Film about the Bahian singer dives into the moment when shy Gracinha becomes Gal Costa, during the violent, innovative and mind-blowing years that helped shape Brazil's greatest singer.
The documentary tells the story of Sidney Magal's 50-year career. The most significant moments in the life of the singer, dancer, actor and voice actor who has become an icon of Brazilian popular music. The man behind the idol, from the point of view of the participants in the story.
A young Brazilian woman travels to indigenous, quilombola (communities founded in 19th century by runaway slaves), and rural communities, in search of the ancient wisdom of traditional midwives.
민주주의가 위기에 처한 시대, 그 위험을 경고하는 다큐멘터리. 《엘레나(Elena)》를 연출했던 페트라 코스타 감독은 정치적 사건들과 개인적 경험을 바탕으로 브라질 역사에서 가장 극적인 시기를 돌아본다. 감독은 이제껏 볼 수 없었던 내밀한 기록들을 바탕으로 전 대통령인 지우마 호세프와 룰라 다시우바 등 주요 정치 지도자들의 성장과 퇴장을 다루는 데 그치지 않는다. 감독 자신의 가족이 얽힌 정치와 업계의 과거사를 가감 없이 조명하면서 대립과 갈등만 남은 양극화된 사회를 깊이 있는 시선으로 응시한다.
While the differences in religious beliefs tend to separate and divide, the image of Nossa Senhora de Aparecida is like her cloak, covering and protecting the body of her followers. Aparecida has devout followers of all social classes, religions and regions of the country. Aparecida is a symbol of the maternal heart, kindness and tolerance. All people fit underneath the mother’s cloak. Aparecida goes beyond the church which she represents and transcends the differences so that all feel welcome in her home. The film is constructed by different characters that have emotional, relevant and particular stories about their faith in Aparecida.