Thomas Chabrol
출생 : 1963-04-24, Paris,France
In the middle of a performance at la Comédie-Française, an actor dies on stage, poisoned. Martin, member of the troupe and friend of the victim, becomes the center of everyone’s attention. Suspected by the police, he’s also chased by a mysterious organization, the Green Perfume, that seems to have ordered the murder. While leading his own investigation, Martin receives the unexpected help of Claire, an eccentric cartoonist in need of adventure. This unlikely duo will live an adventure across Europe to foil the plans of the mysterious Green Perfume.
Le docteur
Eloïse is sitting alone on a bench in Paris. She can't remember who she is, where she comes from or how did she get here. So, she begins a funny investigation on her life. This amnesia might help her finding love and reinventing her life.
Self - Acteur
Henry Torres
1940, Jeanne Reichenbach turns her back on a peaceful life to link her destiny to Léon Blum. She's been loving him since her teenage years, and is ready to sacrifice her freedom to mary him at Buchenwald, where he's held prisoner. They will survive together.
Général Trochu
The story unfolds around the year 1860. Louis, a photographer, convinces the general of the French Army to send him to Mexico to photograph the colonial war that is ravaging the country. Once he is there, nothing goes as planned. Never in the right place at the right time to see the battles, Louis can't snap a single picture of the war. But his encounter with Pinto, a Mexican peasant, changes his destiny. It leads him to discover neither glory nor wealth, but a way to confront the ghosts of his past.
Nicolas Lautier
Justine, 40, is struggling to reconcile her family life and her job as a police officer in the serious-crimes squad. Then she's accused of stealing money during a raid that goes wrong.
Patrick Brac
30년간 정치인으로 살아온 리옹시의 시장 폴은 완전히 지쳐버렸다. 그의 보좌관들은 폴에게 정신적 활력을 불어넣을 젊고 똑똑한 철학도 엘리스를 비서로 붙여준다. 이 만남은 폴의 생각과 정치적 행보에 어떤 변화를 초래할까?
Paul-Henri (voice)
The 1,600 surviving pandas are fighting, in their very own special way, for the perpetuation of their species.
Worker or poker player, Samir and Xavier live from day to day. Bright young woman and future bride, Liza has a future all traced. They and she find themselves by chance for a weekend for a stay as unlikely as initiative.
Félicien Moutot
Sylvain Marquet
Alexandre Taillard de Vorms is a force to be reckoned with. With his silver mane and tanned, athletic body, he stalks the world stage as Minister of Foreign Affairs for France, waging his own war backed up by the holy trinity of diplomatic concepts: legitimacy, lucidity, and efficacy. Enter Arthur Vlaminck. Hired to write the minister's speeches, Arthur must contend with the sensibilities of his boss and the dirty dealings within the Quai d'Orsay, the ministry's home.
Le directeur de cabinet du préfet
프랑스의 작은 시골에서 송로버섯 농장을 운영하는 라보리. 우연한 기회에 프랑스 대통령의 개인 셰프를 제의 받고 대통령 관저인 엘리제궁에 입성하게 된다. 격식을 차린 정통요리 위주였던 엘리제궁에서 대통령이 진짜로 원하는 음식은 프랑스의 따뜻한 홈쿠킹이라는 것을 알게 된다. 그녀가 대통령의 입맛을 사로잡을수록 수십 년간 엘리제궁의 음식을 전담했던 주방장의 원성은 높아만 지고, 주변의 불편한 시선으로 인해 라보리는 대통령 개인 셰프 자리에 회의를 느끼게 되는데…
Professeur Fleischer
Le Ministre
In the fall of 2010, Bozon and co-conspirator Pascale Bodet commandeered the first floor of Paris’s famed Centre Pompidou for 10 days of screenings, lectures and performances that amounted to a counter-canonical history of French cinema. During the ensuing merriment (entitled Beaubourg, la dernière Major !) audience members were invited to observe the daily making of this film, directed by Bozon and written by Axelle Ropert, about an inexperienced young journalist (Laure Marsac) sent to the Pompidou to interview a maverick artistic impresario (Thomas Chabrol). The result is an unexpected love story that is also a record of this landmark exhibition, featuring cameos by Raul Ruiz, Paul Vecchiali, Luc Moullet and more !
François Darcy
François Darcy, a young MP, gets back to his hotel in the morning. A rumor starts spreading around town : the President may have incidentally died.
Le type du tribunal
여느 때처럼 휴식을 즐기던 경찰서장 폴 벨라미. 자신의 부인을 흠모하는 술꾼 동생 자크가 찾아오면서 모처럼의 여름휴가가 꼬이기 시작한다. 그러던 중 도망자 노엘은 벨라미에게 도움을 요청하고 그는 노엘이 연루된 살인사건의 실체를 파헤치기 시작한다. 평생에 걸쳐 스릴러에 집중했던 누벨 바그 거장 클로드 샤브롤의 신작 스릴러. (부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Maître Lorbach
TV 방송국의 기상 예보 아나운서인 가브리엘은 전도유망한 매력적인 여성이다. 가브리엘은 두 명의 남성을 만나는데 한 명은 중년의 작가인 샤를이고 또 한 명은 큰 유산을 상속받은 폴이다. 가브리엘은 두 남자의 구애 사이에서 고민하기 시작하고, 두 남자 역시 가브리엘을 차지하기 위해 머리를 굴린다.
Charles Loisel
Mathilde and her husband, who works in a minister's office, are not rich. Mathilde, however, loves beautiful clothes and her husband loves her too much that he lets her do anything she wants. One day they receive an invitation for an important party and she wants to look her best. She borrows a beautiful diamond necklace from her rich friend, but then the necklace gets lost.
Le notaire
Officially declared missing in 1945, Gaston Boissac suddenly comes back at 70 years old in his home village.
Thirty-five-year-old Max has a successful career and a beautiful wife, but one day he realises that his life isn’t exactly as he’d planned. He decides to leave it all behind to live out his teenage dream of being in a rock band. But fulfilling his dream at this point in his life is harder than he had imagined.
A thoroughly researched documentary on Chabrol, exploring the creative process and the great artistic process of the master of cinema.
Magistrate Jeanne Charmant-Killman doggedly investigates CEO Michel Humeau, who is accused of participating in massive corporate malfeasance. As her investigation leads her into the upper echelons of government, Jeanne becomes intoxicated by the power she is amassing.
Le vétérinaire
Hesitant to have his cat neutered, Rémi inquires about the possibility of a sex life without testicles. A man in search of his sexual identity.
Lieutenant José Laval
A hard-working young man meets and falls in love with his sister's bridesmaid. He soon finds out how disturbed she really is.
le directeur de Promocash
At the start, Christine Blanc is a temp, her boyfriend has gone. Near the story's end, she's been offered a steady job, she has a fiancé, other men seem interested in her, she's passed her driving test, and, after she wins 1000 Euros in a scratch-off, her colleagues sing that she's a jolly good fellow ("one of us"). But something's askew: her gaze is too direct, her eyes open too widely; conversational gambits hit odd notes; she parrots others' words; she cooks too much food when she invites a supervisor to dinner. When the supervisor takes Christine on a spontaneous outing that disorients her, her oddities become something else. Can things ever be normal?
Matthieu Lartigue
사업가 제라르와 재혼한 안느가 정치판에 뛰어들자, 전쟁 당시 안느의 가족사를 폭로하는 전단이 나돈다. 한편, 아들 프랑수아는 의붓 누이 미셸과 은밀한 사랑을 나누고, 숙모 린은 둘 사이를 알면서도 묵인해준다. 선거운동이 막바지에 이를수록 이 가족의 운명도 잔인한 비극으로 치닫는다.
Grégoire Moulin, a shy accountant, sets up a blind date with a dance teacher at a bar. What he needed to do was just to cross the road. But it didn't happen to be as easy as it seems especially because of the final game of French soccer championship the very same night!
Roch, le père
Ten years old Alexis uses his bird-watching camera to spy on a woman sunbathing topless when his friend Julie suddenly walks in on him.
Orient-Express steward
Barnie lives in Calais but works in London. Everyday, he takes the Eurostar to go to his office. Although he is married to Lucie, Barnie has two lovers in London: Margot, a young and fresh advertising executive, and Mark, a hot 35 years old auctioneer. Everything could work out fine like that, until Margot, Mark and Lucie separately offer Barnie the same birthday present: a return ticket to Venice on the Orient-Express, and on the same dates. What will Barnie do? Who will he choose to go with? After thinking that going with Lucie could actually save his marriage, problems are not over: Margot and Mark both show up at Barnie and Lucie's house, pretending to be a couple, and asking Barnie for some explanations. Which he obviously can't give...
Le médecin légiste
In a small Breton town, a 10-year-old girl is found murdered. René, her art teacher, a professional painter, is the last person to have seen her alive. The inspector in charge of the investigation immediately questions him. In this small provincial town where people all know each other and regularly meet at the Bar des Amis, René is increasingly unsettled by the other inhabitants' suspicions and by the inspector's investigation. Children stop coming to him for lessons. His wife, Viviane, a district nurse, protects him and supports him with her love. However, a self-centred media-star writer adds to René's confusion...
Swiss Desk Clerk
30대의 매력적인 여성 베티는 프랑스 한 지방도시 호텔 카지노에서 세미나 참석차 들른 기업체 간부 샤티용을 유혹한다. 음료수에 몰래 수면제를 타서 샤티용을 잠들게 한 베티는 자기 아버지뻘 되는 동료 빅토르와 함께 그의 지갑을 털어 달아난다. 캠핑카를 타고 프랑스와 인접국들을 누비며 각종 학회 및 세미나장을 방문해 참석자를 대상으로 사기·절도를 일삼는 베티와 빅토르의 다음 무대는 치의학 세미나가 열리는 스위스의 휴양지 실스 마리아. 그러나 베티는 빅토르에게 예고도 없이 범죄조직 자금운송책인 모리스와 함께 그곳에 나타난다. 스위스 은행에서 거액을 인출해 카리브해 서인도제도로 운반하는 중책을 맡은 모리스는 그 과정에 베티를 방패로 활용할 작정인 반면 베티는 그런 모리스의 환심을 산 후 돈 가방을 빼돌릴 작정이다. 당초 계획에 차질이 빚어져 당혹스러운 빅토르는 평소의 활동 반경을 넘어서는 일에 연루되는 것에 겁을 먹지만 결국엔 베티의 뜻을 따르기로 한다. 모리스와 베티는 예정대로 돈 가방을 들고 서인도제도 과들루프 행 비행기를 타고, 빅토르는 신문지로 채운 가방을 들고 기내 화장실에 숨는다. 베티는 실은 자신과 빅토르가 돈 가방을 바꿔치기하여 훔쳐갈 계획을 세웠다고 모리스에게 미리 실토하듯 언질을 준다. 그러나 실제로 화장실에서 접선한 베티와 빅토르는 가방을 바꾸는 시늉만 한다. 베티의 말을 곧이곧대로 믿은 모리스는 착륙 후 빅토르를 만나자 자신의 가방(돈 가방)과 그가 들고 있던 가방(신문지 가방)을 바꿔 들고 떠난다.
Didier, 28 years old, is still livning with his parents. Prisoner of his own habits, he doesn't communicate with them anymore. When he casually meets his former girlfriend, Valerie, he finds again his serenity.
Hippolyte, the chef at the small Paris restaurant of the title, is losing his sense of smell - and without that, you can’t cook. Not in France. The restaurant has to close. Guests and customers of the ailing master chef gather for one last fabulous meal. Between courses, personal conflicts are explored and flashbacks flesh out incidents from the lives of the restaurant owners.
폴과 넬리 부부는 경치 좋은 시골에서 호텔을 운영한다. 하지만 폴은 호텔을 살 때 진 빚 때문에 걱정이 크고, 스트레스는 날로 쌓여만 간다. 술과 수면제를 밥 먹듯 하던 폴은 급기야 아내 넬리에게 다른 남자가 있다는 편집증적 망상과 질투에 사로잡힌다. 그리고 폴과 넬리의 관계는 파국으로 치닫는다. 1964년 앙리 조르주 클루조가 시작했지만 완성하지는 못했던 프로젝트를 샤브롤이 가져와 완성시켰다. 폴의 망상과 현실이 끝없이 교차하여 불안과 공포는 증폭된다. 넬리 역의 엠마누엘 베아르가 가진 성녀와 창녀의 얼굴은 위험하리만치 매혹적이다. (2017 영화의 전당 - 클로드 샤브롤 회고전)
Drunk, Betty is feeling worse and worse, the previous evening is slowly coming back to her: her husband and her husband's family had criticized her harshly, had sent her away. But Betty hadn't wanted to get married in the first place. She knows that she always ruined everything, that she drinks to much, that she has had several affairs. Laure, who is taking care of her, suggests that Betty stay with her in the hotel where she lives, as long as Betty would like. Laure, too, finds solace and companionship in alcohol.
Le vicomte
전통적인 수녀원 교육을 받고 자란 농부의 딸 엠마는 낭만적이면서도 상승 욕구가 강한, 그러면서도 평범한 처녀이다. 빼어난 미모나 엄청난 재력과도 거리가 먼 시골 소녀인 그녀는 역시 평범한 의사인 샤를르 보바리와 결혼한다. 낭만적인 사랑, 짜릿한 순간들을 꿈꾸던 그녀에게 샤를르와의 결혼은 지루하기만 했다. 그러던 중 공작의 무도회에 초대받게 되고, 엠마는 처음으로 상류 사회의 무도회에 참석하게 된다. 무도회의 경험은 평생 그녀의 기억 속에 남아 있게 된다. 무도회가 끝나고 다시 평범한 생활로 돌아온 그녀는 일상에 지쳐 곧 우울증에 빠지고 이를 안 샤를르는 엠마의 기분을 위해 큰 도시로 이주한다. 옹발로 이사한 후 엠마는 딸을 낳는다. 여기서 그녀는 로돌프라는 무력하면서 다소 비극적 이미지의 귀족과 사랑에 빠진다. 동시에 그녀는 사치를 하기 시작한다. 하지만 자신의 행동을 후회하곤 한다. 그녀는 마음을 잡기위해 아이를 돌보고 남편을 내조하는데 열중한다. 하지만 이뽈리뜨의 수술이 실패하고 난 후 남편에게 실망한 나머지 로돌프에게 도망갈것을 제안한다. 그러나 그녀는 그에게 거절의 편지를 받고 절망한다. 엠마의 기분 전환을 위해 루엉으로 로페라 나들이를 하게되고, 그때 레옹과 재회하고 그의 사랑고백으로 그들은 가까워진다. 하루이틀 청구서를 미루면서 엠마는 재정적 압박을 받게되고, 레뤠씨에게 위임장을 써 주나 결국은 엄청난 돈을 청구받기에 이른다. 레옹에게도, 로돌프에게도 돈을 빌리지 못한채 모든 희망을 잃은 엠마는 자살을 선택한다.
Jeune Milicien 1
Every year, the whole gather in the French region of Auvergne's home. During this 1944 summer, Louis falls in love with his cousin Laurence. The arrival of a British skydiver, Jack, will completely upset Laurence. Louis, jealous like crazy, will betray the skydiver who will die in front of his eyes. But his cousin François-Xavier has also seen what happened.
Late spring 1942: France is under German occupation. But this doesn't much concern the boarders of a school lost in the French country. Bernard, a rather frivolous teenager, is in love for the first time; he's fond of Marie-Helene, an older and more mature girl. To approach her is not so easy...
le garçon de 13 ans
One night Alice can't stand her husband anymore and she decides to leave him. It's a dark, rainy night and something smashes the windshield so Alice is forced to seek shelter in an old mansion. She is warmly welcomed but soon realises that strange things are happening. She tries to escape but it seems there's no way out.
Le Grand Patron
Clémence Alpharo, who, in order to get a permanent contract in the company that has just hired her, must push Henri Giffard, a sales representative at the end of his career, towards early retirement. But Giffard refuses. His work is the only thing that still gives meaning to his life. Caught between the prospect of a professional future that would allow her to escape her family history and the unexpected affection she feels for the salesman, Clémence must choose. A choice that will inexorably push Clémence and Henri to the limit.