Bob Woodham

출생 : 1939-06-26, Summer Hill, New South Wales, Australia

사망 : 1973-08-02

참여 작품

The Stuntmen
Associate Producer
The Stuntmen is a one-hour documentary for Australian TV written and directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith. It was through this movie that Trenchard-Smith met Grant Page, who he put under a five-year contract and featured in a number of movies. The film also acted as a "calling card" which enabled the director to get finance for The Man from Hong Kong (1975).
The Stuntmen
Self - Stuntman
The Stuntmen is a one-hour documentary for Australian TV written and directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith. It was through this movie that Trenchard-Smith met Grant Page, who he put under a five-year contract and featured in a number of movies. The film also acted as a "calling card" which enabled the director to get finance for The Man from Hong Kong (1975).
화씨 451
일체의 문자정보가 금지된 미래사회를 배경으로 한 문명비판의 SF 영화. 주인공은 몰래 책을 숨기고 있는 사람들을 색출해 체포하고 책들을 불태우는 임무를 수행하는 소방수이다. 원제 '화씨 451도'는 종이가 불타는 온도를 뜻한다. 원작은 SF 작가 레이 브래드베리(Ray Bradbury)가 1953년 발표한 첫 장편소설이며, 프랑수아 트뤼포 감독에겐 첫 컬러 영화다.