Lucien Abbet
출생 : 1951-01-01, Chemin-Dessus, Valais, Switzerland
After 20 years away, Isabelle, a former climbing champion, returns to her village in the Alps for the funeral of her mountain-guide father. She decides to open up a new climbing route with the help of Kenza, her protégé - something she'd planned to do with her father. But the past and its secrets resurface through Antoine, a brilliant mountaineer who was Isabelle's first love.
Technical Advisor
It is time for thirty-something Ludovic Chambercy to succeed his father Jacques at the head of the family business: the Chambercy Galleries. But faced with his new duties, Ludovic begins to sweat, has panic attacks and even dizzy spells. He is diagnosed with hypegiaphobia or extreme fear of responsibility. This man with everything for a happy life seems to be shying away from the expectations of his family. Reluctantly, without a word to his father and girlfriend, Ludovic starts group behavior therapy. While his lies spark off an incredible series of tragicomic events, Ludovic strikes up a friendship with the other phobics in his group: Léon, trader in bric-a-brac, who can no longer stand untidiness; Clémence, a student who cannot bear even one second of her own company and Margaux, who can no longer touch or be touched. And if Ludovic is to find a cure at the end of the road, there will be a few surprises in store for him along the way...
Technical Supervisor
Thierry, ethnologue spécialiste des lapons, se rend dans sa Suisse natale avec sa compagne, Sophie, pour assister à l'enterrement de sa grand-mère. Il y retrouve sa famille et découvre qu'il a hérité de deux millions de francs suisses, mais que pour les obtenir il va devoir faire semblant de s'adapter aux valeurs et mode de vie suisse qu'il avait rejeté. Pour ce faire il va accepter une sorte de formation accélérée prodiguée par son cousin suisse Aloïs, qui aurait plutôt des vues sur Sophie.
Technical Supervisor
해발 12000피트 올겨울을 쓸어버릴 액션 블록버스터가 온다! | 보다 강하고, 보다 짜릿하다!
세계 최고 수준의 익스트림 스포츠 전문가들이 한 편의 CF 제작을 위해 모여든다. 웬만한 모험은 우습게 여기는 이들이 이번에 할 일은 실제 눈사태 현장에서 스키를 타는 장면을 촬영하는 것. 완벽한 장소를 찾기 위해 오스트리아로 향한 그들은 헬기를 타야만 찾아갈 수 있는 산 정상의 리조트를 찾아간다. 채 완공도 되지 않아 인적조차 드문 그 곳, 하지만 거기엔 자신이 죽은 것으로 위장한 테러리스트 '파블로프'가 은신해 있다. 카메라를 들고 설치던 일행은 우연히 파블로프를 찍게 되고, 이 사실을 안 파블로프는 이들을 CIA로 착각하고 공격을 시작한다. 영문도 모른 채 쫓기기 시작하는 일행들. 하지만 테러리스트들에게 헬기와 기관총이 있다면 이들에겐 스키와 보드가 있다. 가파른 설원과 협곡이 가득한 곳이라면 이들이 오히려 CIA보다 한 수 위다. 오직 스피드 하나만으로 싸워야 하는 일행들과 사력을 다해 그들을 뒤쫓는 테러리스트들. 이제 설원을 누비는 이들의 숨막히는 '익스트림 액션'이 시작된다.
Novelist and filmmaker Jose Giovanni turned to the remarkable true story of how his father helped him escape a date with the guillotine for this drama, which is based closely on events from his own life. During World War II, Manu (Vincent Lecoeur, as a character Giovanni modeled after himself) fought with the French Resistance, but near the end of the war he fell into a life of crime, and in 1947, 22-year-old Manu was arrested for his part in a bungled robbery that left a man dead. While Manu did not pull the fatal trigger, he refuses to say who did, since it would mean implicating his uncle, one of the few members of his family who has stood by him; Manu's brother is dead, and he turned his back on his father Joe (Bruno Cremer) years ago. Manu is sentenced to death, and while he protests his innocence, his attempts to escape from prison do little to convince anyone that he's telling the truth.
Joseph Servettaz
Grand-Père Tambourin
Othilie spends her vacations with her uncle Antoine, an old lonesome bear. In charge of a regional park, Antoine lives a long way from Paris, in company of the shepherd Tambourin, whose frightening face hides the innocence of a new-born child. Since the arrival of Othilie, odd things happen. A slaughtered sheep is found and weird howls are sounding through the night. The wolves are not far away.
A mountain climber devises a plan to eliminate the tyrannical husband of a young Vietnamese woman with whom he has fallen in love.
Technical Advisor
Back in Saxon after ten years of absence, Farinet discovers that the village is under the yoke of Gaspard de Sepibus, director of the casino and president of the commune. He starts making counterfeit money to pay off his father's debts and help the villagers send their children to school.
Stunt Double
발렌틴은 스위스의 제네바 대학 학생이며 패션모델로 활동한다. 그녀의 이웃에는 오귀스트라는 법대생이 살고 있는데 두 사람은 빈번하게 지나치면서도 서로의 존재를 인식하지 못한다. 어느날 패션쇼를 마치고 귀가하던 중 발렌틴은 개를 치는 교통사고를 내게 된다. 개의 목에 달린 인식표의 주소지로 찾아가지만 개 주인인 노인은 냉담한 반응을 보인다. 개를 치료하여 다시 찾아갔을때 발렌틴은 노인이 남의 집 전화를 도청하는 기벽이 있다는 걸 알게 되고 혐오감을 느끼게 되는데...