Étienne Draber

Étienne Draber

출생 : 1939-03-26, Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France

사망 : 2021-01-11


Étienne Draber is a French actor known for both his stage and movie roles. He is the father of French actress Stéphanie Bataille. He died from Covid-19 in 2021.

프로필 사진

Étienne Draber
Étienne Draber

참여 작품

J'ai perdu Albert
Albert Einstein
Chloe has been living a successful life thanks to one trick: Albert Einstein is in her mind. But one day, he decides to move and chooses another body: Zac, a depressive beekeeper.
The Perfect Date
Le grand-père de Michel
Michel dreams of a perfect meeting with the woman of his dreams, entirely due to chance, as his parents and grandparents experienced. Vincent, Michel's contrast, is completely different. He is more the man of the direct approach and he follows his...! The two childhood friends Michel and Vincent, with completely opposite views when it comes to women, soon discover the limits of their respective techniques when they meet Angèle and Nathalie.
하우스 오브 디
French Man in Window
1973년, 미국 뉴욕의 그리니치 빌리지. 신체 나이는 41살이지만 정신연령은 11살인 파파스와 13살 토미는 동네에서 고기 배달을 하며 함께 영화를 보러 다니고 야구를 하는 등 둘도 없는 단짝 친구가 된다. 그러던 어느 날 성적 호기심이 충만한 사춘기시절의 토미는 같은 학교 여자 친구 멜리사를 좋아하게 되고 점점 자신과 멀어지는 토미를 보며 서운함을 느낀 파파스는 평소 토미가 타고 싶어하던 자전거를 훔치게 된다. 토미를 위해 자전거를 훔친 파파스. 하지만 정신발달 장애자인 그의 고백을 믿지 않는 학교는 토미가 훔쳤다고 단정을 짓고 정학 처분을 내린다. 결국 예기치 못한 비극이 일어나고 두 친구는 헤어지게 되는데…
Quelle famille !
Un médecin
Zef, twenty years old, is a simple-minded man who can only say one word: "love you". Always happy, loving everyone, he lives with his sister Sophie on a farm in the Lot. Attracted by the sad smile of Marie, he rapes her one evening without realizing the gravity of his act. Commited in a psychiatric asylum, Zef falls into a deep silence. Hugues, a doctor with avant-garde methods, is in charge of caring for Marie. He decides to confront her with Zef, convinced that her healing goes through a long reappropriation of life and love.
To the Limit
Elena Hart is a distance runner in her twenties who is immersed in a terrible nightmare, suffering serious imbalances in her diet. Driven by her desire to lose weight and to please her demanding coach, Elena begins to suffer from anorexia.
Vicomte du Closlabbe
1770년대 말의 프랑스. 곤궁한 소작인들의 삶을 걱정하는 지방귀족 말라부아는 늪지대의 불결한 환경 때문에 전염병이 퍼져 소작인들의 삶이 더욱 피폐해지자 늪지를 메우기로 하고, 궁의 도움을 얻기 위해 베르사유 궁으로 간다. 하지만 관리들이 한낱 촌뜨기 남작의 청을 들어줄 리 만무하다. 말라부아는 좌절하지만, 곧 그는 타고난 재치와 세련된 화법으로 사교계의 관심을 받는다.
Beaumarchais the Scoundrel
Beaumarchais the Scoundrel is a biopic film based on the life of the French playwright, financier and spy Pierre Beaumarchais depicting his activities during the American War of Independence and his authorship of the Figaro trilogy of plays.
마담 보바리
Maitre Guillaumin
전통적인 수녀원 교육을 받고 자란 농부의 딸 엠마는 낭만적이면서도 상승 욕구가 강한, 그러면서도 평범한 처녀이다. 빼어난 미모나 엄청난 재력과도 거리가 먼 시골 소녀인 그녀는 역시 평범한 의사인 샤를르 보바리와 결혼한다. 낭만적인 사랑, 짜릿한 순간들을 꿈꾸던 그녀에게 샤를르와의 결혼은 지루하기만 했다. 그러던 중 공작의 무도회에 초대받게 되고, 엠마는 처음으로 상류 사회의 무도회에 참석하게 된다. 무도회의 경험은 평생 그녀의 기억 속에 남아 있게 된다. 무도회가 끝나고 다시 평범한 생활로 돌아온 그녀는 일상에 지쳐 곧 우울증에 빠지고 이를 안 샤를르는 엠마의 기분을 위해 큰 도시로 이주한다. 옹발로 이사한 후 엠마는 딸을 낳는다. 여기서 그녀는 로돌프라는 무력하면서 다소 비극적 이미지의 귀족과 사랑에 빠진다. 동시에 그녀는 사치를 하기 시작한다. 하지만 자신의 행동을 후회하곤 한다. 그녀는 마음을 잡기위해 아이를 돌보고 남편을 내조하는데 열중한다. 하지만 이뽈리뜨의 수술이 실패하고 난 후 남편에게 실망한 나머지 로돌프에게 도망갈것을 제안한다. 그러나 그녀는 그에게 거절의 편지를 받고 절망한다. 엠마의 기분 전환을 위해 루엉으로 로페라 나들이를 하게되고, 그때 레옹과 재회하고 그의 사랑고백으로 그들은 가까워진다. 하루이틀 청구서를 미루면서 엠마는 재정적 압박을 받게되고, 레뤠씨에게 위임장을 써 주나 결국은 엄청난 돈을 청구받기에 이른다. 레옹에게도, 로돌프에게도 돈을 빌리지 못한채 모든 희망을 잃은 엠마는 자살을 선택한다.
The Passion of Bernadette
French filmmaker Jean Delannoy directs this inspiring sequel to his biopic about Marie-Bernarde Soubirous (portrayed by Sydney Penny), a young shepherdess who claimed to have seen numerous apparitions of the Lady in White at Lourdes in 1858. Chronicling Bernadette's years with the Sisters of Charity of Nevers convent, the film traces her life from age 22 until her untimely death from tuberculosis at age 35.
밀루의 어떤 5월
Mr. Boutelleau
An eccentric family is re-united during the 1968 general strike in France, after the death of the grandmother.
Drôle de couple
Le censeur
A clique of four young teachers at a high school looks critically at their colleagues. To avoid falling in the same routine, they bring new ideas into the school lessons and play little games and pranks in their spare time -- sometimes get even more childish than their pupils. When they get opposition from the other teachers, they play tricks to get rid of them.
Le fou du roi
Dieudonné, poet and dreamer, is the opposite of his father, the famous D'Artagnan, as he hates walks and duels.
Le Bon Plaisir
Le médecin du Président
Claire's handbag is stolen. It contained a letter written ten years previously by the man who is now the French President. In the letter he urges his pregnant mistress to have an abortion. Claire immediately alerts the President's men. From that moment, the machinery of state swings into action.
Signes extérieurs de richesse
Jean-Jacques Lestrade is the owner of a renowned veterinary clinic in Paris who lives in a luxurious apartment. He is part of Parisian high society and lives a wealthy lifestyle surrounded by young women and money. He relies on his trusty accountant, Jérôme Bouvier, to manage his finances. All goes well until the day that Béatrice Flamand, a tax inspector, shows up at his clinic, at which point Lestrade is now in trouble.
Un dimanche de flics
Two policemen, Franck and Rupert, intervene in a Parisian heliport where drugs are exchanged for a large sum of money. They decide to keep the loot and find themselves fighting with the mafia.
Boulevard des assassins
Rémy Lambert, the publisher
Scandal in the property business.
The Under-Gifted
le père de Julien
The story centers around a graduating class of "less-gifted" students in a private Versailles high school. Only a miracle has brought the students this far along, and after a practical joke misfires and the whole school is dynamited, the students are in deep trouble. They have to present themselves in court for their punishment and it could not be worse: If they don't pass their high-school graduation exams, they go to prison!
The Rascals
Le chef de maison
Late spring 1942: France is under German occupation. But this doesn't much concern the boarders of a school lost in the French country. Bernard, a rather frivolous teenager, is in love for the first time; he's fond of Marie-Helene, an older and more mature girl. To approach her is not so easy...
Les Charlots en délire
L'inspecteur de police au nœud papillon
Gérard, CEO of the factory "La voix du peuple", decides to close his factory by dismissing all his staff, starting with Jean Barbier, the chief of staff, and Phil Dechambre.
Et la tendresse ?… Bordel !
Autour des autres - Marc
Francois, seducer very misogynist, directs an Eros Club, that from which suffers his Carole wife silently. Julie, saleswoman in a clock industry, as for it is taken of an access of madness after having surprised her husband, Léo, future
Seven Deaths by Prescription
Robert Brézé
Dr. Brézé and his sons, all surgeons with limited abilities fight any competition on their sector with all means.
Cher Victor
A pair of elderly men, friends for 40 years, find their relationship stressed when they set up housekeeping together in order to save money. Exploring similar ground to that covered in Neil Simon's play The Odd Couple, which spawned a movie and a television series, Ce Cher Victor explores the tragic and dramatic aspects of the story. The two friends, meek, sensitive Anselme (Bernard Blier) and blustering Victor (Jacques Dufilho) are swiftly driven apart by circumstances.
The Inheritor
After his father is killed in a plane crash, Bart Cordell returns back home to France to claim his inheritance: to lead the industrial empire his father built. But when a prostitute tries to set him up for a drug smuggling charge, he is forced to accept that his father may have been assassinated and that the killers are out to get him as well...
Olivier Larry, a young cartoonist, is looking for a woman to symbolize all the avowed or secret desires of today's public. He visits the abstract painter Salvador Dalloz and inspects his models in vain. Then he goes to a photo studio of a special kind. At night, he goes through the striptease boxes, always looking for the one he can draw.