Someone is blackmailing the CIA by assassinating foreign journalists and making it look like the agency is responsible. As the world begins to unite against the U.S., the CIA must lure its most brilliant – and rebellious – operative out of retirement, forcing him to confront his checkered past while unraveling an international conspiracy.
In 1981, all of Germany fears for the life of Johannes Erlemann, the eleven-year-old son of entrepreneur Jochem Erlemann, who was in custody on suspicion of fraud at the time of his son's abduction. The boy was snatched off his bicycle by his kidnappers, put into a van and then spend two terrible weeks in a shed in the forest fighting for his life having been chained to a wall and left without daylight, while the kidnappers try to extort a large ransom from his wealthy parents.
감옥에 갇힌 동생의 목숨값을 위해 불법 화물을 밀반입하던 베테랑 트럭 드라이버 '샐리'(줄리엣 비노쉬) 갱단에게서 마지막 화물로 떠맡은 여자아이가 갑자기 의뢰인을 총으로 죽이면서 '샐리'는 일생일대의 기로에 서게 된다. 한편 이 사건을 추적하던 50년 차 FBI '게릭'(모건 프리먼)은 예상보다 더 거대한 범죄의 실체를 포착하는데…
Produced in 17 different countries entirely virtually during the 2020 global pandemic, the film follows five characters based all over the world, connected only by their devotion to the late founder and tech titan Finley Hart. Forced to work together to shut down Hart’s most secret invention, a machine that is either the solution to mankind’s problems or the end of the earth.
When strange, supernatural murders suddenly become the talk a peaceful town, two detectives must solve a deadly game, but will the myth of this game reveal secrets too close to home.
외딴 집에 사는 부유한 그는 완벽한 미모의 섹시한 그녀를 만나고 격정적인 밤을 보낸다. 다친 그를 간호해주는 그녀에게 점점 빠져들고 어느새 그는 모든 정보와 재산을 하나씩 빼앗긴다. 자신의 집에 감금된 것을 깨달았을 때, 이미 가족까지 인질이 되었는데… 그녀에게 물렸다! 절대 벗어날 수 없다.
살인죄로 복역 후 출소한 루스. 과거를 용서해주지 않는 냉담한 사회에서 고통받던 그녀는 오래전 헤어져야 했던 동생을 찾으러 나선다.
Drew Davis
출판사를 운영하던 아빠가 치매로 요양원에 계셔 가업을 이어받은 엘리자베스는 뚜렷한 히트작을 내지 못해 회사가 매각될 처지에 빠진다. 그러다 오래전 아빠와 거래하던 작가 해리스를 만나게 돼 책을 출판하게 되는데..
Erzählerin Oana
Dr. Vanessa Fanning
환자가 스스로 목숨을 끊어 커리어에 문제가 생긴 정신과 의사의 가족이 죽은 환자의 오빠가 집으로 찾아와 함께 식사를 한 후 무서운 위협에 휘말리게 되는데...
환자가 스스로 목숨을 끊어 커리어에 문제가 생긴 정신과 의사의 가족이 죽은 환자의 오빠가 집으로 찾아와 함께 식사를 한 후 무서운 위협에 휘말리게 되는데...
Dr. Meg Holmes
묵살되는 진실 중독성이 없는 진통제를 출시하려는 제약회사의 추악한 진실을 알게 된 대학 교수 무너지는 희망
싸늘한 시체가 되어 돌아온 아들. 그 죽음의 배후를 찾아나선 엄마 끝이 없는 싸움
걷잡을 수 없는 시장, 국제마약밀매단을 잡기 위해 언더커버가 된 요원 전쟁보다 더 많은 사람들이 죽어가는 시대
우리는 중독되고 있다
사랑의 결실을 맺는 커플들을 위해 결혼식을 계획하는 웨딩플래너 ‘제시’는 스카이다이빙 중 다른 사람의 결혼식을 망쳐 ‘결혼 훼방꾼’이라는 유명인사가 되어버렸다. 커리어에 문제가 생긴 그녀는 보스턴 시장 후보의 와이프로부터 특별 의뢰를 받게 되고 이들을 위한 완벽한 결혼식을 계획하며 깐깐하기로 유명한 스타 셰프 ‘로렌스’를 찾아가는데… 진정한 사랑에 빠지고 싶은 당신을 위한 영화가 온다!
Sabine Stengele
Regina Vollmer
After years of being rejected by a famed dance university, Malou gets unexpected help to prove, that she's destined for a career as a dancer - despite every obstacle she encounters.
Woman in Orient Express
A young girl tries to help her grandfather, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s, navigate his increasing forgetfulness, and ends up going on a remarkable adventure with him.
A young author comes into possession of a manuscript sent by critically acclaimed writer, Germund Rein, shortly before he commits suicide.
Ulla Biggemann
Single mother Ulla is constantly worried about the well-being and safety of her teenage daughter Julia. Her father is much more carefree and has even bought her tickets to a concert in Italy. Ulla doesn't want her daughter to go alone with her best friend, but Julia ignores her mother's wishes and drives south without her permission. When they find out that the concert was only excuse to meet a boy she met on the internet, they set their differences aside and travel to Italy to find their daughter.
업계 최고의 다이아몬드 딜러 '루카스'(키아누 리브스)는 일생일대의 거래를 앞두고 러시아 시베리아에 도착한다. 하지만 그곳에선 ‘블루 다이아몬드’가 사라지고 완벽한 가짜 다이아몬드가 거래되고 있다. 사라진 다이아몬드와 현지 파트너 ‘표트르’를 찾던 ‘루카스’는 아름다운 여인 ‘카티야’의 도움을 받으며 사랑을 느끼지만 러시아 정부 요원의 위험한 제안으로 혼란에 빠진다. 이제 약속한 거래가 시작된다!
Linda Lehmann
After a disastrous performance and a philandering producer leave her publicly humiliated, a faltering pop star takes up work as a cleaning woman.
An aging comic icon, Jackie Burke, has seen better days. Despite his efforts to reinvent himself and his comic genius, the audience only wants to know him as the former television character he once played. Already a strain on his younger brother and his wife, Jackie is forced to serve out a sentence doing community service for accosting an audience member. While there, he meets Harmony, the daughter of a sleazy Florida real estate mogul, and the two find inspiration in one another, resulting in surprising consequences.
모든 재난에는 이유가 있다!
미국 전역에 퍼진 환경 문제를 조사하기 위해 볼리비아로 파견된 세 명의 과학자. 자신을 국가안전부 소속 직원이라고 소개하는 남자의 안내에 따라 비행기에 올라타고, 도착하자마자 무장 괴한들에게 소금사막으로 납치를 당한다. 그러나 그곳 주변에 위치한 활화산에서 이상 징후가 발견되면서 예상할 수 없었던 비밀이 드러나기 시작하는데...
Laura Sommerfeld
모든 재난에는 이유가 있다!
미국 전역에 퍼진 환경 문제를 조사하기 위해 볼리비아로 파견된 세 명의 과학자. 자신을 국가안전부 소속 직원이라고 소개하는 남자의 안내에 따라 비행기에 올라타고, 도착하자마자 무장 괴한들에게 소금사막으로 납치를 당한다. 그러나 그곳 주변에 위치한 활화산에서 이상 징후가 발견되면서 예상할 수 없었던 비밀이 드러나기 시작하는데...
The former boxer Ronald has lost his short-term memory after an accident. Now nothing is the same. Roland's world has no future, and the past only exists in his mind up until his accident.
Lena Fauch
Grace Shepherd (archive footage)
Emerald Green is the stunning conclusion to Kerstin Gier's Ruby Red Trilogy, picking up where Sapphire Blue left off, reaching new heights of intrigue and romance as Gwen finally uncovers the secrets of the time-traveling society and learns her fate.
가족과 함께할 시간도 없이 바쁜 ‘마이크’는 할로윈 데이를 맞아 모처럼 아들 ‘찰리’와 함께 즐거운 시간을 보낸다. 하지만 할로윈 카니발에서 찰리는 수수께끼 같은 말을 남기며 사라지고 완벽했던 마이크의 삶은 순식간에 무너져버린다. 아들의 실종 1년 후 할로윈은 다시 돌아오고, 마이크 앞에 찰리의 모습이 보이기 시작한다. 아들의 생존을 굳게 믿고 있는 마이크는 아동 실종 사건을 추적하던 중, 할로윈에 사라진 아이들 대부분이 돌아오지 않았다는 충격적인 사실을 알게 되는데…
Sabine Stengele
Based on explosive investigations, the thriller "Meister des Todes" ("Master of Death") tells of a German arms manufacturer and their questionable weapon exports to Mexiko.
Young industrialist Clemens Klina doesn't have time for his children and accidentally hires a man who actually came to him, seeking revenge, as a nanny for them.
Lena Fauch
Anna Bremer, Bundeskanzlerin
The story is a funny love story between Anna Bremer, the Bundeskanzlerin of Germany and Guy Dupont, the President of France.
Alone in a secluded mansion, Giacomo Casanova cries out then collapses. When the mysterious and beautiful writer, Elisa von der Recke, comes to visit, it breathes new life into the old man. A movie that captures the myth of the greatest seducer of all times, Casanova, his story is told both through fiction and on-stage opera performances that unravel the tale of his adventures, his passions, and ultimately his fear of death.
매일 같이 불행하다고 외치는 사람들을 만나는 런던의 정신과 의사 ‘헥터’, 과연 진정한 행복이란 뭘까 궁금해진 그는 모든 걸 제쳐두고 훌쩍 행복을 찾기 위한 여행을 떠난다. 돈이 행복의 조건이라고 생각하는 상하이의 은행가, 가족과 행복하게 살고 싶은 아프리카의 마약 밀매상, 생애 마지막 여행을 떠난 말기암 환자, 그리고 가슴 속에 간직해둔 LA의 첫사랑까지 ‘헥터’는 여행지에서 만난 수많은 인연들을 통해 그는 리스트를 완성해 나간다. 설레고 흥겹고 즐거운 그리고 때로는 위험천만하기까지 한 여행의 순간들, 진정한 행복의 비밀을 찾아 떠난 정신과 의사의 버라이어티한 어드벤처가 시작된다!
Grace Shepherd
루비레드의 속편
Victoria Philips
Lena Fauch
Minette Frei
Minette and Paul are married and seem to lead a happy family life. But when Paul began gradually to move away from his wife, it decides to spin and managed to watch the tryst he gave Nora, his new conquest, in a hotel room. The betrayed wife keeps to herself what she witnessed, even when it crosses the opera which was favored by her husband. Following a violent altercation between two lovers, the master mysteriously disappears. The former partner it makes contact with Minette and claims that Paul murdered Nora. To support his point, he shows Minette photo of a dead body could be that of the missing young woman ... A crossover lover-like thriller, where the characters and spectators alike struggle to discern truth from falsehood.
Sabine Müller
Thomas Müller is spotted by a marketing agency for his exceptional normality.
Grace Shepherd
시간 여행이 가능한 특별한 유전자를 가진 집안에서 그 능력을 물려받은 소녀 그웬돌린은 갑작스런 시간 여행으로 자신의 운명을 알게되고, 오랫동안 시간 여행자들을 지켜온 비밀결사조직은 그녀와 또 다른 시간 여행 능력의 소년으로 하여금 과거로 가서 이전의 시간 여행자들을 만나 중요한 임무를 수행토록 하는데...
Elizabeth Wells
전 유럽 여성들의 마음을 거머쥔 바이올리니스트 파가니니. 묘한 외모와 화려한 연주 기교로 보는 이로 하여금 숨을 멎게 만드는 그는 명성과 권력 보다 방탕한 생활만을 누리며 살아간다. 이런 그에게 어느 날 우르바니라는 인물이 나타나 달콤한 제안을 한다. “당신은 좋아하는 연주를 미친 듯하면 되오. 난 이 순간부터 당신을 주인으로 모시고 수족이 되어 몸 바쳐 일하겠습니다” 우르바니의 도움으로 파가니니는 곧 전 유럽의 가장 유명한 바이올리니스트가 되고, 지휘자 왓슨에 의해 런던에서의 단독 콘서트에 초청받게 된다. 런던에 도착한 파가니니는 왓슨의 딸 샬롯을 보는 순간 마음을 빼앗기게 된다. 하지만, 이 둘의 관계를 이용해 스캔들을 만들어 명성을 얻고자 한 우르바니. 다시는 돌이킬 수 없는 거대한 함정을 만들어 내기 시작하는데…
Frau Hobbs
Lena Fauch
Billi Cramer
Michael Schäffer is among the Westerners whose families are killed in the great tsunami while on holiday at Thailand's Phuket beach. So is Billi Cramer, who is less introvert and hence accepts a Greek international relief force therapist's advice to seek contact with a compatriot in the same position. They got on so well there may be a real relationship in the making, but the grief still weighs heavily.
Nora Wagner
Linda is a teenage girl whose own insecurities and frustrations lead her to viciously act out against others. By inviting Linda‘s boyfriend to her birthday party, Susanne unknowingly sets off a chain of horrific events. Is Linda a product of environment and circumstance or was she simply (in her own mother’s words) “born evil”?
Martina Weiss
Sylva Burian
In a luxurious cruise a woman recognizes the voice of the man who killed her husband 50 years ago during World War II. The reunion brings bitter memories in women. Based on the novel" The long wave after the keel" by Pavel Kohout.
Jakob, a soldier mistreated by the king finds in a well a mysterious blue light which turns out to be a stroke of genius. He merely wants to teach the king a lesson by asking him to temporarily stealing whatever the king values most. He doesn't expect to be brought the king's daughter...
Anna Waldmann
In New Zealand, a scientist, his family and down-on-his-luck investigator are trying to prove that the beaching of the local whale population is caused by activities of a corporation which is searching for natural gas in the area.
Marga Spiegel
Drama, based on the book "Retter in der Nacht", in which Marga Spiegel tells her memories: In Westfalia of 1943 Marga Spiegel, her husband and her daughter are about to be deported. Yet westfalian farmers help the jewish family, grant Marga and her daughter refuge under false names and hide her husband.
The Wild Chicks are slowly growing out of their youthful gang years and have to face the worries of growing up on the sidelines of a big class trip before graduation.
Frau Fogel
Before the war, in Berlin, Adam was an entertainer- cabaret impresario, magician, musician-loved by all until he finds himself in a concentration camp, confronted by Commandant Klein. Adam survives the camp by becoming the Klein's "dog", entertaining him while his wife and daughter are sent off to die. "Adam Resurrected" is the story of a man who once was a dog who meets a dog who once was a boy.
Hanna Kaiser
East Germany, 1988: working as a state security service agent, Jürgen Kaiser is loyal to the party line, but worried about his son Marco, a punk. As he is arrested after a concert, Marco is forced to join the army, where he surprisingly identifies with socialism and believes he has to defend his country against the capitalist enemy. While Jürgen is astonished, his wife Hanna and Marco's girlfriend Anja, supporting the civil rights movement, don't like his new attitude...
Lydia Seidel
Sara Bender
Based on a true story, Miguel Alexandre's two-part drama focuses on an East German woman and the fight for her children. Spring 1982: Sara Bender, living with her daughters Silvia and Sabine in the East German town of Erfurt, wants to marry her colleague Peter, but shortly before the wedding, her father is killed in a road accident. As the funeral takes place in West Germany, she isn't allowed to got there, so she starts planning to leave her communist home country forever. Trying to flee via Romania, she is caught by the secret service. After years in jail, Sara is ransomed by the West German government, but without her daughters. To draw the world's attention on her desperate situation, she starts demonstrating at the Berlin border crossing Checkpoint Charlie
A cheerful, amusing and melancholic look back at the Munich film festival from the perspective of the people who make up the film festival.
Five teenage girls navigate the twists and turns of their complicated emotional lives, and learn the secrets of the heart through their friendship.
Lena Jörning
Bertha Baetz
This drama is based on the childhood memories of Hans Jürgen Massaquoi, who was one of the few black native Germans in Nazi Germany. In 1935 at the age of nine, he lives with his German mother in a small flat in Hamburg's working class district Barmbek, while his father and grandfather had left the country. Although the boy is not persecuted by the Nazis and dreams of joining the Hitler Youth, his skin color makes him a target for racist abuse...
세기말의 흥분과 긴장감이 감돌던 1900년. 화려하고 관능적인 아르누보 스타일을 상징하는 클림트의 그림은 고국인 오스트리아 빈에서는 퇴폐적이라는 이유로 혹독한 야유를 받지만 파리는 환호와 찬사를 보낸다. 파리에서 열린 만국박람회에서 철학 이라는 작품으로 금메달을 수상한 클림트는 축하파티에서 프랑스 무희이자 여배우인 레아를 소개 받고 이때부터 그에게 터질듯한 영감과 고통을 동시에 안겨준 레아에 대한 열정이 시작된다. 환상의 뮤즈이자 에로틱한 이상, 육체적 욕망의 현신으로서 그녀는 클림트의 작품 속에 거울처럼 투영되고, 그녀의 아름다움과 여성성은 클림트로 하여금 사랑에 대한 영원한 탐색을 가능케 한다. 하지만 레아와 똑같이 생긴 또다른 레아가 등장하고 의문의 사나이가 자신을 그림자처럼 쫓자 클림트는 점차 환영에 시달리고 그의 정신적, 예술적 방황은 최고조에 이르게 되는데...
Sprotte is about 12 years old and has a "gang" with her three friends Frieda, Melanie and Trude. Together the girls take Care of Sprottes grandmothers chickens. The new girl in School, Wilma, wishes to join the group, which Melanie is very unhappy about, and on top of all of that they have an on going revalisasion with a group of boys. Sprottes grandmother is planning on slaughtering the chickens! Will the Wild Chicks put Down their war with the boys? And Will they be able to save the chicken?
Iris Hermann
Veronika Molin
Stefan Lindman is a police officer in Boros, Sweden. When his mentor and retired former partner Herbert Molin is brutally murdered in the remote town of Sveg, Lindman travels north to investigate. The more Lindman digs into the mysterious killing, the less he is sure to have known the man he feels so much indebted to...
Lena Koch
Anna Schweighofer
In WWII Munich, Anna works for a Nazi family as a nanny but secretly steals food and cigarettes and bring those to a Jewish family, who hides from the Nazis. One day, the family is discovered and only by chance can Anna save the family's only daughter, Franziska. Together they escape to Anna's native village where Anna tells everybody that Franziska is her daughter...
Nele (voice)
One of Europe's most beloved folk tale hero, Jester Till is the ultimate prankster embodying the simple wisdom and earthy humor of medieval European peasant folk. In this adventure tale, Till is on his way to the city to visit his grandfather, the slightly absent-minded wizard Marcus. The old man are brewing up a magical happiness potion he feels the townsfolk need. The potion however is tampered with and Marcus vanishes in a horrendous explosion. Till embarks on an adventurous quest to find him.
Sabine Winter
Bobby Kustermann is a young man with Down syndrome who lives in a loving family until his mother dies unexpectedly, leaving a hefty heritage. There is a dispute between Bobby's two siblings, Nanni and Johannes, as to whom could give Bobby a better home. Nanni and her husband Klaus would offer a “normal” family environment, but Klaus is only after the money. Johannes really wants to take care of Bobby and give him a home for the future. The problem is he is gay and lives with his partner Marc. The responsible offices don't like that at all. Only when the matter goes to court, do the parties to the dispute realize that this is mainly about Bobby's will and that he can actually best decide who he would like to live with in the future.
Comtesse Johanna
Young Remi, a foundling, lives on the farm run by his impoverished foster parents. When their money runs out, unbeknown to his foster-mother, Rémi is sold by his hard-hearted foster father to an old street performer named Vitalis. Vitalis was once a famous opera singer, but became destitute after a tragic love affair.
In an ethereal, high-ceilinged room, women stand, waiting. Perhaps it's Purgatory and they're dead. In the room, two young women, one an actress and the other a psychologist, watch the last few days of their lives on a TV screen. Both are having affairs with married men, each has a long encounter with her lover's wife, and both these scenes take place in a ladies' room, one backstage at a play that's about to preview, the other at an opera house during the first act. The relationships between each pair of younger and older women take surprising turns, and in the room with the TV, a sylph asks probing and challenging questions of the two young women as they watch.
Christiane Vulpius
The relationship between Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the great German writer, and Christiane Vulpius, a village girl, is one of the instantaneous and fiery passion. They lived together for 28 years, 18 of these living in sin, 10 a married couple. Christiane's rival, Charlotte von Stein, a former favorite of Goethe, begins plotting and scheming against her. Christiane puts up with countless insults and humiliations like having to 'disappear' with their son into the servants' quarters and to stay at home on official occasions. Goethe marries her when she saves his life during an attack by plundering Napoleonic soldiers. Her new social position as Goethe's wife is resented and envied by all. When she is openly attacked by the snooty, jealous people, Goethe is only half-hearted in coming to her defence. But she stays with him for he is her great love, even when she turns to the charms of many youthful admirers...
Maria Keller
Marlene is terrible with men. She tries to find a distraction by devoting herself entirely to her new job, where she finds her good-looking boss suddenly showing understanding for her. But that does not resolve the situation at home.
Luise Schumann
Zigeuner is on the hunt for the woman of his dreams, a woman who should also play the main role in the film. Meanwhile, ruthless producer Oskar Reiter wants to buy the film rights at all costs - and he is struggling for the love of the beautiful Valerie.
Trapped in a loveless arranged marriage to the immature future Czar, a young German Princess proves a skillful political infighter and rises to become Catherine the Great.
German Comedy
Franziska Herr-Gross
Dr. Kai Richardi
Tommie is the absolute loser in his home district of Cologne-Kalk: no money, no apartment of his own, no girlfriend. In the exhaust workshop where he toils, the foreman is constantly angry with him. But Tommie is in a great mood: The video freak dreams enthusiastically through the fantasy world of film art, preferably with the bust sex star Gianna S. in the leading role. Tommie collects exhaust pipes. When he steals a particularly capital specimen from Jupp's swank Mercedes, he gets into real trouble. He has no choice but to return the exhaust to Jupp, but his deadly ultimatum of procuring a case of the rare beer brand "Ramsdorfer Kölsch" by seven o'clock in the evening proves to be insanely difficult. Because at the very same time, "Gianna S." is expected in town...
Schtonk! is a farce of the actual events of 1983, when Germany's Stern magazine published, with great fanfare, 60 volumes of the alleged diaries of Adolf Hitler – which two weeks later turned out to be entirely fake. Fritz Knobel (based on real-life forger Konrad Kujau) supports himself by faking and selling Nazi memorabilia. When Knobel writes and sells a volume of Hitler's (nonexistent) diaries, he thinks it's just another job. When sleazy journalist Hermann Willié learns of the diaries, however, he quickly realizes their potential value... and Knobel is quickly in over his head. As the pressure builds and Knobel is forced to deliver more and more volumes of the fake diaries, he finds himself acting increasingly like the man whose life he is rewriting. The film is a romping and hilarious satire, poking fun not only at the events and characters involved in the hoax (who are only thinly disguised in the film), but at the discomfort Germany has with its difficult past.
Helga Stiegler
Maria embarks on a one-night stand with Lothar. Lothar proves to be a ruthless seducer and when Maria becomes pregnant, she sinks into a nightmare from which there seems to be no escape.
Geierwally is a musical comedy and a parody of traditional movies with regional background, especially the classic story of Geierwally.