Stanley Jones

출생 : 1897-09-04, Los Angeles, California, USA

사망 : 1981-07-07

참여 작품

Assignment to Kill
A private eye is hired by an insurance company to investigate a shipping magnate suspected of deliberately sinking his own ships for the insurance money. He finds himself involved in a web of deception, double-crossing and murder.
Sweet November
A woman refuses to let her romances last longer than one month.
Assault on a Queen
Sound Recordist
A group of adventurers refloat a WWII German submarine and prepare to use it to pull a very large heist; The Queen Mary which they plan to rob on the high seas.
Palm Springs Weekend
Set in Palm Springs during a long, fun-filled weekend where several Los Angeles college students flock to spring break, centering on Jim who finds romance with Bunny, the daughter of Palm Springs harred, stressful police chief. Jim's bumbling roommate, Biff, tries to get Amanda, a tomboyish girl's attention with a so-called love gadget. Meanwhile, Gayle Lewis is a high school senior posing as a wealthy college girl who is pursued by Eric Dean, a wealthy and spoiled college prepie, while Gayle has eyes for a cowboy from Texas, named Stretch. Also Jim and Biff's basketball coach, Campbell, tries to romance Naomi, the owner of the motel where all of the gang is staying at, which is interfered by Naomi's young, trouble-making, brat son who's dubbed, Boom-Boom.
Critic's Choice
Parker Ballantine is a New York theater critic and his wife writes a play that may or may not be very good. Now Parker must either get out of reviewing the play or cause the breakup of his marriage.
The Chapman Report
A research psychologist gets involved in the personal lives of four women.
Susan Slade
A pregnant teen allows her mother to pass the baby off as her own.
Parrish McLean lives with his mother Ellen on Sala Post's tobacco plantation in the Connecticut River Valley. His mother winds up marrying Sala's rival Judd Raike, ruthless planter who wants to drive Sala out of business. Judd insists that Parrish learn the business from the ground up.
Cash McCall
Wealthy hotshot Cash McCall makes his money by purchasing unsuccessful businesses, whipping them into shape and then selling them for a huge profit. When Cash comes across Austen Plastics, a small manufacturing corporation on its last legs, he realizes it might be a gamble to buy the company. But when Cash finds out that the company's owner is the father of his old flame, Lory, he buys the business just to get a second chance at romance.
더 영 필라델피안스
Up and coming young lawyer Anthony Lawrence faces several ethical and emotional dilemmas as he climbs the Philadelphia social ladder. His personal and professional skills are tested as he tries to balance the needs of his fiance Joan, the expectations of his colleagues and his own obligation to defend his friend Chester on a murder count.
1870년대 미국 몬타나 주의 어느 마을. 골드러쉬가 한창인 이 지역에 이방인인 의사 프레일 (게리 쿠퍼)이 도착합니다. 프레일은 금을 훔치다 쫓기게 된 룬을 구해주고 그를 하인으로 일하게 합니다. 프레일은 마치 '선악'을 함께 갖고 있는 듯한 존재로 어려운 사람을 몰래 돕는 자비로움과 자 신의 마음에 들지 않는 것은 매우 가혹하게 다루는 양면성을 가진 인물입니다. 어느날 스위스에서 아메리칸 드림을 실현하러 아버지와 함께 이주해온 처녀 엘리자베스(마리 를 전담하게 되고 엘리자베스는 프레 일의 집에 머물면서 몸을 추스립니다. 고향으로 돌아가라고 하지만 엘리자베스는 플랜트, 룬과 함께 금을 캐는 작업을 함께 합니다. 아 셀)이 강도에게 쫓겨 크게 다친 채 발견되고 그녀의 아버지는 사망하는 사건이 별어집니다. 엘리자베스를 처음 발견한 건 플랜트(찰 말덴)라는 인물이 었으나 의사인 프레일이 그녀의 치료 플랜트를 비롯한 마을 사람들은 프레일이 엘리자베스를 독점하는 것을 못마땅해 하고 하인인 룬 역시 프레일의 독선을 못마땅게 바라봅니다. 엘리자베스가 회복되자 프레일은 그녀에게 쉽게 금은 발견되지 않고 하루하루 비용만 많이 들어가는 상황에서 프레 일은 엘리자베스를 래 후원하게 되는데 ...
마저리 모닝스타
While working as a counselor at a summer camp, college-student Marjorie Morgenstern falls for 32-year-old Noel Airman, a would-be dramatist working at a nearby summer theater. Like Marjorie, he is an upper-middle-class New York Jew, but has fallen away from his roots, and Marjorie's parents object among other things to his lack of a suitable profession. Noel himself warns Marjorie repeatedly that she's much too naive and conventional for him, but they nonetheless fall in love.
The Missouri Traveler
Byron Turner, a 15-year-old runaway from the Eatondale Orphan Asylum, receives a ride into the rural Missouri town of Delphi with rich land-owner Tobias Brown.
Top Secret Affair
A publisher uses her magazine and charm to derail a general on the Washington fast track.
더 걸 히 레프트 비하인드
A young man is drafted and goes through the rigors of basic training, ultimately discovering the experience is also character-building. Director David Butler's 1956 film stars '50s teen favorites Tab Hunter and Natalie Wood, with supporting roles played by Jim Backus, Jessie Royce Landis, Murray Hamilton, Henry Jones, James Garner, Alan King, Ernestine Wade, David Janssen and Raymond Bailey.
로켓 파일럿
한국전 당시 포로 생활을 경험한 링컨 포드 소령은 종전 후 미국으로 돌아와 미공군 에드워드 기지의 테스트 파일럿으로 활동하게 된다. 이곳에서 그는 상관과 부하와의 갈등으로 난항을 겪게 되는데...
나쁜 종자
크리스틴(낸시 켈리 분)과 케네스(윌리엄 호퍼) 부부에겐 8살 된 사랑 스런 딸 로다(패티 맥코맥 분)가 있었다. 군 대령이던 케네스는 워싱턴으로 소환하라는 명령을 받고 아내 크리스틴과 딸 로다를 두고 떠난다. 학교 소풍 날, 예쁜 드레스와 빨간 구두를 신고 학교에 간 로다는 같은 반 친구인 클로드가 경필 대회에서 상을 타자, 질투심에 클로드와 싸운다. 그날 오후 클로드의 시체가 부두에서 발견되는데, 크리스틴은 친구인 클로드의 사고 소식을 듣고도 로다가 아무렇지도 않게 반응하자 이상하게 여긴다. 며칠 후 크리스틴은 학교 선생님으로부터 연락을 받고 학교로 찾아간다. 펀 선생님은 소풍 날 클로드가 목에 걸고 있던 경필 대회 메달이 없어졌으며, 클로드가 행방불명된 직후 로다를 부두 근처에서 본 사람이 있다고 말했다. 크리스틴은 로다에게 클로드의 죽음에 대해 아는 게 있느냐고 다그치지만 로다는 아니라고 딱 잡아뗀다. 딸 로다를 의심하게 된 크리스틴은 유명한 신문기자인 아버지 리처드에게 집으로 와 달라는 부탁을 하고, 딸을 만나러 온 리처드는 우연히 크리스틴의 집에 들른 범죄소설가 레저널드와 이야기를 나눈다. 어린이 범죄에 대해 이야기를 하던 레저널드는 어린이 범죄는 유전 때문이라고 주장하며, 10살 때부터 범죄를 저지르기 시작한 베시라는 여자 살인자의 얘기를 꺼낸다. 리처드는 베시 얘기에 당황하며 말을 돌리지만, 결국 딸 크리스틴에게 크리스틴이 살인자 베시의 친 딸인데, 자기가 입양했다는 사실을 털어놓는다. 크리스틴은 자신의 생모가 끔찍한 살인자라는 사실에 커다란 충격을 받는다. 그날 밤, 빨간 구두를 몰래 소각장에 버리려다 크리스틴에게 들킨 로다는 크리스틴에게 자신이 클로드를 살해했고, 포스트 부인도 일부러 층계에서 밀었다는 충격적인 사실을 털어놓는다. 크리스틴은 잠자리에 드는 로다에게 비타민이라고 속여, 수면제 8알을 먹이고, 자신은 권총 자살하는데....
이유 없는 반항
친구를 사귀지 못하고 학교에 적응 못하는 소년 짐 스타크가 술을 마시고 경찰서에 잡혀 온다. 짐은 경찰서에서 밤길을 헤매다 잡혀온 주디와 강아지를 총으로 쏘아죽여 잡혀온 소년 플라토를 만난다. 청소년과의 경찰 레이는 짐이 부모에 대한 불만으로 괴로워하는 것을 알고 어려움이 있으면 자기를 찾아오라고 말한다. 며칠 후 새 학교에 등교한 짐은 주디와 버즈 일당과 부딪힌다. 패거리를 몰고 다니는 버즈는 짐이 만만치 않음을 느끼고 경주를 하자고 도전하는데..
에덴의 동쪽
1917년, 캘리포니아 사리나스에서 농장을 경영하는 아담 트라스크는 두 아이들이 있다. 큰 아들 아론은 모범 청년이었지만 둘째 칼은 성격이 거칠고 언제나 불만에 찬 눈초리이다. 아담에게는 아내 케이트가 있었는데 그녀는 칼을 낳자 남편과 자식을 버리고 집을 나가 그는 아내는 죽었다고 생각하면서 살고 있고 그의 아들들 역시 어머니는 돌아가신 걸로 알고 있다. 아버지 아담은 아들 칼을 그런 부도덕한 아내의 피가 흐른다고 믿고 미워했으며 신앙심이 두텁고 공부를 잘하는 아론을 신뢰하고 사랑했다. 칼은 그런 아버지에게 반항하고 어머니가 도박장을 경영하는 바의 마담으로 있다는 얘기를 듣고 어느날 기차에 모임승차하여 근처의 어항인 몬트레이로 가 그곳에서 어머니를 만난다. 그러나 칼은 생모에게 그리움과 동시에 그녀의 부도덕한 생활에 혐오감을 느끼는데...
캘러미티 제인
타코타의 영토인 대드우드는 남자들이 광범위하게 거주하는 곳이다. 그 곳에는 인디언 정찰대원인 켈러미티 제인이 살고 있다. 그녀는 뛰어난 말타기 실력과 명사수로 사람들을 압도하는 카리스마의 소유자. 그러나 군대의 지휘관들은 그녀의 실력을 여자라는 이유로 인정하려 들지 않는다. 하지만 제인의 실력은 소문이 나고, 마침내 시카고 군대는 그녀를 최초의 여자 보병으로 받아들인다. 제인이 입대한 군대에서는 호기심과 못마땅한 눈길로 바라보는 남자들의 시선이 있다.
크라임 웨이브
Reformed parolee Steve Lacey is caught in the middle when a wounded former cellmate seeks him out for shelter. The other two former cellmates then attempt to force him into doing a bank job.
By the Light of the Silvery Moon
Marjorie Winfield's engagement to Bill Sherman, who has just arrived home from fighting in World War I, serves as the backdrop for the trials and tribulations of her family.
The Iron Mistress
In this biopic, Jim Bowie goes to New Orleans, where he falls for Judalon and befriends her brother, Narcisse. Soon, Jim is forced to avenge Narcisse's murder, but Judalon takes up with another man. Jim eventually has another romantic interlude with Judalon and is forced to kill one of her suitors in self-defense. Jim leaves town, and falls for the daughter of a Texas politician, but his entanglement with Judalon continues to bedevil him.
The Winning Team
Poor health and alcoholism force Grover Cleveland Alexander out of baseball, but through his wife's faithful efforts, he gets a chance for a comeback and redemption.
Come Fill The Cup
Alcoholic newspaperman Lew Marsh hits bottom, loses his job and is rehabilitated by Charley Dolan. After six years on the wagon he gets his job back and devotes himself to other recovering alcoholics.
Rocky Mountain
A Confederate troop, led by Captain Lafe Barstow, is prowling the far ranges of California and Nevada in a last desperate attempt to build up an army in the West for the faltering Confederacy. Because the patrol saves a stagecoach, with Johanna Carterr as one of the passengers, from an Indian attack, and is marooned on a rocky mountain, it fails in its mission but the honor of the Old South is upheld.
Return of the Frontiersman
A sheriff's son is falsely accused of murder, and a friend determines to clear his name and find the real killer.
Bright Leaf
Two tobacco growers battle for control of the cigarette market.
A single mistake puts a 19-year old girl behind bars, where she experiences the terrors and torments of women in prison.
The Grass Is Always Greener
Oscar nominated short Western film
Michael Landers, a police lieutenant, sets out to investigate an intricate murder case. But, the case is closed after the only witness is found dead. Will Michael be able to fathom the mystery?
Embraceable You
Eddie, a small-time hoodlum is forced to care for Marie he accidentally hits with his car during a crime. He is broke and hits up his very displeased mob boss for cash. To make matters worse, Eddie and Marie begin to fall for each other.
So You Want to Be a Salesman
Joe McDoakes begins a new job as a vacuum cleaner salesman but can't seem to sell any.
Stallion Road
A veterinarian and a novelist compete for the heart of a lady rancher.
Never Say Goodbye
Phil and Ellen Gayley have been divorced for a year, and their 7-year old daughter, Flip, is very unhappy that her parents are not together. Flip starts a correspondence with a Marine, sending a picture of her beautiful mother as the author of Flip's flirtatious letters. When the Marine shows up to meet his pen pal, Ellen takes the opportunity to make her ex-husband jealous.
In Victorian England, literary siblings Emily and Charlotte Brontë vie for the affection of the Rev. Arthur Nicholls. Along with their sister Anne, Emily and Charlotte also try to help their tormented brother Branwell, a gifted artist whose life is being destroyed by alcohol.
Pride of the Marines
Marine hero Al Schmid is blinded in battle and returns home to be rehabilitated. He readjusts to his civilian life with the help of his soon to be wife.
The Doughgirls
Arthur and Vivian are just married, but when the get to their honeymoon suite in Washington D.C., they find it occupied. Arthur goes to meet Slade, his new boss, and when he comes back, he finds three girls in his suite. He orders Vivian to get rid of them, but they are friends of Vivian's and as time goes by, it looks more like Grand Central Station than the quiet honeymoon suite Arthur expected. As long as there is anyone else in the suite, Arthur will not stay there and there will be no honeymoon.
Northern Pursuit
Canadian Mountie Steve Wagner captures a German Luftwaffe officer on a spy mission, who later escapes from the prison camp. To catch the spy ring, the Mounties employ a ruse so that the spies, believing Steve to be sympathetic, enlist him in their plans.
Princess O'Rourke
A down-to-earth pilot charms a European princess on vacation in the United States.
The Hard Way
Helen Chernen pushes her younger sister Katherine into show business in order to escape their small town poverty.
The Big Shot
Duke Berne, former big shot but now a three-time loser, fears returning to crime because a fourth conviction will mean a life sentence. Finally, haunted by his past and goaded by his cohorts, he joins in planning an armoured car robbery.
You're in the Army Now
Incompetent door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesmen become enlisted without their knowledge.
At the Stroke of Twelve
This entry in Warner's "Broadway Brevity" series of shorts is based on Damon Runyon's short story, "The Old Doll's House". Racketeer Lance McGowan, on the night he has decided to go straight, finds himself caught between the gunfire of two rival gangsters and, wounded by a bullet, he finds refuge in the home of a wealthy recluse. One of the gangsters is found riddled with bullets from the gun Lance dropped while making his escape, and he is arrested and tried for murder. The reclusive widow comes to the trail and testifies that Lance was her guest that night when the clock struck twelve, the time of the killing. Lance, while innocent, is also lucky, as the widow had her all her clocks set to always strike twelve, as the time her husband had died.
Highway West
A young woman marries a man who turns out to be a bank robber.
Shadows on the Stairs
Occupants of a London boarding house become suspects as a string of murders are discovered.
No Time for Comedy
Director William Keighley's 1940 film adaptation of S. N. Behrman's stage hit, about an aspiring playwright who finds himself an overnight Broadway success, stars James Stewart, Rosalind Russell, Genevieve Tobin, Louise Beavers, Charles Ruggles and Allyn Joslyn.
Flowing Gold
In the American oilfields, a fugitive from justice's destiny is intertwined with the fortunes and the misfortunes of a small oil company that hires him as a roughneck.
Tear Gas Squad
A brash night club singer becomes a cop to impress a woman.
On Dress Parade
The final feature in the "Dead End Kids" film series finds a youth trying to adjust to life at a military school.
The Oklahoma Kid
McCord's gang robs the stage carrying money to pay Indians for their land, and the notorious outlaw "The Oklahoma Kid" Jim Kincaid takes the money from McCord. McCord stakes a "sooner" claim on land which is to be used for a new town; in exchange for giving it up, he gets control of gambling and saloons. When Kincaid's father runs for mayor, McCord incites a mob to lynch the old man whom McCord has already framed for murder.
Swingtime in the Movies
Sound Designer
In this musical short, a waitress at the Warner Bros. commissary gets her big break.
Heart of the North
A two-fisted Canadian Mountie leads lawmen in pursuit of the thieves who stole an Edmonton-bound freighter's cargo.
Nancy Drew: Detective
Nancy Drew and Ted Nickerson solve a kidnapping case of a wealthy elderly lady. Ted has to disguise himself as a nurse while Nancy becomes a "widow" in order to locate the lady they are rescuing.
네 명의 딸들
Musician Adam Lemp and his four equally musical daughters, Emma, Ann, Kay, and Thea, live happily together. Each daughter has an upstanding young man for whom she cares. However, the arrival of a cynical, slovenly young composer named Mickey Borden turns the household upside-down, and romantic and tragic complications ensue.
Men Are Such Fools
Linda works at an advertising agency, but, unlike the other women in the secretarial pool, she hopes to succeed in the business rather than just find a husband. She rises through the ranks, becoming a copywriter, and attracts the attention of Jimmy, an amorous coworker who wants to marry her. But Jimmy is jealous of Linda's career and of Harry, a radio executive who works with Linda, and their marriage gets off to a very rough start.
A Slight Case of Murder
Former bootlegger Remy Marco has a slight problem with forclosing bankers, a prospective son-in-law, and four hard-to-explain corpses.
'G' Men
James “Brick” Davis, a struggling attorney, owes his education to a mobster, but always has refused to get involved with the underworld. When a friend of his is gunned down by a notorious criminal, Brick decides to abandon the exercise of the law and join the Department of Justice to capture the murderer.
Sound Engineer
A reformer's daughter wins the lead role in a scandalous Broadway show.