Robin van den Akker

참여 작품

Cut Fodder
Vader Daniel
Tells the story of Kim, Bas and Michael. Four underprivileged teens living in a disadvantaged neighborhood. They have to deal with aggression, emotional abuse or neglect by their parents on a daily basis. When they meet a new classmate: Daniël, from what seems to be a prosperous family, they take their chance to escape their downtrodden lives. Together with Daniël they decide to conduct his own kidnapping in order to get ransom money from his own father.
Iskander Lapian
실화를 바탕으로 한 이 영화에서는 2차 대전 중, 숨어 있는 유대인들을 갈취하고 수백 명을 죽음의 수용소로 팔아넘긴 네덜란드의 전범, 안드레스 리파겐의 일생을 다룬다.