Digital Imaging Technician
육지와 동떨어진 스코틀랜드의 작은 무인도. 이 섬의 등대를 관리하는 ‘토마스’, ‘제임스’, ‘도널드’는 난파된 보트에서 남자의 시신과 금괴가 든 나무상자를 발견한다. 시신을 없애고, 금괴를 나누어 가지기로 한 세 사람. 그러나 상자를 찾아 낯선 사람들이 섬에 나타나고, 사건은 예상치 못한 방향으로 흘러가는데…
Digital Imaging Technician
윈스턴 처칠 영국 수상의 노르망디 상륙 작전을 앞둔 몇 시간의 이야기
Digital Imaging Technician
Based on the Casey McQuiston novel of the same name, this LGBTQ story focuses on Alex Claremont-Diaz, the First Son of the United States and his rivalry with the young Prince of Wales, Henry. After causing a major uproar at the older prince's wedding, the two are forced to avoid a national incident by up-playing their nonexistent friendship with a goodwill visit to the UK. Their rivalry soon turns into a forced friendship and then blossoms into something even more. The two try to keep their relationship a secret despite their highly public lives amid his mother's reelection campaign as the first female President.