Ermanno Olmi

Ermanno Olmi

출생 : 1931-07-24, Treviglio, Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy

사망 : 2018-05-07


Ermanno Olmi (born July 24, 1931 in Bergamo, Lombardy) was a renowned Italian film director. Olmi's films have been described as "humanistic and reflective, portraying everyday people in particular landscapes and locations, while at the same time being charged with social comment and poetic flashes." His films fit into the artistic mold of Italian neorealism, though Olmi argued, in an interview found on the Criterion Edition DVD of his 1961 film, Il Posto, that this was the artistic tradition he was responding against because he used non-actors in authentic locations whereas neorealism, he claimed, used professional actors. However, many neorealist directors also used non-professional actors for secondary and sometimes even primary roles. His films, like most of those considered to be products of the neorealist movement, are shot in long, slow takes, and generally contain some sort of social commentary.

프로필 사진

Ermanno Olmi

참여 작품

Le 1000 vite di Bud Spencer
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
레인보우: 나의 사랑
1943년 이탈리아 피에몬테, 영문학에 매료된 청년 밀톤은 사랑하는 여인 풀비아에게 '오버 더 레인보우' 레코드를 선물하고 언제나 편지를 쓴다. 1년 뒤 풀비아가 떠난 후, 친구 조르조와 레지스탕스로 활동하는 밀톤은 조르조가 그녀와 남몰래 만나왔다는 사실을 알게 된다.​ 사랑의 깊이만큼 밀톤의 감정이 휘몰아친다. 제2차 세계 대전이 한창인 이탈리아. 게릴라 대원 밀톤은 사랑하는 여인이 자신의 친구를 사랑했다는 의혹에 사로잡힌다. 친구가 파시스트에게 억류됐다는 소식을 듣자 질투의 감정은 정의감으로 바뀌는 듯하나, 그 이면에는 진실을 알고자 하는 마음이 자리한다. 이상과 현실의 갈등이 그려진 로맨스. (2017년 제22회 부산국제영화제)
Vedete, sono uno di voi
The film is the personal story of a protagonist of our times and traces Carlo Martini's actions and thoughts, as he has remained faithful to its vocation and ideals. Through dramatic events (terrorism, Tangentopoli, labor crisis, conflict, loneliness) Carlo Martini interpreted losses and concerns of the people, who saw a free man and a non dogmatic prince of the Gospel Church. Thanks to the authenticity of his testimony he has been a reference point for believers and non-believers, a prophet of hope, a forerunner of Pope Francis.
Vedete, sono uno di voi
The film is the personal story of a protagonist of our times and traces Carlo Martini's actions and thoughts, as he has remained faithful to its vocation and ideals. Through dramatic events (terrorism, Tangentopoli, labor crisis, conflict, loneliness) Carlo Martini interpreted losses and concerns of the people, who saw a free man and a non dogmatic prince of the Gospel Church. Thanks to the authenticity of his testimony he has been a reference point for believers and non-believers, a prophet of hope, a forerunner of Pope Francis.
Vedete, sono uno di voi
The film is the personal story of a protagonist of our times and traces Carlo Martini's actions and thoughts, as he has remained faithful to its vocation and ideals. Through dramatic events (terrorism, Tangentopoli, labor crisis, conflict, loneliness) Carlo Martini interpreted losses and concerns of the people, who saw a free man and a non dogmatic prince of the Gospel Church. Thanks to the authenticity of his testimony he has been a reference point for believers and non-believers, a prophet of hope, a forerunner of Pope Francis.
Il pianeta che ci ospita
Il pianeta che ci ospita
초원은 돌아올 것이다
1917년 고원에서의 마지막 유혈 충돌 이후, 우리는 북동 국경지역에 있다. 전혀 예측할 수 없는 일들이 연속적으로 일어난다. 긴 기다림은 매순간 너를 공포에 떨게 한다. 이 산의 평화는 사람들의 죽음의 장소이기도 하다. 이 영화 속 이야기는 모두 실제로 일어났던 일들이지만 과거는 각자의 기억 속에 있는 만큼, 각자의 감성에 따라 그때를 다르게 회상할 것이다. (2014 한국시네마테크협의회 - 마누엘 드 올리베이라 회고전)
초원은 돌아올 것이다
1917년 고원에서의 마지막 유혈 충돌 이후, 우리는 북동 국경지역에 있다. 전혀 예측할 수 없는 일들이 연속적으로 일어난다. 긴 기다림은 매순간 너를 공포에 떨게 한다. 이 산의 평화는 사람들의 죽음의 장소이기도 하다. 이 영화 속 이야기는 모두 실제로 일어났던 일들이지만 과거는 각자의 기억 속에 있는 만큼, 각자의 감성에 따라 그때를 다르게 회상할 것이다. (2014 한국시네마테크협의회 - 마누엘 드 올리베이라 회고전)
Quando i tedeschi non sapevano nuotare
베니스 70: 미래 재장전
베니스영화제 70주년을 맞아 세계 각국의 감독들이 만든 2분 내외의 짧은 단편들로 구성한 옴니버스 영화. 한국에서는 김기덕, 홍상수 감독이 참여했으며 그 외에도 지아장커, 클레어 드니, 왕빙, 압바스 키아로스타미 등 70명의 감독들이 참여했다.
The Cardboard Village
When a group of African immigrants builds a cardboard village between the pews of a church soon to be closed, an elderly priest must choose between his calling and his orders.
L'ultimo gattopardo - Ritratto di Goffredo Lombardo
Wine Cliffs
Ermanno Olmi has returned to documentary filmmaking and makes a journey through valleys, living rocks and the culture of the Valtellina hillsides.
Wine Cliffs
Ermanno Olmi has returned to documentary filmmaking and makes a journey through valleys, living rocks and the culture of the Valtellina hillsides.
Around a Small Mountain
Vittorio stops to help Kate when her car breaks down on a mountain road. When they meet again, Vittorio discovers that Kate has rejoined a circus after a long time away. He begins to learn about the troupe's buried past and Kate's connection to it, while experiencing the magic of the circus.
Mother Earth
Il premio
Two young women and a young man confront a tech mogul on a train about their new invention.
One Hundred Nails
An Italian professor seeks refuge in the quiet, peaceful ruins of an old building.
One Hundred Nails
An Italian professor seeks refuge in the quiet, peaceful ruins of an old building.
Atto unico di Jannis Kounellis
Atto unico di Jannis Kounellis
Un Ballo in Maschera
Live performance from Oper Leipzig, 26 November 2005.
아름다운 여인과의 애틋한 로맨스를 꿈꾸는 1등석의 노신사와 무례하고 안하무인인 2등석의 노부인, 그리고 꿈에 그리던 챔피언스 리그 축구 경기를 보러 간다는 흥분에 들뜬 3등석의 열혈 축구팬 소년들의 왁자지껄한 여행담.
아름다운 여인과의 애틋한 로맨스를 꿈꾸는 1등석의 노신사와 무례하고 안하무인인 2등석의 노부인, 그리고 꿈에 그리던 챔피언스 리그 축구 경기를 보러 간다는 흥분에 들뜬 3등석의 열혈 축구팬 소년들의 왁자지껄한 여행담.
Singing Behind Screens
A young man enters a brothel and sees a staged narration of a Chinese folk tale concerning a female pirate.
Singing Behind Screens
A young man enters a brothel and sees a staged narration of a Chinese folk tale concerning a female pirate.
무기의 기능
In autumn of 1526, the Emperor, Charles V, sends his German landsknechts led by Georg von Frundsberg to march towards Rome. The inferior papal armies, commanded by Giovanni de'Medici, try to chase them in the midst of a harsh winter. Nevertheless, the Imperial armies manage to cross the rivers along their march and get cannons thanks to the maneuvers of its Lords. In a skirmish, Giovanni de'Medici is wounded in the leg by a falconet shot. The attempts to cure him fail and he dies. The Imperial armies assault Rome. The film is beautifully but unassumingly set, and shows the hard conditions in which war is waged and its lack of glory. It ends straightforwardly with the declaration made after the death of Giovanni de'Medici by the commanders of the armies in Europe of not using again fire weapons because of their cruelty.
무기의 기능
In autumn of 1526, the Emperor, Charles V, sends his German landsknechts led by Georg von Frundsberg to march towards Rome. The inferior papal armies, commanded by Giovanni de'Medici, try to chase them in the midst of a harsh winter. Nevertheless, the Imperial armies manage to cross the rivers along their march and get cannons thanks to the maneuvers of its Lords. In a skirmish, Giovanni de'Medici is wounded in the leg by a falconet shot. The attempts to cure him fail and he dies. The Imperial armies assault Rome. The film is beautifully but unassumingly set, and shows the hard conditions in which war is waged and its lack of glory. It ends straightforwardly with the declaration made after the death of Giovanni de'Medici by the commanders of the armies in Europe of not using again fire weapons because of their cruelty.
Il Denaro non esiste
Genesis: The Creation and the Flood
Director of Photography
An all-enveloping darkness. Suddenly, a child's voice, frightened, questioning, pierces the darkness... The first flickering rays of light begin to sculpt mysterious shapes out of the darkness ... Among them, a very old man. He reassures the child, exhorting him to see the wonders of the earth. And it is with this child's eyes that we will witness the creation of the world.
Genesis: The Creation and the Flood
An all-enveloping darkness. Suddenly, a child's voice, frightened, questioning, pierces the darkness... The first flickering rays of light begin to sculpt mysterious shapes out of the darkness ... Among them, a very old man. He reassures the child, exhorting him to see the wonders of the earth. And it is with this child's eyes that we will witness the creation of the world.
Genesis: The Creation and the Flood
An all-enveloping darkness. Suddenly, a child's voice, frightened, questioning, pierces the darkness... The first flickering rays of light begin to sculpt mysterious shapes out of the darkness ... Among them, a very old man. He reassures the child, exhorting him to see the wonders of the earth. And it is with this child's eyes that we will witness the creation of the world.
The Secret of the Old Woods
It tells the story of a general who is about to cut down an old forest for the sake of financial gain, but discovers that the forest is inhabited by invisible spirits
The Secret of the Old Woods
It tells the story of a general who is about to cut down an old forest for the sake of financial gain, but discovers that the forest is inhabited by invisible spirits
In Calabria
Vittorio De Seta's documentary about the Calabria, revisiting the territory he documented in I Dimenticati in 1959.
Lungo il fiume
Lungo il fiume
La valle di pietra
In the 18th Century, in Bohemia, a government surveyor meet a priest during a lunch and remained intrigued by him. Years later, in a stony valley, the two men meet again and form a deep friendship.
12 Directors for 12 Cities
Promotional omnibus film, made for the 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy, featuring portraits of 12 Italian cities.
12 Directors for 12 Cities
Promotional omnibus film, made for the 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy, featuring portraits of 12 Italian cities.
영험한 애주가의 전설
안드레아스는 파리 센강의 다리 아래에 사는 주정뱅이 노숙자다. 어느 날, 그는 낯선 신사로부터 일요일 아침에 성 테레즈상이 있는 교회에서 갚는다는 조건으로 200프랑을 빌리게 된다. 그러나 그가 돈을 갚으려 할 때마다 예전에 어디선가 마주친 듯한 사람들의 유혹에 넘어가 돈을 갚지 못하고 만다. 그러던 중 안드레아스 앞에 한 소녀가 나타난다. 안드레아스 역을 맡은 루트거 하우어의 절제력 있는 연기가 인상적이다.
영험한 애주가의 전설
안드레아스는 파리 센강의 다리 아래에 사는 주정뱅이 노숙자다. 어느 날, 그는 낯선 신사로부터 일요일 아침에 성 테레즈상이 있는 교회에서 갚는다는 조건으로 200프랑을 빌리게 된다. 그러나 그가 돈을 갚으려 할 때마다 예전에 어디선가 마주친 듯한 사람들의 유혹에 넘어가 돈을 갚지 못하고 만다. 그러던 중 안드레아스 앞에 한 소녀가 나타난다. 안드레아스 역을 맡은 루트거 하우어의 절제력 있는 연기가 인상적이다.
영험한 애주가의 전설
안드레아스는 파리 센강의 다리 아래에 사는 주정뱅이 노숙자다. 어느 날, 그는 낯선 신사로부터 일요일 아침에 성 테레즈상이 있는 교회에서 갚는다는 조건으로 200프랑을 빌리게 된다. 그러나 그가 돈을 갚으려 할 때마다 예전에 어디선가 마주친 듯한 사람들의 유혹에 넘어가 돈을 갚지 못하고 만다. 그러던 중 안드레아스 앞에 한 소녀가 나타난다. 안드레아스 역을 맡은 루트거 하우어의 절제력 있는 연기가 인상적이다.
Long Live the Lady!
The Lady (or Signora) of the title is a mysterious matron who lives in a crumbling mansion. Six catering trainees are brought to the castle upon its conversion into a resort hotel. They are ordered to prepare a special meal for the old lady, whom none of them have ever seen for more than an instant. As the caterers grow in wisdom and sophistication, we learn that the lady may very well be an urbane ghost rather than a flesh-and-blood entity.
Long Live the Lady!
Director of Photography
The Lady (or Signora) of the title is a mysterious matron who lives in a crumbling mansion. Six catering trainees are brought to the castle upon its conversion into a resort hotel. They are ordered to prepare a special meal for the old lady, whom none of them have ever seen for more than an instant. As the caterers grow in wisdom and sophistication, we learn that the lady may very well be an urbane ghost rather than a flesh-and-blood entity.
Long Live the Lady!
The Lady (or Signora) of the title is a mysterious matron who lives in a crumbling mansion. Six catering trainees are brought to the castle upon its conversion into a resort hotel. They are ordered to prepare a special meal for the old lady, whom none of them have ever seen for more than an instant. As the caterers grow in wisdom and sophistication, we learn that the lady may very well be an urbane ghost rather than a flesh-and-blood entity.
Long Live the Lady!
The Lady (or Signora) of the title is a mysterious matron who lives in a crumbling mansion. Six catering trainees are brought to the castle upon its conversion into a resort hotel. They are ordered to prepare a special meal for the old lady, whom none of them have ever seen for more than an instant. As the caterers grow in wisdom and sophistication, we learn that the lady may very well be an urbane ghost rather than a flesh-and-blood entity.
Così è andata. Gente di montagna
Milano '83
An unusual and evocative journey through the city of Milan at the beginning of the 80's, among fashion, art and everyday life.
Milano '83
Director of Photography
An unusual and evocative journey through the city of Milan at the beginning of the 80's, among fashion, art and everyday life.
Milano '83
An unusual and evocative journey through the city of Milan at the beginning of the 80's, among fashion, art and everyday life.
Milano '83
An unusual and evocative journey through the city of Milan at the beginning of the 80's, among fashion, art and everyday life.
Walking, Walking
Costume Design
Italian maestro Ermanno Olmi tells the tale of the journey of the Magi in this lyrical odyssey. The film focuses on a wise man who interprets his sighting of a comet streaking through the sky as a spiritual message. Joined by two associates, soldiers, villagers and others, the Magi sets out on a journey that tests his beliefs and strength.
Walking, Walking
Set Decoration
Italian maestro Ermanno Olmi tells the tale of the journey of the Magi in this lyrical odyssey. The film focuses on a wise man who interprets his sighting of a comet streaking through the sky as a spiritual message. Joined by two associates, soldiers, villagers and others, the Magi sets out on a journey that tests his beliefs and strength.
Walking, Walking
Production Design
Italian maestro Ermanno Olmi tells the tale of the journey of the Magi in this lyrical odyssey. The film focuses on a wise man who interprets his sighting of a comet streaking through the sky as a spiritual message. Joined by two associates, soldiers, villagers and others, the Magi sets out on a journey that tests his beliefs and strength.
Walking, Walking
Italian maestro Ermanno Olmi tells the tale of the journey of the Magi in this lyrical odyssey. The film focuses on a wise man who interprets his sighting of a comet streaking through the sky as a spiritual message. Joined by two associates, soldiers, villagers and others, the Magi sets out on a journey that tests his beliefs and strength.
Walking, Walking
Director of Photography
Italian maestro Ermanno Olmi tells the tale of the journey of the Magi in this lyrical odyssey. The film focuses on a wise man who interprets his sighting of a comet streaking through the sky as a spiritual message. Joined by two associates, soldiers, villagers and others, the Magi sets out on a journey that tests his beliefs and strength.
Walking, Walking
Italian maestro Ermanno Olmi tells the tale of the journey of the Magi in this lyrical odyssey. The film focuses on a wise man who interprets his sighting of a comet streaking through the sky as a spiritual message. Joined by two associates, soldiers, villagers and others, the Magi sets out on a journey that tests his beliefs and strength.
Walking, Walking
Italian maestro Ermanno Olmi tells the tale of the journey of the Magi in this lyrical odyssey. The film focuses on a wise man who interprets his sighting of a comet streaking through the sky as a spiritual message. Joined by two associates, soldiers, villagers and others, the Magi sets out on a journey that tests his beliefs and strength.
Effetto Olmi
Ermanno Olmi: The Roots of the Tree
Documentary about Italian film director Ermanno Olmi, with emphasis on "The Tree of Wooden Clogs".
우든 크로그
Director of Photography
19세기 말 이탈리아에는 가난한 소작농이 매우 많았다. 바티스티 역시 그들 중 하나였다. 바티스트는 신부님의 권유로 아들을 학교에 보냈지만 가난한 그가 아들을 학교에 보내기 위해서는 너무나 큰 희생이 따라야 했다. 그러던 어느 날 매일 아침 7마일의 거리를 걸어서 등교하던 아들의 신발이 부서져 버렸다. 아들에게 새 신발을 사줄 능력이 없는 바티스티는 지주의 나무를 베어 아들의 나막신을 만들어 주다가 지주의 노여움을 사게 되어 마을에서 쫓겨나게 되는데...
우든 크로그
19세기 말 이탈리아에는 가난한 소작농이 매우 많았다. 바티스티 역시 그들 중 하나였다. 바티스트는 신부님의 권유로 아들을 학교에 보냈지만 가난한 그가 아들을 학교에 보내기 위해서는 너무나 큰 희생이 따라야 했다. 그러던 어느 날 매일 아침 7마일의 거리를 걸어서 등교하던 아들의 신발이 부서져 버렸다. 아들에게 새 신발을 사줄 능력이 없는 바티스티는 지주의 나무를 베어 아들의 나막신을 만들어 주다가 지주의 노여움을 사게 되어 마을에서 쫓겨나게 되는데...
우든 크로그
19세기 말 이탈리아에는 가난한 소작농이 매우 많았다. 바티스티 역시 그들 중 하나였다. 바티스트는 신부님의 권유로 아들을 학교에 보냈지만 가난한 그가 아들을 학교에 보내기 위해서는 너무나 큰 희생이 따라야 했다. 그러던 어느 날 매일 아침 7마일의 거리를 걸어서 등교하던 아들의 신발이 부서져 버렸다. 아들에게 새 신발을 사줄 능력이 없는 바티스티는 지주의 나무를 베어 아들의 나막신을 만들어 주다가 지주의 노여움을 사게 되어 마을에서 쫓겨나게 되는데...
우든 크로그
19세기 말 이탈리아에는 가난한 소작농이 매우 많았다. 바티스티 역시 그들 중 하나였다. 바티스트는 신부님의 권유로 아들을 학교에 보냈지만 가난한 그가 아들을 학교에 보내기 위해서는 너무나 큰 희생이 따라야 했다. 그러던 어느 날 매일 아침 7마일의 거리를 걸어서 등교하던 아들의 신발이 부서져 버렸다. 아들에게 새 신발을 사줄 능력이 없는 바티스티는 지주의 나무를 베어 아들의 나막신을 만들어 주다가 지주의 노여움을 사게 되어 마을에서 쫓겨나게 되는데...
Alcide De Gasperi
The Circumstance
Laura, a woman of a certain age with full grown children who, by all indications should be leading a great life, but actually, she appears to have none. She comes from a wealthy family. Laura has made herself a lawyer with a nice practice. Her placid existence comes to an abrupt stop when a young motorcyclist suffers an accident almost in front o her. Laura is made to take the youth to the hospital. The incident will change the way she looks at things. Laura becomes obsessed with the young man that was almost killed.
The Circumstance
Laura, a woman of a certain age with full grown children who, by all indications should be leading a great life, but actually, she appears to have none. She comes from a wealthy family. Laura has made herself a lawyer with a nice practice. Her placid existence comes to an abrupt stop when a young motorcyclist suffers an accident almost in front o her. Laura is made to take the youth to the hospital. The incident will change the way she looks at things. Laura becomes obsessed with the young man that was almost killed.
The Circumstance
Laura, a woman of a certain age with full grown children who, by all indications should be leading a great life, but actually, she appears to have none. She comes from a wealthy family. Laura has made herself a lawyer with a nice practice. Her placid existence comes to an abrupt stop when a young motorcyclist suffers an accident almost in front o her. Laura is made to take the youth to the hospital. The incident will change the way she looks at things. Laura becomes obsessed with the young man that was almost killed.
The Circumstance
Laura, a woman of a certain age with full grown children who, by all indications should be leading a great life, but actually, she appears to have none. She comes from a wealthy family. Laura has made herself a lawyer with a nice practice. Her placid existence comes to an abrupt stop when a young motorcyclist suffers an accident almost in front o her. Laura is made to take the youth to the hospital. The incident will change the way she looks at things. Laura becomes obsessed with the young man that was almost killed.
Nascita di una formazione partigiana
In the Summertime
A young man shares his fantasies with a young girl who is already on the threshold of disillusion. Will she respond to him?
In the Summertime
Director of Photography
A young man shares his fantasies with a young girl who is already on the threshold of disillusion. Will she respond to him?
In the Summertime
A young man shares his fantasies with a young girl who is already on the threshold of disillusion. Will she respond to him?
In the Summertime
A young man shares his fantasies with a young girl who is already on the threshold of disillusion. Will she respond to him?
The Scavengers
Via the Chicago Reader: "After World War II an Italian soldier returns to his hometown near the Alps and, unable to find a job, hooks up with a crotchety hermit who scavenges buried shells and bombs for scrap metal."
The Scavengers
Director of Photography
Via the Chicago Reader: "After World War II an Italian soldier returns to his hometown near the Alps and, unable to find a job, hooks up with a crotchety hermit who scavenges buried shells and bombs for scrap metal."
The Scavengers
Via the Chicago Reader: "After World War II an Italian soldier returns to his hometown near the Alps and, unable to find a job, hooks up with a crotchety hermit who scavenges buried shells and bombs for scrap metal."
The Scavengers
Via the Chicago Reader: "After World War II an Italian soldier returns to his hometown near the Alps and, unable to find a job, hooks up with a crotchety hermit who scavenges buried shells and bombs for scrap metal."
One Fine Day
A self-assured, middle-aged advertising executive has his life upset by an unforeseen accident.
One Fine Day
A self-assured, middle-aged advertising executive has his life upset by an unforeseen accident.
Racconti di giovani amori
Lawyer (segment "Il ragazzo di Gigliola") (uncredited)
Racconti di giovani amori
Racconti di giovani amori
La Galleria, cuore e memoria di Milano
The Crush
Broadcast on RAI television in 1967, this charming featurette about a teenage boy’s first crush on a girl reveals director Ermanno Olmi’s love and respect for the dilemmas of everyday people, along with an early example of the kind of stylistic and narrative experimentation seen in his later work.
The Crush
Broadcast on RAI television in 1967, this charming featurette about a teenage boy’s first crush on a girl reveals director Ermanno Olmi’s love and respect for the dilemmas of everyday people, along with an early example of the kind of stylistic and narrative experimentation seen in his later work.
Nino il fioraio
Bomba vale a dire ballata beat di Vincenzo
Franco e Antonio gli scienziati
Il ragazzo di Gigliola
A Man Named John
Based on the diary Pope John XXIII kept between the ages of 14 and 18, his lifelong concern for tolerance, the underprivileged, and world peace is told. Rod Steiger, in the central role, acts as "intermediary" between the Pope and the audience, interpreting John's words, thoughts and actions. Steiger visits the actual places in which John lived, recreating the conditions, environment, and forces that affected his development. Through this unusual technique, we are brought close to an extraordinary man - one who's able to win the love of many people of all faiths.
A Man Named John
Based on the diary Pope John XXIII kept between the ages of 14 and 18, his lifelong concern for tolerance, the underprivileged, and world peace is told. Rod Steiger, in the central role, acts as "intermediary" between the Pope and the audience, interpreting John's words, thoughts and actions. Steiger visits the actual places in which John lived, recreating the conditions, environment, and forces that affected his development. Through this unusual technique, we are brought close to an extraordinary man - one who's able to win the love of many people of all faiths.
도쿄 올림픽
This impressionistic portrait of the 1964 Tokyo Summer Olympics pays as much attention to the crowds and workers as it does to the actual competitive events. Highlights include an epic pole-vaulting match between West Germany and America, and the final marathon race through Tokyo's streets. Two athletes are highlighted: Ethiopian marathon runner Abebe Bikila, who receives his second gold medal, and runner Ahamed Isa from Chad, representing a country younger than he is.
700 anni fa
Dopo secoli - Immagini del pellegrinaggio di Paolo VI in Terrasanta
Dopo secoli - Immagini del pellegrinaggio di Paolo VI in Terrasanta
Dopo secoli - Immagini del pellegrinaggio di Paolo VI in Terrasanta
숙련공인 지오반니는 진급을 조건으로 시실리 지사의 새로운 부서로 18개월간의 파견 근무를 명령 받는다. 이런 상황적 변화는 이미 소원해진 약혼녀 릴리아나와의 관계에 긴장감을 불러 일으킨다. 둘은 주기적으로 댄스 홀에서 만나왔으며 더러 오토바이를 타기도 했었다. 시실리에 도착해서 마을을 걷고 호텔에 머물거나 하숙을 구하거나 마을 행사에 참여하거나 하는 일상에 그는 그리 충실하지 못한 삶을 영위한다. 가슴에 고통과 아픔이 늘 남아있다. 이 거리를 넘어서서 아픈 가슴을 달랠 수 있을까? 이들에게 미래는 있는 것일까? 산업도시 밀라노, 숙련공으로 공장에서 일하는 조반니는 더 나은 대우를 받고 일할 수 있다는 제안에 시칠리아로 떠나기로 한다. 조반니는 약혼녀 릴리아나를 두고 혼자 가기로 하는데, 이로 인해 오랜 연애 끝에 서로 냉담해진 두 사람의 관계에 변화가 생긴다. 단조로운 시칠리아의 생활 속에서 조반니는 고향에 있는 릴리아나를 그리워하기 시작한다. 이탈리아의 후기 네오리얼리즘을 대표하는 거장 에르마노 올미의 세 번째 장편으로, 직장을 구하려는 청년을 통해 1950년대 이탈리아의 고도 성장을 풍자했던 올미의 전작 (1961)과 이어진 이야기로 볼 수 있다. * 1963 칸영화제 OCIC상 © Rai Com(Italy) (2018년 영화의 전당)
숙련공인 지오반니는 진급을 조건으로 시실리 지사의 새로운 부서로 18개월간의 파견 근무를 명령 받는다. 이런 상황적 변화는 이미 소원해진 약혼녀 릴리아나와의 관계에 긴장감을 불러 일으킨다. 둘은 주기적으로 댄스 홀에서 만나왔으며 더러 오토바이를 타기도 했었다. 시실리에 도착해서 마을을 걷고 호텔에 머물거나 하숙을 구하거나 마을 행사에 참여하거나 하는 일상에 그는 그리 충실하지 못한 삶을 영위한다. 가슴에 고통과 아픔이 늘 남아있다. 이 거리를 넘어서서 아픈 가슴을 달랠 수 있을까? 이들에게 미래는 있는 것일까? 산업도시 밀라노, 숙련공으로 공장에서 일하는 조반니는 더 나은 대우를 받고 일할 수 있다는 제안에 시칠리아로 떠나기로 한다. 조반니는 약혼녀 릴리아나를 두고 혼자 가기로 하는데, 이로 인해 오랜 연애 끝에 서로 냉담해진 두 사람의 관계에 변화가 생긴다. 단조로운 시칠리아의 생활 속에서 조반니는 고향에 있는 릴리아나를 그리워하기 시작한다. 이탈리아의 후기 네오리얼리즘을 대표하는 거장 에르마노 올미의 세 번째 장편으로, 직장을 구하려는 청년을 통해 1950년대 이탈리아의 고도 성장을 풍자했던 올미의 전작 (1961)과 이어진 이야기로 볼 수 있다. * 1963 칸영화제 OCIC상 © Rai Com(Italy) (2018년 영화의 전당)
Una storia milanese
Luchino Visconti's nephew's debut, also awarded at the Venice Film Festival. Detailing the title and translating: 'A (n upper middle-class love) story set in the italian town if Milan (at the beginning of the '60s)'
Le grand barrage
Le grand barrage
Un metro lungo cinque
일 포스토
이탈리아, 그 중에서도 북부의 밀라노는 경제적으로 한창 성장해 나가던 시기였다. 곳곳에서 건물들을 올리는 공사가 한창 진행되고 있다. 그러한 공간 속에서 도미니코는일자리를 잡으려고 시험을 치르고 거대한 자본의 부속물과 같은 생활을 시작하게 된다. 한편 도미니코는 이성에 대한 관심이 폭발하는 시기이다. 같이 입사시험을 친 도미니코와 안토니에타는 점심시간에 우연히 같은 식당에서 다시 만나게 된다. 두 사람은 오후 시험 시간까지 함께 도시를 구경한다. 같이 걸으며 쇼윈도의 옷이나 상품들도 구경하고 에스프레소도 마신다. 하지만 도미니코의 안토니에타를 향한 관심과 관계는 두 사람이 각각의 부서에 배치된 다음부터 지속되기 어렵게 변하게 되는데...
일 포스토
이탈리아, 그 중에서도 북부의 밀라노는 경제적으로 한창 성장해 나가던 시기였다. 곳곳에서 건물들을 올리는 공사가 한창 진행되고 있다. 그러한 공간 속에서 도미니코는일자리를 잡으려고 시험을 치르고 거대한 자본의 부속물과 같은 생활을 시작하게 된다. 한편 도미니코는 이성에 대한 관심이 폭발하는 시기이다. 같이 입사시험을 친 도미니코와 안토니에타는 점심시간에 우연히 같은 식당에서 다시 만나게 된다. 두 사람은 오후 시험 시간까지 함께 도시를 구경한다. 같이 걸으며 쇼윈도의 옷이나 상품들도 구경하고 에스프레소도 마신다. 하지만 도미니코의 안토니에타를 향한 관심과 관계는 두 사람이 각각의 부서에 배치된 다음부터 지속되기 어렵게 변하게 되는데...
Il grande paese d’acciaio
Time Stood Still
Two middle-aged men work as caretakers on an isolated dam construction site high in the snow-capped Italian Alps. When one of them leaves for the valley to spend Christmas vacation with his family he is temporarily replaced with an adolescent boy. The other man is both annoyed and intrigued by the boy and his habits: he listens to loud music, sleeps too long in the mornings and doesn't drink any alcohol. They barely speak to one another in the first couple of days. But when an avalanche cuts their small hut from electricity they slowly start growing more fond of each other.
Time Stood Still
Two middle-aged men work as caretakers on an isolated dam construction site high in the snow-capped Italian Alps. When one of them leaves for the valley to spend Christmas vacation with his family he is temporarily replaced with an adolescent boy. The other man is both annoyed and intrigued by the boy and his habits: he listens to loud music, sleeps too long in the mornings and doesn't drink any alcohol. They barely speak to one another in the first couple of days. But when an avalanche cuts their small hut from electricity they slowly start growing more fond of each other.
Venezia città moderna
Next to the Venice of canals, palaces and squares, in Marghera there is a modern Venice made up of factories and industries.
Three Lines to Milan
"Documentary, showing workmen erecting one of the pylons and stringing up three cables which will eventually reach to Milan." - BFI
Giochi in colonia
Michelino 1A B
Michelino 1A B
Dialogue Between a Salesman and a Passenger
A conversation between a salesman of calendars and his costumer, who makes him several questions before considering buying one of his offers.
Dialogue Between a Salesman and a Passenger
A conversation between a salesman of calendars and his costumer, who makes him several questions before considering buying one of his offers.
Riva mechanical constructions
Director of Photography
Riva mechanical constructions
Manon: Finestra 2
At the end of the war, he was hired by Edison and in 1951 he made a film on all the important hydroeletrical plants built in that period. In the following years, Olmi directed around 40 documentaries, including La diga del ghiacciaio, Pattuglia di Passo San Giacomo, Tre fili fino a Milano, Michelino 1aB (written by Goffredo Parise), Manon finestra 2 and Grigio (whose screenplay was written by Pier Paolo Pasolini).
Il racconto della Stura
La mia valle
Director of Photography
La mia valle
Il pensionato
Story of a retired old man who is learning what to do with himself.
Il pensionato
Story of a retired old man who is learning what to do with himself.
Buongiorno natura
A weekend in the mountains.
Buongiorno natura
A weekend in the mountains.
Italy, 1955, 8', Color Director Ermanno Olmi Production Società Edisonvolta Synopsis From the Gabriele D'Annunzio poem with the same name.
Italy, 1955, 8', Color Director Ermanno Olmi Production Società Edisonvolta Synopsis From the Gabriele D'Annunzio poem with the same name.
Construction site in winter
Construction site in winter
L'energia elettrica nell'agricoltura
La diga del ghiacciaio
This documentary shows the construction of a high-altitude dam by the Sabbioni Glacier, and the daily struggles of the workers, now anxious for the outbreak of a mine, now silent for the nostalgia of the distant family.
La pattuglia del Passo S. Giacomo
An accidental interruption of the S. Giacomo Electric Line requires the intervention of a team of specialized technicians. The short movie follows these men to the place of intervention, dwelling on the beautiful snow-capped landscapes and the local inhabitants engaged in their daily activities.
II° raduno sciistico sociale all'Alpe Devero
Piccoli calabresi a Suna sul Lago Maggiore
Interviewer (uncredited)
After a big flood some Calabrian children are sent to Milan.
Piccoli calabresi a Suna sul Lago Maggiore
After a big flood some Calabrian children are sent to Milan.
Piccoli calabresi a Suna sul Lago Maggiore
After a big flood some Calabrian children are sent to Milan.
Sabbioni - Una diga a quota 2500
Piccoli calabresi a Suna sul Lago Maggiore
After a big flood some Calabrian children are sent to Milan.
E venne l'uomo: Un dialogo con Ermanno Olmi