Harrison Luke
Jesse Tyler, a martial arts enthusiast who lives in Los Angeles, California, and enjoys success in local karate competitions, faces turmoil in his life as a young business executive. The only child in a wealthy family, he has always been pressured to succeed in every aspect of his life.
Jesse Tyler, a martial arts enthusiast who lives in Los Angeles, California, and enjoys success in local karate competitions, faces turmoil in his life as a young business executive. The only child in a wealthy family, he has always been pressured to succeed in every aspect of his life.
Jesse Tyler, a martial arts enthusiast who lives in Los Angeles, California, and enjoys success in local karate competitions, faces turmoil in his life as a young business executive. The only child in a wealthy family, he has always been pressured to succeed in every aspect of his life.
Executive Producer
Jesse Tyler, a martial arts enthusiast who lives in Los Angeles, California, and enjoys success in local karate competitions, faces turmoil in his life as a young business executive. The only child in a wealthy family, he has always been pressured to succeed in every aspect of his life.
Jesse Tyler, a martial arts enthusiast who lives in Los Angeles, California, and enjoys success in local karate competitions, faces turmoil in his life as a young business executive. The only child in a wealthy family, he has always been pressured to succeed in every aspect of his life.
Military Student (uncredited)
Господин Мияги, учитель карате Дэниэла, получает печальное известие о том, что его отец находится при смерти. Быстро собравшись, он покидает Лос-Анджелес и отправляется в Японию. Дэниэл решает сопровождать его в этом путешествии. На Окинаве Мияги неожиданно встречает своего старого врага и давнюю возлюбленную, а Дэниэл обретает новую любовь, а заодно — и нового врага.
Ian Reilly
Парнишка, изучающий восточные единоборства и мечтающий стать чемпионом, бесстрашно вступает в борьбу с уголовниками и шпаной и зарабатывает сперва лишь синяки и насмешки окружающих. Но в награду за проявленную силу духа, настойчивость и упорную работу на тренировках до седьмого пота, ему начинает покровительствовать и обучать его всем секретам мастерства дух самого Брюса Ли. И, сразившись в большом турнире с грозным русским противником, молодой американский кикбоксер сенсационно, вопреки ожиданиям зрителей и прогнозам специалистов, побеждает.
Stunt Coordinator
Femme fatale martial arts expert teaches the mafia a lesson.
Worlds collide between a kung-fu expert and a bloodthirsty corporation with a nefarious agenda to wipe out all true martial arts masters.
Worlds collide between a kung-fu expert and a bloodthirsty corporation with a nefarious agenda to wipe out all true martial arts masters.
Executive Producer
Worlds collide between a kung-fu expert and a bloodthirsty corporation with a nefarious agenda to wipe out all true martial arts masters.
Worlds collide between a kung-fu expert and a bloodthirsty corporation with a nefarious agenda to wipe out all true martial arts masters.