CEO of Family Pharma
Expert Moscou
Patrick is a tenacious lawyer specializing in environmental law. France is a schoolteacher who becomes an activist after her husband develops cancer from exposure to a pesticide. Mathias is an ambitious lobbyist working for an international chemical corporation. The paths of these characters collide as the lives of thousands are affected by a tragic act that sparks a powerful movement while the corporation fights to prevent the truth from being revealed.
Daniel is an artist who has lost his desire to paint. An unexpected meeting with three « working girls » one evening marks the beginning of a surreal adventure. Later that night, the wildest dreams and the worst nightmares of his three new muses unravel in his imagination.
Store Boss (segment "Little Gay Boy, ChrisT Is Dead")
Boys On Film presents the tenth volume in the world's most successful short film series. All boundaries will be broken as Boys On Film X promises to take it further than ever before, showcasing eight of the most sexy, unique and brilliant new short films, including: Jacob Brown's "Blinders" starring Nathaniel Brown, Byrdie Bell, and Luke Worrall; Fabio Youniss's "A Stable For Disabled Horses" starring Daniel Swan and Daniel Simonsen; Antony Hickling and Amaury Grisel's "Little Gay Boy, ChrisT Is Dead" starring Gaëtan Vettier; Till Kleinert's "Boys Village" starring Benjamin Thorne and Andrew McQueen; Lukas Dhont's "Headlong" starring Jelle Florizoone and Thomas Coumans; Evan Roberts's "Yeah Kowalski!" starring Cameron Wofford and Conor Donnelly; William Feroldi's "Inflatable Swamp" starring Francis Beraud and Paul Huntley-Thomas; and Dominic Haxton's "Teens Like Phil" starring Adam Donovan and Jake Robbins.
Jean-Christophe, about twenty, meets his father for the first time. In a forest where they have decided to meet, reality transforms itself and takes the form of a fantastic tale. For Jean-Christophe, the hour is of disappointment in front of the fantasized father who turns out to be very different from what he had dreamed.
A young gay boy, from his birth to his teenage years, in which he experiments his sexuality and his own boundaries, to the day he finally meets his father. In three acts: Act I — L'Annonciation or The Conception of a Little Gay Boy (2011); Act II — Little Gay Boy, ChrisT is Dead (2012); and Act III — Holy Thursday (The Last Supper) (2013).
Store Boss
Jean-Christophe lives with his mother, an English prostitute, in Paris. He dreams of becoming a model. Over the course of a day, he endures a series of abusive encounters that will change him forever. He goes from innocence to experience as he, and his dreams, are destroyed by those around him. The violence of the film is accentuated by the use of BDSM, Performance Art and Dance.
Malcolm Correy
Port Captain
어떤 의뢰품이든 절대 알려 하지 않고 정해진 자신의 룰에 따라 완벽하게 운반하는 전문 ‘트랜스포터’ 프랭크 마틴(제이슨 스테덤). 평화로운 삶을 살아가던 어느 날 담벼락을 뚫고 쳐들어온 아우디 한 대와 피범벅이 된 사나이, 정체 모를 한 여인을 발견한다. 그리고 그들의 손목에 채워진 폭탄팔찌. 차에서 떨어지기를 거부하던 남자를 구급차에 태워보내자 엄청난 굉음과 함께 폭발하고 만다. 불법 환경 사업가로 위장한 존슨(로버트 네퍼)은 프랭크를 납치해 그의 차에서 10m이상 떨어지면 폭 발하는 팔찌를 손목에 장착하고, 목숨을 담보로 한 위험한 거래를 제안한다. 그리고 의문의 한 여인 을 정해진 장소까지 동행하라는 명령을 받게 되는데… 살고 싶다면 스피드를 올려라!! 살기 위해서라면 질주 할 수 밖에 없는 절대 미션, 차에서 떨어지면 폭발해버리는 폭탄, 그리고 자신 을 조종하고 있는 존슨이 프랭크와 동승한 여인을 인질로 전 세계를 위험에 빠트릴 엄청난 계획을 꾸 미고 있음을 알게 된다. 시시각각 조여오는 절체절명의 순간에서 프랭크는 과연 마지막 미션을 성공 할 수 있을 것인가!!