Barbara Valentin

Barbara Valentin

출생 : 1940-12-15, Vienna, Austria

사망 : 2002-02-22

프로필 사진

Barbara Valentin

참여 작품

Die Hunde sind schuld
Marlene Meiser
A comedy directed by Andreas Prochaska. Barbara Valentin's last movie.
Fassbinder’s Women
An essay film in which filmmaker Rosa von Praunheim interviews "the willing victims of Rainer Werner Fassbinder."
Ein Mann für meine Frau
Der Unschuldsengel
Go Trabi Go
Mrs. Gamshuber
Family Struutz lives in Bitterfeld (GDR). After the fall of the wall, they take the opportunity to go on holiday with their car, an old Trabant. They simply want to visit Italy. But there are some incidents during their journey. (IMDb)
The Curse
Frau an der Bar
When a young family, father, mother and their daughter, is on a trip in the mountains, they lose orientation and have to stay there for the night. The daughter finds a dead young girl who does exactly look like herself. When they check for mountain rescue service they suddenly find themselves deeply involved in an local myth about a prophecy which seems to be fulfilling now. The mountains are bearing an old curse.
Die Geierwally
Geierwally is a musical comedy and a parody of traditional movies with regional background, especially the classic story of Geierwally.
The Second Victory
Greta Mayer
Geld oder Leber!
Gräfin Barbara von Schlemmer
Mike and Susanne are a loving couple who keep afloat through petty crime. When they are pursued by the police following a robbery at a jewelry store, they seek refuge in a slaughterhouse.
Miko: From the Gutter to the Stars
Together with her bisexual friend and manager Stefan, singer Miko is working on a great career that has so far failed to materialize.
The Woman with the Carbuncle Stones
Im Himmel ist die Hölle los
Erika Schrillmann
Teenage girl idolises television game show host, and gets a chance to be his assistant
Dorian Gray in the Mirror of the Yellow Press
Susy / Norn
Our organization will create a human being whom we can shape and manipulate according to our needs. Dorian Gray: young, rich and handsome. We will make him, seduce him and break him. Ulrike Ottinger, 1984
Die unglaublichen Abenteuer des Guru Jakob
Jakob Feierabend has a hard time. Everywhere he applies for work, he is rejected. The reason is his last name. He also fails as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. As a salesman he makes a house call and lets himself be nibbled by the green widow Clothilde Rieker. When suddenly the husband comes home, he has to flee, wrapped in an orange bed sheet. In doing so, he is mistaken by a reception committee for the announced guru. From now on he resides as a guru in the castle of Countess Falkenberg. Jakob's friend Tommi turns this delusion into a lively source of money.
The Island of the Bloody Plantation
A women's prison on a tropical island is a hellhole where the inmates are raped, tortured and otherwise abused by the evil commandant and brutal guards. However, one of the guards falls in love with a beautiful inmate, and decides to help her and all the other prisoners escape.
Ohne Ball und ohne Netz
The (male) members of the "Fussballclub Reith" are so focused on their passion for football playing that their neglected wives plot against them to "force" them back into fulfilling their "marital duties"...
Das blaue Bidet
Drei gegen Hollywood
Miß Leighton
Today We're Playing Boss
Film extras take possession of a bogus film production company and acting as ideal world of film to persuade one associates mother-in-law of marriage.
릴리 마를렌
1938년 취리히. 독일인 빌키는 술집에서 일하고 있다. 빌키는 스위스인 음악가 로베르트 멘델스존을 사랑하게 된다. 아들이 독일인과 관계하는 것을 반대한 로베르토의 아버지는 빌키가 스위스로 돌아오지 못하도록 할 수 있었다. 빌키는 일에서는 운이 좋았다. 그녀가 전에 취입했던 음반이 인기를 얻게 되며 스타가 된다. 그 와중에 빌키는 나찌의 비밀경찰과 엮이지만 결국에는 전쟁에서 살아 남는다. 하지만 로베르토는 결혼해서 행복하게 살고 있다.
A small carnival is in dire financial straits. Their show is attracting fewer and fewer paying customers, as their "attractions" are ageing, out of shape and beset by internal feuds and bickering. One day a beautiful young woman shows up and suggests a way of attracting customers: put on a strip show, with her as the main attraction. Her act attracts customers in droves, but it turns out that the girl has her own agenda, and it isn't to help out the carnival.
Der Wasserball von Schildershausen
Primel macht ihr Haus verrückt
Ein Abend mit Labiche
News from Robber Hotzenplotz
Witwe Schlotterbeck
Der Durchdreher
Glorias Freundin
Flaming Hearts
Karola Faber
When Peter Huber the proprietor of a Bavarian corner newsstand, wins a free trip to New York City in a magazine contest, he is overjoyed. Filled with romantic ideas from the movies, his actual encounter with the gritty realities of the Big Apple are sobering. Nonetheless, he is in for the adventure of his life. First, he meets Karola Faber, the German wife of a U.S. G.I. who has found life in the States not all it's cracked up to be: she has left her husband and makes her living through prostitution. Peter and Karola visit the local German emigré community's Oktoberfest, and win the festival's King and Queen crown. Their prize is a cow, which accompanies them on their further journeys in New York City.
Women in Hospital
Frau Schneider
Schuman and Oberhoff are successful hospital doctors who treat pregnant women. However, their personal lives are a mess. Schuman has to deal with his drug-addicted wife Claudia, while Oberhoff deals with his teenage daughter's pregnancy.
Scrounged Meals
Mitglied der Rock 'n' Roll Jury
Bomber & Paganini
Herr S. kommt nicht zum Zuge
Leiterin von Mädchengruppe
폭스와 그의 친구들
프란츠는 동성연애자인 오이겐(Eugen)을 알게 되고 사랑하게 된다. 프란츠는 복권으로 큰돈을 벌어서 오이겐 부모의 다 망해 가는 인쇄소에 돈을 댄다. 계급 차이는 돈만으로는 해결되지 않는다. 프란츠는 여전히 이용당하지만 알지 못하고 돈이 다 떨어지고 오이겐의 관심이 없어질 때까지 사랑을 믿는다. 결국 프란츠는 모든 것을 잃고 자살을 한다. 한 지하철역에서 두 명의 소년이 그를 발견한다. 두 소년은 주검에서 마지막 있던 돈마저 훔친다.
Knife in the Back
에피 브리스트
Marietta Tripelli, Sängerin
작은 도시의 명망있는 집안의 에피 브리스트는 파티 등을 열며 재미있는 나날을 보낸다. 그녀는 프로이센 주의원인 20세 연상의 인스테텐 남작과 결혼한다. 출세 지향적이고 엄격한 남편과의 결혼 생활에서 외로움을 느끼던 에피 브리스트는 매력있는 크람파스 대령과 짧으나 낭만적인 연애를 한다. 6년뒤 베를린 내각의 장관이 된 남작은 이 사실을 우연히 알게 된다. 인스테텐 남작은 에피 브리스트를 용서하고 싶은 마음이 있음에도 불구하고 사회의 통념상 부인의 불륜을 발견한 남편으로서 해야 할 마땅한 행동을 취하고 만다. 남작은 권총 결투에서 크람파스 대령을 죽이고 아내와 이혼한 후 아이는 자신이 맡는다. 이혼당한 에피 브리스트는 충격을 받은 양친으로부터 거부당하고 고립속에서 괴로움과 수치를 느끼며 파멸해 간다. 죽기 전 그녀는 남편을 용서한다.
불안은 영혼을 잠식한다
에미는 사랑했던 남편의 장례식을 치룬 날, 자기보다 10살이 연하인 아랍계 외국인 노동자인 알리와 사랑을 나눈다. 에미는 그를 오랫동안 사랑했었다. 에미가 알리와의 재혼을 결정했을 때, 모든 사람들이 다 반대했다. 그러나 사람들이 좀 진정되고 나자 에미와 알리는 자신들의 관계에 대해 회의에 빠진다.
31살(배우는 60살은 되어 보임)의 처녀 마르타는 휴가를 맞아 권위적이고 애정이 없는 아버지와 함께 로마에 머문다. 그녀의 아버지는 스페인 광장에서 심장마비로 갑작스레 죽음을 맞이하고 집으로 돌아온 마르타는 어머니에게서 계속하여 아버지의 죽음에 대해 질책을 받는다. 알코올 중독자가 된 어머니와 살던 마르타는 어느날 지인의 결혼식에서 헬무트를 만나게 된다. 둘은 결혼을 하게 되고 어머니는 그에 대해 히스테릭한 반응을 보인다. 신혼여행으로 이탈리아 해변가로 간 마르타는 선텐을 하다가 화상을 입게되고, 헬무트는 묘한 반응을 보이는데...
노라 헬머
Christine Linde
크리스마스 무렵, 변호사 헬마의 아내 노라의 집에 옛 친구 린데 부인이 찾아온다. 노라는 남편의 치료비를 빌리기 위해 아버지의 서명을 위조한 적이 있다는 얘기를 한다. 이듬해 은행장이 된 노라의 남편은 동료 크로그슈타트의 평판이 나빠지자 그를 해고하려 하는데, 노라에게 돈을 빌려줬던 크로그슈타트는 자신이 해고되면 예전의 위서 사건을 폭로하겠다고 노라를 협박한다. 입센의 희곡 "인형의 집"을 각색한 실내극. 시작과 끝 장면을 제외하고는 모든 장면이 노라의 집 안에서만 벌어지는 연극적인 구성에도 불구하고 5대의 카메라를 동원한 역동적인 촬영과 거울과 벽, 창문을 효과적으로 이용한 공간 배치를 통해 인물의 심리적 갈등을 탁월하게 표현하고 있다.
Unsere Tante ist das Letzte
Corinna Schmoll
A crime comedy directed by Rolf Olsen.
King, Queen, Knave
Based on a novel by Vladimir Nabokov, this English-language satirical drama details the experiences of Frank (John Moulder Brown), a young orphan who finds himself deep in the romantic clutches of his uncle's sensual wife. After Frank's parents die, he goes to live with his aunt Martha (Gina Lollabrigida) and uncle Charles (David Niven). Sexy Martha entices Frank into her embrace then wants him to kill her husband so that they can live off of his money. Frank wouldn't mind so much, but he really likes his uncle.
Happy End oder Wie ein kleines Heilsarmeemädchen Chicagos größte Verbrecher in die Arme der Gesellschaft zurückführte
Olympia – Olympia
Bite Me, Darling
A descendant of Count Dracula returns to his ancestral village to take revenge on the people who destroyed his ancestor.
Der Partyphotograph
Carmen, Baby
Carmen, a free-spirited young woman who sometimes earns money as a prostitute, lives a bohemian existence in a small town where most of the locals allow her to do as she pleases. Jose, a naive young man who has just been hired as the town's new police officer, arrests her. However, Jose is soon drawn into Carmen's sensual spell, and he is compelled to do her bidding as she slowly brings him to his doom.
Hot Nights in Frankfurt
After the brutal murder of the prostitute Vera Paterny, Inspector Reinisch hardly makes any progress with the investigation. Vera's colleague Sonja reports on wild sex parties of the murdered and mentions names, prominent names.
Our Man in Jamaica
The FBI sends agents to Jamaica to investigate arms smuggling to revolutionaries in Santo Domingo.
Die Jagd nach Helena
There's Still Room in Hell
American Dexter travels to Turkey on behalf of a US client in order to put an end to the drug gang leader Ismail. Dexter brings the beautiful blonde Janet as an erotic bait. Ismail shows great interest in Janet, but Dexter suspects he has been double crossed by his American client.
The Festival Girls
Hollywood stars go wild at the Riviera film festivals.
The Girl with the Narrow Hips
Mal drunter – mal drüber
Horrors of Spider Island
A bite from a giant spider turns a man into a creature that terrorizes a group of women who survived a plane crash.
The Head
A scientist invents a serum that keeps a dog's head alive after its body dies. When the scientist dies of a heart attack, his crazed assistant cuts off his head and, using the serum, keeps the doctor's head alive and forces it to help him on an experiment to give his hunchbacked nurse assistant a new body.