Yuku is a young mouse who lives with her family in the cellar of a castle. Her grandmother passes on the family values by telling her timeless folk tales. Injured in a tussle with a cat, the old mouse is bedridden and she tells her children that she will have to leave them to follow the little blind mole into the Earth’s tunnels. In one of her grandmother’s storybooks, Yuku learns that the flower of the Himalayas can bring her eternal light. She leaves on a journey of discovery to find the flower.
Albert, le maître d'hôtel
The twilight of a sacred monster, Jules Maugin, an actor at the height of his glory. Beneath the famous personality, the big mouth, and the social shell, lies the intimate portrait of a man laid bare.
Narrator (voice)
In Paris, the story of three women on the verge of mental collapse and suicide.
A neo-noir tale of a man who seeks out an old friend, only to succumb to the will of a beautiful, mysterious woman.
Marcel Dupont
Are there two versions of The Mona Lisa? Is the Mona Lisa the world knows so well the original version? Or had Leonardo da Vinci painted an earlier version of the iconic portrait?
Virginie, a very famous writer, is caught up in her past. A serial killer with inhuman cruelty, Exes, the hero of his first novel, wants to take revenge on her.
In 1972 16-year-old Marie-Claire became pregnant after a rape. With help from her mother Michelle and three other women, she underwent a clandestine abortion. Under a 1920 law, the five women were arrested and charged. Supported by a procession of well-known French (eg Simone de Beauvoir), the five were released and the law was adapted.
Le père de Yann
Yann Kerbec is a flight instructor: he evaluates pilots’ abilities under extreme conditions on flight simulators. But Yann has a big problem: he is so airsick since he was born in a plane, that he couldn’t even follow the love of his life when she moved to Australia. Yann is now thirty years old and remembers with both nostalgia and humour the numerous love stories he spoiled because of his phobia. Will he finally accept to become a grown up or will he keep making plans in the air?
Lucette and Edouard: Two lovers passionate about sex, money and life. He is a spoiled but penniless child who wants it all while she is a celebrated figure of la vie parisienne who knows what she wants and what she is worth. Edouard is marrying a young, pretty and rich heiress. He comes to confess this to Lucette and to make their parting official, but he doesn’t want to leave her. He struggles with all his might to hide his betrayal but her opportunities to learn of it are countless and unpredictable.
In the middle of the Veule, imaginary French province, the Geugène Electro Stim, a medium-sized company, which survives thanks to the manufacture and sale of the C14, an old but inexpensive electrical stimulation device.
Rose Bonbon, a small singer of light variety with a naughty and colorful imagination, is in the glue with Roger, a characterful brute who thinks he is a manager. Between shabby hotels and cheap restaurants, she meets the handsome Dubel, an impresario on the sidelines. He hires Rose at the drop of a hat because he has to replace Hermine Zibeline for a tour in the Paris region with the famous Billie Boys from Broadway.
The 20-year-old Juliette tries to come to terms with an unexpected pregnancy, despite a lack of support from the father of the child and from her mother.
Paula was a brilliant lawyer, defending the most just causes. One day, a man she had just released from prison coldly murders two children. When she realizes that she was mistaken, Paula feels her precious certainties slipping away. She now lives in the anonymity of the street, rehashing her disgust for the world and for others. Will her meeting with Serge, a social worker, give Paula back her taste for life?
Antonio is a man born with unusually large incisors; his freakishly huge teeth made him an outcast as a child and as man he has become obsessive and controlling in his relationships with women. Convinced that his girlfriend cheated on him (with her dentist, ça va sans dire), Antonio insults her in a fit of anger and in the fight she breaks off one of his teeth. Antonio now must travel across the country, going from dentist to dentist in search of someone who can make a crown that will suit his extra-large smile.
75-year-old Giuseppe De Metrio has spent 30 years in Geneva, as foreign worker for the Broyer company. Upon retirement, he returned to Puglia, Italy, where his family had continued to live. His only grandchild, 7-year-old Carla, is blind. The whole family looks forward hopefully to the day when Carla's sight can be restored by means of a cornea transplantation. After a heart attack, Giuseppe decides to wait no longer and returns to Switzerland to ask his former boss Mr. Broyer for the money necessary for the operation, as an old promise binds the two men. Intended as a 48-hour trip, Giuseppe and Carla's visit in Switzerland becomes a journey that both grandfather and granddaughter never dreamt of...
La Patinoire is about a film director who is shooting a highly symbolic film called 'Dolores' at an ice rink. He has hired a Lithuanian ice hockey team with which he is having enormous communication problems. His actors all have inflated egos, his film crew is made up of fools, and there is a politician on his back. But he must finish the film, no matter what, in time for the Venice Film Festival.
Georges, the bad white spirit
After Polish-born writer-director Janusz Mrozowski, a French resident for the past 30 years, made a series of 30-minute films based on African writings, he was approached by Africans to do a cinematic survey of past events in African history. Filming in Burkina Faso, Mrozowski responded with this comedy about a dictator kidnapped from the present-day and taken back through the mists of time. There he meets the mother of humanity, Lucy, who teaches him the basics of sexual equality. By the time he returns to the present, he's also received an education in 16th-century slave-trading and European influences on Africa.
Inspector LeDuc
유럽 여행 중 파리에 도착한 앤디(Andy McDermott: 톰 에버렛 스콧 분)와 친구 크리스(Chris: 필 벅크먼 분), 브래드(Brad: 빈센트 비루프 분)는 출입이 금지된 늦은 밤 몰래 에펠탑 꼭대기에 올라간다. 앤디는 에펠탑 꼭대기에서 번지 점프를 하려고 하고 친구들은 말린다. 이때 에펠탑에 오르는 또 다른 발자국 소리를 듣고 이들은 몸을 숨긴다. 아름다운 사라핀(Serafine: 줄리 델피 분)이 에펠탑에서 자살을 시도하고 이를 말리려고 앤디가 다가가지만 사라핀은 뛰어 내리고 만다. 발목에 밧줄을 감고 같이 추락하던 앤디의 도움으로 사라핀은 신데렐라처럼 구두만 남기고 사라지고 앤디는 철주에 부딪혀 병원에 입원한다. 간호사 복장을 한 사라핀을 발견하고 앤디가 따라가지만 사라핀은 모르는 사람이라면서 사라지고, 병원에서는 시체의 간이 도난당한다. 에펠탑 위에서 뛰어 내리기 전에 남긴 사라핀의 메모를 찾아낸 일행은 그 주소를 찾아간다. 돌아갈 것을 애원하는 사라핀에게 앤디는 만나줄 것을 조르고, 결국 그녀는 만날 약속을 한다. 사라핀과의 데이트에서 실수를 한 앤디는 다시 사라핀의 집을 찾아가지만, 사라핀은 없고 오빠인 것처럼 보이는 클로드(Claude: 피어리 코소 분)를 만난다. 클로드는 앤디 일행에게 클럽에서 열리는 보름달 파티에 사라핀을 만날 수 있으니까 오라고 초대한다. 으스스한 장소에서 열리는 파티에 참석한 일행은 사라핀이 없자 수상히 생각하여 앤디와 브래드를 남기고 크리스가 사라핀의 집으로 가보기로 한다. 앤디와 브래드가 클럽에 있다는 말을 들은 사라핀은 크리스를 지하실에 가둬두고 클럽으로 달려간다. 파티가 열리는 클럽은 밖에서 문이 잠기고, 사라핀은 앤디를 데리고 지하도로 도망한다. 클로드 일당은 늑대인간으로 변하여 클럽안은 순식간에 살육의 현장으로 변하고 도망하던 앤디도 늑대인간에게 쫓기고 구사일생 목숨을 건지지만 발목을 물리고 마는데.
Céramique and Louis are a carefree and charming young couple. But soon the whims of love appear. They have to face up to it.
패션의 도시 파리가 쁘레따 뽀르떼를 준비하느라 부산하다. 패션 전문 방송의 리포터 키티(Kitty Potter : 킴 베이싱어 분)는 공항에서부터 디자이너, 모델 등 유명 인사들과 인터뷰를 하느라 정신이 없다. 이런 북새통 속에서 파리 패션계의 최고 거물인 올리비에(Olivier de la Fontaine : 쟝-피에르 카셀 분)가 알 수 없는 이유로 죽는다. 앞에선 화려하고 분주한 패션쇼가 준비되고, 뒤에선 올리비애의 죽음에 대한 수사가 진행된다. 한편 호텔 측의 실수로 같은 방을 쓰게 된 휴스턴 크로니클의 패션 담당 기자 엔 아이젠하워(Anne Eisenhower : 줄리아 로버츠 분)와 워싱톤 포스트의 스포츠 담당 기자 조 플린(Joe Flynn : 팀 로빈스 분)은 취재는 뒤로 미루고 침대 시트와 목욕 가운만으로 이루어진 그들만의 달콤한 패션쇼(?)를 벌인다. 올리비에의 사인을 조사하던 형사들은 의심의 시선을 올리비에의 미망인 이자벨라(Isabella de la Fontaine : 소피아 로렌 분)에게 맞춰가는 패션계의 인물들을 대상으로 탐문 수사를 시작한다. 한편, 의문의 인물 세이게르(Sergei : 마르첼로 마스트로얀니 분)는 계속 다른 사람의 옷을 훔쳐 입고 자신의 신분을 위장한 채 이자벨라에게 접근한다. 수사 결과 어처구니없게도 올리비에는 샌드위치를 먹다가 체해서 죽은 것으로 밝혀지고, 세르게이는 이자벨라가 10대였을 때 결혼했던 옛 남편임이 밝혀진다. 로댕의 '생각하는 사람' 동상 앞에서 만난 두 사람은 40년의 시간도 갈라놓지 못한 사랑을 확인한다. 시몬느(Simone Lowenthal : 아누크 아이미 분)는 올리비애의 죽음과 그에 따라 자신에게 쏟아지는 의혹의 시선들을 견뎌가며 패션쇼를 준비하지만...
Perhaps you have to love dogs in order to sell tins of slimy mystery meat to their owners. At any rate Martin, who is indifferent to pets in general, isn't doing all too well in his marketing job at Floppy Dog Foods. But right now this is the least of his problems: he has made a British au-pair pregnant in a one night stand; and while he is trying to figure out how to deal with this, his ex-wife (who divorced him over his not wanting children) and his mother (a militant anti-overpopulation, pro-birth control, pro-abortion activist) have a few comments to offer on the situation. Before his own child is born, Martin clearly has some growing up of his own to do.
Daniel falls madly in love with Victoria. After seducing her, he learns that the young woman has a troubled past.
A man comes to a small town in France and witness the apparent murder of a woman pharmacist. He teams up with the victim's vulgar assistant to try to solve the mystery.
An orange, yellow and gray film which tells a love story or more precisely the birth of the feeling of love.
Jean Castelli
The teacher Odile Langlois starts her new job in the elementary school of a small French town. She is elegant and mysterious - but most of all, she is very friendly to her new students, whose confidence she gains so quickly. On the contrary, however, Odile's unconventional, alternative way of teaching does not appeal to some colleagues and parents who do everything to get rid of the young teacher ...
Le capitaine Albert
The year is 1943 and the place is Balandou, a small village in Guinea. The plot revolves around Adjutant Mariani, some kind of a misfit. Despised by his superiors, hated by his wife Marie-France, he represents colonial France while dreaming of Africa and its mysteries. When pro-independence Lanseye Kante, the new manager of the school, arrives in the village, turmoil arises.
French Immigration Officer
1947년 아프리카 북동부의 모로코의 항구 탕헤르. 여기에 결혼 10년을 맞이하는 부부 포트(Port Moresby: 존 말코비치 분)와 그의 아내 키트(Kit Moresby: 데브라 윙거 분)가 찾아온다. 포트는 수년 동안 일자리를 구하지 못한 뮤지션인데, 북 아프리카로의 여행이 그에게 예술적 영감을 불어 넣어주고 그의 결혼 생활도 새롭게 신선한 감정을 갖고 재출발할 수 있기를 기대한다. 그러나 그녀는 이미 여행에 지쳐 있었고 남편과의 관계가 회복되리란 생각에 회의를 품기 시작했다. 여기에 그들의 여행 친구 존 터너(Tunner: 캠벨 스콧 분)가 등장한다. 그는 이 기묘한 부부에 매료되고, 더구나 키트의 미모에 빠져 버린다. 포트는 그 자신이 어디로 갈 지 결정하지 않았지만 여행객이 아닌 순례자로서 도시로 부터 가장 먼 곳까지 가보기를 원한다. 키트는 존 터너와 불륜의 관계를 맞고, 포트는 아랍 여자에게 깊이 빠진다. 모든 것은 알 수 없는 혼란으로 이어진다.
A young man loses his fiancee, struck by lightning, on his wedding day.
The Main Character
For no apparent reason, "the man" decides he is going to live only in the bathroom of his apartment (clothed). Perhaps he wants the isolation he might find there. His solitude destroyed by a bevy of friends, some housepainters hired by his girlfriend, and his family, our philosophical hero makes his way to a nondescript hotel room in Venice, where he spends his time playing darts in his room. When his girlfriend visits him there, he responds to this interruption of his musings by briefly using her forehead as a dartboard. Eventually he returns to his Paris apartment, and reconciles with his injured girlfriend.
Amanda Weber is a museum employee. Her nephew, Victorien, who feels that wild animals should not be kept in zoos, while hitchhiking saw a mysterious bus with 50 dead tourists that later was found by autorities at the bottom of a lake. When Victorien gets in very serious problems due to what he saw Amanda seeks to find out what happened and soon also becomes a target.
20년전 스크립터였던 앤은 지금은 영화 프로듀서, 쟝은 현재도 카레이서에 미련을 버리지 않고 있다. 어느날 앤은 장의 소식을 듣게 되고 20년 전의 사랑의 추억이 뇌리를 스친다.
The vicissitudes of showbiz take the hero Renart (Gerald Battiaz) and his wife Hermeline (Francoise Dupertuis) from up to down and back again in this brief drama. Renart entertains at a nightclub by pulling objects out of a suitcase on stage and creating a wide range of sound effects with his collection of odds and ends. All goes well until his wife is fired from her job at the club because she is pregnant. That infuriates Renart, and he quits. The couple then take off for the mountains and open up a club of their own, but now when he is the owner, Renart is transformed for the worse.
Two members of the French Academy agree to help the attractive young veterinarian Esther investigate the suspicious death of her sister. Esther is convinced her brother-in-law is responsible, but soon it becomes apparent that those responsible are linked to the very highest echelons of power in the Vatican.
When he was eight years old, Ferdinand was chosen to play a supporting role along a famous actress. Today, a producer is asking him to write and direct a film about his childhood memories...