Ron Pohnel

참여 작품

Drifter TKD
Harrison Luke
Jesse Tyler, a martial arts enthusiast who lives in Los Angeles, California, and enjoys success in local karate competitions, faces turmoil in his life as a young business executive. The only child in a wealthy family, he has always been pressured to succeed in every aspect of his life.
Drifter TKD
Jesse Tyler, a martial arts enthusiast who lives in Los Angeles, California, and enjoys success in local karate competitions, faces turmoil in his life as a young business executive. The only child in a wealthy family, he has always been pressured to succeed in every aspect of his life.
Drifter TKD
Jesse Tyler, a martial arts enthusiast who lives in Los Angeles, California, and enjoys success in local karate competitions, faces turmoil in his life as a young business executive. The only child in a wealthy family, he has always been pressured to succeed in every aspect of his life.
Drifter TKD
Executive Producer
Jesse Tyler, a martial arts enthusiast who lives in Los Angeles, California, and enjoys success in local karate competitions, faces turmoil in his life as a young business executive. The only child in a wealthy family, he has always been pressured to succeed in every aspect of his life.
Drifter TKD
Jesse Tyler, a martial arts enthusiast who lives in Los Angeles, California, and enjoys success in local karate competitions, faces turmoil in his life as a young business executive. The only child in a wealthy family, he has always been pressured to succeed in every aspect of his life.
베스트 키드 2
Military Student (uncredited)
전미학생 가라데 선수권 대회에서 우승한 다니엘(Daniel Larusso: 랄프 마치오 분)은 생활속에서 많은 변화를 겪게 된다. 사랑하던 애인은 프랑스로 유학을 가고 어머니는 연수받으러 LA로 간다. 그 때 사부 미야기(Miyagi: 팻 모리타 분)는 고향 일본 오사까로 부터 부친이 위독하다는 편지를 받게 된다. 그러자 외롭게 지내던 다니엘은 사부 미야기와 함께 일본으로 출발하는데 그곳에서 40여년간 원한의 칼날을 갈며 살아온 사또(Sato: 대니 카메코나 분) 일당이 엄청난 흉계를 꾸미고 그들을 기다리고 있었다.
특명 어벤저
Ian Reilly
제이슨(커트 맥키니)은 LA에서 도장을 경영하는 아버지 밑에서 열심히 무예를 익힌다. 그러던 어느날 아버지가 범죄 조직에 의해 다리를 다치고 도장에서 쫓겨난다. 결국 제이슨의 가족은 시애틀로 이사오게 되지만 텃새가 심해서 계속 곤경에 처한다. 이웃에 사는 흑인 친구 알제이(J.W. 페일스)와 친해진 제이슨은 마음 속의 사부 이소룡의 묘지까지 찾아가 마음의 위안을 받지만 혼자서 무예를 쌓기란 힘들기만 하다. 게다가 여자 친구 켈리(캐시 실레노)를 두고 마을 청년에게 폭행까지 당하자 깊은 실의에 빠진다. 이때 그에게 이소룡의 유령이 나타나 무술을 가르쳐주기 시작하는데...
Stunt Coordinator
Femme fatale martial arts expert teaches the mafia a lesson.
Kung Fu Drifter
Worlds collide between a kung-fu expert and a bloodthirsty corporation with a nefarious agenda to wipe out all true martial arts masters.
Kung Fu Drifter
Worlds collide between a kung-fu expert and a bloodthirsty corporation with a nefarious agenda to wipe out all true martial arts masters.
Kung Fu Drifter
Executive Producer
Worlds collide between a kung-fu expert and a bloodthirsty corporation with a nefarious agenda to wipe out all true martial arts masters.
Kung Fu Drifter
Worlds collide between a kung-fu expert and a bloodthirsty corporation with a nefarious agenda to wipe out all true martial arts masters.