Yuriy Galtsev

Yuriy Galtsev

출생 : 1961-04-12, Kurgan, USSR

프로필 사진

Yuriy Galtsev

참여 작품

До рассвета
To the Stars!
Boris Kostikov is an absolutely ordinary guy. An unfinished higher education, a junior manager position, a mortgage, a disgruntled wife, watching football on weekends - nothing sets him apart from millions of people on the planet. But one evening Boris's usual life changes, the secret services report that he was chosen to introduce our civilization to alien guests. What is it: a hoax or the truth? What do you need to do in the last week on earth? And what will he tell you about our universe? What is the meaning of life?
Здравствуй, Дедушка Мороз!
A Moscow journalist is sent to prepare a report on the work of Santa Claus on New Year's Eve. Dressed in the suit and beard of the main New Year's wizard, he gets home to the boy Sasha, to whom he promises to fulfill his desire - to return his dad.
The Everlasting Story
Water (voice)
It’s a magical story about the incredible adventures of the young warrior called Koshi. There is only one goal in his life – to defeat the White Shadow, a monster who made him an outcast. But everything changes when Koshi meets a young dryad and circus actress May. By chance the destiny of all fairy creatures ends up in their hands, and now they have to make a tough choice between their own lives and saving the world from Ancient Evil.
레프 야신
Director of school
러시아의 소련 시기에 평범한 노동자 계급이었던 소년 시절을 보낸 레프 야신은 어릴 적부터 밤낮으로 축구를 해왔고 그라운드의 최전방 수비수인 골키퍼가 되는 것이 그의 유일한 꿈이었다. 야신의 천부적 재능은 유소년시절부터 뛰게 된 축구 경기 에서도 단연 돋보였고 ‘거미손’라는 별칭이 생길 만큼 골을 막아 승률을 높이는 데 큰 역할을 해내며 구단주들의 눈에 띄어 축구계의 유망주로 입지를 굳혀간다. 선수로 활약하며 주요 축구 대회에서 수상을 하는 데 큰 공을 세우기도 하고 디나모 대표팀과의 첫 경기에서 어이없이 내어준 골로 인해 2년 동안 벤치 생활을 하는 등 굴곡진 선수 시절을 보낸다. 하지만 야신은 포기하지 않고 주전으로 돌아가기 위해 혹독한 훈련을 받은 뒤 1960년 유러피안 컵 소련 국가대표로 선발된다. 이후 1962년 칠레 월드컵에서 칠레에 패해 8강에서 탈락한 뒤 선수 경력이 끝날 위기에 처하지만 1963년 런던에서 열린 세계 올스타 팀 경기에서 활약하여 야신의 위상은 다시 높아지기 시작하는데…
Однажды в Америке, или Чисто русская сказка
The whole life of the recent provincials, and now Muscovite Katie - one continuous selfie with a series of celebrities. Any intrigues for the sake of likes, any exploits in the name of “star instagram” status. But, the number of subscribers is still not enough and for the sake of the cherished goal, she goes to St. Petersburg to take a selfie with a mysterious artist who hides her identity, and thereby blow up the Internet. And at this time at the airport, a respectable stranger asks Katya to hand over the usual envelope to an unknown recipient ...
Save Pushkin
Alexander Pushkin survives in duel. Young inventors of time machine transfer him to XXI century. But, there are too much dangers in modern world. Moscow teenagers must save great russian poet.
Zico (voice)
신비롭고 외딴 어느 산 속, 푸른 초원과 언덕 사이 한 쪽 마을에는 평온한 양 무리가, 근처 협곡에는 늑대 무리가 살고 있었다. 어느 날, 늑대의 리더는 전통에 따라 경쟁을 통해 후계자를 뽑겠다고 발표하고, 늑대 무리에서 가장 인기가 많은 그레이는 악당 늑대 라키와 경쟁을 하게 된다. 하지만 그 누구보다 강하고 유머감각도 풍부한 그레이는 진지하지 못한 탓에 다들 차기 대장감으로 생각하지 않았고, 그건 그레이의 여자친구 비앙카도 마찬가지였는데… 결국 비앙카의 사랑도 되찾고 차기 대장이 되기 위해 마법의 숲으로 향하게 되고, 그 곳에서 미래를 볼 수 있다는 마법사 토끼를 만나게 된다. 마법사 토끼는 그레이에게 신비로운 마법의 물약을 주고 그레이는 그걸 마신 후 양으로 변해버리게 되는데… 과연, 양이 되어버린 그레이는 자신의 몸을 되찾고 늑대 무리의 후계자가 될 수 있을까?
Развод по собственному желанию
12 Months. A New Tale
Girl of our time gets into a dreamlike world. The middle of winter, she shall bring out of the woods bouquet of snowdrops to come New Year, which decided to cancel the evil royal advisor. And only then did she return to her parents.
The Mystery of the Four Princesses
A funny fairytale about bravery, loyalty and love.
Corporal vs. Napoleon
Napoleon has decided to declare war to the world. When he approaches Moscow, the Russian military tries to outfox him: they send a beautiful woman to Napoleon who is supposed to seduce him, so he will think about making love, not war.
Новогодний мюзикл "Морозко" создан по одноименной старой сказке! Мать юной Настеньки умерла, и девушка осталась с отцом, который вскоре женился на другой женщине. Мачеха оказалась злой и ворчливой женщиной, и заставляла Настеньку делать всю грязную работу по дому. А однажды рассердилась так, что велела мужу отвезти Настю в лес и оставить там замерзать. В лесу добрая девушка встретила Морозко, старый волшебник одарил девушку драгоценными подарками за ее ласку и приветливость...
Club of Happiness
Ilya Maksimovich
As many other girls young Katya arrives to St. Petersburg trying to become a big star but until it happens she finds a job as a barman in a prestigious night club.
A Man from Boulevard des Capucines
A comedy about Masha First (the grand-granddaughter of Johnny First) who comes to Russia from USA trying to make her own movie.
Золотой ключик
TV musical based on popular Russian fairy tale with many famous artists. The evil cabaret owner Karabas-Barabas has deviously enslaved a trio of dolls with an enchanted contract. But Buratino (Russian Pinocchio) has fallen in love with one of them and searches for the Golden Key, which will free them all by making them human.
Irina Allegrova. Confessions of an Unbroken Woman
For the first time in many years, the singer opened the veil of secrets of her personal life and Russian show business. Such an Allegrova has never been seen before. This is a real musical performance, in which each number is a separate story. Irina Allegrova tells the story of a woman-on behalf of a woman and for her. After all, who but a woman knows what she wants most?
The Best Movie 2
фаворит Екатерины Великой
Russian comedy film. Continuation of 2008 The Best Movie film, spoofing such famous Russian films as Zhara, The Irony of Fate 2 and TV-programs: Malakhov+, King of Ring and Taxi.
A musical and somewhat updated version of the old "Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish of Pushkin." The old man and the Old woman are touting the girl as husbands of the enviable groom of the “blah blah blah-city and gla-gla-gla-glamorous” handsome man. In order to please Maryushka, he arranges a real rout in a fashion boutique, choosing his outfits and driving madly unhappy saleswomen. Other grooms also marry to the beautiful Maryushka. But Maryushka love Ivanushka the fisherman and she will find her happiness only thanks to the Goldfish ...
Hitler's Kaput!
A Russian WW2 spy spoof following misadventures of a clueless Soviet secret agent trapped inside Hitler's inner circle.
This fairy tale takes place on the New Year's Eve. Elka, a polar bear cub, finds a Magic Tunnel of Friendship near his home. This Tunnel connects the Northern and the Southern Poles. With the help of the Tunnel, Elka gets a friend - a penguin girl Tasha. She tells Elka that Antarctica, her motherland, is in a great danger, since evil people have been stealing the snow which is almost all gone by now. Elka and Tasha leave immediately to save Antarctica. At the Southern Pole, the brave polar bear cub and the little penguin will find true friends and experience the most unbelievable adventure of their lives. Written by Tatiana Didusenko
The return of the prodigal husband
Pasha (an avid mountaineer at heart) and Lisa, who lived together for twenty years and raised two children, suddenly realize that their ardent love is almost gone, and they understand each other badly. It happens in any family. But in some families, these crises are somehow resolved, and everything rolls on the usual track. Our heroes are quite unexpectedly tightened in such a cycle of events that takes your breath away! In the year of the twentieth anniversary wife puts an ultimatum — either I or mountains. And that's just when my husband is going to go to the mountains for the last time....
Russkie Dengi
Хозяйка большого, но расстроенного поместья Меропия Мурзавецкая держит всю свою вотчину в железном кулаке: не спускает лести, подхалимства и слывет на всю округу святой строгой благодетельницей. Но и у нее есть своя слабость — племянник Апполоша, пропойца и неудавшийся хохмач, выгнанный с военной службы за мелкие пакости. Чтобы поправить своё положение и наконец-то пристроить племянника, Меропия решает женить его на богатой соседке, хорошенькой вдовушке Евлампии Купавиной, и ради этого идет на череду подлогов и лжи. Несмотря на то, что Апполон вместо решительного предложения руки и сердца лишь занимает у Купавиной пять рублей на «табачок-с», задумка Мурзавецкой близка к завершению, и наивная овечка Евлампия со всем своим капиталом и необъятными лесами почти оказывается в пасти деспотичной помещицы. Но когда Мурзавецкая уже не сомневается в успехе своей аферы, появляется Василий Беркутов, давний ухажёр Купавиной, прирожденный предприниматель и делец…
Poor Baby
It's a reflection on whether the Fairy Tale, Dream and Love can survive today and whether they have a place in the modern world. More precisely, in those little worlds into which this world is split, each of which has its own laws, its kings and presidents, like in a toad swamp, its own security and accounting, like in the hole of the Mouse and the Mole. The action of the new fairy tale largely reflects modern reality, there is a lot of humor, satire and a little sadness in it.
Первый Скорый
Новогодний киллер
Dunno and Barrabass
In 1901, a young elf matches wits with a masked villain in an animated adventure set in a world of mechanical air ships, classic automobiles, and other curious inventions.
The Nutcracker and The Mouseking
The fairytale story revolves around a young prince who - along with his entourage - is turned into a nutcracker through his own ungrateful and selfish behaviour, and awaits a kindly soul who'll release him from the spell. The mouse-king seeks the magic that made this happen so that he can become all-powerful. The prince (now a nutcracker) finds hope in the form of a girl who risks everything to help him become real again, while the mouse-king and his armies do everything they can to steal the magic for themselves.
Timur & his commando$
Pasha, "Limousine"
The Sorochinsk Fair
The Priest
New Year's television musical film based on the story of the same name by Nikolai Gogol. A funny and romantic story develops during a grandiose fair.
The Tale of Fedot, the Shooter
Spanish ambassador
Fedot the Shooter is sent by the Czar to find some special food for the foreign ambassador's visit. During the hunt Fedot meets his love Marusya - the magical bird-woman. Evil Czar and his no-less-evil sidekick General with the help of the local witch Yaga try to eliminate Fedot by giving him more and more complex quests and to take Marusya to Tsar's palace. Marusya helps Fedot to solve the quests successfully.
The Lord of the Puddles
Funny adventures of a young computers genius Romka and his two friends in a virtual world.
Love Is Evil
Kostya, a young man who is deeply in love with Veronika is going to introduce her to his parents. But not everything is going according to the plan...
Видный государственный деятель заказывает спецслужбам убийство некоего банкира, собирающегося баллотироваться в президенты. Идеальный киллер должен быть вынут из зоны, где сидит за убийство, и должен молчать. Голубчик отбывает 15 лет за случайную смерть пьяного генерала на охоте. Также он известен по кличке "Немой". Лучше его не придумаешь. Но идеальный киллер выходит из под контроля.
История про Ричарда, Милорда и прекрасную Жар-птицу
Beautiful stranger
Strangers on a train. Late in 1916, a brave and idealistic Russian officer in his 20s comes to his superiors' attention when he stands up to Rasputin at a nightclub. He's asked to carry important papers from Petersburg to Stockholm by train in the dead of winter, a dangerous mission. The first-class carriage may be full of spies, and soon after the train embarks, the man in the next compartment searches Obozow's luggage. A beautiful stranger approaches him, a woman older than he, on a concert tour; a game of cat and mouse ensues with patriotism and emotion sometimes on opposite sides. Can Obozow consummate the affair, reach Stockholm, and maintain his ideals?
Jack Vosmyorkin, American
Playback Singer
Jack Vosmyorkin, young American with Russian origins decides to return to Russia in order to watch October Revolution in action.
Jack Vosmyorkin, American
Jack Vosmyorkin, young American with Russian origins decides to return to Russia in order to watch October Revolution in action.