Lorella Cravotta

Lorella Cravotta

출생 : 1958-04-09, Molières-sur-Cèze, Gard, France


Lorella Cravotta (born 9 April 1958) is a French comedian and actress. She is best known for her role in the cult TV series Les Deschiens (1993–2002), in which she appears alongside Yolande Moreau. Source: Article "Lorella Cravotta" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.

프로필 사진

Lorella Cravotta

참여 작품

블러디 오렌지스
같은 시각 프랑스, 빚더미에 앉은 노부부는 록 대회에서 우승하려 하고, 장관은 탈세 혐의로 의심받으며, 어린 십 대 청소년은 성도착자인 남자를 만난다. 곧 긴 밤이 시작된다. 개들은 풀려났다.
바이 바이
고등학교 졸업 후 줄리앙은 추억은 남겨둔 채 더 멋진 인생을 살기 위해 고향을 떠나 수도로 갔다. 그러던 어느 날, 그는 고향으로 돌아가야 하는 일이 생겼고 페피토 쿠키를 먹자마자 잊었던 추억이 한 번에 떠오른다.
Two Snails Set Off
A forest full of animated animals encourage a pair of snails, who are fully clad in black because they are in mourning for a dead leaf, to celebrate the new spring and reclaim the colors of life. Based on the children's poem by Jacques Prévert entitled "Chanson des escargots qui font à l'enterrement" ("Song of the snails who are on their way to a funeral").
Repas de famille
Auguste Lumière directs four workers in the demolition of an old wall at the Lumière factory. One worker is pressing the wall inwards with a jackscrew, while another is pushing it with a pick. When the wall hits the ground, a cloud of white dust whirls up. Three workers continue the demolition of the wall with picks.
Les pieds dans le plat
Esther Benhaim
Brassens, la mauvaise réputation
Elvira Brassens
초콜릿 로맨스
젊고 아름다운 초콜릿 장인 앙젤리크는 일상에서 불편을 느낄 만큼 지나치게 소심하고 감정적이다. 우연히 작은 초콜릿 공장에 취직하게 된 그녀와 사장인 장르네는 서로 호감을 느끼지만, 그 또한 앙젤리크와 마찬가지로 작은 일에도 지나치게 긴장하는 성격이다. 초콜릿을 사랑한다는 공통점이 있지만 서로 선뜻 다가서지 못하는 단점도 닮은 두 사람은 과연 행복한 커플이 될 수 있을까? 로 낯익은 이자벨 카레와 의 브누아 포엘부르데의 사랑스러운 연기 앙상블, 달콤한 초콜릿 이미지의 향연이 즐거움을 선사할 로맨스 영화. (2016년 제2회 서울국제음식영화제)
Sex, Okra & Salted Butter
An extramarital affair leads to Hortense’s separation from her very traditional African husband, who is in for a ride as he learns about her love affair, his eldest son’s secret love life, and the responsibilities of single parenthood.
Never Say... Never!
Paris, 1830. Valentin loses himself in alcohol, gambling and women. He does not believe in life and especially not in love. His uncle Van Buck believes only in the virtues of money and trade. Everything separates them until the day when Van Buck, to improve his public image, wants to make Valentin marry the young and impoverished Baroness Cécile. Valentin, who has absolutely no desire to get married, bets that he can easily seduce her in 24 hours and thus prove that she, like all the others, is not worth loving... But Cécile, who believes in true love, will prove much more difficult to woo than envisaged and Valentin will have to use all possible stratagems to try and win his bet. The game of cat and mouse starts... But who is the cat?
Fais-moi rêver
Alice loves those who make her dream. Saleswoman in a video shop where she is bored, she longs for another life. Fortunately, she meets the beautiful Mickey whom she falls in love with. Mickey disappears and leaves Alice without news. Separation acts as a revelation. Finally they meet again. Alice decides to tackle everything and go on an adventure with him.
Etat Critique
Les Deschiens - série moderne
À l'abri des regards indiscrets
La femme impatiente
January 1st 2002. 1st day of Euro currency. The window of a cash dispenser is lifting up on a square, in Paris. 23 amazing characters will be meeting each other there, all along this very particular day...
Amandine Poulain
오랜만에 느끼는 아빠의 다정한 손길에 두근거리는 심장을 심장병이라고 오해한 아빠 덕분에 학교는 구경도 못해본 아멜리에. 노틀담 성당에서 뛰어내린 관광객에 깔려 엄마가 하늘 나라로 가 버리고, 유일한 친구 금붕어마저 자살을 기도한 뒤 그녀는 정말로 외톨이가 된다. 하지만 어느날 빛 바랜 사진과 플라스틱 군인, 구슬이 가득 담긴 낡은 상자를 우연히 발견하면서, 그녀에게 마법 같은 일들이 시작된다. 주변 사람들에게 행복을 찾아주는 기쁨을 통해 삶의 행복을 발견했다고 굳게 믿던 그 순간 그녀의 심장이 또다시 두근거리기 시작하는데...
Vive nous!
When Valérie's husband Yves confesses he's in love with another woman, she happens into a judo club and begins lessons. She likes it, she's a natural, and she's attracted to Bruno, the quiet instructor. He likes her as well, but sees social class as a barrier, and Yves never seems to be too far away. Valérie's two close friends have their own stories: Annette is continuously looking for a husband, with little luck. Clara cares more about wealth and power, and takes up with the country's finance minister, an older man who flips for her. Meanwhile, Yves's lover doesn't seem in a hurry to leave her husband, so Valérie looks good to him from time to time. Will Bruno ever make a move?
Les Deschiens : Qui va m'aimer ?
Une mère comme on n'en fait plus
la directrice
Les précieuses ridicules - Les Deschiens
잃어버린 아이들의 도시
Woman at Her Window
한 과학자에 의해 만들어진 인간인 크랭크는 완벽한 인간이 아닌 조로증 환자이다. 크랭크는 꿈을 꾸기 위해서 아이들을 유괴해서 그들을 꿈을 훔치고 있다. 남자는 차력 등의 재주를 보여주는 힘이 장사인 광대로 크랭크에게 잡혀간 동생을 찾기 위해 어린 도둑 일당인 미에트와 함께 크랭크의 본거지인 '잃어버린 아이들의 도시'에 도착한다. 거기에는 난장이 비스마스 부인과 실패한 복제인간들이 크랭크의 지배하에 아이들을 납치해와 그들의 꿈을 훔치고 있다. 그러나 아이들은 크랭크를 무서워해서 언제나 악몽만을 꾸게 된다. '잃어버린 아이들의 도시'에 도착한 남자는 그와 함께온 몇명의 아이들과 함께 탈출을 시도한다
Les Deschiens - Série classique
Part-time Parents
Ten year old Noemie, fed up with being shunted from one separated parent's home to another, puts her foot down and demands to stay in one place all the time. The new arrangement, however, turns out to be a nightmare.
Les Deschiens - Les pieds dans l'eau
With their faces of sweet lunatics or lighted beaufs, citizens of the ordinary or pochards between two wines, they interpret, in twos or threes, conversations seized on the zincs of the bistros or in the corners of our kitchens. A few minutes of delirium or absurdity. The Deschiens are the actors of Jérôme Deschamps's troupe, who, as usual, with his accomplice Macha Makeieff, track down the little nonsense of everyday life, between humor and ferocity.
Dr. Petiot
la voisine de Petiot
A true story shot in a German Impressionistic style. In France during the Nazi occupation, Dr. Petiot (Michel Serrault) offered to help Jews escape the Nazis. They would come to his house, and he would kindly give them lethal "vaccinations" for their anticipated travel to Argentina. Then he would steal everything the brought with them (in addition to their up-front payment to him) and burn their bodies in his home-made crematorium.
Les Deschiens - Lapin chasseur