The Stuntmen is a one-hour documentary for Australian TV written and directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith. It was through this movie that Trenchard-Smith met Grant Page, who he put under a five-year contract and featured in a number of movies. The film also acted as a "calling card" which enabled the director to get finance for The Man from Hong Kong (1975).
The Stuntmen is a one-hour documentary for Australian TV written and directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith. It was through this movie that Trenchard-Smith met Grant Page, who he put under a five-year contract and featured in a number of movies. The film also acted as a "calling card" which enabled the director to get finance for The Man from Hong Kong (1975).
Em um Estado totalitário num futuro próximo, os “bombeiros” têm como função principal queimar todo e qualquer tipo de material impresso, principalmente livros, pois foi convencionado que literatura é propagadora da infelicidade. Um dos bombeiros começa a se qustionar sobre essa sua tarefa.