Karen Shakhnazarov

Karen Shakhnazarov

출생 : 1952-07-08, Krasnodar, Krasnodarskiy kray, RSFSR, USSR [now Russia]

프로필 사진

Karen Shakhnazarov

참여 작품

Having accidentally committed a crime, Victor tries to evade responsibility and flees. He meets Nika and falls in love with her. The young people are trying to arrange Victor's illegal escape abroad, but events take an unexpected turn.
Having accidentally committed a crime, Victor tries to evade responsibility and flees. He meets Nika and falls in love with her. The young people are trying to arrange Victor's illegal escape abroad, but events take an unexpected turn.
디시젼: 리퀴데이션
러시아 연방 보안국 소속 요원인 이고르는 북 카프카스에서 극악한 테러범 샤밀 일당에게 붙잡혔다가 병사 한 명의 목숨과 맞바꿔 간신히 탈출한다. 2년 후, 트라우마에 빠져 있는 이고르에게 전 동료 라빌이 찾아와 테러 제거 작전에 함께할 것을 제안한다. 망설이던 이고르는 악순환의 고리를 끊기 위해 다시 카프카스로 향하는데…
Mot Ne
Based on a real case in Siberia, a woman lost in the taiga is forced to wander with several families engaged in hunting.
안나 카레니나: 브론스키 백작의 사랑
러일 전쟁이 발발하던 1900년 초반, 군의관 세르게이 카레닌은 우연히 브론스키 대령 소식을 듣게 된다. 브론스키를 찾아간 세르게이는 그동안 궁금했던 어머니와의 만남과 비극적인 죽음에 대해 묻고, 브론스키는 담담하게 30년 전 이야기를 들려주는데...
안나 카레니나: 브론스키 백작의 사랑
러일 전쟁이 발발하던 1900년 초반, 군의관 세르게이 카레닌은 우연히 브론스키 대령 소식을 듣게 된다. 브론스키를 찾아간 세르게이는 그동안 궁금했던 어머니와의 만남과 비극적인 죽음에 대해 묻고, 브론스키는 담담하게 30년 전 이야기를 들려주는데...
안나 카레니나: 브론스키 백작의 사랑
러일 전쟁이 발발하던 1900년 초반, 군의관 세르게이 카레닌은 우연히 브론스키 대령 소식을 듣게 된다. 브론스키를 찾아간 세르게이는 그동안 궁금했던 어머니와의 만남과 비극적인 죽음에 대해 묻고, 브론스키는 담담하게 30년 전 이야기를 들려주는데...
A House ‎for Rent with All the Inconveniences‎
Russian comedy drama
탱크 투 베를린
제2차 세계대전, 사형 선고를 받게 된 통신 장교 '오가르코프 세르게이 레오니도비치' 중위 그를 감시해야 하는 임무를 받은 ‘주르바예프’ 사형수와 감시자, 전혀 다른 두 사람은 목적지인 육군 본부로 향하면서 극적인 사건들과 마주하게 되는데..
탱크 투 베를린
제2차 세계대전, 사형 선고를 받게 된 통신 장교 '오가르코프 세르게이 레오니도비치' 중위 그를 감시해야 하는 임무를 받은 ‘주르바예프’ 사형수와 감시자, 전혀 다른 두 사람은 목적지인 육군 본부로 향하면서 극적인 사건들과 마주하게 되는데..
Goodbye Mom
A story about a chance encounter that momentarily destroyed a successful and happy family life. All of a sudden the woman found passion and desire more important than her loving husband and cherished child. The father and son suffer from the realization that they are no longer needed, but try to understand and forgive. The woman, who failed to become happy, is in turmoil.
In the Encirclement
Short film created from footage that has not been incorporated in the final cut of the film "The White Tiger" In June 1944 the Soviet arm encircled 53 army corps of General Gollwitzer in the Vitebsk area. The Germans fiercely defended themselves, and the Soviet army tightened the rina...
A young Tajik girl, Maija (Nilufar Faizieva), flies to Russia following her fiancé, Khamid(Makhsum Abdullaev), where he works as a guest worker and lives in the slums with other workers like him. He promises to marry her, but eventually leaves her with barely known people and returns back toTajikistan for a marriage arranged by his parents.
화이트 타이거: 최강 전차군단
제2차 세계대전이 펼쳐지던 1943년 여름, 소련군은 전차에서 온몸에 화상을 입은 군인 한 명을 발견하게 된다. 이 군인은 신체의 90%에 화상을 입었지만, 놀랍게도 완벽하게 회복됐고, 전차병으로 복귀하게 된다. 당시 소련군은 ‘화이트 타이거’라는 전설의 독일 전차로 인해 속수무책으로 기습을 당하고 있었다. 하지만 화이트 타이거의 공격으로 화상을 입었다가 기적적으로 살아난 나이데노프 하사는 전차의 이야기를 들을 수 있는 능력을 갖게 된다. 부상 회복 후 그는 화이트 타이거에 맞서 계속 전투를 벌이게 되고, 종전이 된 후에도 그는 계속해서 화이트 타이거에 맞설 준비를 한다.
화이트 타이거: 최강 전차군단
제2차 세계대전이 펼쳐지던 1943년 여름, 소련군은 전차에서 온몸에 화상을 입은 군인 한 명을 발견하게 된다. 이 군인은 신체의 90%에 화상을 입었지만, 놀랍게도 완벽하게 회복됐고, 전차병으로 복귀하게 된다. 당시 소련군은 ‘화이트 타이거’라는 전설의 독일 전차로 인해 속수무책으로 기습을 당하고 있었다. 하지만 화이트 타이거의 공격으로 화상을 입었다가 기적적으로 살아난 나이데노프 하사는 전차의 이야기를 들을 수 있는 능력을 갖게 된다. 부상 회복 후 그는 화이트 타이거에 맞서 계속 전투를 벌이게 되고, 종전이 된 후에도 그는 계속해서 화이트 타이거에 맞설 준비를 한다.
화이트 타이거: 최강 전차군단
제2차 세계대전이 펼쳐지던 1943년 여름, 소련군은 전차에서 온몸에 화상을 입은 군인 한 명을 발견하게 된다. 이 군인은 신체의 90%에 화상을 입었지만, 놀랍게도 완벽하게 회복됐고, 전차병으로 복귀하게 된다. 당시 소련군은 ‘화이트 타이거’라는 전설의 독일 전차로 인해 속수무책으로 기습을 당하고 있었다. 하지만 화이트 타이거의 공격으로 화상을 입었다가 기적적으로 살아난 나이데노프 하사는 전차의 이야기를 들을 수 있는 능력을 갖게 된다. 부상 회복 후 그는 화이트 타이거에 맞서 계속 전투를 벌이게 되고, 종전이 된 후에도 그는 계속해서 화이트 타이거에 맞설 준비를 한다.
Ward No. 6
Simultaneously nihilistic and heartening, Ward No. 6 is based on a story by Chekov, in which a psychiatric doctor becomes a patient in his own asylum. Updated to contemporary Russia, the film is a cocktail of anxieties and riddles, showcasing how easy it is to become what we fear most.
Ward No. 6
Simultaneously nihilistic and heartening, Ward No. 6 is based on a story by Chekov, in which a psychiatric doctor becomes a patient in his own asylum. Updated to contemporary Russia, the film is a cocktail of anxieties and riddles, showcasing how easy it is to become what we fear most.
Ward No. 6
Simultaneously nihilistic and heartening, Ward No. 6 is based on a story by Chekov, in which a psychiatric doctor becomes a patient in his own asylum. Updated to contemporary Russia, the film is a cocktail of anxieties and riddles, showcasing how easy it is to become what we fear most.
Vanished Empire
This story take place in Moscow during the 1970s and unfolds around the love triangle between two young men and a girl who study at the same university. They argue, make up, and face their first disappointments and victories. While busy with personal lives and loves, they miss foreseeing that the country in which they were born and live will soon disappear from the map.
Vanished Empire
This story take place in Moscow during the 1970s and unfolds around the love triangle between two young men and a girl who study at the same university. They argue, make up, and face their first disappointments and victories. While busy with personal lives and loves, they miss foreseeing that the country in which they were born and live will soon disappear from the map.
죽음이라는 이름의 기수
20세기 초 러시아, 조지는 사회주의 혁명활동을 벌이는 지하조직을 이끌며 러시아 전역에서 차르 체제의 고위 인사들을 암살한다. 그러나 이들은 가장 큰 임무였던 세르게이 알렉산드로비치 대공의 암살에 실패하게 되고, 혁명이라는 대의로 묶여 있던 개인들의 숨겨져 있던 욕망들이 하나씩 드러난다. 20세기 폭력의 역사에 대한 고찰을 담고 있는 웅장한 서사극으로, 러시아 혁명기의 혁명가이자 문필가였던 보리스 사빈코프의 자전적인 소설을 원작으로 하고 있다. - 제1회 충무로국제영화제
죽음이라는 이름의 기수
20세기 초 러시아, 조지는 사회주의 혁명활동을 벌이는 지하조직을 이끌며 러시아 전역에서 차르 체제의 고위 인사들을 암살한다. 그러나 이들은 가장 큰 임무였던 세르게이 알렉산드로비치 대공의 암살에 실패하게 되고, 혁명이라는 대의로 묶여 있던 개인들의 숨겨져 있던 욕망들이 하나씩 드러난다. 20세기 폭력의 역사에 대한 고찰을 담고 있는 웅장한 서사극으로, 러시아 혁명기의 혁명가이자 문필가였던 보리스 사빈코프의 자전적인 소설을 원작으로 하고 있다. - 제1회 충무로국제영화제
제2차 세계대전 때 소련연방 서부전선에서 독일군 진영에 침투해 활약하는 소련군 수색 대원들의 모습을 그리고 있다. 독일군의 저항으로 어려움을 겪던 소련군은 일군의 정찰대를 독일군 후방에 침투시켜 적을 공격하기로 한다. '즈베즈다'는 '별'이란 뜻의 러시아어로 영화에서 부대원들의 통신암호도 상용된다. 실화를 바탕으로 소련 부대원들의 영웅담을 생생한 화면과 감동적인 이야기로 전한다.
Poisons or the World History of Poisoning
A story of an actor named Oleg whose wife has been seduced by his neighbor. As he is thoroughly convinced of her infidelity, he would like to poison her. An old man named Prokhorov helps him to get rid of his wife by lecturing about famous deaths caused by poisoning. It is from Prokhorov we learn that many famous and not so famous like Cesare Borgia and Caligula were killed as they were poisoned.
Poisons or the World History of Poisoning
A story of an actor named Oleg whose wife has been seduced by his neighbor. As he is thoroughly convinced of her infidelity, he would like to poison her. An old man named Prokhorov helps him to get rid of his wife by lecturing about famous deaths caused by poisoning. It is from Prokhorov we learn that many famous and not so famous like Cesare Borgia and Caligula were killed as they were poisoned.
Day of the Full Moon
Day of the Full Moon, a series of vignettes from Russia past and present, summons the spirit of Ophuls’ La Ronde, Altman’s Nashville and Short Cuts, and the time-shifting strategies of Resnais (Mon Oncle d’Amérique) to tell provocative, connected stories illustrating the waltz of years and whim of memory. In 1948, a young man, a boy, and a waiter are captivated during the full moon by a mysterious woman in a lilac dress. The effects of this event ripple across the years, washing over more than 80 characters, including a disc jockey, a fairy princess, a gangster, Alexander Pushkin, and a nostalgic dog. But which of these are dreams, and which reality? Director Shakhnazarov continues his career-long focus on the intersection of past and present with this mysterious, exhilarating mosaic of humankind, which in the end both seduces and satisfies.
Day of the Full Moon
Day of the Full Moon, a series of vignettes from Russia past and present, summons the spirit of Ophuls’ La Ronde, Altman’s Nashville and Short Cuts, and the time-shifting strategies of Resnais (Mon Oncle d’Amérique) to tell provocative, connected stories illustrating the waltz of years and whim of memory. In 1948, a young man, a boy, and a waiter are captivated during the full moon by a mysterious woman in a lilac dress. The effects of this event ripple across the years, washing over more than 80 characters, including a disc jockey, a fairy princess, a gangster, Alexander Pushkin, and a nostalgic dog. But which of these are dreams, and which reality? Director Shakhnazarov continues his career-long focus on the intersection of past and present with this mysterious, exhilarating mosaic of humankind, which in the end both seduces and satisfies.
Who, If Not Us
This movie deals with two friends, 13-14 year old boys. One comes from a more or less stable home (although he is growing up with single mom) and another comes from a broken up family. One day the kids break into a store to pretty much have fun and get something to eat, short time after they get caught and one kid is sent to juvenile prison (14 year old) and another one is released to his being too young to be tried (13 years old). The younger kid feels bad about such decision, feels guilty and tries to help his friend in any way possible. While trying to help he is meeting a guy, who is ex-cop and now down-on-his-luck drunk(played by Priyomykhov himself)... the two become friends. In the finale, the ex-cop has to go one of the PTA meeting at school (his mother could not get away from work and knows nothing about the ex-cop) where suddenly his mother appears and meets the "father"...
Привет от Чарли-трубача
American Daughter
A lonely Russian man is trying to see his daughter, who lives with her mother far away in the USA.
American Daughter
A lonely Russian man is trying to see his daughter, who lives with her mother far away in the USA.
Russian countess in 1893 has strange dreams about herself living a life as a dishwasher in 1993' Moscow after dissolution of the USSR.
Russian countess in 1893 has strange dreams about herself living a life as a dishwasher in 1993' Moscow after dissolution of the USSR.
Russian countess in 1893 has strange dreams about herself living a life as a dishwasher in 1993' Moscow after dissolution of the USSR.
The Children of Iron Gods
The films hero is a metal worker named Ignat who is as strong and tough as the steel that his sprawling factory produces in the Ural Mountains. Its a great cheerless environment; life is arduous and dangerous; conditions at the plant are nearly subhuman. The only excitement in the grimy industrial town is provided by robbing a train at gunpoint or stealing sheep from the Bashkiri tribe. The most renowned diversion, however, is the annual fist fight between the strongest metal worker and the strongest miner from the region. Against his better judgment, but with the support of his co-workers, Ignat decides to take part in this perilous venture.
White King, Red Queen
White King, Red Queen is a Russian film. The composer Isaak Schwarz won a Nika Award from the Russian Academy of Cinema Arts and Sciences for the film's music.
Assassin of the Tsar
A new doctor from Moscow arrives at a provincial mental institution. His interest is the peculiarities of the psyche of a patient who believes that he is Yakov Yurovsky, the man who assassinated the last Russian tsar. In the course of their conversations it transpires that the patient is a kind of philosopher, not without a gift for suggestion. In a while the doctor himself falls under his patient’s influence: he tends to relive that fatal night of June 16-17, 1918 when, without any investigation or trial, Tsar Nicholas II, who had recently abdicated, was murdered, together with his wife, daughters and incurably ill heir. Soon the doctor realizes that the tragedy of the last Russian tsar is in part his own tragedy, too...
Assassin of the Tsar
A new doctor from Moscow arrives at a provincial mental institution. His interest is the peculiarities of the psyche of a patient who believes that he is Yakov Yurovsky, the man who assassinated the last Russian tsar. In the course of their conversations it transpires that the patient is a kind of philosopher, not without a gift for suggestion. In a while the doctor himself falls under his patient’s influence: he tends to relive that fatal night of June 16-17, 1918 when, without any investigation or trial, Tsar Nicholas II, who had recently abdicated, was murdered, together with his wife, daughters and incurably ill heir. Soon the doctor realizes that the tragedy of the last Russian tsar is in part his own tragedy, too...
제로 시티
구 소련의 페레스트로이카 시대에 만들어진 가장 중요한 영화 중 하나인 이 작품은 스탈린 시대에 대한 코믹한 풍자와 개인의 정체성에 대한 고민을 담고 있는 흥미로운 우화이다. 모스크바의 기술자 바라킨은 지역에서 생산되는 에어컨 부속품 관련 지도를 위해 공장이 있는 작은 마을에 도착한다. 하지만 비서는 나체로 그를 반기고, 식당에서는 요리사가 권총으로 자살하는 등 마을은 엽기적이고 이상한 분위기로 가득하다.
제로 시티
구 소련의 페레스트로이카 시대에 만들어진 가장 중요한 영화 중 하나인 이 작품은 스탈린 시대에 대한 코믹한 풍자와 개인의 정체성에 대한 고민을 담고 있는 흥미로운 우화이다. 모스크바의 기술자 바라킨은 지역에서 생산되는 에어컨 부속품 관련 지도를 위해 공장이 있는 작은 마을에 도착한다. 하지만 비서는 나체로 그를 반기고, 식당에서는 요리사가 권총으로 자살하는 등 마을은 엽기적이고 이상한 분위기로 가득하다.
Ivan Mirosnikov, a cheeky young man in the Gorbachev era, is trying to figure out what to do with his life (he's not in college, and the 2-year mandatory military service is looming large ahead of him). Meanwhile, he lives with his divorced mother, and works as a courier at a Russian newspaper. Through his job, he meets patronizing Professor Kuznetzov and his rebellious daughter Katya. To annoy the professor, Ivan claims to have an affair with Katya. To his surprise, Katya backs his story up.
Ivan Mirosnikov, a cheeky young man in the Gorbachev era, is trying to figure out what to do with his life (he's not in college, and the 2-year mandatory military service is looming large ahead of him). Meanwhile, he lives with his divorced mother, and works as a courier at a Russian newspaper. Through his job, he meets patronizing Professor Kuznetzov and his rebellious daughter Katya. To annoy the professor, Ivan claims to have an affair with Katya. To his surprise, Katya backs his story up.
Winter Evening in Gagry
A young romantic loves step dance but there is only one person who knows this forgotten art. Beglov was a step dance super star back in 50s but as step became unpopular he lost everything. He hates even this word - 'chechotka' (step dance). But somehow the young man convinces him to become his coach and manager.
Winter Evening in Gagry
A young romantic loves step dance but there is only one person who knows this forgotten art. Beglov was a step dance super star back in 50s but as step became unpopular he lost everything. He hates even this word - 'chechotka' (step dance). But somehow the young man convinces him to become his coach and manager.
We're from Jazz
A music student is expeled from school because he loves jazz, a kind of music that represents the US capitalism. He hires two street musicians to form a dixie band, and goes from one city to another trying to gain fame.
We're from Jazz
A music student is expeled from school because he loves jazz, a kind of music that represents the US capitalism. He hires two street musicians to form a dixie band, and goes from one city to another trying to gain fame.
Ladies Invite Gentlemen
Anna Pozdnyakova is already over 30 years old and, despite the fact that she is kind and pretty, she cannot find herself a man with whom she could find family happiness. Already it seems like a suitable candidate in the person of a prominent military man, Viktor, has taken a liking, but at first sight he falls in love with Anna's friend Raisa and marries her. Then Anya takes out a vacation at her own expense and goes south to Sochi.
Kind Men
Based on the play of the same name by Leonid Zorin. Gordei Kabachkov, a professional con man, decided to pursue a career in science and was very successful. Having settled in a certain Institute of Ancient Culture, he easily wraps his finger around the numerous "kind men" - members of the academic council - and defends his thesis. Using his "talents" and the kindness of the staff of the Institute of Ancient Culture, Kabachkov makes a rapid take-off on the career ladder...
Шире шаг, маэстро!
One day in the life of doctor.