Ana Girardot
출생 : 1988-08-01, Clamart, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, France
Ana Girardot (born 1 August 1988) is a French actress and director. She is known for Escobar: Paradise Lost (2014); her role of Lucy in the television series Les Revenants (The Returned); and Someone, Somewhere (2019). Ana Girardot was born on August 1, 1988 in Paris, France. She is an actress and director, known for Escobar: Paradise Lost (2014), The Returned (2012) and Someone, Somewhere (2019).
Ana Girardot was born on August 1, 1988, in Paris. Ana Girardot is the daughter of French actor Hippolyte Girardot and actress Isabel Otero, and the granddaughter of painters Antonio Otero and Clotilde Vautier. She chose to become an actress despite her father's disapproval, and later went to New York City for two years to study theatre. After performing secondary roles in television and cinema, Girardot scored a leading role in the film Lights Out, which was presented at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival.
Source: Article "Ana Girardot" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
트럭 두 대에 나이트로글리세린을 싣고 위험천만한 사막을 달리는 최정예 불법 운반팀. 대참사로 이어질 폭발을 막기 위해 이들에게 주어진 시간은 단 24시간뿐이다.
Emma, a French novelist aged 27, decide to go to Berlin and join a brothel to uncover the prostitution world, the subject of her new book. Such as gonzo journalism, Emma become a prostitute and her experience, which was supposed to last a few weeks, will last two years. Was writing her book an excuse for Emma to live a shameful fantasy ?
Six-year-old Jules and his mother Chloé land in deserted French countryside. To start a new life, far from a painful past, she has accepted to take over the village school. But the apparently quiet community is consumed by the unexplained disappearance of a little boy months ago. Mathieu, the town doctor, is not insensible to the newcomer’s charm. As he becomes closer to Chloé, her son Jules grows increasingly anxious. He knows it, he can feel it: Mathieu is the beast, that now wants to devour him and take his mother away.
Venice, a special evening. Louise is convinced that Charles will finally ask her to marry him. But things don't always go as you imagined and so - As walking through the mirror of her own dream, Louise gets lost in the night of Venice, a very different Venice from what she had imagined and, thanks to the meeting with Giacomo, she discovers a new version of herself.
Venice, a special evening. Louise is convinced that Charles will finally ask her to marry him. But things don't always go as you imagined and so - As walking through the mirror of her own dream, Louise gets lost in the night of Venice, a very different Venice from what she had imagined and, thanks to the meeting with Giacomo, she discovers a new version of herself.
Thomas was once renowned as a young tennis prodigy, but never had the career he hoped for. At 37, despite his declining physical fitness and shattered knee he decides to compete in the intense qualifying rounds of the French Open at Roland-Garros for one last attempt at glory. Although his wife Eve and mother Judith advise him to give up, Thomas obsessively pushes forward. He will have to fight his own demons and will ultimately face a determined young player who reminds him of his younger self.
17세기, 바다와 산 사이의 작은 마을에 살고 있는 15세 소년 알랑의 아버지는 2년 간 노예 계약을 맺고 일하러 떠난다. 알랑은 아버지를 대신해 가족을 부양하기 위해 고군분투해야 한다.
Marin is a young French woman living in New York City who finds herself disconnected from her body, boyfriend and family. During a tumultuous weekend, highlighted by chance encounters with a stranger and an ex-boyfriend, she starts to find her voice.
소심한 연애 세포를 가진 남자 ‘레미’. 구 남친 극복이 과제인 여자 ‘멜라니’. 각자의 사연으로 쉽사리 새로운 만남을 시작하지 못하는 두 사람은 한 발자국 옆집에 살고 있지만 서로를 모르는 사이! 하지만 어느 날부터 운명처럼 계속 스치는 두 사람에게 인생을 바꿀 특별한 기회가 찾아오는데…
After a violent car crash, Marilyn must take care of her man, who suffers from severe head trauma.
Gabriel and Iris head back to their family holiday home in Portugal with their daughters Emma and Zoé, a couple of adorable six-year-old twins, for a vacation. In the heart of the sun-drenched countryside, as the little ones swim and laugh, the couple’s past begins to rear its head. Emma is overwhelmed by a secret that is simply too big for her to keep, and which she has no right to share with her twin sister.
Doctor Knock is a former thug who has become a doctor and arrives in the small village of Saint-Maurice to make his fortune according to a particular method. It will make the villagers believe that they are not as healthy as they might think. It is thus that he will find in each one an imaginary symptom, or not, and thus will be able to exercise his profession lucratively. Under his seductive looks and after gaining the confidence of the village, Knock is on the verge of achieving his ends. But his past catches up with him and an old acquaintance disrupts the doctor's plans.
집을 떠나 전 세계를 돌아다니다 아버지가 위독하다는 소식을 듣고 10년 만에 고향으로 돌아온 ‘속알못’ 장남, ‘장’. 똑 부러지는 성격, 삼 남매 중 실질적인 리더, 아버지의 와이너리를 도맡아 운영 중인 ‘와인 능력자’ 둘째, ‘줄리엣’. 어렸을 적 부모님의 사랑을 독차지한 꽃길 인생이었지만, 결혼 후 처가 월드에 시달리고 있는 ‘평생 철부지’ 막내, ‘제레미’. 10년 만에 재회한 삼 남매에게 남겨진 아버지의 유산, 부르고뉴 와이너리. 반갑고도 어색한, 즐겁고도 험난한 최상의 와인 만들기가 시작된다!
La jumelle
Every year, Bruno makes a tour of all the wine stands, without setting foot outside the Show’s premises and without ever finishing his wine trail. This year, his father suggests they finish it together, but a real wine trail, across the French countryside. Accompanied by Mike, a young, quirky taxi driver, they set off in the direction of France’s major wine regions. Together, they are going to discover not only the wine trails, but also the road that leads back to Love.
1920년대 파리의 화단에서 활약한 일본인 화가 후지타 쓰구하루의 파란만장의 인생을 영화화 한 작품.
Alice Fursac
26살의 나이에 베스트셀러를 집필한 천재 작가 마티유, 하지만 그에겐 아무도 모르는 비밀이 있다. 완벽한 차기작, 완벽한 거짓말을 위해! 3년 동안 이렇다 할 차기작이 없어 압박에 시달리던 마티유는 더 위험하고 치명적인 비밀을 만들기 시작한다.
Between 1978 and 1979, the inhabitants of the Oise are in fear of a maniac who kills several hitchhikers and escape the police. He was then dubbed "the killer of the Oise" is actually a shy young policeman who will investigate his own murder, only to lose control of the situation.
역사상 가장 악명 높은 마약왕의 실화 국가는 '악마', 국민들은 '수호자'라 불렀다. 콜롬비아에 온 닉은 마리아를 만나 사랑에 빠지게 되고, 그녀의 삼촌인 마약 카르텔의 대부 파블로 에스코바르를 알게 된다. 세계 최고의 마약 제조업자인 파블로 에스코바르에게 위기를 느낀 국가는 체포령을 내리고 그는 즉각 국가와의 전쟁을 선포한다. 닉 또한 자신의 의지와는 상관없이 거대한 음모의 소용돌이 속으로 빠지는데…
상류사회 예술계와 관련이 있는 여인의 도움을 받아 패션학교에 들어가게 된 서민 출신의 알리스(여주인공)는, 그 보답을 하기 위해 그녀의 집에 갔다가 그녀의 아들인 앙투완(남주인공)을 만나 사랑을 싹틔우게 된다. 그렇지만 점점 상류사회와 자신의 차이점을 느끼게 되는 알리스는 앙투완과의 이별을 고민하게 되고, 그런 와중에 앙투완은 알리스에게 누드 사진 모델이 되어 줄 것을 요청하게 되는데...
La fille
Clémence Orsini
The bonds of a 30-year friendship are tested when Walter's 20-year-old daughter, Clemence, falls in love with his friend Paul.
Ben, who dreamed of himself as a comic in New York, is back in Paris, his professional and emotional life in complete disarray. He encounters Alex, the star host of the Breakfast Club, a popular morning radio show. With Cyril, a forty-something who'd prefer not to be, and Arnold, the charismatic leader of the gang, they call the shots on Blast FM. In next to no time Ben is hired to write for them. He's barely joined the team when a tidal wave hits the station: Breakfast Club listenership is in free fall. They set out on a bus to travel to every corner of France to meet and win over their public once again. For these arrogant Parisians, a real journey of initiation arises from this radio-phonic road trip, shaking up all their certainties.
Isabelle Forêt
성공한 사업가 아버지 밑에서 유복한 어린 시절을 보내지만 수에즈 운하 국유화 사태로 이집트를 떠나 프랑스에 정착한 후 가난한 청년기를 맞이하게 된 끌로드 프랑소와. 가족을 부양하면서도 춤과 노래에 대한 꿈을 포기하지 않고 열정을 불사르며 가수로서의 성공을 꿈꾸지만, 안정된 삶을 원하던 아버지와 갈등하게 되고, 마음 한 켠에 지울 수 없는 상처를 남긴다.
넘치는 자신감과 지칠 줄 모르는 열정으로, 데뷔 후 두 번째 앨범으로 순식간에 전 유럽을 뒤흔드는 스타로 떠오르며 성공가도를 달리게 된 그는 전례 없는 스펙터클한 무대를 선보이며 대중으로부터 열광적인 반응을 끌어 낸다. 히트곡 제조기에 이어 레코드 레이블, 출판사, 잡지사, 모델 에이전시 등 다방면에서 활약을 보이며 프랑스를 대표하는 ‘불멸의 스타’로 자리매김한 그에게 세상은 ‘끌로끌로’라는 애칭을 선사한다. 그러나 화려한 무대 뒤에 숨겨진 어두운 그의 내면은 서서히 그의 빛을 잠식해가는데.. About Cloclo 프랑스가 사랑한 20세기 최고의 스타 끌로드 프랑소와 (1939~1978) 60~70년대 프랑스 대중문화를 이끌었던 혜성 같은 존재. 39세의 나이에 감전사로 사망했으며 죽기 전까지 파란만장한 일생을 살다간 프랑스의 전설적 뮤지션이며, ‘끌로끌로’라는 애칭으로 불릴 만큼 프랑스의 국민적 가수로 사랑 받았던 아이콘이다. 수많은 히트곡 제조기였지만, 음악 외에도 끊임없이 새로운 사업에 도전하며 자신의 왕국을 만들려 했던 광기어린 예술가였다. 대표곡으로는 1962년 발매 당시 170만장의 판매고를 올리며 그를 탑스타 반열에 오르게 한 히트곡 ‘Cette Annee-la (Belles, Belles, Belles)’, 밀리언 셀러를 기록하며 ADF 디스크 대상을 수상하였던 곡 ‘If I Had a Hammer’, 프랭크 시나트라가 부른 ‘My Way’ 의 원곡인 ‘Comme d'habitude’가 있다.
March 1992, in a small town in the suburbs of Paris. During an alcohol fueled party, teenagers discover a body hidden in the bushes of a forest. A body that seems lifeless. Two weeks earlier. Simon, a 16 year-old teenager, has not shown up for class. Blood stains are found in a class-room. Run-away, kidnap, suicide, murder? A few days later, Laetitia, a student from the same class goes missing without her parents knowing where she has gone. A young girl with no dark background or connection to Simon. The next day, Jean-Baptiste, a third student, also disappears. Rumors start to spread. The psychosis begins...
Lola is an independent woman, a professional writer with 2 men on a string. Both men are married with children. When the men, and Lola, face having to make choices, Lola's comfortable life becomes less appealing.
Maylis and Antoine visit their mother, Sabine, for a Sunday meal. Both the mother and daughter have something to announce. Maylis comes with happy news. Sabine has much more disturbing news that will change the lives of her children.
In the middle of the 17th century, the Marquise de Sévigné wanted to make her daughter a brilliant and independent woman in her own image. But the more she tries to control the young woman's destiny, the more she alienates her. Mother and daughter then experience the throes of a singular and devastating passion. A major work of French literature is born from this devastation.