Ennio De Concini

Ennio De Concini

출생 : 1923-12-09, Rome, Lazio, Italy

사망 : 2008-11-17


Ennio De Concini (9 December 1923, Rome – 17 November 2008) was an Italian screenwriter and film director, winning the Academy Award in 1962 for the "Best Original Screenplay" for Divorce Italian Style. He was the co-screenwriter of The Red Tent a 1969 film starring Sean Connery which was based on Umberto Nobile's disastrous 1928 expedition to the North Pole in the airship Italia. Among the 60 films to his credit are The Twist (1976), Four of the Apocalypse (1975), Hitler: The Last Ten Days (1973), Battle of the Worlds (1961), Black Sunday (1960), Long Night in 1943 (1960), Il Grido (1957), War and Peace (1956), and Mambo (1954). Description above from the Wikipedia article Ennio de Concini, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

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Ennio De Concini
Ennio De Concini

참여 작품

Kino kolossal - Herkules, Maciste & Co
1917, a beautiful apparition of Our Lady forever alters the lives of three children: Lucinda, Jacita and Francisco who lived in Villa Fatima in Portugal.
The Man with the Cigar in His Mouth
Cartoni animati
Miracle of Marcellino
In the 15th century, in a poor Italian village, the monks of a modest convent take up an abandoned baby. Unfortunately, for all their efforts, they prove unable to trace his parents. So they set up providing tender loving care to the little boy. Marcellino lives a happy life among the men of God but, as he grows up, he misses his mother more and more.
Per odio, per amore
Suffocating Heat
On June 30, 1990, in Rome, Marie Christine is getting ready to take her son Pietro and Paolo to their father for the weekend. As the Football World Cup is taking place in Italy, Rome is flooded with supporters; the traffic is chaotic and French-born Marie Christine, who works as a translator, finds a bag that belongs to Miriam, who must leave the next day. Marie Christine decides to find her to return her passport, but one Giuliano Ferrini tries to prevent this. So Marie Christine finds herself navigating through a hot Roman night in a city she doesn't know, among people she never dreamed could inhabit the same city.
The Bachelor
In pre-WWI Austria-Hungary, a physician struggles with his decision about which woman will he marry.
The Dark Sun
After the death of his mother a man returns to his hometown Palermo in southern Italy in order to get hold of the legacy. Once there he is forced to participate in various crimes commited by the mafia.
Life With The Kids
The story of one man dealing with an unexpected series of events, discovering his youth once again in the relationship with a much younger woman and finally coming to grips with his age, and the fact that he hasn't been there for his family like he should have.
There Was a Castle with Forty Dogs
Original Story
천재음악가 토스카니니는 라스칼라좌에서 공연할 날은 꿈꾸며 음악적 정열을 불태운다. 그러던 어느 날 첼로 독주회를 위한 오디션의 일환으로 극장이 사진의 오찬에서 연주할 기회를 얻는다. 그러나 오찬장의 예의를 모르는 분위기에 화가 난 그는 연주 도중 퇴장해 버린다.오디션이 무산되자 유명한 흥행 기획자인 로시(존 라이스-데이비스 분)가 남미 순회공연에 참가할 것을 권유한다. 이 공연은 유명한 가수이자 황제의 애인 나디아(엘리자베스 테일러 분)를 합류시킬 계획이다. 브라질로 가는 배에서 토스카니니는 마르게리타라는 수녀 견습생에게 사랑을 느끼고 노예를 위해 봉사하는 그녀에게 감동한다. 나디아의 호화로운 집에서 황제를 만난 그는 노예제도에 대한 신랄한 비판으로 황제를 일깨운다. 한편 개막식은 다가오는데 지휘자가 단원과의 불화로 떠나 버리자 연주곡인 베르디의 아이다를 외우고 있는 토스카니니가 지휘를 시작한다. 야유하던 관중은 그의 훌륭한 연주에 빠져들고, 나디아가 공연 도중 자신의 노예를 해방시키겠다는 폭탄선언으로 모든 사람을 놀라게 한다.
Il vizio di vivere
The Mask
A debauched nobleman offers himself to a beautiful woman, but she is repelled by his advances. He dons a mask and tries again, and this time is more successful. But the mask cannot conceal the evil in his soul.
Don Bosco
육체의 악마
고등학생인 안드레아는 어느 날 창 너머로 아름다운 여인 줄리아를 발견하고 강하게 이끌린다. 곧바로 줄리아를 따라간 안드레아는 그녀가 유부녀란 사실을 알면서도 그녀와 가까워지고 곧 깊은 관계로 발전하지만 남들의 시선에 조금씩 부담을 느끼기 시작한다. 게다가 그녀의 남편은 지금 정치적 사건에 연루돼 감옥에 갇혀있는 중이다.
The 2 Lives of Mattia Pascal
Based on 'Il fu Mattia Pascal', one of Pirandello's many stories concerning the transitory nature of the intangibles "truth" and "identity". Mattia Pascal is a downtrodden average man, treated like trash by his fiancée, scorned by his associates, and cheated out of his inheritance by contemptuous relatives. The dispirited Pascal heads to Monte Carlo, accruing a fortune and also assuming the identity of a less fortunate gambler who killed himself. The "new" Pascal is treated with a dignity and respect that overwhelms him--and nearly kills him.
The 2 Lives of Mattia Pascal
Based on 'Il fu Mattia Pascal', one of Pirandello's many stories concerning the transitory nature of the intangibles "truth" and "identity". Mattia Pascal is a downtrodden average man, treated like trash by his fiancée, scorned by his associates, and cheated out of his inheritance by contemptuous relatives. The dispirited Pascal heads to Monte Carlo, accruing a fortune and also assuming the identity of a less fortunate gambler who killed himself. The "new" Pascal is treated with a dignity and respect that overwhelms him--and nearly kills him.
죽음의 지령
범인이 경찰로 위장하여 연쇄 살인을 벌이는 사건에 접한 뉴욕 경찰은 혼란에 빠진다. 편집증이 있는 프레드 형사(Lieutenant Fred O'Connor: 하비 키이텔 분)는 용의자를 그만의 아지트로 데려가 심문을 한다. 그러던 중 연쇄살인의 진범 레오(Leo Smith: 존 라이든 분)를 체포하여 그의 방식대로 처리하려 하지만 이를 눈치챈 동료 밥(Bob Carvo: 레오나드 만 분)의 저지를 받는다. 결국 심한 다툼 끝에 프레드는 밥을 살해하고 만다. 당황한 프레드는 레오의 도움으로 밥의 죽음을 또 다른 범죄처럼 꾸미는데...
The Good Soldier
As a young boy, Tommaso's (Gerard Darier) interest in women and in his cousin Marta (Mariangela Melato) in particular, inspired him to bore peep holes into her wall and vicariously partake of her forbidden private life, including her wedding day. Time goes by, and after living through many changes going on around him, Tommaso has grown up and is now a soldier in the military. When he sees cousin Marta at a train station one day, he jumps off his train, talks to her for awhile, and tries to give her some strength to face the various problems in her life. Both Marta and Tommaso suffer deceptions over the next crucial period -- Marta becomes estranged from her husband, and her daughter is more distant with each passing day.
Savage Breed
Mario lives in Turin with his sister Michelina. He works in the factory. He meets a young Turin man running a night club frequented by unsavory people related to drug trafficking.
Louise has left her husband, launched a career as a dress designer, and together with her son, Roby, moved in with John, a lawyer. Despite this emancipated exterior, she still encounters the same problems - a son who demands her attention, a dominating lover, and jealousy.
사랑하는 플레이보이
After World War I, a war hero returns to Berlin to find that there's no place for him--he has no skills other than what he learned in the army, and can only find menial, low-paying jobs. He decides to become a gigolo to lonely rich women.
China 9, Liberty 37
Gunslinger Clayton Drumm (Testi) is about to be hanged when he is given a chance to live if he will agree to murder Matthew (Oates), a miner who has steadfastly refused to sell his land to the railroad company. Matthew’s refusal is a major obstacle to the railroad’s plans for expansion.
The Last Romantic Lover
The romance between a lion tamer and a liberated girl.
The Twist
Bored aristocratic Parisian couples begin affairs with each other which only brings trouble.
살롱 키티
독일 나치 정부의 친위대장, 발렌버그(헬무트 버거 분)는 지나친 충성심으로 여성당원을 선발하여 여러가지 훈련을 시킨다. 그룹 섹스 등 온갖 훈련을 통해 선발된 여자들은 살롱 키티에서 창녀로 일하게 된다. 또한 이들은 살롱에 드나드는 인물들의 성향을 감시 발렌버그에게 보고하고 발렌버그는 각 방마다 도청장치를 설치, 모든 이들을 감시한다. 아름다운 마가리타(테레사 앤 사보이 분)는 반 나치주의자인 한스(베킴 페미우 분)라는 남자를 사랑하게 되고 이를 도청한 발렌버그에 의해 한스는 처형을 당한다. 자신들의 일거수 일투족을 파악하고 있는 발렌버그에게 의심을 품기 시작한 살롱 마담 키티(잉그리드 썰린 분)와 마가리타는 발렌버그의 도청 사실을 눈치채고 평소 마가리타에게 흑심을 품고있던 발렌버그를 유인, 비밀 정보를 누설하도록 만든다. 결국 마가리타의 밀고로 발렌버그는 벗은 채 사살당하고 만다.
살롱 키티
독일 나치 정부의 친위대장, 발렌버그(헬무트 버거 분)는 지나친 충성심으로 여성당원을 선발하여 여러가지 훈련을 시킨다. 그룹 섹스 등 온갖 훈련을 통해 선발된 여자들은 살롱 키티에서 창녀로 일하게 된다. 또한 이들은 살롱에 드나드는 인물들의 성향을 감시 발렌버그에게 보고하고 발렌버그는 각 방마다 도청장치를 설치, 모든 이들을 감시한다. 아름다운 마가리타(테레사 앤 사보이 분)는 반 나치주의자인 한스(베킴 페미우 분)라는 남자를 사랑하게 되고 이를 도청한 발렌버그에 의해 한스는 처형을 당한다. 자신들의 일거수 일투족을 파악하고 있는 발렌버그에게 의심을 품기 시작한 살롱 마담 키티(잉그리드 썰린 분)와 마가리타는 발렌버그의 도청 사실을 눈치채고 평소 마가리타에게 흑심을 품고있던 발렌버그를 유인, 비밀 정보를 누설하도록 만든다. 결국 마가리타의 밀고로 발렌버그는 벗은 채 사살당하고 만다.
이 콰트로 델라포칼리세
Four petty criminals, three men and a woman, wander through the trackless terrain of the Wild West Utah and are hounded by a sadistic bandit.
The Barons
Leopoldo Lalumera, grandson of a wealthy eighty-four-year-old baron, infuriated during a galactic convention with a prosaic maid, discovers, on the eve of the wedding with his cousin Mariantonia, that he has become impotent.
히틀러: 더 라스트 텐 데이즈
Hitler: The Last Ten Days takes us into the depths of der Furher’s Berlin bunker during his final days. Based on the book by Gerhard Boldt, it provides a bleak look at the goings-on within, and without.
히틀러: 더 라스트 텐 데이즈
Hitler: The Last Ten Days takes us into the depths of der Furher’s Berlin bunker during his final days. Based on the book by Gerhard Boldt, it provides a bleak look at the goings-on within, and without.
Daniele and Maria
Directed by the Oscar-winning screenwriter Ennio De Concini, Daniele e Maria (1973) is the tale of a forbidden romance between a rich and reclusive boy and the poor girl whose kindness opens up his formerly sheltered life. As the familiar setup from Romeo and Juliet suggests, the romance can only have a tragic ending as Maria is whisked away from her love and is forced into a loveless marriage organized by the rich family sheltering Daniele…
Daniele and Maria
Directed by the Oscar-winning screenwriter Ennio De Concini, Daniele e Maria (1973) is the tale of a forbidden romance between a rich and reclusive boy and the poor girl whose kindness opens up his formerly sheltered life. As the familiar setup from Romeo and Juliet suggests, the romance can only have a tragic ending as Maria is whisked away from her love and is forced into a loveless marriage organized by the rich family sheltering Daniele…
Baron von Sepper is an Austrian aristocrat noted for his blue-toned beard, and his appetite for beautiful wives. His latest spouse, an American beauty named Anne, discovers a vault in his castle that's filled with the frozen bodies of several beautiful women.
Long Live Robin Hood
Also known as The Scalawag Bunch - This bunch is none other than the Merry Men of Sherwood Forest and their feisty leader, Robin Hood. This is a '70s Italian-Spanish-French version of the often-played Robin Hood story, sometimes known as Archer of Fire.
The Red Tent
Torn by personal guilt, Italian General Umberto Nobile reminisces about his 1928 failed Arctic expedition aboard the airship Italia.
Coup D'Etat
Italy, 1972. Political elections are taking place and Christian Democrat victory is expected; but the electronic computer of the Ministry of the Interior reveals that the party with the highest number is the Italian Communist Party.
Coup D'Etat
Italy, 1972. Political elections are taking place and Christian Democrat victory is expected; but the electronic computer of the Ministry of the Interior reveals that the party with the highest number is the Italian Communist Party.
연인들의 장소
Globe-trotting clothes-horse Julia, who's harboring a secret, embarks on a 10-day fling with Valerio in Italy.
The Black Sheep
Episode film about identical twin brothers. Mario is an honest government-minded deputy. Filippo lives by his wits, not quite legally. Eventually Filippo ruins his brother's career and mind, absorbs his wife and finally steps into his shoes as an honorable member of Parliament.
The Bastard
A criminal (Giuliano Gemma) seeks vengeance when his double-dealing brother (Klaus Kinski) steals his jewels and mutilates his shooting hand.
Better a Widow
Tom Proby is a representative from a British engineering firm sent to Sicily to convince the landowners (all in the Mafia) to allow his company to build an oil refinery on some waterfront real estate. Proby talks to the mob bosses about the project, but disagreements between different bosses complicate his efforts.
The Girl Who Couldn't Say No
Childhood friends Franco and Jolanda accidentally meet again after 15 years and both know it is love. This comedy traces their troubled relationship.
The Girl Who Couldn't Say No
Childhood friends Franco and Jolanda accidentally meet again after 15 years and both know it is love. This comedy traces their troubled relationship.
황야의 산 세바스찬
1746년 멕시코, 현상수배로 쫓기던 리온 알라스트라이는 급한 김에 성역인 프란체스코수도성당에 뛰어들어 정부군으로부터 벗어난다. 요셉신부는 알라스트라이를 당국에 인도하는 것을 거부하고 형벌로써 그를 이곳에서 멀리 떨어진 마을 세바스찬으로 보내기로 한다. 수도사의 복장으로 변장한 알라스트라이는 요셉신부와 함께 멕시코사막을 가로질러 황량한 마을에 도착하지만, 그 곳은 야키족 인디언들에 의하여 약탈당하고 있었다. 그들에 의하여 요셉신부가 죽으면서, 마을로 되돌아온 주민들은 알라스트라이를 성직자로 오인한다. 야키족과 손을 잡은 혼혈인 테클로는 마을사람들에게 그들의 신앙을 포기하지 않으면 더욱 거센 인디언의 공격이 있을 거라며 협박한다. 알라스트라이가 성직자가 아니라는 것을 알고 있는 마을의 한 소녀 키니타는 알라스트라이가 교수형을 당할 위기에서 구해주고 그에게 마을의 정신적인 지도자가 되어 달라고 설득한다. 알라스트라이는 농부들이 그들의 농작물을 위하여 관개시설을 확보하기 위해 댐을 건설하는데 협력을 하고 야키족이 다시 공격할 걸 예상하여 무기와 탄약을 얻기 위해 한 때 자신의 연인이었던 사령관의 아내 펠리치아를 움직인다. 마침내 인디언들이 마을을 기습하지만, 그들은 용감하게 반항하는 농민들과 알라스트라이의 댐 폭파에 의하여 대패하고 만다. 그리고 알라스트라이는 테클로와의 대결에서 그를 죽인다. 잠시 후, 정부군이 산세바스찬을 위해 진짜 성직자와 함께 도착하자, 알라스트라이에게 감사하게 생각하는 마을 사람들은 그와 키니타가 도주할 수 있게 돕는다
Operation San Pietro
Small time crook Napoleone falls into an unlikely gang made up of a gangster, called The Baron, and his two cohorts, Agonia and The Captain, where Napoleone takes them to Rome where they shack up with a shady used car dealer caled Il Cajella to help finance their new life of crime by planing to rob a statue from the Vatican. But a big-time American gangster, named Joe Ventura, hears about the heist and wants the priceless statue for himself by having his mistress, Samantha, come onto and betray the woman-hungry Cajella to give the statue away to her.
Operation San Pietro
Small time crook Napoleone falls into an unlikely gang made up of a gangster, called The Baron, and his two cohorts, Agonia and The Captain, where Napoleone takes them to Rome where they shack up with a shady used car dealer caled Il Cajella to help finance their new life of crime by planing to rob a statue from the Vatican. But a big-time American gangster, named Joe Ventura, hears about the heist and wants the priceless statue for himself by having his mistress, Samantha, come onto and betray the woman-hungry Cajella to give the statue away to her.
Kill Me Quick, I'm Cold
Giovanna and Franco are lovers pretending to be brother and sister in order to con unsuspecting marks while staying in the most luxurious locales throughout Europe. In their travels, they come across the beautiful Christina, a girl who is being threatened by her brother, Sergio, in order to get the family fortune. But as Giovanna and Franco delve into their story, the double-crossing begins, and no one is sure who is getting tricked.
Per amore... per magia...
There was once upon a time the Grand Duchy of Forilalì where Aladdin lived. After taking part in many robberies, he decided to turn honest for the love of the beautiful Princess Esmeralda. But his intention lasted only a few days. Afterward he found himself in jail with his old companions. They were freed by the magician Magrebì and in a night of lunar eclipse, Aladdin found a magic lamp. He succeeded in cleaning his sister Adalgisa's house with the help of the genie and then, with no help at all, to marry Esmeralda. But evil powers were in action.
Per amore... per magia...
There was once upon a time the Grand Duchy of Forilalì where Aladdin lived. After taking part in many robberies, he decided to turn honest for the love of the beautiful Princess Esmeralda. But his intention lasted only a few days. Afterward he found himself in jail with his old companions. They were freed by the magician Magrebì and in a night of lunar eclipse, Aladdin found a magic lamp. He succeeded in cleaning his sister Adalgisa's house with the help of the genie and then, with no help at all, to marry Esmeralda. But evil powers were in action.
A Rose for Everyone
A vivacious woman tries to please all of her lovers but finds she can't handle the jealousy that erupts among them.
The Treasure of San Gennaro
A pair of Americans want to perform the greatest robbery: the treasure of San Genaro, in Napoli.
The Treasure of San Gennaro
A pair of Americans want to perform the greatest robbery: the treasure of San Genaro, in Napoli.
The Battle of the Mods
In Liverpool there's a gang war between the Mods (who dress in the latest fashions and styles) and the Rockers (who are more into the '50s "greaser" look). Ricky, the son of a wealthy businessman, is a Mod guitar player, and in a gang fight with some Rockers, his girlfriend is killed. He leaves Liverpool for the continent and winds up in Rome, where he becomes involved with his father's mistress.
How Do I Love You?
Gigliola is a young and humble Neapolitan swimmer who will compete in a competition in Spain and finds herself falling for the fiance of her best friend. But when they come to visit her in Italy, she pretends to be rich, with the complicity of their parents.
Z7 Operation Rembrandt
A German scientist takes refuge in an unnamed South American country, and finishes the development of a weapon of mass destruction. Lesky, is assistant, is paid by a Chinese spy ring to abduct the scientist, and appropriate the weapon. Super agent Z7's mission is to find them and prevent that, which he does - at a cost of a number of lives.
Weekend, Italian Style
Manager Marletti goes to the sea to meet his wife Giuliana to spend the weekend with her and many friends. After three days Marletti comes back driving his car to Rome. So he can sleep, alone and happy, with silence around him.
Weekend, Italian Style
Manager Marletti goes to the sea to meet his wife Giuliana to spend the weekend with her and many friends. After three days Marletti comes back driving his car to Rome. So he can sleep, alone and happy, with silence around him.
Un amore
The love life of an aging architect used to love affairs with call girls, who in the end settles down with a girl of his class but still longs for the life he has led so far, which ends in disillusion.
The Dirty Game
A U.S. intelligence general recalls three Cold War cases of Soviet, French and Italian spies.
I Kill, You Kill
Six sketches with as many ways of murdering someone, and getting away with it.
Love and Marriage
An anthology comedy with segments about love and marriage.
Attack and Retreat
Chronicle of the unheralded and unsuccessful invasion of the Soviet Union by the Italian army during World War II.
Attack and Retreat
Chronicle of the unheralded and unsuccessful invasion of the Soviet Union by the Italian army during World War II.
Thor and the Amazon Women
A race of Amazon warriors is enslaving the men of a country, and the mighty Thor is called upon to help them regain their freedom.
Russia sotto inchiesta
The Attic
Italian comedy.
너무 많은 것을 안 여자
미국인 여행객 노라 데이비스에게 로마는 첫날부터 악몽같은 곳이었다. 공항에 도착하자마자 비행기에서 사귄 남자가 마약 밀매업자라는 게 들통나고, 병약한 이모가 노라가 도착한 바로 그 날 밤 병으로 죽자 겁에 질린 노라는 밖으로 뛰어나갔다가 그만 강도를 만나고 만다. 핸드백을 털리고 기절했던 노라가 간신히 정신을 차렸을 때 노라의 눈에 비친 건 등에 칼이 박힌 여자가 비칠거리며 밖으로 나와 쓰러지는 광경. 다시 기절한 노라가 정신을 차렸을 때는 시체도 살인마도 사라지고 없었다. 노라는 알콜 중독자 취급을 받고 노라의 말을 믿어주는 경찰은 단 한 명도 없다. 노라는 의사 마르첼로 바시와 함께 사라진 시체와 알파벳 연쇄 살인의 미스터리를 풀어나가기 시작하는데.
너무 많은 것을 안 여자
미국인 여행객 노라 데이비스에게 로마는 첫날부터 악몽같은 곳이었다. 공항에 도착하자마자 비행기에서 사귄 남자가 마약 밀매업자라는 게 들통나고, 병약한 이모가 노라가 도착한 바로 그 날 밤 병으로 죽자 겁에 질린 노라는 밖으로 뛰어나갔다가 그만 강도를 만나고 만다. 핸드백을 털리고 기절했던 노라가 간신히 정신을 차렸을 때 노라의 눈에 비친 건 등에 칼이 박힌 여자가 비칠거리며 밖으로 나와 쓰러지는 광경. 다시 기절한 노라가 정신을 차렸을 때는 시체도 살인마도 사라지고 없었다. 노라는 알콜 중독자 취급을 받고 노라의 말을 믿어주는 경찰은 단 한 명도 없다. 노라는 의사 마르첼로 바시와 함께 사라진 시체와 알파벳 연쇄 살인의 미스터리를 풀어나가기 시작하는데.
Beach Casanova
Mr. Edmond is a middle-aged playboy, living by his wits on the Riviera. Among the women with whom Edmond dallies are three gorgeous ladies.
La leggenda di Fra Diavolo
Adventure about the life of legendary bandi Fra Diavolo (played by Tony Russel).
My Son, the Hero
An evil king makes a bargain with a devil in order to get away with murdering his wife.
My Son, the Hero
An evil king makes a bargain with a devil in order to get away with murdering his wife.
Marco Polo
Italian explorer rescues the daughter of the Mongol leader Kublai Khan, meets a hermit who has invented gunpowder and builds a cannon.
The Witch's Curse
Maciste travels to Hell to find a witch and make her undo a curse she put on the surface world.
바이얼런트 라이프
Tommaso Puzzilli is a boy who grew up in the suburb of Pietralata outside Rome. Not having a job, Tommaso and his friends are committing crimes to make money.
Musketeers of the Sea
Three pirates are saved from a shipwreck and seize a galleon bound for Maracaibo, where they will save the governor from a conspiracy. Italian adventure movie directed by Steno.
Taras Bulba
Italian adaptation of the historical novella of the same name by Nikolai Gogol.
Catherine Hubscher, who washes the shirts of young Napoleon and other soldiers fighting the Revolution, falls in love with Sergeant Lefebvre. Circumstances bring Lefebvre a noble title and even more -- Napoleon decides to make him the local ruler over a large territorial fiefdom. But trouble brews when Madame Sans-Gene, now elevated to the nobility along with her man -- cannot keep her frank observations under control.
이혼: 이탈리언 스타일
몰락해가는 가문 체파루 가문의 페르디난도 세팔루는 지루한 삶 속에서 그의 부인까지 지겨워하는 시칠리안 귀족이다. 그는 대저택에서 같이 여름을 보낸 아름다운 사촌 안젤라와 사랑에 빠진다. 이탈리아에서는 1960년대부터 이혼이 금지되어 있기에 페르디난도는 그의 부인을 죽이고 사촌과 결혼을 하려 한다. 그는 가장 명예로운 살인 방법을 택하려 한다. 페르디난도는 그의 부인을 유혹해 다른 남자의 품에 안기도록 하는 계획을 세워 명예를 지킨다는 명분으로 아내를 살해하고 재혼을 계획한다. 마을에서 치정에 의한 살인 사건이 발생하였으나 명예를 중시하는 이태리인의 관습상 죽은 간부보다는 살아있는 피해자 부인에게 동정표가 몰려 가벼운 처벌을 받는 것을 본 그는 기운을 얻어 치밀한 계획을 세운다. 우연히 아내에게 자신과 결혼하기 이전에 아내를 사랑했던 남자가 있음을 발견한 그는 그가 화가임을 알고 일부러 자신의 집 천방의 벽화 수리를 의뢰하고 아내와의 자리를 주선한다. 그리고 최신식 녹음기를 설치하고 둘 사이의 불륜을 잡을 만반의 준비를 갖춘다. 익명의 투서를 만들어 자신에게 아내가 불륜을 저지르고 있다는 증거도 남겨놓고 현장과 증거를 잡기에 혈안이 되어 있던 중 오랜 기다림 끝에 드디어 둘 사이에 사랑의 옛 감정이 되살아 나고 있음을 감지한다. 마을에 영화가 들어옴을 빌리로 온 가족이 모두 자리를 비워주어 일부러 자리를 피해준다. 그리고 다시 돌아와 그들을 쏘아 죽일 계획을 세우지만 이들은 세파루의 예상을 벗어나 달아나 버린다.
이혼: 이탈리언 스타일
몰락해가는 가문 체파루 가문의 페르디난도 세팔루는 지루한 삶 속에서 그의 부인까지 지겨워하는 시칠리안 귀족이다. 그는 대저택에서 같이 여름을 보낸 아름다운 사촌 안젤라와 사랑에 빠진다. 이탈리아에서는 1960년대부터 이혼이 금지되어 있기에 페르디난도는 그의 부인을 죽이고 사촌과 결혼을 하려 한다. 그는 가장 명예로운 살인 방법을 택하려 한다. 페르디난도는 그의 부인을 유혹해 다른 남자의 품에 안기도록 하는 계획을 세워 명예를 지킨다는 명분으로 아내를 살해하고 재혼을 계획한다. 마을에서 치정에 의한 살인 사건이 발생하였으나 명예를 중시하는 이태리인의 관습상 죽은 간부보다는 살아있는 피해자 부인에게 동정표가 몰려 가벼운 처벌을 받는 것을 본 그는 기운을 얻어 치밀한 계획을 세운다. 우연히 아내에게 자신과 결혼하기 이전에 아내를 사랑했던 남자가 있음을 발견한 그는 그가 화가임을 알고 일부러 자신의 집 천방의 벽화 수리를 의뢰하고 아내와의 자리를 주선한다. 그리고 최신식 녹음기를 설치하고 둘 사이의 불륜을 잡을 만반의 준비를 갖춘다. 익명의 투서를 만들어 자신에게 아내가 불륜을 저지르고 있다는 증거도 남겨놓고 현장과 증거를 잡기에 혈안이 되어 있던 중 오랜 기다림 끝에 드디어 둘 사이에 사랑의 옛 감정이 되살아 나고 있음을 감지한다. 마을에 영화가 들어옴을 빌리로 온 가족이 모두 자리를 비워주어 일부러 자리를 피해준다. 그리고 다시 돌아와 그들을 쏘아 죽일 계획을 세우지만 이들은 세파루의 예상을 벗어나 달아나 버린다.
Duel of the Titans
Twin brothers were raised by wolves, revolt against tyranny in pre-Roman Italy and then come to a parting of the ways as they lead their people toward the founding of a new city, the founders of Rome.
Duel of Champions
A Roman nobleman, Horatius leads an imperial legion during the long and bloody war between the Romans and the Albans. A desperate arrangement is agreed on how to settle the war. Three valiant brothers are chosen from each side to fight one last fierce and bloody duel...
Joseph and His Brethren
A brother is cast out from his family, sold in to slavery and then returns years later as a man of power - but shows forgiveness and compassion to his family through the strength of character given to him by God.
오드의 투기장
While on holiday in Rhodes, Athenian war hero Darios becomes involved in two different plots to overthrow the tyrannical king, one from Rhodian patriots and the other from sinister Phoenician agents.
오드의 투기장
While on holiday in Rhodes, Athenian war hero Darios becomes involved in two different plots to overthrow the tyrannical king, one from Rhodian patriots and the other from sinister Phoenician agents.
An English teacher seduces a young student in the company of his wife to help him in an ambitious plan with the kidnapping of a newborn baby of a wealthy businessman.
Odissea nuda
A director arrives in Tahiti to make a film, but soon he lets himself be captured by the exotic charm of the local places and beauties. with E. Salerno.
The Giants of Thessaly
In order to placate the angry gods, who have allowed Thessaly to be overrun with barbarian invaders and beset with natural disasters, King Jason takes his Argonauts on a search for the fabled Golden Fleece. Meanwhile, back at home, his scheming regent is plotting to get his hands on the kingdom--and the queen.
에스더와 왕
구약성서의 에스더에 대한 이야기
The Dolphins
An acid portrait of Italian youth at the time, I DELFINI follows a dreary season of discontent and viciousness in the lives of a thoroughly unpleasant group of mostly rich youngsters in a small Adriatic coast city.
It Happened in '43
1943. The affair between Anna, unhappily married to wheelchair-bound Pino, and deserter Franco unfolds in foggy Ferrara, intertwining with the power struggle taking place within local Fascist ranks that culminates in a massacre of civilians, including Franco's father – Pino sees it all from his window, but will he tell anyone?
Colossus and the Amazon Queen
Two muscle-men come up against a tribe of Amazon women.
Assignment: Outer Space
Interplanetary News reporter Ray Peterson is assigned aboard a space station in the 21st Century.
The Warrior Empress
The poetess Sappho led an uprising against the corrupt government of the island of Lesbos.
Run with the Devil
Stefano is a talented painter, devoted to his art but not interested in promoting himself, while many of his fellow artists are far more adept at selling their persona than creating art.
사탄의 가면
19세기 중반, 토마스 크루바얀 박사는 조수 안드레이 고로벡과 함께 몰다비아를 여행하던 중 17세기에 처형된 마녀이자 흡혈귀인 아사 바이다의 무덤을 지나게 된다. 이때 우연히 떨어진 크루바얀의 피로 인해 아사는 깨어나게 되고, 함께 처형됐던 하인 이고르 야부티치를 살려낸다. 그들의 부활로 인해 바이다 성은 다시 공포의 장이 된다. 이윽고 아사는 인간으로 부활하기 위해 그녀와 쌍둥이처럼 닮은 후손인 카티아 바이다를 노리고, 카티아를 사랑하게 된 안드레이는 아사의 저주로부터 카티아를 구하려고 한다.
Siege of Syracuse
Syracuse lies between the warring nations of Rome and Carthage; as long as the balance of power between the nations remains intact, both nations are willing to preserve the neutrality of Syracuse. However, Rome has now gotten the upper hand in its struggle for power. The fate of Syracuse lies in the hands of its leader, the famed inventor and scientist Archimedes.
Messalina was the Roman noblewoman who inveigled ageing emperor Claudio into marriage. Once ensconced on the throne, Messalina launched a reign of terror that shook the empire to its very foundations. The subject of countless film treatments, Rome's most villified empress is herein played by British actress Belinda Lee.
Messalina was the Roman noblewoman who inveigled ageing emperor Claudio into marriage. Once ensconced on the throne, Messalina launched a reign of terror that shook the empire to its very foundations. The subject of countless film treatments, Rome's most villified empress is herein played by British actress Belinda Lee.
Carthage in Flames
Historical drama depicting the last of the Punic Wars between the Roman Republic and Carthage.
The Giant of Marathon
A Greek soldier leads the fight against an invading Persian army.
Legions of the Nile
Octavio secretly sent his consul Curridio to Alexandria in a final attempt to reach peace. In the city, he meets Berenice, a mysterious and beautiful dancer who falls in love. Actually, the dancer is the queen Cleopatra who leads a double life using this name.
Legions of the Nile
Octavio secretly sent his consul Curridio to Alexandria in a final attempt to reach peace. In the city, he meets Berenice, a mysterious and beautiful dancer who falls in love. Actually, the dancer is the queen Cleopatra who leads a double life using this name.
폼페이 최후의 날
고대 이탈리아 최대의 도시 폼페이. 시민들은 영화와 향락 속에 방황하고 청년 귀족들의 연애는 방탕하리 만큼 무질서한 가운데 다시금 폭발한 베스비우스의 분화와 용암밑에 화려한 도시 폼페이가 파묻히고 만다.
비 오는 오후, 로마 시내의 어느 오래된 고급 아파트에 도둑이 든다. 기동 경찰대의 인그라발로 반장(피에트로 제르미)은 이 강도 사건의 범인을 수색하기 위해 조사를 시작하지만, 정작 피해자는 성직자로서 지나친 사치를 하고 있는 것이 세상에 알려질까 봐 사건을 숨기려 한다. 이 사건의 범인으로 지목되었던 지오메데(니노 카스텔누오보)는 이웃집 하녀 아순티나(클라우디아 카르디날)의 약혼자로 미국인 여성과 함께 있었다는 알리바이가 성립되어 풀려나고, 결국 범인을 찾지 못한 채 미수 사건에 그칠 지경에 이르게 된다. 그러나 일주일 뒤, 강도 사건이 발생했던 바로 옆집에서 젊고 매력 있는 안주인인 릴리아나 반두치(엘리오노라 로씨 드라고)가 흉기에 찔려 살해당하는 사건이 발생한다. 경찰은 같은 아파트에서 연 이어 발생한 두 차례의 사건을 동일 인물 소행일 것이라고 의심하게 된다. 강도 사건부터 다시 수사하기 시작한 반장은 강도 미수 사건에 그쳤던 릴리아나의 옆집에서 열쇠하나가 발견되었다는 사실을 알게 되지만 대수롭지 않게 생각하고 넘기고, 살해 피해자인 릴리아나와 가장 가까운 사람들, 릴리아나의 유산과 관계된 사람들부터 조사하기 시작한다. 먼저 릴리아나가 정기적으로 돈을 보태주고 있던 직업이 의사인 사촌 그리고 무엇인가를 감추고 조사를 피하기만 하려는 남편을 수사선 상에 올린다. 이런 와중에 반장에게 한통의 쪽지가 도착되는데 살인자는 릴리아나의 남편이니 시간낭비 하지 말라는 내용이었다. 이에 반장은 릴리아나의 남편을 집중적으로 조사하게 된다. 그러나 남편은 릴리아나의 예전 하녀였던 버지니아의 유혹에 그녀와 불륜을 갖게 되어 그녀를 피하고 있었지만 알고 보니 버지니아는 릴리아나의 사촌과 남편 모두에게 불륜의 관계를 가지고 있었다. 결국 이들의 살인 혐의는 풀려나고, 사건은 다시 원점으로 돌아가게 되지만, 이 순간 반장에게 떠오른 강도 사건시에 발견된 열쇠로 아순티나의 약혼자인 지오메데가 범인임을 알아낸다.
European Nights
A tour of the nightlife in Rome, Paris, London, Madrid, Vienna, Brussels and more. Episodes presenting famous artists and people performing.
The Great Deception
Burgundy 1728. Old count Antoine d'Eon is overjoyed. His daughter-in-law has finally given birth to a boy and he will at long last be able to transmit his inheritance to his son Pascal. At least this is what he thinks, for Pascal has concealed from his father the fact that his son was ... a daughter, his eighth daughter! Well, enough is enough and Geneviève has no other choice but become a boy first, then a soldier and even the special envoy of Louis XV, King of France, to Catherine II, the Czarina of Russia.
Esterina, a young war orphan, joins two truck drivers, Gino and Piero, on their trips along Northern Italy. She wants to find her luck in the big city, but her dreams turn into disappointing experiences. She falls in love with Gino but he is not interested in her, until she disappears...
Hercules Unchained
En route to Thebes for an important diplomatic mission, Hercules drinks from a magic spring and loses his memory. He spends most of the movie in the pleasure gardens of Queen Omphale of Lydia. While young Ulysses tries to help him regain his memory, political tensions escalate in Thebes, and Hercules' new wife Iole finds herself in mortal danger.
Italian comedy
The Warrior and the Slave Girl
Marcus Numidius (Ettore Manni), a Roman tribune sent to Armenia to put down a gladiators' revolt, captures the rebels' popular leader, Aselepius (Georges Marchal). Princess Amira (Gianna Maria Canale), with ambitions of being Queen and jealous of Asclepius' popularity, plans his death in the arena by substituting a lion for his human opponent
Cannon Serenade
È arrivata la parigina
An ambitious French girl who moved to Italy to be an actress cannot break through and then opts for a normal life.
È arrivata la parigina
An ambitious French girl who moved to Italy to be an actress cannot break through and then opts for a normal life.
The Italians They Are Crazy
In a German prison camp, some Italian prisoners bet with the commander that they will be able to build a church in two hours.
In this melange of characters and events from separate mythological stories, Hercules, demigod and superman, arrives in the ancient Greek kingdom of Iolcus to tutor Iphitus, son of king Pelias; immediately on arrival, he falls in love with the king's delectable, briefly clad daughter Iole. Before he can win her, he must succeed in a series of quests, in the course of which he teams up with Jason, true heir of Iolcus, whom he accompanies on the famous voyage of the Argonauts.
The Love Specialist
A Texas girl wins a trip to Italy where she meets a prince who's afraid to admit that he's flat broke (so is she). They strike up an affair, but things come to a crazy conclusion when he tries to bribe a horse to win a race at the Palio racing grounds.
Doctor and the Healer
Francesco, a young doctor, is appointed doctor to the imaginary village of Pianetta in the province of Avellino, but is immediately in competition with Don Antonio, a so-called "healer".
The Wide Blue Road
Squarciò, a fisherman, lives with his family on a small island off the Dalmatian coast of Italy. Like his fellow villagers, Squarciò struggles against harsh living conditions, a scarcity of fish in nearby waters and exploitation by the local wholesaler. But while the other fishermen continue to use nets, he goes out to the open sea to fish illegally with bombs. But Squarciò borrows money, loses his boat, and in a moment of supreme desperation, has to bomb directly off-shore, causing the hatred and rejection of his fellow fishermen. Trying to save his family, Squarciò and his young sons sail their new boat out beyond the local waters and bomb-fish again. But this time, the sea exacts a terrible toll…
포강 하류, 항상 짙은 안개가 깔리는 마을에 사는 알도는 연인 이르마에게 갑작스럽게 이별을 통보받고 정처 없는 방랑을 떠난다. 거대한 공장, 빗물이 들이치는 움막, 얼어붙은 평원 등 인물의 감정과 공명하는 장소를 지나쳐가는 그의 여정은 ‘세계에서 자신의 자리를 찾기’ 위한 일련의 시도들로 구성되어 있다. 하지만 모든 곳이 거주 불가능한 것처럼 보이고 그는 최후의 선택으로 내몰린다.
Roland the Mighty
Charlemagne and saracen Agramante are at war. Although the Franks are outnumbered by their enemies they succeed in containing them in the Pyrenean foothills. A truce is signed between the two sides, during which Agramante treacherously sends Angélique, a beautiful seductress of his retinue,to the paladin camp. Meanwhile the emperor has decided to give his daughter Aude to his brave nephew Roland but chance has it that she meets Renaud,Roland's lieutenant, first. The two young people fall in love. Later on, the truce is broken and fight resumes. Betrayed by Ganelon, Roland is momentarily disowned by his uncle.
Script Editor
나이 오십대에 접어든 철도기관사 안드리아(Andrea Marcocci: 피에트로 게르미 분)는 늦게 본 막내아들 산드로(Sandrino: 에도아르도 네볼라 분)가 영웅처럼 떠받드는 아버지이다. 그러나 그는 가난했고 큰 아들은 자기 때문에 고생하는 어머니편만 들다 집을 나가 거리의 불량배가 된다. 게다가 딸은 가게 점원과 사랑을 해 임신을 한다. 삶의 무게에 짖눌린 안드레아는 정신을 다른 쪽에 팔다가 어느날 철도에 투신 자살을 하는 사람에게 그만 충돌 사고를 내고 만다. 그후 그는 매일 술에 취해 집에 들어오는 데 동료기관사들까지 파업에도 아랑곳하지 않고 기차를 모는 그를 따돌린다. 점점 술에 취해 들어오는 빈도가 높아지고 그럴 때 막내 산드로가 꾀를 낸다. 퇴근 시간마다 아버지를 기다렸다 같이 집으로 모시고 오는 것이다. 자신을 영웅처럼 우러러보는 막내 아들, 그는 집으로 발길을 돌린다. 집안은 점차 평화를 되찾고 불량배들과 휩쓸려 다니던 큰 아들도 집으로 온다. 아무 말없이 자기 목도리를 돌려주면서 용돈이 있냐고 무뚝뚝하게 묻는 안드리아. 그는 모든 오해가 풀린 뒤 동료 기관사들과 함께 크리스마스 파티를 한다. 기분 좋게 노래도 하고 손님들이 다 간뒤 기타도 친다. 그러다 그는 침대에 누워 잠자듯이 숨을 거둔다. 그의 얼굴엔 희미한 미소를 띄고 있었다.
The Awakening
Directed by the incredibly prolific Mario Camerini, Suor Letizia was released in English-speaking regions as When Angels Don't Fly and The Awakening. In her first film appearance since The Rose Tattoo, Anna Magnani plays a feisty nun named Sister Letizia. Believing herself above such earthly trivialities as a maternal instinct, Sr. Letizia changes her way of thinking when an abandoned child is placed in her care. Unofficially adopting the boy, the good sister eventually comes to realize that even she cannot provide the care and guidance of a biological mother. Carefully constructed to accommodate all the surefire box-office elements inherent in Camerini's earlier films, Suor Letizia was almost guaranteed to be a hit.
전쟁과 평화
19세기초 프랑스의 맹공을 받게 된 제정 러시아의 피에르는 나폴레옹을 숭배한다. 청순한 나타샤를 사랑하는 피에르. 그의 재산을 탐낸 쿠라긴 공작은 자신의 딸과 결혼시키는데 성공한다. 나타샤의 오빠 니콜라스는 전쟁 중 도망쳐오고, 안드레이는 전쟁의 현실을 목격하고 돌아온 후, 지금껏 괴롭혔던 아내 리제의 죽음으로 환멸에 빠진다. 결혼 생활에 실패한 피에르는 전쟁의 참상을 보고 나폴레옹을 숭배했던 자신을 저주한다. 포로로 감옥에서 실신한 플라톤을 만나 생의 진실을 깨달은 피에르는 마침내 쿠투조프의 초토 퇴각 작전이 성공, 프랑스군이 깨끗이 소탕되는 것으로 종말되는 전쟁의 와중에서 기적적으로 살아 남는다. 부흥의 싹이 트기 시작한 초토화된 거리에서 성숙한 나타샤는 피에르를 기다리고 있었다.
Rice Girl
The 19-year-old Elena, who is as pretty as she is bright, works as a rice girl for the landlord Guerrini. Having become aware of her name, he finds out that she is his illegitimate daughter of whom he knew nothing. He tries to secretly help Elena, who has fallen in love with the car mechanic Gianni. But that only creates mistrust. When Guerrini's worthless nephew harasses the girl, the situation is dramatically worse.
The Miller's Beautiful Wife
A lecherous governor of Naples in 1680 lusts after the wives of several peasants, particularly after the miller's wife Carmela. The miller himself plans to avenge his honor by seducing the wife of the governor.
Divisione Folgore
In the summer of 1942, during the Second World War, a group of young paratroopers from the Folgore Division, after having been subjected to a long and tiring training in Italy, was transported by air to the Libyan desert to cover the Italian-German front.
The Queen of Babylon
In this Biblical epic, a brave Chaldean rebel takes on his evil nemesis, a cruel Assyrian king. En route to his fateful meeting, the rebel hides in the humble hut of a luscious peasant girl.
Attila, the leader of the barbarian Huns and called by the Romans "The Scourge of God", sweeps onto the Italian peninsula, defeating all of the armies of Rome, until he and his men reach the gates of the city itself.
Attila, the leader of the barbarian Huns and called by the Romans "The Scourge of God", sweeps onto the Italian peninsula, defeating all of the armies of Rome, until he and his men reach the gates of the city itself.
Knights of the Queen
A new adventure for the Dumas musketeers who this time must save the Infanta of Spain from the intrigues of the Prince of Condé who wants to take the throne at any cost. (This film is a compendium edit made from episodes of the television series "I tre moschettieri")
트로이 전쟁 이후 정처없이 바다를 항해하며 떠도는 율리시즈의 여정을 그렸다. 전쟁을 끝내고 사랑하는 아내 페네로페가 있는 곳을 찾아 많은 고난과 모험을 겪어 나간다.
A young and poor Venetian woman is invited to a masquerade ball by a charming count.
Submarine Attack
During WWII, handsome young Italian sub commander and his crew torpedo Allied freighters and transport ships for the Axis then rescue the occasional survivor and treat them humanely while seeking a safe place to put them ashore.
Human Torpedoes
A team of highly trained Italian seamen are taken to the island of Stampalia where there are to take their torpedo-laden attack craft on a daring attack on the port of Suda.
The Ship of Condemned Women
After murdering her illegitimate baby, Isabella (Tania Weber) pins the blame on her innocent cousin Consuelo (May Britt). Despite the strenuous efforts of her attorney-lover DeSylva (Ettore Manni), Consuelo is found guilty and shipped to a penal colony along with several other female prisoners.
늑대 여인
마을 사람들에게 ‘여우’라 불리는 매력적인 중년의 여인이 있다. 그녀는 성적 매력을 이용해 자신의 딸이 마을 축제에서 중요한 배역을 얻도록 한다. 그리고 마침 축제에 놀러온 한 젊은 군인이 그녀와 가까워지지만 곧 그녀의 딸과도 가까워진다.
Jolanda, the Daughter of the Black Corsair
Collected at the age of two, under extreme conditions, by a company of Gypsies, Jolly grew up among them, together with the man who accompanied her.
Hell Raiders of the Deep
A crack team of Italian naval divers plan to attach high explosives to the hulls of Royal navy warships anchored in Gibraltar harbour.
Sunday Heroes
Gino Bardi is a centre-forward in a football team which is about to be relegated to the second division. Just before a very important match a girl he has a relationship with proposes him to rig it. He refuses the offer but he actually begins playing like an amateur and the crowd begin to smell something fishy going on.
I tre corsari
The castle of the counts of Ventimiglia is conquered by the spanish Van Gould, who kills the count and sends his three sons in the Antilles. The ship is attacked by pirates and the three brothers are liberated. They decide to join the pirates to have revenge on Van Gould, who has also moved to the Antilles on the command of the viceroy.
Toto and the Kings of Rome
An aging, down-and-out public employee must face the primary school examination.
Refugee Franca Gabre comes to the Po Valley with intent to use her obvious attributes and man-swaying talents to gain some security. She targets farm-owning brothers Riccardo and Carlo Sartori and uses the latter in an attempt to reach Riccardo, the older brother.
Vacation with a Gangster
A group of boys calling themselves The Monte Cristo gang find a note from an innocent prisoner and set out to free him from a fortress-like prison.
Appointment for Murder
A woman has jumped or been pushed from five stories of an apartment house. The detective on the case lives there, and he discovers that the woman's estranged husband does also.
Appointment for Murder
A woman has jumped or been pushed from five stories of an apartment house. The detective on the case lives there, and he discovers that the woman's estranged husband does also.
Brothers of Italy
Capodistria, 1915. Captain Nazario Sauro, an officer in the Autrian Navy, is one of those patriots who militate for Italy to enter World War I. When he is about to be arrested by the Austrian authorities he chooses to desert. Once in Venice he enlists in the Italian Navy and becomes an officer in a submarine where his perfect knowledge of the coast of Istria proves particularly helpful. But when his submarine runs aground near the island of Munje, he is captured by the Austrians, sentenced to death for high treason and hanged in 1916.
Gli undici moschettieri
Documentary directed by Ennio De Concini and Fausto Saraceni.
Double Cross
A businessman is wrongly accused and convicted for the murder of his associate.
Outlaw Girl
Beppe Musolino is falsely accused of murder. He is tried and once found guilty is imprisoned. Unexpectedly he escape from prison and to survive he start living like an outlaw brigand. He falls in love for Mara, a village girl, and with her help he hunts down all of the witnesses who lied about him at the trial.
L'ebreo errante
Matthew, a rich nationalist Jew and a contemporary of Jesus, regards the latter as an obstacle in this struggle to free their people from the Roman yoke by means of revolt.