Robert Atzorn

Robert Atzorn

출생 : 1945-02-02, Połczyn-Zdrój, Poland


Robert Atzorn grew up in Oldenburg and Hamburg. He studied graphic design at the Art School Alsterdamm in Hamburg, however, felt drawn to the theater and therefore moved to the Neue Münchner Schauspielschule (1967-1969). In the season 1969/70 he got his first job at the Württembergische Landesbühne. Engagements followed at the Schauspielhaus Zürich (1970/1971), at the Theater Münster (1971/1972), at the Bühnen der Stadt Köln (1972/73), at the Theater Dortmund (1973-1975) and at the Residenz Theatre in Munich (1977-1983). 1980 Robert Atzorn played his first film role in From the Life of the Marionettes, directed by Ingmar Bergman. After many years in the theater, he worked exclusively since the mid-1980s for television. A wider audience, he was in the late 1980s alongside Maren Kroymann in the family series Oh Gott, Herr Pfarrer. For his portrayal of unconventional pastor in 1989, he received the Goldene Kamera. He became a crowd favorite in the title role of the evening series Unser Lehrer Doktor Specht, which was broadcast from 1992 to 1999 in 70 episodes. In 1993 he was honored with the Telestar. Robert Atzorn worked also in various episodes of the television series Forsthaus Falkenau, The Black Forest Clinicand Alphateam – Die Lebensretter im OP, and the crime series Derrick, Ein Fall für zwei, The Old Fox, Tatort and Die Männer vom K3. As the successor of Manfred Krug and Charles Brauer he investigated from 2001 to 2008 as Tatort-homicide detective Jan Casstorff along with Tilo Prückner as Commissioner Holicek and Julia Schmidt as Jenny Graf for the NDR. The Tatort episode "Und tschüss" in February 2008 also meant the departure of Atzorn's investigator team. He was also seen in 2002 Dieter Wedel's miniseries Die Affäre Semmeling as mayor Klaus Hennig. In the romantic comedy Kiss Me, Chancellor (2004) he slipped into the role of a head of government who falls in love with a maid, played by Andrea Sawatzki. Also in 2004 he was before the camera in Das Kommando (de), as the commander of a special unit, with his sons Jens and Daniel, who made his debut in the film as an actor. 2005 Atzorn took over the role of the chancellery chief in the series Kanzleramt. In the ZDF production Africa, mon amour (2007) he played opposite Iris Berben, as occurred with Matti Geschonneck's Wer liebt, hat Recht and in Das Kommando. In the TV drama Mein Mann, der Trinker he played in 2008 with Franziska Walser a couple whose marriage is put to a severe test. 2008 after a long break came with two new episodes of the adventure series Der Kapitän, in which he portrayed from 1997 to 2000 already the figure of Captain Frank Harmsen. Robert Atzorn is married since 1976 with Angelika Hartung, both have two adult sons.

프로필 사진

Robert Atzorn

참여 작품

Das Mädchen aus dem Totenmoor
Lorenz Keller
The peat farmer Hannes Gerhards wants his girlfriend Helen Dahms from the city to pull him to the countryside. As in peat cutting work the skull of a bog body is found. Police commissioner Lorenz Keller, who is about to retire, has already completed his career. But with the bone find Keller finally sees his chance to bring an old case to an end.
집념의 검사 프리츠 바우어
Charlottes Father
1957년 독일, 검사장 프리츠 바우어는 수많은 유대인을 수용소로 보내 학살시킨 나치 중령 아돌프 아이히만의 행방에 대한 결정적 증거를 넘겨받는다. 독일의 사법제도를 불신한 그는 이스라엘 정보국 모사드와 접촉한다. 반역죄를 저지른 그를 독일 당국은 주시하는데...
Mein vergessenes Leben
Engel der Gerechtigkeit: Geld oder Leben
Professor Brenner
A drama directed by Sigi Rothemund.
Alles muss raus
Max Faber
Engel der Gerechtigkeit - Kopfgeld
Professor Brenner
Engel der Gerechtigkeit: Ärztepfusch
Professor Brenner
Tod in den Bergen
Jan Tanner
Mountaineering on enclosed terrain, the young doctor Clara Lang discovers a mummified corpse. Apparently, the dead has been in the ice for years. No one knows who it is at the bottom of the valley. When Clara's friend David wants to inspect the site more closely, he too is deadly. Clara is devastated. Her grief is compounded by the suspicion that David was murdered. Abandoned by the authorities, Clara stretches out her tentacles on her own and begins to investigate.
The Case of Jakob von Metzler
Wolfgang Daschner
Engel der Gerechtigkeit - Brüder fürs Leben
Professor Brenner
Engel der Gerechtigkeit
Professor Julius Brenner
Stilles Tal
Konrad Huberty
Zimtstern und Halbmond
Gottfried Hinrichs
German ship captain Gottfried Hinrichs reluctantly retires to his Bavarian home, hoping to find comfort when his daughter Barbara moves back home, convenient now she has become a commercial pilot. So he dishes out the usual objections when she tells to have found her mate, while ma Lisbeth tries to shush. When the lovers turn up for Christmas Eve, a culture shock follows, for her dream prince is Palestinian unemployed would be-pilot Kamal Abu Khalil, and neither 'liberal' parent extends effective tolerance to Islamic in-potential laws. Ultimately Gottfried is worn down, but then the incompatible religious marriage norms seem to break up the couple itself. It gets even worse when his parents found out and fly in, while she feels neglected as Kemal starts an electronic muezzin Internet firm with a friend.
Das Glück ist eine Katze
Frido Schulz
Until Nothing Remains
Ludwig Clasen
Im Gehege
Jon Ewermann
Mein Mann, der Trinker
Prof. Ludwig Wohlstedt
German television movie about an alcoholic university professor (Robert Atzorn).
Das Kommando
Brigadegeneral Heinz Büchner
Die Frau des Architekten
Arnold Sundstrom
Küss mich, Kanzler!
Ben Bischof
Wer liebt, hat Recht
Tanners letzte Chance
Henry Tanner
Nicht ohne deine Liebe
Arthur Boysen
The successful spoiled stock market pro Arthur Boysen is a winner. When he is diagnosed with an incurable disease of the nervous system, he takes on the fight against the disease. - Gripping drama with Robert Atzorn as a charismatic financier, who only by the threat of a deadly disease can recognize the value of love for his wife.
Jenseits der Liebe
Jan Altenberg
Ein Mann gibt nicht auf
Ein Mann steht auf
Anton Stein
Ich bin kein Mann für eine Frau
Johannes Müller
David Voss
Der Prinzgemahl
Jens Morgenroth
Zu Fuß und ohne Geld
Coswig und Sohn
Frank Coswig
Ein Herz für Laura
Robert Reben
Ein Mann für meine Frau
Robert Ahlemann
Der Betrogene
Gerd Winter
Gesucht wird Ricki Forster
Roland Forster
German Doctor
줄거리나치 독일에 점령당한 바르샤바의 1942년을 무대로 아동문학가, 교육자로 활동하며 소아과 의사로도 더 유명한 폴란드 유태계 혈통의 야누스 코르작 박사가 설립한 고아원을 중심으로 박사의 말년을 그리고 있는 영화이며, 당시 촬영된 여러 기록 사진들을 영화의 배경으로 삽입하여 어려움속에서도 사랑하는 아이들과 생을 함께 하는 한 인간의 발자취를 그리고 있다.
Ich will leben
Professor Friedländer
Killer kennen keine Furcht
Mr. X
A crime comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb.
Das Milliardenspiel
Jan-Jakob Schönwald
The young toolmaker Gerd Asselt knows how to exploit his acquaintance with the influential Albrecht Maybach for a breathtaking career: With pumped money, he takes over companies in need of reorganization and quickly racks up an entire business empire. But pride comes before a fall...
Der Spatzenmörder
Man Under Suspicion
Man Under Suspicion (German: Morgen in Alabama) is a 1984 West German film directed by Norbert Kückelmann.
Ein Mann ist soeben erschossen worden
Dr. Andrés Laplana
The Wannsee Conference
Otto Hofmann
A real time recreation of the 1942 Wannsee Conference, in which leading SS and Nazi Party officals gathered to discuss the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question". Led by SS-General Reinhard Heydrich, the Wannsee Conference was the starting point for the Jewish Holcaust which led to the mass murder of six million people.
Don Carlos
Marquis von Posa, ein Malteserritter
Das schöne Ende dieser Welt
Dr. Dr. Michael Brandt
Chemist Michael Brandt travels to Western Australia on behalf of a great German company. Pretending to be a private investor he purchases industrial real estate for a pesticide factory - chemicals which have long been on the forbidden list in Europe and in the U.S. but make huge profit on sales in Third World Countries.
Tiefe Wasser
Harald Schreiner
Wie hätten Sie’s denn gern?
마리오네트의 생
Peter Egerman
성공한 사업가인 피터와 카타리나 부부는 아이도 없고 서로 각자의 생활에 치여 바쁘게 살아간다. 이미 식어버린 아내에 대한 사랑의 돌파구를 찾지 못해 항상 정신적으로 억압된 인생을 살아가는 피터는 아내를 죽이는 꿈을 꾸곤 한다. 정상적인 통로로는 욕구불만을 해소할 수 없게 된 피터는 어느 날 우연히 알게된 사람을 통해 창녀 하나를 소개받고 그녀를 찾아간다. 그녀의 이름은 카타리나. 피터는 창녀의 이름이 자신이 그토록 죽이고 싶어하는 아내의 이름과 똑같는 이유로 감춰진 분노를 표출하며 창녀를 강간한 뒤 살해한다.
21 Hours at Munich
A dramatization of the incident in 1972 when Arab terrorists broke into the Olympic compound in Munich and murdered 11 Israeli athletes.