A pandemic that seemingly stops everything does not stop the human spirit. The six stories told in this film show that feelings like love, hate, sadness, loneliness, fear and hope bring out the best and worst in us in extreme circumstances. No illness, physical or soul, will prevent the confluence between people and their stories.
In an alternate reality, Fidel Castro uses genetic engineering to build the new man and thus save utopia. The experiment fails as these beings are highly intelligent but also cruel and uncontrollable. Rejected by their own creators, a group organizes a series of terrorist actions, and chaos reigns on the island. One of its members traces the origin of their genes and begins a journey to try to discover their humanity.
Desperate to support his family and crops, a Cuban farmer and music promoter gambles everything on a deal that appears too good to be true.
José Ángel Garrido
Santiago de Cuba, January 19th, 1819. Coming from Lausanne, Enrique Faber, a Swiss doctor and surgeon, arrives on the island, a Spanish province, hoping to find his son, who has been kidnapped…
1871년 11월 27일 쿠바 영토에서 일어난 가장 잔혹한 사건 중 하나인, 스페인 군대와 섬을 통치하던 스페인 부패 정부가 의대생 8명의 목숨을 앗아간 실화 사건을 바탕으로 제작된 영화
어린 시절 율리는 가난하고 버려진 아바나의 거리에서 배회한다. 그러나 그의 아버지는 아들이 춤에 천부적인 재능을 가지고 있다는 것을 알고 그를 쿠바 국립 발레 학교에 보낸다. 어린 나이부터 실력을 쌓아 가장 유명한 발레단에 캐스팅되며 최초의 흑인 댄서가 된다.
1991년, 소련이 붕괴되고 ‘미르’ 우주 정거장의 마지막 우주비행사 세르게이는 홀로 고립되어 지구로 귀환하지 못하고 있다. 쿠바의 철학교수인 세르지오는 집에서 무허가 무전을 하다가 우연히 우주에 있는 세르게이와 무선 교신을 하게된다. 세르지오는 어려움에 처한 세르게이를 지구로 귀환 시키기 위해 ‘NASA’와 함께 작전을 펼치고, 이는 역사에 남을 움직임이 되는데…
11살의 찰리는 마약중독자인 어머니와 살고 있다. 생계를 위해 투견을 훈련시키며 사실상 가장의 역할을 하는 그는 노선생 카르멜라를 마음으로 의지한다.
그러나 선생님이 병에 걸려 몇 달 동안 교실을 비우자 새로운 교사는 찰리를 감당할 수 없어 그를 교정시설로 보내려고 하는데…
The first gay-themed film produced in Cuba by the Institute of Cinema since Strawberry & Chocolate in 1993. The theme, however, is the same as in Guttiérerez and Tabìo's film: homophobia, machismo and fear. The fatal attraction between Alfredo, a doctor in the merchant navy, and handsome Carlos starts in a rundown Havana bar and ends at the sailor's house. But Alfredo's flirting and seducing of Carlos immediately turns into something complicated, ambiguous, dangerous. In a claustrophobic, tense atmosphere, their bodies are powerfully attracted, and the words, though violent, intensify the level of sensuality. Does each man kill the thing he loves? Evoking dreamlike atmospheres and characters, 80-year-old veteran director Enrique Pineda Barnet openly references Fassbinder's Querelle and Jean Genet. Quite controversial in its approach, the films demonstrates the milder attitude of Raul Castro's regime towards Cuba's LGBT Community.
In the manner of a well run Greek tragedy, leaving aside one of its components, dragging in its passing narrative certainty by the viewer that violent death is the hallmark of so much misfortune purifier, Los Dioses Rotos crowns the very successful arrival of Ernesto Daranas to the feature domains and with it, the team that accompanied him, including the actors.
Two love birds fly out of the cuckoo's nest in a stirring Spanish romance of mad love and doomed passion.
A man finds his image in a mirror, undertakes a discussion.