CEO of Family Pharma
Expert Moscou
Франс — учительница физкультуры и активистка, которая выступает против использования пестицидов; Патрик — малоизвестный адвокат, специализирующийся на экологическом праве; Матиас — лоббист, отстаивающий интересы агрохимического гиганта. Пути этих трех людей пересекутся из-за ужасного поступка отчаявшегося фермера.
Daniel is an artist who has lost his desire to paint. An unexpected meeting with three « working girls » one evening marks the beginning of a surreal adventure. Later that night, the wildest dreams and the worst nightmares of his three new muses unravel in his imagination.
Store Boss (segment "Little Gay Boy, ChrisT Is Dead")
Boys On Film presents the tenth volume in the world's most successful short film series. All boundaries will be broken as Boys On Film X promises to take it further than ever before, showcasing eight of the most sexy, unique and brilliant new short films, including: Jacob Brown's "Blinders" starring Nathaniel Brown, Byrdie Bell, and Luke Worrall; Fabio Youniss's "A Stable For Disabled Horses" starring Daniel Swan and Daniel Simonsen; Antony Hickling and Amaury Grisel's "Little Gay Boy, ChrisT Is Dead" starring Gaëtan Vettier; Till Kleinert's "Boys Village" starring Benjamin Thorne and Andrew McQueen; Lukas Dhont's "Headlong" starring Jelle Florizoone and Thomas Coumans; Evan Roberts's "Yeah Kowalski!" starring Cameron Wofford and Conor Donnelly; William Feroldi's "Inflatable Swamp" starring Francis Beraud and Paul Huntley-Thomas; and Dominic Haxton's "Teens Like Phil" starring Adam Donovan and Jake Robbins.
Jean-Christophe, about twenty, meets his father for the first time. In a forest where they have decided to meet, reality transforms itself and takes the form of a fantastic tale. For Jean-Christophe, the hour is of disappointment in front of the fantasized father who turns out to be very different from what he had dreamed.
A young gay boy, from his birth to his teenage years, in which he experiments his sexuality and his own boundaries, to the day he finally meets his father. In three acts: Act I — L'Annonciation or The Conception of a Little Gay Boy (2011); Act II — Little Gay Boy, ChrisT is Dead (2012); and Act III — Holy Thursday (The Last Supper) (2013).
Store Boss
Jean-Christophe lives with his mother, an English prostitute, in Paris. He dreams of becoming a model. Over the course of a day, he endures a series of abusive encounters that will change him forever. He goes from innocence to experience as he, and his dreams, are destroyed by those around him. The violence of the film is accentuated by the use of BDSM, Performance Art and Dance.
Malcolm Correy
Port Captain
После своих последних приключений в Майами, Фрэнк Мартин решил поменять работу «перевозчика» на спокойную и уединенную жизнь во французской Ривьере. Но его планам не суждено было сбыться, когда к нему обратился бывший солдат из отряда «Дельта» Йонас Джонсон. Он рассказал, что по заказу корпорации «Ecocorp», занимающейся переработкой и утилизацией отходов, похищена Валентина — дочь украинского министра по охране окружающей среды Леонида Фазилева