기도를 할 것을 당부하는데… 파티마 성모 발현 103주년 기념 작품. 믿음에 관한 가장 강력하고 위대한 감동 실화가 찾아온다!
네로 황제가 통치하던 시대의 로마는 파르티아의 침략으로 점령 당할 위기에 처하고, 아르메니아의 눈 덮인 산에 고립된 로마 파이투스 장군 부대의 병사들은 추위 속에 천천히 죽어간다. 시리아에 주둔한 나머지 로마군은 불과 2주밖에 행군을 못하고 파르티아의 정찰대는 로마군을 습격하러 산으로 몰려온다. 로마군의 지원군 병사 노레노는 코르불로 장군에게 도움을 청하는 서신을 전달할 임무를 맡고 가파른 협곡을 오른다. 불가능해 보이는 임무를 홀로 지게 된 노레노는 머나먼 여정을 통해 삶에서 중요한 가치를 깨닫고 목적지를 향해 한 발 더 내딛는다.
Cesária Évora made the music of the Cape Verde islands famous throughout the world in the early 1990s. This film is an introduction to the culture, music and zest for life of the Cape Verdean people. On the occasion of the famous carnival of Mindelno, on the island of São Vicente where Cesaria Évora was born, this documentary offers a musical journey to discover "Sodade" and its legacy. Cesaria Évora, who died in 2011 after a twenty-year career, has allowed Cape Verde to shine throughout the world. The "barefoot diva", considered the queen of the morna has conquered the world and inspired many Cape Verdean artists. The small archipelago, which was for several centuries an important hub of the slave trade has promoted since then an important ethnic mix, which has played an important role in the evolution of local music.
A retrospective on the life and work of Portuguese director António-Pedro Vasconcelos.
Harry, a charming house thief, gets more than he bargains for during an attempted burglary when he stumbles upon Daisy and decides to save her from herself, sending both of them into a darkly comedic journey of self discovery and love.
Conference Director Dr. Pereira
평생을 같은 집에 살면서 10년째 같은 식당에서 저녁을 때우며 평범한 삶을 살아가는 폴. 아내의 유일한 소원인 더 넓은 집을 갖는 것도 대출 조건이 되지 않아 포기할 수 밖에 없다. 한편, 인구과잉에 대한 해결책으로 인간축소프로젝트인 다운사이징 기술이 개발된다. 이 기술은 단순히 부피를 0.0364%로 축소시키고 무게도 2744분의 1로 줄이는 것이 아니라 1억원의 재산이 120억원의 가치가 되어 왕처럼 살 수 있는 기회의 시작이기도 하다. 화려한 삶을 그리며 폴과 아내는 다운사이징을 선택하지만, 시술을 마친 폴은 아내가 가족의 곁을 떠나기 싫어 다운사이징 된 자신을 두고 도망갔다는 청천벽력 같은 소식을 듣게 된다. 커다란 저택, 경제적인 여유, 꿈꾸던 럭셔리 라이프를 살아가지만 이혼 후 모든 것이 무의미해져 버린 폴. 그리고 모든 꿈이 실현되리라 믿은 다운사이징 세상에서도 또 다른 위기가 그를 기다리는데...
영국 최고 실력을 자랑하는 사설 경호원 마이클 브라이스(라이언 레이놀즈)는 어이없는 실수로 의뢰인을 죽게 만든 후 하루아침에 일감이 뚝 끊긴다. 한편 역사상 최악의 독재자로 악명을 떨치던 벨라루스의 두코비치 대통령(게리 올드먼)이 인터폴에 체포되어 헤이그에서 국제사법재판을 받게 된다. 재판 시효가 다가올 때마다 범죄를 증명할 증인이 하나둘 죽어나가자, 사태의 심각성을 파악한 인터폴은 두코비치 대통령의 민간인 학살 범행을 증명할 희대의 킬러 다리우스(새뮤얼 L. 잭슨)를 교도소에서 빼내와 법정에 세울 계획을 세우는데...
A documentary chronicle of one of our greatest directors.
남북 전쟁이 끝난지 7년 후. 군에서 제대 후 산속에서 생활하던 잭슨은 어느날 나타난 맥시칸들에게 아내(카밀라 벨)를 납치당하고 만다. 집까지 잃어버린 잭슨은 이웃들의 도움으로 아내를 찾는 길을 떠나게 된다. 하지만 잭슨이 가는 길마다 나타나는 의문의 사내(월튼 고긴스)는 알 수 없는 말을 하며 잭슨을 사사건건 훼방을 놓고, 잭슨을 도운 인디언들까지 사살한다. 남쪽으로 향하던 중 같이 전쟁에 참전한 벤자민(대니 글로버)의 집에 들른 잭슨. 하지만 그곳까지 나타난 의문의 사태는 벤자민의 머리에 총을 겨누며 기도를 하라 외친다. 그러면서 드러나는 잭슨의 비밀... 맥시칸들은 왜 잭슨의 아내를 납치해 간 것이며, 의문의 사내는 왜 사사건건 잭슨의 앞길을 방해하는 것일까?
지지율이 낮은 볼리비아의 대선주자가 “재앙”이라 불리는 제인 보딘(산드라 블록)이 이끄는 미국의 매니지먼트 팀을 고용하면서, 단점도 많지만 뛰어난 전략가인 제인은 자신의 직업적 맞수, 악명높은 팻 캔디(빌리 밥 손튼)를 이기기 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는다. 팻이 경쟁 후보의 편에 서게 되면서 선거는 물불을 가리지 않는, 승리만이 전부인 정치 조언가들간의 대격돌로 급변하게 된다.
When a struggling writer meets a superstitious Portuguese beauty, he has no idea that his life and luck are both about to change. A romantic comedy about cross-cultural relationships.
Joey the Junkman
An ex-Hollywood screenwriter now teaching an evening class in New York finds himself in a battle of wits with a devious screenwriter student.
Dr. Alvaro Cruz
Dr. Alvaro Cruz, a neuroscientist, disillusioned by the death of his mother and his inability to help her, finds redemption and reward by helping Una Vida, a jazz singer he discovers performing on the streets of New Orleans. Her health declining and her singing partner and her adopted daughter unable to help, Cruz seeks out her long lost son in an effort to bring resolution to the grief, loss and longing that has overshadowed her hard but beautiful life.
Francisco d'Anconia
Approaching collapse, the nation's economy is quickly eroding. As crime and fear take over the countryside, the government continues to exert its brutal force against the nation's most productive who are mysteriously vanishing - leaving behind a wake of despair. One man has the answer. One woman stands in his way. Some will stop at nothing to control him. Others will stop at nothing to save him. He swore by his life. They swore to find him.
Comandante Vasco Moscoso de Aragão
Commander Vasco Moscoso de Aragão entertains the small town of Periperi with the stories of his many adventures travelling around the world as a captain of the merchant navy. Stubborn Chico Pacheco is the only one in town who doesn't believe his tales.
Alberto Ibarguren
Guillermo (Raúl Mérida) is a passionate young college surf casually discovering an old photographic film. In the photographs are enigmatic images and a familiar face, leading Guillermo to embark on a perilous investigation with the help of Daniela, a student from Fine Arts, and his brother, a computer expert. None of them is aware that such research can change their lives forever.
José Ribeiro
In the beautiful area of Paris, Maria and José Ribeiro lived for almost thirty years on the ground floor of a Haussmann building, in their dear little lodge.
이 이야기는, 로봇 과학자인 ‘앨런’이 인도 주의적인 목적으로 지능이 있는 로봇을 연구하고 있을 때 시작된다. 앨런은 자신이 일하는 회사 ‘킨테크’가 이 로봇을 군사적 목적으로 사용하려고 한다는 것을 알게 된다. 앨런은 로봇을 결국 탈출을 시키지만 킨테크의 경호원들이 그를 뒤쫓는다. 길을 잃고 고장이 난 로봇은 왕따를 당하던 중 쓰레기 더미에서 11살짜리 외로운 소년 ‘헨리’를 만나게 된다. 헨리는 영리한 소년으로 고장난 로봇을 수리하여 되살린다. 헨리는 로봇에게 ‘코디’라는 이름을 지어주고 행복한 삶을 이어가지만 킨테크의 경호원들은 헨리와 코디를 위협한다. 헨리의 가족과 코디, 그리고 과학자 앨런은 힘을 합쳐 킨테크의 악당들과 맞서게 되는데…
Prof. Alexander Viera
A teenager in Echo Park deals with the loss of his mother and his attraction to a girl not considered "cool" by his friends.
25년형을 선고받은 도미닉 토레도(빈 디젤)는 감옥으로 수송되던 도중, 브라이언(폴 워커)과 도미닉의 동생이자 브라이언의 연인 미아(조다나 브루스터)의 도움으로 탈옥에 성공한다. 세 사람이 다시 뭉치는 곳은 브라질의 리우데자네이루. 그들은 도주에 필요한 돈을 구하려다 도시를 장악하고 있는 라이즈(호아킴 드 알마이더)의 음모에 휘말린다. 경찰에 쫓기던 중 미아는 임신 사실을 고백하고, 정착할 때가 됐다고 판단한 세 사람은 라이즈를 상대로 마지막 한탕을 준비한다.다. 한편 FBI는 도미닉을 잡기 위해 다혈질 현장요원인 홉스(드웨인 존슨)를 급파하는데...
Several characters who are each at critical stages of their lives are strangely impelled towards an uncharted lake in the middle of the desert where they all have the opportunity to save each other.
Christopher Roth
A horror novelist begins to fear his stories may have a life of their own.
Anthony's family runs a small Italian restaurant in London. When his childhood friend, Dario, dies in a suspicious accident, Anthony inherits a vineyard in Sant'Angelo, the village his parents came from in Italy. Surprised by the large sum of money offered to him by a curious Italian "Master of Wine" for the land he just inherited, and considering the mysterious circumstances surrounding Dario's death, Anthony decides to drive down to Sant'Angelo. Anthony soon feels he's in the middle of something he doesn't understand and wants to leave, but... He gets tangled up in "Love's" web and suddenly finds himself the target of a crazy manhunt.
President René Barrientos
혁명의 성공으로 쿠바에서의 모든 일이 끝났다고 판단한 체 게바라는 편지 한 장만을 남긴 채 홀연히 사라진다. 그 후 그는 볼리비아 혁명군의 리더로 게릴라 전을 펼치지만 부족한 자원과 외국인을 불신하는 국민들로 인해 일생일대의 위기와 마주하는데…
Nick Martinez
미국 남서부의 한 가정, 외출이 잦은 엄마를 대신해 세 명의 동생들을 돌보는 맏딸 '마리아나'. 어느 날 엄마의 통화를 엿듣고 미행을 한 그녀는 엄마가 트레일러에서 다른 남자와 바람 피우는 것을 목격한다. 엄마를 집으로 돌아오게 하기 위해 경고의 의미로 트레일러에 불을 지르지만 가스 사고로 트레일러 전체가 폭발한다. 엄마의 장례식 이후, 엄마가 바람 피운 남자의 아들 '산티아고'에게 미묘한 감정을 느끼고 함께 하룻밤을 보내게 되는데…
16th century ruler King Philip II of Spain maneuvers within a court of deceit and betrayal
Marco Correia
THE LOVEBIRDS intertwines six stories about love, friendship and survival. The film stars an international cast of American and Portuguese actors who create a colorful mix of off-beat characters that lead us through a complex labyrinth of emotions. Set in the old Romanesque city of Lisbon during the course of one night where love is the art of survival. Written by Anonymous
"Óscar. The Color of Destiny" is a revealing portrayal of a forgotten icon of French Surrealism: Spanish painter Óscar Domínguez, contemporary of Picasso. The film rediscovers the life of a talented artist who was ignored after he committed suicide, fifty years ago, victim of a serious illness which had disfigured his body: the Elephant Man's disease. The film is stirring and touching and compels admiration for the bohemian painter whose fate was self-destruction, after a wild crazy life. Lucas Fernández turns the life of a debauchee, who regarded himself a monster because of his disfiguring disease, into a universal story where art is the product of love and loneliness, of sex and violence before, during and after the Nazi invasion of Paris.
A powerful entrepreneur wants to build an exclusive resort hotel in Villanova, but he discovers the location he has in mind is protected by local land-use regulations. He hires Maria, a beautiful and elegant prostitute, to seduce the mayor, leaving him open to blackmail if he won't give the entrepreneur what he wants. Maria has no trouble twisting Meireles around her finger, but police detectives Madeira and Neves get wind of the plan and set out to expose the plot...
Don Huertero
마약단속국 요원은 해병대 출신이자 전과자인 ‘팀 커니’에게 최근 사망한 마약 딜러인 바비Z를 사칭해 범죄집단 두목 ‘돈 웨테로’와 인질 교환 협상을 할 것을 명령한다. 하지만 협상이 결렬되자 커니는 바비Z의 아들과 함께 도망 다니게 되는데…
A small group of amateur cooks and kitchen guests discover exactly why some refer to the kitchen as the "heart of the house".
Tensions mount in an Andalusia mining town between local Spanish workers and their British employers.
오웬은 모스코바의 러시아 국회 의사당 아래, 지하묘지로 들어간다. 바로 전설의 괴물을 찾아 모스코바의 지하세계로 떠난 그의 친구이자 고고학자 안드레이를 찾기 위해서이다. 지하세계에 발을 들여놓은 오웬은 지하묘지의 섬뜩한 비밀과 절망에 경악하는데….
A girl goes to Harvard and joins the debate team. She has to deal with a ton of issues, from boyfriends, to ethnicity, to religion, to sexual assault.
Father Sanchez
페루에서 발견된 필사본에 대한 이야기를 듣게 된 주인공이 인류의 존재에 대한 비밀을 알려 준다는 필사본의 나머지 통찰에 관심을 갖게 된다. 페루로 날아간 주인공은 의식 진화의 결과를 알려줄 아홉 번째 통찰을 찾기 위해 길 위에서 수많은 인연들을 만나고, 도움을 받고 또 영감을 받으며 통찰의 존재들을 하나씩 깨닫게 되는데...
Archbishop Oscar Romero
The eventful life of a humble Polish priest who once decried the pomp of the Catholic Church "a circus" and labeled the Pope a "prisoner of the Vatican" before ascending to the papal throne to usher Catholicism into the 21st century. Born in Poland and forced to carry on following the untimely death of his family, Karol Wojtyla endured both personal hardships and the rape of his homeland by the Third Reich to spread the word of God through the Catholic Church. Later, as Pope John Paul II, Wojtyla was beloved by millions of Catholics worldwide. From the sexual-abuse scandal that shook the American Catholic Church in the later-20th century to the murder of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero and the near-fatal assassination attempt made on his own life, Pope John Paul II endured to bridge the gap between various faiths until his death resulting from Parkinson's disease in April of 2005.
A baby is kidnapped in a Brazilian airport. Years later, the mother lives in Lisbon and works in a strip-tease bar so she can survive. When she is fired, she joins a gang of bank robbers...
An anthropology student exploring the nature of prostitution is drawn deeper into that profession than she ever expected.
Roberto Alua
Every year, four ex-soldiers who call themselves "Os Imortais" ("The Immortals"), get together with four women to celebrate their war deeds and remember the old days, back in the war. On the summer of 1985, tired of their monotonous lives, they decide to rob a bank. Joaquim Malarranha, a chief inspector from the local police force who is about to retire, crosses their path and chooses to spend his last days of duty trying to solve the robbery. But as he carries on with his investigation, he discovers more than he could have ever imagined...
Radman / Constantin
An ex-con suffering from terminal cancer and a suicidal ex-legionnaire are hired to participate in a staged assassination attempt on a Romanian politician. As part of the plan, the two must themselves be murdered in order to make their target appear more powerful. But while their circumstances make them perfect fall guys, their lives are initially spared when the attack descends into chaos. Staying alive thereafter involves the two strangers working together to dodge both fellow conspirators and the police.
Four partners heist a fortune in gold ore from a North African airport & escape across the desert in a truck.
Admiral Piquet
젊고 패기만만한 파일럿인 크리스 버넷(오웬 윌슨 분) 중위. 크리스마스 전날, 한가로운 마음으로 보스니아의 내전 지역을 정찰 비행중이던 그에게 갑자기 미사일 세례가 퍼부어진다. 순식간에 적진의 한가운데(Behind Enemy Lines) 갇혀버린 버넷은 사방에 깔린 부비트랩과 장갑차로 무장한 군인들, 저격수의 추격으로부터 반드시 살아남아야 한다. 그리고 단순한 정찰기에 미사일까지 발포하면서까지 감추어야 했던 것이 무엇인지 그 숨겨진 비밀을 밝혀내야만 한다. 항공모함의 제독이자 버넷의 상관인 리가트(진 해크만 분). 최첨단 위성 시스템을 통해 버넷의 위기를 파악해내고 해병 최정예 부대를 투입, 그를 구출하려 하지만 예상치 못한 난관에 부딪히는데...
Sherlock Holmes
Rio de Janeiro, 1886. A precious Stradivarius violin presented to Emperor Dom Pedro II is stolen. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are called to solve the case.
Fidel Rodrigo
A team of astronauts on the first mission to Mars crashes onto the surface, losing contact with Earth. With no other recourse, and help millions of miles away, the crew is forced to make desperate choices in order to stay alive. Will they be able to survive as the minutes slip away?
Ana lives in a little village by the sea, with her husband and daughter. He decides to leave for a few days. That seems to be the ideal solution, because Ana needs to finish a work she has been doing for a long time. But her concentration seems threatened when she starts doing her daily walks by the village and the beach: she saves a stranger from death in the sea, meets young Alexandre and Emilia, and her friend Vera turns up in her house. And then, everything changes…
Basque Country, Spain, 1980s. In Bilbao, a gray city dominated by political corruption and nationalist terrorism, Charli works as a chauffeur for Oliveira, a businessman engaged in shady deals. Alarmed by a series of threats and attacks, Oliveira decides to entrust Charli with the protection of his daughter Marta.
Story of the 1974 coup that overthrew the right-wing Portuguese dictatorship--which continued the fascist policies of long-time dictator Antonio Salazar--and of two young army captains who were involved in it.
Ten men,ten brothers in arms who fought together in the Portuguese Colony of Angola during the colonial war,gather together every year to dinner and remember those brave times of war...this year, the presence of Nina, a prostitute and a hunt that end in a shootout, will call their instincts and traumatic pasts for one last mission...
1846년의 미국, 멕시코 국경지대에서의 잦은 마찰은 전쟁이라는 극당적인 사태로 치닫고, 사방은 온통 총알이 난무하는 무법천지로 바뀐다. 미국의 전투로 인해 아일랜드에서 징집되어온 몇명의 병사들은 단지 종교가 다르다는 이유로 같은 부대 내에서도 미국인들에게 박해를 받는다. 자신 역시 아일랜드인인 소대장 존(John Riley: 톰 베린저 분)은 미국인들이 아일랜드 병사들을 고문하는 모습을 보고 격분, 내란을 일으키고 몇몇 아일랜드 병사들을 이끌고 부대를 이탈한다. 미국 병사들은 곧 이들을 추격해오고 존의 부대는 멕시코를 넘어 자유의 땅으로 탈출을 시도한다. 하지만 불행히도 이들은 멕시코 국경을 넘어보지도 못하고 멕시코 병사들에게 발각되고 만다. 치열한 전투 끝에 멕시코인들의 포로가 된 존의 부대원들. 하지만 멕시코인들은 이들이 미국을 이탈한 부대란 것을 알고 미군들과 싸우고 있는 자신들을 도우면 이들을 자유의 몸으로 만들어 준다고 약속한다. 존은 이들의 조건을 수용, 멕시코 부대를 도와 미군과 격렬한 전투를 준비하기로 하는데...
Joseph Macheca
Based on a true story, Vendetta tells the shocking and tragic story of a group of Sicilian immigrants working on the New Orleans docks in the 1890's. After the Chief of Police was brutally murdered, much of the city's Sicilian population was rounded up and brought in for questioning. Eventually, thirteen were formally tried for murder and nine went to trial, and while they were acquitted, a series of brutal lynchings showed they had as much to fear from the city's general populace as they did from the corrupt police force.
In a surreal motel in Los Angeles, the life of several sordid characters intertwine.
Albert is an introverted travel agent living a lonely life in New York. When Louie, his best friend from childhood, appears having just escaped from prison, Albert's quiet existence is permanently disrupted. what ensues is one long, crazy night in New York that will change both their lives forever.
Jose Guerra
A desperate writer fights for survival when the Mexican mob involves him in murder.
Friar Ramon
In this tribute to the old time spaghetti westerns with a liberal dose of modern Hong Kong film-making thrown in, Emilio Estevez assumes Clint Eastwood's "man with no name" role. Estevez plays a super-quick gunman on the run from a rancher (Long) and his men out to kill him for killing his son. The gunman gets mixed up with a former Confederate soldier (William Forsythe) who has knowledge of hidden gold. The only trouble is he is also pursued by Union soldiers. When they free a man (Ed Lauter) with part of the map to the gold, they then are also pursued by Spanish soldiers. It all leads to a small Mexican town terrorized by soldiers and led a by a good priest (Joaquim De Almeida) who also has knowledge of the gold.
Father António
Father António is a priest by vocation, committed and generous, dear people of Vila Daires a quiet village of the north. But Father António is also a man, and Vila Daires is not as peaceful as it seems. The good intentions of the Father will not be sufficient to halt the worsening of the conflict. And when your fate intersects with Lena, the "black sheep" of the village, Father will also be forced to confront his own demons. Especially with those who never even thought that could exist.
Five women, all in their forties, try to find out what's important for them in life.
Avelino de Almeida, journalist
1917, a beautiful apparition of Our Lady forever alters the lives of three children: Lucinda, Jacita and Francisco who lived in Villa Fatima in Portugal.
Félix (Juanjo Puigcorbé), a likeable and careerist flat salesman, wants to be the commercial director of his company at all costs. The bad thing is that this position is deserved by Lola (Cristina Marcos), a young and efficient saleswoman, with whom Félix gets on terribly and who, to make matters worse, is the lover of Emilio (Joaquim de Almeida), their boss.
The Cat
A poem. A tale made of silence and complicity. Light and shadows, the charm of the night, the moon as a passion... This is a tale about someone who tried to make the dream come true. This is the tale about the cat and the moon.
Catarina Menezes is a bisexual TV reporter who decides to have a child on her own and chooses Spanish humanitarian doctor Rafael to father the child, setting up an elaborate charade to lure him into her bed. When Catarina reveals her pregnancy, though, her current live-in girlfriend doesn't take to it kindly and promises to make Catarina's life hell; to make matters worse, Rafael finds out her true identity and comes to Lisbon to see her. And Catarina's sole refuge is in the arms of fellow journalist Francisco, her professional relationship slowly becoming a romantic one.
마약 밀매상 부초에 의해 사랑하는 여인과 한쪽 손을 잃은 사내. 이름도 없이 엘 마리아치(안토니오 반데라스)라고 불리우며 기타 케이스를 들고 다니는 그는 부초 일당의 비밀 아지트인 까페를 찾아낸다. 마리아치는 총격전 끝에 구사일생으로 목숨을 건지지만 큰 부상을 입고 서점으로 피신한다. 서점의 여주인 까롤리나(셀마 헤이악)는 마리아치의 상처를 치료해 주다 사랑에 빠진다. 마리아치가 서점에 있음을 눈치 챈 부초는 부하들을 보내 그를 죽이도록 명령하고, 서점은 또다시 전쟁터가 된다. 모든 것을 잃은 까롤리나는 마리아치에게 자신의 운명을 맡기기로 결정한다.
A five hour documentary series about the legendary "queen" of fado.
Lisbon, 1938. Mr. Pereira is the editor of the culture section of an evening paper. Although fascism is on the rise in Europe, like in nearby civil war Spain or even inside Portugal itself in the form of Salazar's regime, Pereira only concerns himself with writing bios and translating French novels. Things change after he hires a young writer as his assistant, getting to know also his girlfriend – both opponents to the regime – and reluctantly helps them when they begin to get in trouble for subversive activities. Eventually, he's forced to take a stand...
미래 운명에 대한 호기심이 많은 11살의 헤이스 코르배치는 장래 남편감을 점쳐보는데, 그 이름은 '데이먼 브래들리'. 세월은 흘러 헤이스는 드웨인이라는 의사와 데이트 중이며 데이먼 브래들리라는 운명적인 이름에 관해서는 희미한 기억이 남아있어 운명과 로맨틱한 사랑에 대한 관심은 버리지 못하고 있다. 그러던 중, 드웨인은 헤이스에게 청혼을 하고, 헤이스는 모두의 축복 속에 결혼을 준비한다. 어느날 웨딩드레스를 입어보던 헤이스는 드웨인의 친구로부터 결혼 축하 전화를 받게 되는데, 그의 이름이 놀랍게도 데이먼 브래들리. 놀란 헤이스는 드레스를 입은 채 운명의 데이먼을 찾아 떠난다. 그녀의 정신적인 지주인 케이트와 함께 베니스로. 그러나 불행히도 데이먼은 도착하자 마자 로마로 향해 떠나 버렸고, 로마에서 헤이스는 가게 주인 지오바니의 도움으로 데이먼의 소재를 알게 된다. 한편 케이트에게 반한 호색한 지오바니는 호텔까지 소개해주며 로마 관광을 약속한다. 운명의 순간 데이먼을 만나러 간 헤이스는 식당에서의 소란 때문에 데이먼의 뒷모습만을 보게 되고...
Col. Felix V. Cortez
CIA 분석가 잭 라이언 박사(Jack Ryan : 해리슨 포드 분)는 그리어 국장(Admiral James Greer : 제임스 얼 존스 분) 밑에서 일하고 있다. 어느날 한 요트에서 하든이란 사람의 일가족과 승무원이 살해되는 사건이 일어나고 대통령과 친분이 있는 하든에 대한 수사는 점점 열을 더해가게 된다. 이때 그리어 국장이 암 선고를 받게 되어 병원에 입원하자, 라이언은 이 사건의 수사에 뛰어들게 된다. 라이언은 하든에게 거액의 돈이 해외로부터 입금되어 있는 것을 알게 된다. 이를 계기로 라이언은 하든이 마약 조직인 칼텔 조직과 연계하여 그들의 돈 세탁에 관여했고, 대통령은 하든이 자신의 친구였다는 사실과 하든의 구좌에 들은 돈을 국고로 돌릴 셈으로 일을 추진한 것을 알게 된다. 카르텔에 대한 무력 보복이 조용히 시작되고, 이에 화가 난 카르텔의 보스인 애스케베도(Ernesto Escobedo : 미구엘 샌도발 분)는 다른 보스들의 짓이 아닌가 의심하게 되는데...
Miguel has his life falling apart, but in one last push of hope, he tries to change that and start living a normal life.
Voice of Spino (voice) (uncredited)
Spino, a pathologist, receives an unidentified body which looks familiar to him... himself, 30 years younger.
The lover
Whenever people are released from their society's constraints, there is the possibility that they will behave badly, at least according to the rules of the society they have left behind. This seems to have been particularly the case for Europeans living in colonial establishments in Africa and Asia. In this drama, based on a story by Stefan Zweig, Dr. Steiner (Andrzej Seweryn) was caught with his fingers in the till at a German hospital. Rather than prosecute him, they gave him the option of emigrating elsewhere. He chose to serve at a clinic in a remote part of Portuguese Goa. He has been on his best behavior for years, but when the beautiful wife (Fanny Ardant) of a diplomat comes to him asking for an abortion, he is tempted to ask for sexual favors in return, and his life swiftly goes out of control.
Ana, a former member of the Basque terrorist group ETA who lives in a small village near the Portuguese border working as a veterinarian and sharing her days with her partner Darío and their daughter Amalia, meets José, an attractive man who participated in the dirty anti-terrorist war against ETA criminals who took refuge in France.
Francisco Frontaria
Macau 1897. Life is easy for Portuguese settlers. Young reveler Francisco Frontaria is deemed as irresponsible for all his partying and boozing. Shunned and exiled for crossing a line by insulting the daughter of a prominent family, he finds himself penniless and vagrant.
Luis de Ayala
A fencing master in pre-revolution Spain is hired to teach fencing to a beautiful young woman. Although he has never taught a woman before he is fascinated by her and agrees. She wishes to learn a particular thrust which he is famous for. When a local nobleman becomes involved with her the intrigue begins.
As he does at the end of every summer, Antonio climbs onto his roof to sweep out his chimney. From this vantage point, he sees that repairs have begun on one of the neighbouring houses - the one formerly inhabited by the "Nazi" (a guy's name), which after ten years of abandonment is known to the whole neighbourhood as the "mystery house". With the arrival of fall, Antonio will uncover love, deception, and death, by watching through his window.
In the forties, in a little settlement lost amidst the mountains of Trás-os-Montes, Leonardo tries to survive by buying and selling marten and fox furs, dreaming of the day he’ll close a big deal.
At the end of the nineteenth century, an army force led by Major Mouzinho de Albuquerque, a cavalry officer, imprisoned in Mozambique the great regulative Governor Gungunhana, who had rebelled against Portuguese government and sovereignty
Miguel Montenegro
Ofelia is the daughter of photographer Miguel and of deceased circus artist Lea. When her father is hospitalised with a nervous breakdown, she decides to find out the reason and in doing so discovers the truth about the relationship between her parents and the true fate of her mother.
Spain, under Philip IV (1621-1665). The film is based on a novel by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. The King is stunned to see the naked body of Marfisa, the most beautiful prostitute of the town and Court. After that, he also wants to see the Queen naked. However, the King, despite the opposition and the scandal of the Church, will not stop until he reaches his wishes.
Pelayo Menéndez
A gypsy who sells fish in a market, sings on weekends in a tablao. One day, a professor, exiled in Cádiz for her political ideas, offers the cantaora a job.
The story of a child who faces the emptiness that surrounds the figure of his parents, disappeared in Africa.
Narrative of a period of life (1926 - 1934) of the Nicaraguan revolutionary leader Sandino, who was known as "The general of free men."
Honoré Fragonard
The name of painter Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732-1806) is synonymous for a kind of painting style which celebrates carefree romantic life, indoors and out. He was a painter during the final decades of the French monarchy. In this story, he and his brother Cyprien (Robin Renucci), who is an early pioneer in medical anatomy (he dissected corpses and made drawings of what he found in them), have fallen in love with the same woman, Marianne (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu), a laundress. This attraction has not escaped the notice of Salmon d'Anglas (Sami Frey), a conniving nobleman, who has his heart set on getting revenge on Jean-Honore (Joachim de Almeida) for refusing his patronage and becoming the darling of the French court.
Sebastiano Catte
Mateo Elorduy
A Chilean returning to Santiago to find out what has happened to his native country while he has been away, discovers much about himself.
A rock-star who stopped singing after the death of his brother finds a female genie in a vase. She tries to help him live again.
Reinaldo Ferreira
A story about character created by Reinaldo Ferreira (1897-1935), action reporter, mystery novelist and emotion journalist.
Andrea Bonnano
After the bankruptcy of their father's stonemasonry firm, brothers Nicola and Andrea emigrate to America to restore their fortunes. After many adventures and near-disasters, they end up in Hollywood designing sets for D.W.Griffith and marry beautiful actresses, but tragedy strikes with the arrival of World War I, which finds the brothers fighting on opposite sides...
Her deepening affair with a separatist spurs a wealthy Manhattanite to return to the Bronx, where she grew up, and reevaluate her Puerto Rican cultural roots.
The story of a woman whose past comes back to haunt her after a former lover re-enters her life.
Set in a small politically unstable Latin American country, the story follows the half English and half Latino Dr. Eduardo Plarr, who left his home to find a better life. Along the way he meets an array of people, including British Consul Charley Fortnum, a representative in Latin America who is trying to keep Revolution from occurring. He is also a remorseful alcoholic. Another person the doctor meets is Clara, whom he immediately falls in love with, but there is a problem: Clara is Charley's wife.
The Soldier's Force
러시아 첩보조직으로부터 핵무기 생산용 플루토늄을 도난당하자 CIA 특수요원인 '솔저'의 활약을 그린 액션물.