Henri Garcin

Henri Garcin

출생 : 1929-04-11, Antwerp, Belgium

사망 : 2022-06-13

프로필 사진

Henri Garcin

참여 작품

The Holy Family
Jean, an anthropologist with no history, is appointed Minister of the Family. While he discovers the backstage of the political world, he must also deal with the events that shake his own family, with the discovery of his brother's homosexuality, and the unexpected pregnancy of his wife.
After 21-year-old student Tonio dies in a traffic accident, his novelist parents face sorrow and regret as they suffer the agony of losing their only child.
슈나이더 대 백스
살인청부업자 슈나이더는 의뢰를 받는다. 목표는 작가 레이먼 박스로 오늘밤을 넘기기 전에 제거해야 한다. 마침 생일이라 망설이던 슈나이더는 결국 일을 수락하지만, 간단해 보이던 암살은 의외로 쉽지가 않다.
Renata's heroine silently walks through the fields, an autumn garden, an old mansion, an abandoned greenhouse to the lyric melody of Ludwig van Beethoven, only occasionally turning to the camera. In the frame, Litvinova appears as a brunette who wears long dresses to the floor, capes, hats and expensive jewelry.
It's All So Quiet
The story of a farmer, Helmer, who realizes that his life has been influenced to an unhealthy extent by his aging father.
The Girl and Death
A chance meeting between Nicolai and Nina, a friend from the past, makes Nicolai return to an abandoned hotel in which, many years ago, he experienced his only love, full of tragedy and an overwhelming feeling.
Ça se soigne ?
Bernard - le père d'Adrienne
마이 베스트 프렌드
일에만 파묻혀 살아온 한 남자가 베스트 프렌드를 찾아가는 과정을 코믹하게 그린 작품. 프랑스를 대표하는 배우 중에 한 명인 다니엘 오테이유의 코미디 영화. 중년의 골동품 딜러인 프랑소와(다니엘 오테이유 분)는 근사한 아파트에서 멋진 삶을 살고 있다. 그러나 거만하고, 자기중심적인 성격 탓에 친구가 없는 그에게 동업자인 캐서린은 고대 그리스 꽃병을 걸고 그가 친구를 만들 수 있는지 내기를 한다. 프랑소와는 친구를 만들기 위해 동분서주 하다 택시 기사인 부르노를 만나고 그를 통해 진정한 우정이란 무엇인가를 깨닫게 된다. (전주국제영화제)
Sweet Mud
Set in mid-70's, 12-year old Dvir Avni navigates between the equality values of his home-born Kibbutz and the relationship with his undermined mother, whom the Kibbutz members will to denounce.
핑크 팬더
수만 명의 관중이 밀집한 프랑스의 축구경기장. 지금 막 치뤄진 경기에서의 승리를 열광적으로 축하하던 프랑스 축구팀 감독이 운동장에서 살해당하는 초유의 사건이 발생한다! 그리고 그의 손에 있던 세계에서 가장 큰 핑크 다이아몬드 ‘핑크 팬더’가 감쪽같이 사라졌다! 수만 명이 지켜보는 가운데 세계적인 축구감독의 목에 독침을 꽂아 살해할 만큼 간 큰 범죄를 꾸민 사람은 과연 누구?? 사건 해결을 위해 시골에서 스카웃된 ‘클루조’(스티브 마틴)경관은 그 나름의 독특하며 기상천외한(?) 방식으로 차례차례 용의자들을 조사해 나간다. 먼저 감독의 여자친구이며 살해되기 며칠 전 감독의 복잡한 여자관계 때문에 큰 싸움을 벌인 세계적인 팝스타 ‘자냐’(비욘세 놀스분) 그리고 감독을 미워하는 코치와 선수들... 그들 중의 한 명은 ‘자냐’를 감독에게 빼앗기는 모멸을 당하기도 해 누구에게나 살해동기가 존재하는 듯해서 사건해결은 미궁속으로 빠진다. 그러던 중... 유력한 용의자 중의 한 명인 축구선수가 살해당하는 두 번째 사건이 발생하여 전 프랑스는 경악하게 되고.... 유일한 희망인 클루조는 자꾸 딴짓만 하는데?
Never Say... Never!
El Cojo
Paris, 1830. Valentin loses himself in alcohol, gambling and women. He does not believe in life and especially not in love. His uncle Van Buck believes only in the virtues of money and trade. Everything separates them until the day when Van Buck, to improve his public image, wants to make Valentin marry the young and impoverished Baroness Cécile. Valentin, who has absolutely no desire to get married, bets that he can easily seduce her in 24 hours and thus prove that she, like all the others, is not worth loving... But Cécile, who believes in true love, will prove much more difficult to woo than envisaged and Valentin will have to use all possible stratagems to try and win his bet. The game of cat and mouse starts... But who is the cat?
Aux abois
Paul, a former insurer, is struggling to make ends meet. He agrees to meet Sarrebry, a loan shark introduced to him by his friend Daubelle. Paul mortally knocks out the disgusting crook and steals a large sum of money from him.
The Ninth Hour
Edward Schneider is asked to sing the St Matthew Passion in Amsterdam's Concertgebouw. This is a great opportunity for him to avenge the eternal mockery to which he is subjected. However what no one sees is that the is having trouble with himself. He is not able to come to terms with the music of Bach and sing it credibly. Then there is Schneider's prostitute, Miriam. While she despises her client, she is also financially dependent on him. Miriam is also at a turning point in her life through her battles with her daughter, who does not have much respect for her mother's profession.
The Freelancers
Hanz Swarovski
In this off-beat French comedy-drama, a quirky band of classical musicians prepare to play at a nobleman's New Year's Eve gala.
Un amour de cousine
La voisine
A retired woman befriends her neighbor without suspecting that it is her own daughter whom she abandoned at birth.
The Proprietor
An expatriated French novelist returns to Paris when she learns that her childhood home is being placed on the auction block.
Bank manager
해리(다니엘 오테이유)는 사회적으로는 성공한 세일즈 강연자이나 부인과 별거중이라 딸도 부인도 만나지 못하는 상태이다. 일에 쫓기다 자신을 찾아온 아이들을 만나지 못하자 자신의 생활에 상실감을 느낀 해리는 비오는 어느날 밤길을 가다가 우연히 조지의 강아지를 치게 된다. 조지(파스칼 뒤켄)는 정신지체아로 어머니의 죽음을 인정하지 못하고 현실과 환상 사이를 오락가락한다. 이런 조지를 그냥 두지 못하고 집으로 데려온 해리는 조지가 만나는 사람마다 구애를 하는 등 이상한 행동을 하고 초콜릿 알레르기가 있으면서도 자신을 주체 못하는 그가 싫으면서도 책임감과 그의 순수함에 매력을 느낀다. 그러나 조지는 요양원으로 돌아가야 했다. 조지는 요양원에서 친구들과 재탈출하여 해리의 강연장으로 나타난다. 조지의 돌연한 출현에 해리는 강연장을 등지고 조지와 버스를 훔쳐타고 딸의 생일을 축하해 주기 위해 아내의 집으로 향하는데...
Van Tilt
마리 앙트와네트의 저주받은 다이아몬드처럼 사람들의 운명을 좌지우지하면서 세상을 떠도는 옷 한 벌에 대한 기발한 단상이 네덜란드에서 날아왔다.애인의 결별선언과 이웃의 다툼에 상처입은 디자이너가 그려낸 원색의 나뭇잎무늬 옷감. 이것을 가지고 변태적 성행위를 즐기는 또 다른 디자이너가 한 벌의 원피스를 만든다. 그리고 이 옷을 손에 쥔 이들은 생산과정에서 비롯된 일탈과 욕망에 전염되기 시작한다. 처음 이 옷을 산 노년의 스텔라. 이 노부부는 뒤늦게 성에 탐닉하고, 스텔라가 이유없이 죽어간다. 빨랫줄에 걸려있다가 바람에 날린 드레스는 조안나와 칸탈이라는 여자들을 거치고 관음증에 사로잡힌 검표원 디스메트가 두 여자를 탐한다. 결국 공원의 부랑자 여인 마리의 누더기 위에 입혀진 드레스는 마지막 주인과 함께 땅에 묻힌다.죽음에서 시작해서 죽음으로 끝난 기묘한 옷의 운명을 통해 욕망이 끝간 곳을 보여주는 날카로운 풍자, 무릎을 치는 신선한 상상력외에도 억눌려진 성적 욕망과 일탈의 갈망을 뒤집어지는 익살로 풀어낸 감독의 재기가 빛나는 영화. 비수기 일주일 개봉프로로 지나치기엔 너무 아까운 작품이었다.
시몽 시네마의 101일 밤
Fermin, le majordome
한때 작가이자, 제작자이자 감독이기도 했던 백 살이 다 되어가는 '시네마'씨는 영화의 박물관과도 같은 거대한 성에서 집사의 보살핌을 받으며 살고 있다. 그에게는 이탈리아 친구 마르셀로와 그에게 영화 이야기를 들려줄 수 있는 아름다운 여인이 함께한다. 그녀는 가끔 그를 찾아오는 여러 영화배우들을 보고 큰 만족을 얻는다. ‘시네마’씨에게 이제 나이는 중요하지 않다. 그는 인생의 황금기를 누리고 있기 때문이다. 프랑스와 할리우드의 전설의 배우들을 만날 수 있는 것은 영화의 백미.
Vincennes Neuilly
Jérôme and Sophie are "foreigners". They evolve in a world whose rules seem to them as many constraints and adopt unusual behaviors which can disorientate their interlocutors. They say they are brother and sister and many people prefer to believe them and be satisfied with this version for fear of supporting a situation that is too scabrous. Only Olivia accepts to assume the situation. Her taste for derision and her humor allow her to overcome the provocations of the couple and to take an ascendancy on them.
Every Other Weekend
l'agent de Camille
Camille, a mercurial César-winning actress, has seen better times. Estranged from her husband, she's with her children only every other weekend. It's her weekend, but her agent has booked her to MC a Rotary club dinner in Vichy. She takes them with her, and when her husband learns this, he demands to pick them up at once. She bolts in a rented car to the seaside, trying to improve her relations with the children, especially the precocious and distant Vincent. He loves astronomy. A rare meteor shower is due in a few days, so she suggests they go to a plateau in Spain hoping to see it. He agrees, but the relationship remains difficult, and her husband is on their trail.
Koko Flanel
Didier de Merengue
Placide's dad tells him on his deathbed he'll haunt Placide if he doesn't find a wife soon. Placide cautiously agrees, but he only wants to settle for a very beautiful woman. That might be easier said than done, since he is a vagabond. When he accidentally enters a photo shoot, Placide meets Sarah. He falls in love, but she is way out of his reach.
Si t'as besoin de rien, fais-moi signe
Blanchard - Le producteur
Once inseparable, Charles the artist and Daniel the schemer reunite after 15 years of separation and confess their mutual misfortune. Determined to start over, the two friends and Sylvie, a friend of Charles, take on the movie business. But they come up against the well-established laws of the business and create havoc wherever they go. But their optimism will save them.
A well-to-do, thirty-something shut-in faces city life, family secrets and his own quirks when he is finally thrown out by his parents.
Vivement Truffaut
Self / Husband (archive footage)
A tribute to the late, great French director Francois Truffaut, this documentary was undoubtedly named after his last movie, Vivement Dimanche!, released in 1983. Included in this overview of Truffaut's contribution to filmmaking are clips from 14 of his movies arranged according to the themes he favored. These include childhood, literature, the cinema itself, romance, marriage, and death.
Les parents ne sont pas simples cette année
Albert Dupuy
Parents are not easy this year. That's what 16-year-old Marie realized when she saw the mess her father, a general practitioner, and her mother were in. But Marie is more interested in dancing. The arrival of Laurent, a young student, will reveal her passion for choreography and, as a result, awaken the unconscious but tenacious love she has for Paul, her childhood friend.
Charlots' Connection
M. Marcaud
Three friends begin to work the rent collectors. Fee collection goes with a lot of comic episodes...
이웃집 여인
Philippe Bauchard
프랑스의 어느 한적한 마을에서 가족과 함께 평화롭게 살고 있던 베르나르(Bernard Coudray: 제랄드 드빠르듀 분)는 자기의 옆집으로 이사 온 사람의 부인을 만난다. 그녀는자신의 옛 애인 마틸드(Mathilde Bauchard: 패니 아댄트 분)였다. 과거에 두 사람은 사랑을 했었지만 서로의 자존심 싸움으로 헤어졌었다. 과거의 사랑을 회상하면서 자주 만나게 된 그들은 다시 사랑에 빠진다. 하지만 두 남녀는 죄의식에 대한 심리적 갈등과 불안감에 시달리게 되고 다시 냉정한 마음으로 친구 사이를 유지하려고 노력한다. 그러나 사랑과 질투에 냉정을 잃은 베르나르는 이를 견디지 못하고 여러사람 앞에서 행패를 부리고 마틸드를 데리고 도망치려고 하지만 결국 다시 냉정을 찾고 현실을 받아들인다. 한편, 한 남자에 대한 사랑때문에 목숨까지 던져 버릴려고 했던 오딜 여사(Madame Odile Jouve: 베로니끄 실베르 분)를 존경해 온 마틸드는 진정한 사랑과 냉엄한 현실 사이에서 정신적 고통을 이기지 못하고 신경쇠약증에 걸려 병원에 입원하고 만다. 이제 현실을 받아들인 베르나르는 마틸드의 남편과 함께 그녀를 위로하여 회복하도록 노력한다. 마틸드는 병원에서 퇴원하고 남편과 함께 다른 곳으로 이사를 간다. 그러나 어느날 밤, 그 빈집에서 나는 소리를 듣고 나갔던 베르나르는 자기를 못잊어 찾아온 마틸드를 만나게 되는데...
Faut s'les faire!... Ces légionnaires
Colonel Berger
Murder Obsession
Hans Schwartz
Michael is a successful actor, but he has a scandal in his past: at a tender age he knifed his father to death. He and his girlfriend Deborah go to his mother's for the weekend, and are joined by the director and others from a recent film project, who are given a rather cool reception by the superstitious housekeeper Oliver. Soon rude things begin happening to some of the guests, and Michael fears a repeat of his nightmare past is in progress.
Il est important d'être aimé
Cocktail Molotov
Bernard, Anne's stepfather
"Cocktail Molotov" is the story of the adventures of this threesome, who reach Venice only to learn of the outbreak of the May 1968 disturbances at home. Once again, Anne, Frederic and Bruno realize that the important things of their time are happening somewhere where they are not. Swindled out of their car and virtually broke, they hitchhike back to Paris, hoping to arrive in time for some of the excitement.
An Almost Perfect Affair
Lt. Montand
An idealistic first-time director lives for his art — until he meets a wife of an Italian producer at the Cannes Film Festival. A passionate affair begins, but the couple's romance is tested as they face the temptations of fame and fortune.
Trocadero Lemon Blue
Georges Lépervier
Ten years old Phil who is living with his mother and likes skateboarding with his friends has fallen in love with a girl of his age.
Take It from the Top
Tired of being a housewife, Annie wants to work. Between her professional life and her responsibilities as a parent, she can no longer cope. She decides to leave and starts writing a memoir of her life...
Plus ça va, moins ça va
Edouard Jesufard
Judge Fayard Called the Sheriff
Jean-Marie Fayard is a young examining magistrate in a large provincial french city. He belongs to that generation of judges who are endeavoring to re-adapt the notion of justice to our changing times. His methods are not agreeable to every one. Criticism and pressure are brought to bear upon him but he is aware of his value, professionally, and refuses to make any concessions. He follows an unwavering course. He uses dynamic methods and takes uncustomary initiatives. He behaves like a crusader, a battler, whence the nickname given him by the reporters : the sheriff.
Catherine & Co.
Robert Grandin
An enterprising young Paris based British prostitute decides to incorporate as an official escort business after learning about corporate practices and business ins and outs from her clients. Searching for people to invest in her scheme, she encounters both interest and setbacks.
The Common Man
le haut fonctionnaire
As every summer, Georges Lajoie, his wife Ginette and grown-up son Léon go on holiday to Loulou's campsite. They join old friends, the Schumachers and the Colins. Brigitte Colin, the daughter, is quite a pretty young girl now. One day, Georges rapes and murders her. He hides the body near the barracks of the immigrant Arab workers. The racism of the campers will do the rest... A virulent lampoon against the average Frenchman's racism.
Jury of One
Maître Lannelongue
A desperate woman, whose son is on trial for murder, blackmails the judge and kidnaps his wife.
Black Thursday
Ernst Jünger
In Paris, in 1942, on a Thursday, the Parisian police herded together some 13,000 Jews for deportation to German territory. In this story, Paul (Christian Rist) is a teenager who tries to prevent this from happening. At first he attempts to save two elderly Jews, but they are resigned to their fate and comply with the order to assemble. For a short while, he is able to keep Jeanne (Christine Pascal) from joining them, but, after a long and strenuous day, she finally escapes from him he is too tired to chase after her.
열정의 계단
그가 가는곳엔 항상 여자가 따른다. 타고난 정열로 매일 쉴사이 없이 바쁜남자! 그의 곁엔 숱한 여자들이 스쳐가는데! 그런데 그를 끝내 차지하고만 여자가 나타났다. 그녀는 정말 행운녀일까? 아니면......
Ursule and Grelu
Eeeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe
Le pasteur
La Nuit bulgare
Paul Tarset
A youngish sales employee of a computer firm is blackmailed into helping a group of mysterious Bulgarian industrialists who have come to his office. A government contract is being sought for a businessman who is in danger of bankruptcy.
Interpol investigates the freelance killings of drug and porn peddlers.
On the Lam
L'avocat d'Annick
A young couple of burglars, waiting for trial, marry in jail. Annick writes down her observations of the women's ward. When she hears that her lover must serve a twice as long prison sentence, she plans their escape.
Paul Damien
A neurosurgeon with a cheating wife takes an amnesiac into his home and conditions him to believe that the cheating wife is his own and to take the "appropriate" action.
The Cop
Georges Duval, dit "Georgy Beausourire"
A crackdown on drugs leads a burned out cop to take the law into his own hands and seek revenge against villainous drug dealers. Word comes down from above that the United States feels French authorities have been lax on their arrests of the dealers. A violent action feature finds the harried inspector battling his colleagues as much as the criminal element targeted for extermination.
Dix petits nègres
파괴하라, 그녀는 말한다
Max Thor
숲 속에 있는 한 호텔에서, 서로를 알지 못하는 세 투숙객이 서로를 바라본다. 여러 인물이 서로를 다른 시점에서 바라보는 구조이다. 예를 들면 한 사람이 다른 사람을 바라볼 때, 또 다른 사람이 그 사람을 바라보고, 화자 혹은 서술하는 역활의 무언가가 각 이야기를 종합하고, 이 눈들이 바라보는게 무엇인지 말해주는 식이다.
Les gauloises bleues
L'ambulancier rabatteur
The harsh life of a troubled young man provides the basis of this grim French tragedy that begins when the fellow stops into a shop to buy a pack of the title cigarettes. There he meets a pretty shop girl with whom he falls in love and eventually marries. It was a foolish choice, for the two cannot get along and constantly fight. Things get worse when the husband resumes his criminal activities and gets caught. The two are about to divorce when the woman gets pregnant. The time comes for their baby to be born and while sitting in the waiting room, the husband reflects upon his past activities, which are revealed via flashback.
The Nail Clippers
Le réceptionniste de l'hôtel
A bourgeois couple check into a hotel. All seems fine until a man loses his nail clippers
Sorrel Flower
Jo de Fréjus
Catherine is left unmarried and pregnant when her mobster sweetheart is killed in this gangster comedy. With the help of another unmarried mother-to-be, Catherine goes looking for the stash of cash buried by her lover before his death. Soon other thugs and her suspicious neighbors are following their every move in an attempt to recover the lost loot...
Judoka-Secret Agent
Jacques Mercier
Marc is a French secret agent whose only weapons are judo and karate. With the help of his sidekick Jacques, the duo goes to protect a noted scientist from falling into the hands of a gang of underworld thugs. Marc finds love with one of the female gang members who turns out to be a double agent with the British Secret Service.
A Matter of Resistance
In the countryside near Normandy's beaches lives Marie, unhappy. It's 1945, she's married to Jérôme, a somewhat fussy milquetoast, diffident to the war around him and unwilling to move his wife to Paris, where she longs to live, shop, and party. A German outfit is bivouacked at Jérôme and Marie's crumbling château because its commanding officer is pursuing Marie. She's also eyed by a French spy working with the Allies as they plan D-Day. He woos her (posing to the Germans as her brother) and, in his passion, forgets his mission. Heroics come from an unexpected direction, and Marie makes her choice.
Me and the Forty Year Old Man
le voisin de Bénéchol
A story about Caroline, a young girl who decides to start dating only men after forty.
The Lovers of the France
Seeing an opportunity to make a financial recovery for the family, a nobleman attempts to wed his son to his wealthy friend's daughter. His plan is to send the boy for a cruise on the SS France with the prospective female. Upon arriving to meet the lovely girl, the young man switches places with his valet. Unbeknownst to him, however, is the fact that the girl has pulled a similar deception. Though Jean-Marc Ripert is responsible for much of the cinematography in this New Wave comedy, it is Francois Reichenbach who handled the camera for many of the ocean-liner scenes.
뜨거운 포옹
Policeman (uncredited)
헐리우드 영화 제작자 알렉산더 메이어헤이머는 술고래인 시나리오 작가 리차드 벤슨(월리암 홀든 분)을 고용한다. 벤슨은 원고 작업을 위해 몇 달 간 파이 한 아파트에서 은둔생활을 시작한다. 방탕한 생활을 하여 놀고 지내는데 시간을 허비해버린 그는 지금 데드라인을 이틀 남겨둔 상태. 다급해진 그는 자신의 원고 작업을 제시간에 끝내기 위햇 입시 비서 가브리엘 심슨(오드리 헵번 분)을 고용하는데.......
Mata Hari, Agent H21
This French version of the notorious spy's life centers less on her romantic escapades, and more on those that reveal the person she actually was during WW I when her German superiors ordered her to seduce the French captain Trintignant so she can steal classified papers from him. Instead she falls in love with him, blows the cover, and ends up convicted of espionage and shot. (AllMovie)
The Sword and the Balance
Three young men are suspected of kidnapping and murdering a little boy. Most likely, two of them are really involved, but one is not. All of their pasts are questionable, riddled with violence and controversy. Neither the police nor the court can decide how to solve that puzzle.
Arsène Lupin vs. Arsène Lupin
André Laroche, an industrialist, has just passed away. Face to his grave, as he is being buried, Anne de Vierne, the wife of a magistrate, confesses to her son François that Laroche was in fact Lupin and that he is his natural child. But he is not the gentleman thief's only offspring! Lupin had indeed another son by a housemaid, Gérard Dagmar, a dancer, magician and - occasionally - burglar. Which complicates the task of François who, to respect the last wishes of the testator, has gone in search of the treasure of Poldavia. For he keeps finding Gérard on his way and his efforts are constantly thwarted by his half-brother. Will Gérard prevent François from becoming the worthy successor to their father or will the two young men decide to join forces? That is the question.
Sénéchal the Magnificent
L'auteur de la pièce (uncredited)
Sénéchal, an actor touring the provinces with the "Tournées Carlini" does not meet the success he thinks he deserves. One night in Dreux, he finds himself without his luggage and dressed up as a Foreign Legion officer, he is invited to a party thrown by a colonel. He creates a sensation there and does not leave the colonel's wife ... indifferent! Back in Paris, Sénéchal goes through a similar experience. This time around, wearing tuxedo and top hat, he gets mistaken for a diplomat and charms the guests of a wedding party. Arrested by the police, he chooses to do without an attorney at his trial and his brilliant eloquence has him acquitted. A question remains unanswered though : will all those people who give an ovation in real life ever go to see him on stage ?