Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping

출생 : 1953-06-15, Beijing, China

프로필 사진

Xi Jinping

참여 작품

나의 촛불
Self (archive footage)
2016년 전세계가 주목한 그 시작의 날 진보와 보수를 넘나드는 정치인들이 그날의 비화를 증언한다! 부정부패와 국정농단으로 국민들을 우롱했던 날들. 대한민국의 1,600만명이 한 목소리로 세상을 바꿨던 그때를 기억합니다. 전세계가 주목한 가장 위대했던 그때의 뒷 이야기들을 김의성, 주진우가 고영태, 김성태, 박영석, 손석희, 심상정, 유시민, 윤석열, 추미애, 그리고 촛불 시민들과 함께 모두 풀어냅니다. 촛불혁명 후 5년. 차가워진 당신의 심장을 다시 뛰게 할 영화, 아직 꺼지지 않은
China: The Uighur Tragedy
Self - Politician (archive footage)
A relentless chronicle of the tragedy of the Uighurs, an ethnic minority of some eleven million people who live in the Xinjiang region of northwest China, speak a Turkic language and practice the Muslim religion. The Uighurs suffer brutal cultural and political oppression by Xin Jinping's tyrannical government: torture, disappearances, forced labor, re-education of children and adults, mass sterilizations, extensive surveillance and destruction of historical heritage.
Spiel mit dem Feuer - Wer braucht noch dieses Olympia?
Self (archive footage)
In the run-up, everything actually spoke against the Chinese capital as the host of the XXIV Olympic Winter Games: Beijing is neither a winter sports region nor are human rights respected in China. The IOC obviously didn't care. Topics such as sustainability, freedom of expression and climate protection were also pushed aside. It's about power and profit instead of the Olympic idea and its values. But more and more athletes are speaking up and calling for a reform of the Olympic Games. A pioneer in this matter is ARD Olympic expert Felix Neureuther, a former alpine skier, who sucked up the Olympic spirit with his mother's milk, because his parents are alpine ski legend Rosi Mittermaier, double gold medalist at the 1976 Winter Games in Innsbruck, and father Christian, a ski racer, who took part three times at the Olympics. Based on interviews with athletes, experts, IOC officials and persecuted Uyghurs, Felix gets a glimpse behind the scenes of the Olympic system.
Vaccine Diplomacy
Self (archive footage)
In March 2020, the world shuts down. Billions of people were confined to their homes by a virus. As it became clear that only a vaccine could stop the pandemic, a race began between the four great powers: the USA, Europe, Russia and China. The first to develop a vaccine would gain a significant advantage in global geopolitics.
The New World of Xi Jinping
Behind his polite exterior lies a formidable leader with a ruthless character, ready to do anything to make China the world's leading power by the People’s Republic’s centenary in 2049. This well-documented portrait of the Chinese president gives an unprecedented insight into his politics and shows how Xi Jinping's personal journey has shaped his choices as he steers China towards world domination.
Taiwan: A Digital Democracy in China's Shadow
Self (archive footage)
One Country, Two Systems? No Way! say the youth of Taiwan. But China under President Xi Jinping wants more than ever to bring the island of Taiwan back into the fold, just like Hong Kong. Can the burgeoning democracy on China’s doorstep, driven by digital technology, resist the Middle Kingdom’s advances? To China Taiwan is a breakaway province that must return to the fold. To its 24 million inhabitants it is a sovereign state with its own constitution and democratically elected leaders. Now that Hong Kong has been brought into line, Taiwan remains determined to stand up as a vibrant, young democracy. But it won't be easy. Since the Sunflower Movement in 2014 when the young came out to prevent an economic agreement with China, citizen groups have been fighting for the transparency of institutions.
Big Data, Big Brother
Self - Politician (archive footage)
The story of the cross destiny of George Orwell (1903-50) and Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), the genius authors of the two most groundbreaking novels of anticipation of the 20th century: 1984 and Brave New World; two lucid witnesses of the maledictions of the modern world whose novels have found a considerable echo with our time.
Big Brother: A World Under Surveillance
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Under the pretext of fighting terrorism or crime, the major powers have embarked on a dangerous race for surveillance technologies. Facial recognition cameras, emotion detectors, citizen rating systems, autonomous drones… A security obsession that in some countries is giving rise to a new form of political regime: numerical totalitarianism. Orwell's nightmare.
The Lockdown: One Month in Wuhan
Tedros Ghebreyesus
On January 23, 2020, the Chinese authority imposed a lockdown in Wuhan, as well as other cities in the Hubei province, in an attempt to prevent the Corona-virus from spreading further across the nation.
Tiananmen: The People Versus the Party
Himself - Politician (archive footage)
The true story of the seven weeks that changed China forever. On June 4, 1989, pro-democracy demonstrations were violently and bloodily repressed. Thousands of people died, but the basis for China's future was definitely planted.
Moon: The Battles of Space
Self - Politician (archive footage)
July 20, 1969. Apollo 11 lands on the surface of the Moon. Such a feat was apparently performed to the greater glory of all mankind, but actually it marked the end of the space race disputed by the two great superpowers of the time in their eagerness to arrive before and the beginning of the spread of the Cold War into space. Nowadays, the struggle continues, but the main competitors and their purposes are others.
The World According to Xi Jinping
화씨 11/9: 트럼프의 시대
Self (archive footage)
2016년 11월 9일 트럼프의 미국 대통령 당선으로 이끈 미국의 가려진 이면, 플린트 워터 사건부터 플로리다주 총격 사건까지 우리가 몰랐던 미국의 민낯이 밝혀진다! "화씨 11/9"는 항상 논란의 중심에 서 있는 영화 감독 중 한 명인 마이클 무어가 2018년에 제작한 미국의 정치 다큐멘터리다. 마이클 무어는 이 작품에서 두 가지 질문을 던진다. 미국은 어떻게 해서 트럼프에게 대통령직을 맡겼는가, 그리고 어떻게 하면 트럼프 시대에서 벗어 날 수 있을 것인가.
불편한 진실 2
1000번이 넘는 강연을 바탕으로 기후변화 현상을 다룬 전작 불편한 진실이 주류 문화의 선두에 기후 변화 문제를 부각시킨 지 10년이 지난 지금, 이 작품은 그 어느 때보다도 이 문제가 우리 삶과 연관이 있음을 증명한다. 전편에서 예측하고 실제 발생한 사례를 중심으로 지구온난화에 대한 관심을 주장하며, 차세대 기후 전문가들을 교육하고 격려하기 위해 전 세계를 돌아다니는 앨 고어 전 부통령의 지칠 줄 모르는 노력이 소개된다. 놀랍고 충격적이며 흡입력 있는 이 후속편은 기후 변화 문제가 그 어느 때보다 심각하지만 해결책이 아직 우리 손안에 있음을 보여준다.
비포 더 플러드
기후변화로 변해가는 지구의 충격적인 모습을 담아냈다. 우리 모두가 개인으로, 하나의 사회로 기후변화가 초래한 비극적인 변화를 막기 위해 취할 수 있는 행동도 소개한다.
섀도 월드
Self - Politician (archive footage)
영국 항공방위 산업체 BAE와 록히드 마틴사에 대한 조사를 통해 세계 최고위층 사이에 무기 거래가 어떻게 이루어지고, 이와 관련된 부정부패가 외교 정책에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 다룬 다큐멘터리. 나아가, 영화는 무기 거래가 현재 우리가 알고 있는 국제 안보정세와 끊임없이 계속되는 전쟁의 국면을 어떻게 변화시키며, 이 같은 무기들이 우리를 어떻게 공격하고 미래 기술을 얼마나 위협하는지에 대해 경고한다. (2016년 제13회 EBS국제다큐영화제)
Our Queen at Ninety
Self (archive footage)
Documentary following the Queen and members of the British Royal Family.
The Xi Factor
Ahead of the state visit to Britain by Chinese Premier Xi Jinping, the BBC's China Editor Carrie Gracie retraces his remarkable career from living in a cave to becoming the most powerful Chinese leader in decades.
Sochi 2014 Olympic Opening Ceremony: Dreams of Russia
The opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympics took place at the Fisht Olympic Stadium in Sochi, Russia, on 7 February 2014. It began at 20:14 MSK (UTC+4) and finished at 23:02 MSK (UTC+4) This was the first Winter Olympics and first Olympic Games opening ceremony under the IOC presidency of Thomas Bach. The Games were officially opened by President Vladimir Putin. An audience of 40,000 were in attendance at the stadium with an estimated 2,000 performers. The ceremony touched upon various aspects of Russian history, and included tributes to famous Russians, such as Peter Tchaikovsky (1840–1893), Ukrainian-born Russian humourist, dramatist, and novelist Nikolai Gogol (1809–1852), filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein (1898–1948), ballet dancer Vaslav Nijinsky (1889–1950), and patron of arts, and founder of Ballet Russes, Sergei Diaghilev (1872–1929).