Albert Dekker

Albert Dekker

출생 : 1905-12-20, Brooklyn, New York, USA

사망 : 1968-05-05


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Albert Dekker (December 20, 1905 – May 5, 1968) was an American character actor and politician best known for his roles in Dr. Cyclops, The Killers, Kiss Me Deadly, and The Wild Bunch. He is sometimes credited as Albert Van Dekker or Albert van Dekker. Description above from the Wikipedia article Albert Dekker, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

프로필 사진

Albert Dekker

참여 작품

와일드 번치
Pat Harrigan
1913년 멕시코. 범죄를 일삼는 8명의 악당들은 그들을 추적하는 인간 사냥꾼들에게 포위된다. 무고한 사람들까지 죽음을 당할 정도의 격렬한 총격전 끝에 악당 5명은 끝내 추격의 올가미를 빠져 나간다. 리더인 파이크 비숍, 충성스런 더치, 불만투성이의 소치 형제와 이들의 앙숙인 멕시코 출신의 앤젤. 여기에 왕년에 총잡이로 이름을 떨치던 시키즈까지 가세해 여섯명이 된 일행은 추격자들의 끈질긴 추격을 역시 끈질기게 피해간다. 이들 일행에게 악당 두목 아파치는 무기를 수송하는 기차를 털라고 사주를 한다. 와일드 번치 일당이 감행한 이 작전은 성공을 거두지만 아파치는 앤젤을 인질로 잡는다. 무기를 인도하는 과정에서 앤젤이 무기를 빼돌렸다는 것이다. 파이크를 비롯한 나머지 와일드 번치 일당은 동료 앤젤을 구하기 위해 결과가 뻔한 싸움을 감행한다.
Come Spy with Me
Walter Ludeker
Set amidst the steamy underworld of Bermuda and Jamaica, this spy adventure chronicles the exploits of a female spy trying to investigate the mysterious murders of two colleagues before an important meeting between the world's most powerful leaders.
Gammera the Invincible
Secretary of Defense
An atomic explosion awakens Gammera, a giant fire breathing turtle monster from his millions of years of hibernation.
Ten Blocks on the Camino Real
Mr. Gutman
An adaptation of the Tennessee Williams play.
Death of a Salesman
Adaptation of Arthur Miller's play.
Once Upon a Tractor
Short film directed by Leopoldo Torre Nilsson.
Westinghouse Presents: The Dispossessed
Judge Dundy
In 1879, the American Indian lived under severe handicaps: having no legal status as a human being and with the requirement to stay on reservations. Defying the law, Ponca Chief Standing Bear leads his people off their disease-ridden reservation. Though they're captured, the Poncas are given three days to find a lawyer and find a legal way to become their own people once again.
지난 여름 갑자기
Lawrence Hockstader
1937년 남부 뉴올리언즈 주립정신 병원의 뇌 외과의사 쿠크로비츠 박사(몽고메리 클리프트)는 병원의 어려운 재정 때문에 모든 걸 포기하고 고향 시카고로 돌아가려고 하는데 그 동네의 부유한 미망인 베너블 부인(캐서린 헵번)은 자기 조카 캐서린(엘리자베스 테일러)에게 뇌수술을 해주는 조건으로 병원을 위해 막대한 돈을 기부할 것임을 제안한다. 식충식물을 좋아하는 베너블 부인에게는 세바스찬 이라고 하는 아들이 있었는데 지난 여름 아들과 조카 캐서린이 동행하여 여행을 떠나 그 여행에서 아들이 목숨을 잃었다. 한편 조카 캐서린은 사건 이후 정신이상 증세를 보여 아들의 죽음이 조카 캐서린의 정신이상 증세와 관련이 있지 않나 의심하며 한편으로는 아들이 동성애자였다는 사실이 밝혀질까 불안 해하며 쿠크로비츠 박사에게 빨리 뇌수술을 해 주기를 원한다. 쿠크로비츠 박사는 성 메리병원에 입원하고 있는 캐서린을 만나지만 그녀의 정신상태에 대해 진단해 본 결과 이상한 징후는 확인되지 않으나 캐서린이 굳게 입을 다물고 있고 세바스찬이 죽은 원인이 많은 영향을 주었다고 관찰되어 그녀를 주립병원으로 옮겨 기억을 되돌려 지난 여름 갑자기 세바스찬의 죽음에 대한 진상을 추적하기 위한 치료를 최상의 방법으로 대화를 계속하는데.
원더풀 컨츄리
Cap. Rucker (Texas Ranger)
Having fled to Mexico from the U.S. many years ago for killing his father's murderer, Martin Brady travels to Texas to broker an arms deal for his Mexican boss, strongman Governor Cipriano Castro. Brady breaks a leg and while recuperating in Texas the gun shipment is stolen. Complicating matters further the wife of local army major Colton has designs on him, and the local Texas Ranger captain makes him a generous offer to come back to the states and join his outfit. After killing a man in self defense, Brady slips back over the border and confronts Castro who is not only unhappy that Brady has lost his gun shipment but is about to join forces with Colton to battle the local raiding Apache Indians.
Middle of the Night
Walter Lockman
Jerry Kingsley is a wealthy garment manufacturer left lonely in his 60s when his wife dies. Despite the difference in their ages, he strikes up a romance with divorced 24-year-old receptionist Betty. The relationship is dismissed by his daughter, Lillian, discouraged by his sister, Evelyn, and denounced by Betty's mother. But when Jerry begins to mention marriage, even Betty is forced to confront her ambivalence.
These Thousand Hills
Marshal Conrad
A cowboy tries for easy money with his partner, then tries ranching with a saloon hostess's money.
소리와 분노
Earl Snopes
Drama focusing on a family of Southern aristocrats who are trying to deal with the dissolution of their clan and the loss of its reputation, faith, fortunes and respect.
Don Luis Montoya
This 1959 film noir take on "Othello," filmed in Puerto Rico, stars Mari Blanchard as flirtatious Jean, who marries an older man, plantation owner Don Luis (Albert Dekker), for financial security and finds herself falling for his virile foster son, Carlos (Carlos Rivas). Fearing that Jean will inherit Luis's money, his greedy cousin, Miguel (Lee Van Cleef), poisons the bridegroom against his new wife, informing him about her passion for another.
She Devil
Dr. Richard Bach
Biochemists give fruit-fly serum to a dying woman, with side effects.
Frank Garland
A hugely successful DA goes into private practice after sending a man to the chair -- only to find out later he was innocent. Now the drunken attorney only seems to represent criminals and low lifes.
키스 미 데들리
Dr. G.E. Soberin
뉴욕의 사립탐정 마이크 해머는 어느 날 밤 한적한 도로에서 쫓기는 듯한 인상을 주는 미모의 금발 여인을 차에 태운다. 잠시 후 해머는 괴한들에게 습격을 받아 어딘가로 납치된다. 괴한들은 해머에게 수면제를 주사하고 여자를 고문하다가 두 사람을 차에 태워 사고로 위장한다. 가까스로 목숨을 건진 해머는 여자의 죽음에 얽힌 배후를 조사하기 시작한다. 계속되는 위협 속에서도 해머는 사건의 진상이 비밀스러운 상자와 관련되어 있음을 알게 된다. 그러나 범인은 한발 먼저 상자를 가지고 달아나면서 해머의 비서 벨다를 납치한다. 가까스로 범인들의 아지트에 잠입한 해머는 충격적인 사실에 직면하게 되고, 사건은 전혀 예상치 못했던 방식으로 종결된다.
에덴의 동쪽
Will Hamilton
1917년, 캘리포니아 사리나스에서 농장을 경영하는 아담 트라스크는 두 아이들이 있다. 큰 아들 아론은 모범 청년이었지만 둘째 칼은 성격이 거칠고 언제나 불만에 찬 눈초리이다. 아담에게는 아내 케이트가 있었는데 그녀는 칼을 낳자 남편과 자식을 버리고 집을 나가 그는 아내는 죽었다고 생각하면서 살고 있고 그의 아들들 역시 어머니는 돌아가신 걸로 알고 있다. 아버지 아담은 아들 칼을 그런 부도덕한 아내의 피가 흐른다고 믿고 미워했으며 신앙심이 두텁고 공부를 잘하는 아론을 신뢰하고 사랑했다. 칼은 그런 아버지에게 반항하고 어머니가 도박장을 경영하는 바의 마담으로 있다는 얘기를 듣고 어느날 기차에 모임승차하여 근처의 어항인 몬트레이로 가 그곳에서 어머니를 만난다. 그러나 칼은 생모에게 그리움과 동시에 그녀의 부도덕한 생활에 혐오감을 느끼는데...
1세기에 로마에 노예로 팔려간 그리스인 조각가는 예수의 제자들로부터 예수가 최후의 만찬에서 마신 포도주 잔을 디자인하라는 주문을 받는다. 하지만 로마인들과 네로 황제는 예수의 은술잔은 파괴하려 한다. 자만심에 가득 차있던 시몬은 네로 황제에게 이 계획을 이룰 수 있게 하겠다고 공언한다. 시몬은 자신의 능력을 과시하려고 바벨탑을 만들어 그 위에서 뛰어내려 하늘을 날아감으로써 하느님에 대항할 수 있다고 단언하는데...
Leonardo da Vinci
Wait Till the Sun Shines, Nellie
Lloyd Slocum
At the fiftieth anniversary of his town's founding, the town's first barber recalls his long-dead, spirited bride and the flaw in his own character that helped bring about her loss and several others.
애즈 영 애즈 유 필
Louis McKinley
Sixty-five-year-old John Hodges must retire from Acme Printing. He later impersonates the president of the parent company and arrives at his old plant on an inspection tour. Acme president McKinley is so nervous not even his beautiful secretary Harriet can calm him. McKinley's wife Lucille becomes infatuated with Hodges. Many further complications ensue.
분노의 여신
Mr. Reynolds
멕시코 국경에 인접한 "T.C.제포드" 일가의 대목장을 운영한다. 그의 아들 "클레이 제포드"(죤 브롬휠드)가 집으로 돌아오면서 영화는 시작된다. 대평원의 목장과 부를 함께 가지고 있는 "제포드"에게는 아들 외에 딸이 하나 있는데 그녀의 이름은"반스 제포드" (바바라 스탄웍) . 그녀는 그의 집에서도 가장으로서의 권위와 힘을 함께 가지고 있다. 그는 아들이 있음에도 딸인 반스에게 소유권을 넘겨주려고 하며, 딸이 사랑하는 남자를 데려왔을 때 둘의 사이를 갈라놓기 위해서 이간질도 서슴지 않는다. 아들이 정상적으로 결혼함에도 반스는 사랑하는 남자와 결혼하지 못한다. 그 뿐 아니라, 후일 아버지에게 애인이 생기자 딸의 질투는 극에 달해 딸이 아버지의 애인에게 상해를 입히는 지경에 이르고 만다. 그러나 아버지가 파산에 이르게 되면서 딸은 아버지를 돕게 되고, 결국 아버지는 자신에게 원한을 품은 사람이 쏜 총알에 맞아 딸의 품안에서 죽는다.
Destination Murder
Laura Mansfield catches a glimpse of mob hit man Jackie Wales after he shoots her businessman father. At the police station, Laura identifies Jackie as the murderer, but the policeman in charge of the case, Lt. Brewster, lets him go, citing a lack of corroborating evidence. Outraged, Laura worms her way into the unsuspecting Jackie's heart, trying to snare him and mob-connected club owner Armitage in her trap.
The Kid from Texas
Alexander Kain
Billy the Kid becomes embroiled in Lincoln County, NM, land wars. When rancher who gave him a break is killed by rival henchman, Billy vows revenge. New employer takes advantage of his naivety to kill rivals, lets the Kid take rap. Kid takes to the hills with friends until caught. Escapes hanging but remains in area to be near employer's young wife with whom he's infatuated
Search for Danger
The murders of a suspected thief and a rival private eye draw the attention of The Falcon.
Bride of Vengeance
The tiny independent duchy of Ferrara is located between Casare Borgia's Rome and Venice, and Borgia has plans to conquer Venice via Ferrara. He murders his sister's husband and makes it appear that Alfonso D'Este of Ferrara was behind the killing. To avenge herself against Ferrara and D'Este, Lucretia Borgia marries D'Este and intends to poison him. But...she falls in love with him.
Tarzan's Magic Fountain
An expedition tries to enlist Tarzan's help in finding the secret Blue Valley, which legend says is the location of a miraculous fountain of youth.
Lulu Belle
Mark Brady
Lulu Belle is singing in a cheap dive in Natchez, Mississippi in the early 1900's when she meets rising young attorney George Davis. He gives up his fiancée and career to marry Lulu Bell. When his money runs out, Lulu Belle goes to work in a New Orleans club run by tough gambler Mark Brady. She tries to send George back to Natchez by pretending that she has fallen for prize-fighter Butch Cooper but George, in a fit of jealousy, drives a handful of forks into Butch's face. He is sent to prison and Lulu goes to New York with millionaire Harry Randolph, who makes her the singing sensation of Broadway and asks her to marry him. She refuses when she learns that George has been released from prison, realizing that he is the only man she ever truly loved.
Fury at Furnace Creek
Edward Leverett
The Arizona wilderness, 1880. Gen. Fletcher Blackwell sends a message telling Capt. Walsh, who is escorting a wagon-train through Apache territory, heading for the fort at Furnace Creek, that he should cancel the escort and rush to another town. Apache leader "Little Dog" is leading the attack on the wagon-train and massacring everyone at the poorly manned fort. As a result the treaty is broken with the Indians and the white settlers take over the territory with the help of the cavalry, as the Apaches are wiped out and only "Little Dog" remains at large. Gen. Fletcher Blackwell is court-martial-led for treason.
John Minify
촉망받는 작가 필립은 ‘스미스 주간지’로부터 스카우트 제의를 받고 뉴욕으로 온다. 편집장 미니피는 필립을 매우 신뢰하며 새롭게 기획하고 있는 "반 유태주의 연재" 기사를 그가 맡아주기를 희망한다. 유태인에 대한 사회 전반적인 인식이 좋지 못한 상황에서 유태인들을 옹호하는 글을 연재한다는 것이 모험인 것은 알고 있지만 필립은 그 일을 맡기로 한다. 한편 미니피의 집에서 그의 조카인 캐시를 만난 필립은 한눈에 그녀에게 사로잡히고 둘은 곧 사랑하는 사이가 된다. 한편 글의 구상이 떠오르지 않던 차에 그는 결국 자신이 유태인의 입장에서 글을 쓰기로 결심한다. 어머니와 캐시, 그리고 편집장, 친한 유태인 친구 데이브를 제외한 모든 사람들에게 자신이 유태인이라고 속이고 사람들의 반응을 보면서 직접 체험한 경험을 글로 적어나간다. 유능한 작가임에도 불구하고 유태인에 대한 크고 작은 멸시와 부당함을 피부로 느낀 그는 점점 이 일에 빠져들어 간다. 그러나 그런 필립에게 불만이 쌓여가는 캐시와 학교 친구들로부터 유태인이라고 놀림 당하는 아들 톰을 보자 그는 당초 6개월로 예정했던 기간을 8주로 마감하고 글을 발표한다. "나는 8주동안 유태인이었다"라는 제목의 글은 사람들에게 큰 반향을 일으키는데...
The Fabulous Texan
Gibson Hart
A couple of Confederate soldiers, returning home from the Civil War, find Texas transformed into an armed camp with a quasi-dictator gathering up land and power as fast as he can. The two former Rebels take on this despot each in his own way.
Cass Timberlane
Boone Havock
Judge Cass Timberlane marries a girl from the wrong side of the tracks, Virginia Marshland. A baby is stillborn and she turns more and more to attorney friend of of Cass' Brad Criley. While quarreling the Judge tells Virginia to stay with Brad, but when she becomes sick he brings her home.
The Pretender
Kenneth Holden
Story of an investment agent who embezzles a large sum from an estate, hoping to cover his crime by marrying the estate's heiress. The girl is already engaged, so he arranges to have the fiance killed. A mix up involving the society section of the newspaper places him in the sights of his own hired gun.
Duke Lassiter
Small ranchers battle against a land baron trying to take their spreads.
Slave Girl
Tongue-in-cheek adventure tale of an American attempting to free sailors held as hostages and becoming involved in middle-East tribal wars.
Mr. Pike
"Wicked" Lily Bishop joins a wagon train to California, led by Michael Fabian and Johnny Trumbo, but news of the Gold Rush scatters the train. When Johnny and Michael finally arrive, Lily is rich from her saloon and storekeeper (former slaver) Pharaoh Coffin is bleeding the miners dry. But worse troubles are ahead: California is inching toward statehood, and certain people want to make it their private empire.
Two Years Before the Mast
In 1834, Charles Stewart (Alan Ladd), the spoiled, dissolute son of a shipping magnate, is shanghaied aboard the Pilgrim, one of his father's own ships. He embarks upon a long, hellish sea voyage under the tyrannical rule of Captain Francis Thompson (Howard Da Silva), assisted by his first mate, Amazeen (William Bendix). One of his crewmates is Richard Henry Dana Jr. (Brian Donlevy).
Big Jim Colfax
작은 마을의 주유소 직원인 피트가 살해를 당한다. 보험 회사 직원이 이 죽음을 파헤치면서 옛날 강도 사건의 진상이 드러난다는 내용이다. 보험 회사 직원인 리어든은 피트가 원래는 올리라는 권투 선수였다는 것을 알아내고, 그가 강도 사건의 일원이었다는 것도 밝혀낸다. 이 강도 사건에서 올리는 배신을 하고 돈을 다 가져왔는데, 거기엔 콜팩스라는 도둑이 연루되어있다. 그가 키티라는 여자를 조종해, 배신을 하게 만든 것이다. 그리고는 결국, 그 돈과 여자를 콜팩스 자신이 다가진 것이다. 그리고, 이것이 탄로 날까 두려워, 콜팩스가 킬러를 이용하여 올리를 죽였다는 사실을 마침내 리어든이 밝혀내게 된다.
Frank Leonard
The proprietor of an ice-skating revue promotes a peanut-vendor at the show to a management position based on suggestions he made to improve the act of the show's star, who also happens to be the owner's wife. However, he soon begins to notice that his new manager is paying more attention to his wife than he believes is appropriate...
The French Key
Johnny Fletcher
Private detective Johnny Fletcher and his sidekick Sam Cragg skip out on their rented room, but when they sneak back to retrieve their luggage, they discover a dead body on the bed, holding a gold coin in its hand. Fletcher is told by a coin collector that the piece is an old and valuable Spanish coin, but Fletcher soon begins to suspect that the man is himself involved in the murder. Fletcher's investigation leads to he and Sam getting caught up in a murder and gold smuggling scheme.
Hold That Blonde!
Police Inspector Callahan
Ogden Spencer Trulow III is a wealthy kleptomaniac who turned to stealing when he was spurned by a girl. His psychoanalyst advises him to find another girl for a cure. He fastens his interest upon Sally Martin, who happens to be engaged upon helping some crooks steal a valuable necklace. Complications include two scantily attired individuals, one of them drunk, clinging to the cornice of a skyscraper and a large band of crooks in quest of the precious jewels.
Incendiary Blonde
Joe Cadden
Paramount's highly-fictionalized 1945 musical biography of Texas Guinan, the Roaring '20s New York nightclub owner and celebrity with alleged underworld connections who famously greeted her customers with the phrase, "Hello, suckers!"
Salome, Where She Danced
Von Bohlen
During the Austrian-Prussian war, Anna Marie is a dancer who is forced to flee her country after she is accused of being a spy. She ends up in a lawless western town in Arizona, where she uses her charms and dancing skills to transform herself into "Salome" during her dance routines.
Experiment Perilous
'Clag' Claghorn
In 1903, Doctor Huntington Bailey meets a friendly older lady during a train trip. She tells him that she is going to visit her brother Nick and his lovely young wife Allida. Once in New York, Bailey hears that his train companion suddenly died. Shortly afterward, he meets the strange couple and gets suspicious of Nick's treatment of his wife.
The Woman of the Town
Bat Masterson
Bat Masterson, who after failing to secure a job as a newspaper reporter becomes marshal of Dodge City. Preferring socializing to peacekeeping, Masterson falls in love with Dora Hand, the obligatory golden-hearted chorus girl whose concern for the welfare of her fellow citizens at time reaches Madonna-like dimensions. When Dora is shot down cattle baron King Kennedy, Masterson begins taking his job seriously. After taking care of Kennedy, Masterson determines to enshrine the memory of Dora, whose efforts to clean up Dodge City were largely ignored by the "decent" townsfolk.
인 올드 오클라호마
James E. 'Hunk' Gardner (president, Gardner Oil Co.)
Cowboy Dan Somers and oilman Jim "Hunk" Gardner compete for oil lease rights on Indian land in Oklahoma, as well as for the favors of schoolteacher Cathy Allen.
The Kansan
Steve Barat
Wounded while stopping the James gang from robbing the local bank, a cowboy wakes up in the hospital to find that he's been elected town marshal. He soon comes into conflict with the town banker, who controls everything in town and is squeezing the townspeople for every penny he can get out of them.
Buckskin Frontier
Gideon Skene
A railroad man and the owner of a freight line battle for control of a crucial mountain pass.
Once Upon a Honeymoon
Gaston Le Blanc
A radio correspondent tries to rescue a burlesque queen from her marriage to a Nazi official.
The Forest Rangers
Twig Dawson
Ranger Don Stuart fights a forest fire with timber boss friend Tana 'Butch' Mason, and finds evidence of arson. He suspects Twig Dawson but can't prove it. Butch loves Don but he, poor fool, won't notice her as a woman; instead he meets socialite Celia in town and elopes with her. The action plot (Don's pursuit of the fire starter) parallels Tana's comic efforts to scare tenderfoot Celia back to the city.
웨이크 아일랜드
Shad McClosky
In late 1941, with no hope of relief or re-supply, a small band of United States Marines tries to keep the Japanese Navy from capturing their island base.
Night in New Orleans
Police Lieutenant William Richards
A policeman's family helps to exonerate him of murder charges in the death of a man he had under interrogation.
In Old California
Britt Dawson
Boston pharmacist Tom Craig comes to Sacramento, where he runs afoul of local political boss Britt Dawson, who exacts protection payment from the citizenry. Dawson frames Craig with poisoned medicine, but Craig redeems himself during a Gold Rush epidemic.
Yokel Boy
'Buggsy' Malone
A film company hires a gangster to mock himself holding up a bank, but he succeeds too well and makes off with the money. But all ends well.
Star Spangled Rhythm
Albert Dekker (uncredited)
Pop, a security guard at Paramount has told his son that he's the head of the studio. When his son arrives in Hollywood on shore leave with his buddies, Pop enlists the aid of the studio's dizzy switchboard operator in pulling off the charade. Things get more complicated when Pop agrees to put together a show for the Navy starring Paramount's top contract players.
The Lady Has Plans
Baron Von Kemp
Some dastardly criminals have stolen some top secret plans and tattoo them on the back of a woman so she can sell them to the highest bidder in Lisbon. This woman plans to take the place of a 'Sidney Royce', a legitimate traveler going to Lisbon as a reporter. Crossed signals allows the real Sidney to reach Portugal first, where she is pursued by those trying to obtain the plans and US government agents trying to prevent the sale.
Among the Living
John Raden / Paul Raden
A mentally unstable man, who has been kept in isolation for years, escapes and causes trouble for his identical twin brother.
Buy Me That Town
Louie Lanzer
A gangster and his mob buy a small-town in this warm comedy. They, tired of trying to make it as big city hoods, buy the town to use as a hideout. The leader of the gang begins to have a change of heart after he begins falling for a local girl.
Honky Tonk
Fast-talking con-man and grifter Candy Johnson rises to be the corrupt boss of Yellow Creek, but his wife's alcoholic father tries to set things right.
Reaching for the Sun
Comedy of a North Woods clam-digger who journeys to Detroit to earn money for outboard motor by working on auto assembly line.
You're the One
100% fictional film, in which not a single performer plays "Himself" nor "Herself" but the two lead performers use their own name as a character.
Blonde Inspiration
Phil Hendricks
A writer of pulp Westerns cranks out more words than his editor and publisher want to pay for.
세븐 시너스
Dr. Martin
Banished from various U.S. protectorates in the Pacific, a saloon entertainer uses her femme-fatale charms to woo politicians, navy personnel, gangsters, riff-raff, judges and a ship's doctor in order to achieve her aims.
Rangers of Fortune
George Bird
Fred MacMurray stars as a US Army misfit who, with pals Albert Dekker and Gilbert Roland, roam the west in search of adventure. Arriving in a small town, they befriend the elderly newspaper editor (Arthur Allen) and his young granddaughter (Betty Brewer). The trio learns that the community is under the thumb of a covetous land baron (Joseph Schildkraut), who is endeavoring to push out the ranch owners and take over the territory.
닥터 사이클롭스
Dr. Alexander Thorkel
Four explorers are summoned to Peru by the brilliant physicist Dr Thorkel. They discover a rich source of radium and a half-mad Thorkel who shrinks them down to one-fifth their normal size when they threaten to stop his unorthodox experimentation.
Strange Cargo
Convicts escaping from Devil's Island come under the influence of a strange Christ-like figure.
The Great Commandment
Portrays the conversion to Christianity of a young Zealot, Joel, and the Roman soldier Longinus through the teachings of Jesus in his Parable of the Good Samaritan.
보 게스티
제스트 3형제 보.딕비 그리고 존은 레이디 브랜든의 부유한 가정에 입양되어 떼어 놓을 수 없는 형제. 형제는 숙원이던 프랑스 외인부대에 입대한다. 그러나 이들 형제들이 보석을 가지고 있다는 정보를 포착한 마르코프 상사는 보석을 빼앗기 위해 우선 딕비를 다른요새로 보낸다. 갑작스런 지휘관의 죽음으로 요새를 지휘하게 된 마르코프 상사는 곧 대규모 아랍부대의 공격을 받는다. 소수의 병력으로 수차례 적의 거센 공격을 막아대는 수비대는 하나 둘씩 다죽어가고 보 역시 총에 맞고 쓰러지는데...
Louis XIII
과거 1600년대 루이 13세는 아들이 생기며 그의 온 국민들과 좋은 시간을 보내고 있었다. 같은 시각 왕에겐 또 한 명의 아들이 생기면서 문제가 생긴다. 그의 신하 콜베트경은 분쟁을 피하기 위해 총사대장인 달타냥에게 2번 째 아들을 키우게 왕에게 제안한다. 왕은 그의 제안을 받아 드려 그 아이에게 필립이라 이름을 지어주고 달타냥은 그의 고향인 가스코뉴로 향한다. 20년 후 루이 14세는 그의 신하 푸케경의 계획에 따라 온 갓 세금을 올리고 국민들의 생활은 점점 힘들어져만 간다. 왕은 스페인의 공주 마리아 테레사 공주와의 약혼식을 앞두고 가스코뉴에 납세를 거부하는 반역자들이 있다는 소식을 접하고 그들을 체포하란 명령을 내린다. 다음날 왕은 대성당으로 하는 중 암살을 계획하는 자들이 있다는 소식도 접한다. 왕의 명령으로 체포된 자들은 달타냥의 총사들의 필립. 왕은 필립을 보고서 놀람을 감추지 못하고 그를 대성당으로 보내 죽음을 피할 계획을 세운다.
Hotel Imperial
Sergeant (uncredited)
It is the fate of a small frontier town, adjoining the no-man's-land where the Russians and Austrians are fighting out one of the final campaigns of World War I, to be occupied one day by the Russians, the next by the Austrians, and the inhabitants soon acquire a complacent view of the changing allegiances. To the town comes Ann Warschaska, intent on avenging the suicide of her sister, who has killed herself after being betrayed by an Austrian officer. She knows no more about his identity than the number of his room at the "Hotel Imperial".
Never Say Die
Kidley's Second
Bob Hope is being stalked by a predatory widow who is a widow of wealthy husbands many times over. Martha Raye is a Texan heiress who wants to marry her boyfriend Andy Devine, but her father is determined that she marry into royalty. To solve both their problems, Martha Raye and Bob Hope decide to marry, but will they ever find love together?
The Last Warning
Higgs the Butler
In their third and last teaming, Bill Crane and Doc Williams visit a country estate to investigate threatening letters from the mysterious 'Eye.'
마리 앙투아네트
Comte de Provence
The young Austrian princess Marie Antoinette is arranged to marry Louis XVI, future king of France, in a politically advantageous marriage for the rival countries. The opulent Marie indulges in various whims and flirtations. When Louis XV passes and Louis XVI ascends the French throne, his queen's extravagant lifestyle earns the hatred of the French people, who despise her Austrian heritage.
The Lone Wolf in Paris
Marquis Louis de Meyerson
Former jewel thief Michael Lanyard toys with a princess and a grand duke.
Jeffrey Thompson (as Albert Van Dekker)
In this B potboiler, a college professor finds himself suspected of a murder on his school's campus.
She Married an Artist
Whitney Holton
Because Thornwood's portraits of comely model Sally Dennis are in such great demand, he is obliged to spend virtually all his time with Sally, which prompts Toni to seek retribution in divorce court.
The Great Garrick
A British actor insults a French acting group only to fall victim to a prank that might destroy his career.