Seiji Matsuoka



참여 작품

Kamasutra The Ultimate Sex Adventure
Hidden deep in the ancient Himalayan Mountains, a beautiful Princess is found in the ice. Frozen, but still alive, the quirky Dr. Aikawa revives the sensual Princess in his own special way. Now that the lovely Princess Surya has been brought back to life, the fun begins. With love struck eyes, Ryu, Dr. Aikawa's son, decides he must master the 48 positions of the ancient art of love, as described in the classic Indian text, the Kama Sutra. But little does he realize how much trouble a beautiful Princess can be, until he finds he must protect her from the vicious Indian cult, the Mali Clan.
Secretary Rope Discipline
Secretary Sayo does some corporate snooping for her boyfriend, an upstart executive with a rival company. But she gets busted by the CEO. Poor Sayo is captured and taken to a private torture chamber in the corporate mansion. While the secretary gets punished, the bossman's son becomes infatuated with her beautiful white skin and he assumes the disciplinary responsibilities. Between the floggings, stretchings, and wooden-horse tortures he finds time to cover her body in an elaborate tattoo.
Blazing Bondage Lady
A young wife with a very ordinary life finds herself involved in a world of nightmarish grudges due to her husband's scandal.
도라에몽: 진구의 공룡대탐험
비실이의 화석자랑으로 시작된다. 진구는 화석을 보고 싶어하지만 다른 애들이 다 본후, 비실이가 화석을 정리한다. 덕분에 구경도 못한 진구는 열받아서 공룡 화석을 찾아내갰다고 한다. 물론 비웃음당하고, 늘 그랬듯 도라에몽에게 사정하지만 될리가 없고, 싫은 소리진실만 듣는다. 또 열받은 진구는 자기 힘으로 화석을 찾아내려 한다. 결국 여차저차해서 공룡알 화석으로 보이는 것을 찾아내고, 타임 보자기를 써본 결과 진짜 공룡알 화석인 것이 밝혀진다. 이후 약간의 고생을 거쳐 공룡이 부화한다.
Ashita no Yuusha tachi
Apartment Wife: Violated Skin
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Fascination: Portrait of a Lady
Hisako Ōuchi (Naomi Tani) is the sexually-frustrated wife of the older art academy Professor Ōuchi (Minoru Ōkochi). Ōuchi is a repressed conservative who disdains modern art, and expels Kazuo Kobayashi (Tachiki Bessho), a student who specializes in SM painting. Hisako becomes obsessed with the expelled student, and has an affair with him. Kazuo and Hisako retire to a cabin in the countryside where they indulge in SM activities.
Female Convict 101: Suck
Nikkatsu Films sensation Naomi Tani (FLOWER AND SNAKE) stars as a troubled ex-prostitute turned barkeep enchanted by the love of a younger man named Kenichi. After trusting a violent junkie to help with her young lover’s singing career, she is sent to prison for murder. Now known only as Prisoner 101, she spends her days in the dirty prison system full of violent guards and sexually-aggressive inmates.
새장속의 여인
제2차 세계 대전 후반기 일본 헌병대장인 무라야마 판사가 자신의 지위를 이용해 자신이 관심 있는 여성들을 거짓으로 고발, 체포, 감금, 고문한다. 상류층 여성 사업가 기쿠시마 나미지도 그런 여성 중 한 명이다. 키쿠시마는 자신의 긴자 보석 가게를 반정부 단체에 자금을 대는 데 사용한 혐의를 받고 있다. 무라야마 판사는 기쿠시마 부인을 체포하고, 신병 타오카에게 고문을 명령한다. 타오카는 키쿠시마를 사랑하게 되고, 처음에는 그녀를 고문하는 것을 싫어하게 되고, 점점 키쿠시마를 즐기게 된다. 오랜 고문과 굴욕 끝에 판사가 자신의 비뚤어진 도덕성을 옹호하는 동안 타오카는 기쿠시마 부인의 탈출을 위해 자신을 희생한다.
Tattooed Flower Vase
Ms. Yoshino, respectable lady and attractive widow, leads a quiet and peaceful life with her teenage daughter Takako. However, their lifes change radically when fate confronts both with the young Hideo. While spending time with Takako, the latter is more attracted to her mother, and she in turn starts to feel the same, because he reminds her of his late father, a kabuki actor with whom she had an affair in the past.
순진한 도서관 사서 야시로는 잔업을 마치고 늦은 시간에 집으로 돌아가다 강간을 당한다. 그후 야시로는 헤픈 여자라는 소문과 함께 자포자기 상태로 많은 남자들과 섹스를 하면서도 첫남자인 강간범을 잊지 못하는데....
Lesbian no joô: Zoku Kiri Kaoru
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Housewife's Experience: Tenement Apartment 2
Roman Porno from 1975.
Nun's Heaven
Roman Porno from 1975.
Star of the Giants - Fateful Showdown
Hyuma, who completed the magic ball and big league ball, and his fateful rival, Mitsuru Hanagata. The confrontation between these two people. In other words, the traditional giant vs. Hanshin Tigers ... The whereabouts of this game and the fate of Hyuma's big league ball ... Also, what is Kawakami's prophecy that "a terrifying thing will happen at the end"! !!
Star of the Giants - Big League Ball
Hyuma joined the glorious giant army. However, while he was happy, he revealed his fatal weakness, the lightness of the ball, and was demoted to the second army. In his humiliating farm life, he finally completes the changing ball "Big League Ball No. 1". And whereabouts of the confrontation with his fateful rival, Mitsuru Hanagata, Toyosaku Samon ...
대괴수 갓파
Islander 3
외딴섬으로 탐험을 떠난 사람들은 원주민이 신으로 숭배하는 갓파라는 존재의 알을 발견하여 도쿄로 가지고 온다. 알이 부화한 뒤 나타난 것은 날개 달린 도마뱀의 모습이었다. 고질라와 가메라에 필적할 갓파의 국내 첫 공개.