George Merritt

George Merritt

출생 : 1890-12-10, London, England, UK

사망 : 1977-08-27

프로필 사진

George Merritt

참여 작품

Gawain and the Green Knight
Old Knight
The medieval legend of a supernatural knight who challenges the king's men to kill him.
닥터 몬스터
Christopher Lee stars in this Amicus production of “Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde” where the names have been changed to Dr. Marlowe and Mr. Blake. Lee as Dr. Marlowe experiments with intravenous drugs that are suppose to release inner inhibitions. So comes forth Mr. Blake (also Lee) who gets more monstrous with each transformation. Peter Cushing plays his friend and colleague, Dr. Utterson.
풍운아 크롬웰
Disgusted with the policies of King Charles I, Oliver Cromwell plans to take his family to the New World. But on the eve of their departure, Cromwell is drawn into the tangled web of religion and politics that will result in the English Civil War.
지구가 불타는 날
Smudge (uncredited)
핵무기로 인해 지구가 멸망하는 과정을 담은 드라마
The Hands of Orlac
2nd Member
Famed concert pianist Stephen Orlac survives a plane crash, but his hands are permanently destroyed. Helpful surgeon Volcheff grafts a pair of new hands on the hapless Orlac. Unfortunately, they're the hands of an executed murderer - useless for a pianist, but quite handy for less delicate work...
The Full Treatment
Mr. Manfield
Race car driver Alan Colby and his new wife Denise are involved in a car crash where he sustains a serious head injury, causing him to have murderous feelings toward Denise. After Denise persuades him to honeymoon with her on the Cote D'Azur in France, they enlist the aid of a French psychiatrist who offers to regress Alan back to the time of the accident and cure him.
괴인 드라큐라
Policeman (uncredited)
흡혈귀라 불리는 드라큘라 백작(크리스토퍼 리 분)의 정체를 밝히기 위해 조나단이란 청년이 사서로 취직하지만, 며칠 후에 죽은 채로 발견된다. 의사 반 헬싱(피터 키싱 분)은 친구인 조나단의 일기를 통해 백작의 정체를 알게 되고, 드라큘라 백작의 성으로 향하는데... 트랜실바니아에 실존했다고 하는 드라큐라 백작(Count Dracula)의 전설을 그린 컬러판 최초 작품. 브람 스토커의 유명한 소설을 영화화한 작품으로 벨라 루고시가 출연한 토드 브라우닝의 (1931)보다 원작의 의도에 더 가깝다는 평을 듣는 뛰어난 공포영화 중 한 편이다. 영국 개봉 당시 잔인하다는 이유로 많은 장면이 검열 당했지만 2000년대 중반 BFI(British Film Institute)가 원본의 형태로 복원했다. (2011년 할리우드 저예산 B급영화 기획전)
쿼터매스 2
In England, a group of space scientists led by Bernard Quatermass, who have developed plans for the first Moon colony, learn that a secret, ostensibly government-run, complex of identical design has been built in a remote part of England and is the focus of periodic falls of small, hollow "meteorites" originating in outer space. Quatermass determines to investigate and uncovers a terrifying extraterrestrial life form which has already begun action to take over the Earth.
The Night of the Full Moon
Story of how American secret agent pursued by enemy agents, hides out at remote English farm
The End of the Road
Having been given enforced retirement due to his age, Mick-Mack creates strain upon his extended family.
Small Town Story
Michael Collins
Canadian ex-serviceman Bob Regan returns to Oldchester, the English town where he was posted during the war. Meeting up with his friend Mike, now manager of the local football club, he discovers that Oldchester are desperate for promotion as they stand to inherit £25,000 from recently deceased supporter Wallace Hammond if they make the Third Division a situation that Hammond's devious nephew finds intolerable...
Noose for a Lady
Sergeant Frost
An amateur detective races against time to clear the name of his cousin, who is accused of murdering her husband. It is based on the novel Whispering Woman by Gerald Verner.
Something in the City
Police Inspector
A man hides the fact that he lost his job from his wife by apparently going off to work each day as normal but runs into trouble when he is tailed by a reporter.
Dark Secret
Mr. Lumley
A young couple move into a charming rural cottage. They become fixated upon the mysterious death of the earlier female occupant.
Marry Me
Gazette Editor (uncredited)
The stories of several individuals who consult a marriage bureau, including a peer of the realm, his butler, a lonely school teacher, a French girl on the run from a violent boyfriend, a country vicar, and a newspaper reporter, sent by his editor, to do an undercover story.
Love in Waiting
James Hartley Pepperfield
The story of three women working as waitresses in post-World War II Britain.
My Brother's Keeper
War hero turned villain George Martin escapes from the police, but he is handcuffed to a naive young crook Willie Stannard. After using a clever plan to obtain railway tickets, and with the police and the press in hot pursuit, George has to find a way of breaking loose from Willie, and to make his escape.
Good-Time Girl
Police Sergeant
Good Time Girl stars Jean Kent as incipient juvenile delinquent Gwen Rawlings. Sent to a home for "problem" girls, Gwen receives a crash course in petty crime. Back on the outside, she falls in with the usual bad crowd, and suffers spectacularly as a result.
Daughter of Darkness
In Ballyconnen, Emmy Baudine (Siobhan McKenna) is a beautiful but disturbed young woman who works for the local priest. When the carnival comes to town, she encounters a handsome young boxer called Dan (Maxwell Reed) and lays his face open with her fingernails when he expects sexual favours from her. Hurriedly packed off by Father Corcoran (Liam Redmond) to Yorkshire, Emmy is taken in by a farming family and manages to suppress the strange feelings of fascination and repulsion that she experiences in the presence of the opposite sex. Until, that is, the carnival comes to town and brings with it the vengeful Dan...
The Upturned Glass
Policeman (uncredited)
A neurosurgeon relates to his students in medical school a story about an affair he had with a married woman and how after the affair was over, the woman fell out a window and died. The surgeon, suspecting that she was murdered, set out to find her killer -- but, instead of turning the suspect over to the police, he planned to take his own revenge on the murderer.
The Root of All Evil
Jeckie Farnish is a level-headed young woman, unlike her spoiled younger sister, Rushie. When the sisters become involved with charming businessman Charles Mortimer, the resulting tragedy leads to a lust for revenge on Rushie's part. However, Jeckie knows that she can always turn to reliable Joe Bartle in times of need.
I'll Turn to You
Cecil Joy
When a soldier returns from the Far East after the war, he and his wife have to adjust to life at home.
Quiet Weekend
Police Sergeant
Comedy of a family trying to spend a country weekend which is disrupted by an unpleasant friend of the son.
I'll Be Your Sweetheart
T.P. O'Connor
In turn-of-the-century London a young music publisher fights both competitors and piracy in a time where author's royalties were still unprotected.
Waterloo Road
During WW2 a former railway employee who had been drafted, goes AWOL to hunt down the spiv and draft dodger who is having an affair with his wife.
Love Story
Telephone Engineer
After discovering that she has only a short time left to live, concert pianist Lissa travels to Cornwall for the final fling of her life. While there, she falls in love with young mineral prospector Kit, a man whose dark secret prevents him from fighting in the War. Unbeknownst to Lissa, however, Kit's affections are also much in demand from a rival of hers.
Don't Take It to Heart
A stray World War Two bomb releases the ghost of the 3rd Earl of Chaunduyt after 400 years. A visiting professor, while wooing the beautiful Lady Mary, daughter of the present Earl, finds him an ally in his fight on behalf of the villagers to protect their ancient rights against a meddling newcomer.
캔터베리 이야기
Ned Horton
늦은 밤, 기차가 캔터베리 인근 마을에 정차한 후 떠난다. 인근 부대로 발령을 받은 영국 군인 피터, 캔터베리인 줄 알고 내린 미국 군인 밥, 그리고 일자리를 구하려는 앨리슨이 기차에서 내렸다. 그런데 어둠 속에서 나타난 괴한이 앨리슨의 머리에 접착제를 들이붓고 도망친다. 세 사람은 이렇게 여자만 공격하는 일이 심심찮게 있었다는 사실을 알게 되고, 앨리슨은 피터와 밥에게 괴한을 잡도록 도와 달라고 한다. 제목에서 알 수 있듯이 영시의 아버지로 불리는 제프리 초서의 걸작 『캔터베리 이야기』에서 영감을 얻은 작품이다. 마이클 파웰과 에머릭 프레스버거가 독일 출신 촬영 감독 어윈 힐리어와 처음 작업했으며, 영국 리얼리즘과 독일 표현주의 스타일이 섞여 있다.
Give Us the Moon
Set just after the end of WWII (but filmed in the middle of it) in a time of general euphoria at having won the war, with full employment and general happiness for all (or nearly all). Peter, the young wastrel son of a hard working hotel owner doesn't like the idea of having to work for a living. He discovers a society of "White Elephants" who are quite willing to be poor as long as they don't have to work. They are protected and guided by Nina (Margaret Lockwood) and her precocious sister Heidi (Jean Simmons).
James Bentley
Demobbed from the army Nat, Norman and Dan get new jobs, solve a crime and stage a concert party.
Sergeant Major (uncredited)
2차 세계 대전 중 전선에서 이동 중인 부대 행렬. 두 군인이 사진 한 장을 보며 불과 몇 달 전 만났던 전우들을 떠올린다. 전쟁이 일어나자 징집이 시작되고, 의사, 배우, 사진작가, 전역했던 군인 등 다양한 배경과 나이의 다섯 남자가 입영 열차의 비좁은 삼등석에 함께 타게 된다. 각자 자유로운 삶을 살던 다섯 명은 걱정과 두려움 속에서도 함께 훈련을 이겨 내고, 점점 어엿한 군인으로 거듭난다. 영국 육군을 위해 만든 교육용 영화로, 얼마 후 리드는 이 이야기를 장편 영화로 다시 만들었다. 필름이 사라졌다고 여겨졌으나 1993년 인도 국립 필름 아카이브에서 좋은 상태의 필름이 발견되었다. 장편는 1944년에 공개되었다. ⓒ Imperial War Museums(UK) ((재)영화의전당)
Escape to Danger
Works Manager
During the Second World War a British schoolteacher working in Denmark is caught up when the Germans invade.
I'll Walk Beside You
John meets Ann at a music shop where she works. Love blossoms briefly before John is called away to serve on his naval ship. John suffers severe memory loss when his ship is sunk and Ann believing John is dead throws herself into nursing - will they ever meet again?
They Flew Alone
The story of flyer Amy Johnson the girl from Yorkshire who won the hearts of the British public in the 1930s with her record-breaking solo flights around the world. Her marriage to fellow aviator Jim Mallison was less noteworthy.
The Day Will Dawn
German Trawler Captain
Sports journalist Colin Metcalfe is picked for the job of foreign correspondent in Norway when Hitler invades Poland. On the way to Langedal his boat is attacked by a German U-Boat, however when he tells the navy about it they do not believe him and, to make matters worse, he is removed from his job. When German forces invade Norway, Metcalfe returns determined to uncover what is going on and stop the Germans in their tracks.
Adventure in Blackmail
Professor Beaver
Low-key British comedy starring Clive Brook as a successful playwright who is sued for breach of promise by a mysterious beauty he claims not to know.
Back-Room Boy
Jilted by his fiancee, Arthur Pilbeam gets a job as far away from women as possible. Alone in a lighthouse, he soon finds that 12 other people end up living on the tiny island. Thirteen is an unlucky number; and one-by-one they disappear ...
The Black Sheep of Whitehall
Station Master
A professor teaching at a correspondence school discovers that a Nazi agent is trying to prevent a trade treaty being signed between England and South America.
Hatter's Castle
The year is 1880. On the outskirts of the fictional small Scottish town of Levenford there stands a strange building, half cottage, half castle, embraced with thick stone walls. The townsfolk nickname the fortress "Hatter's Castle", for James Brodie, the man who built it. Brodie is a hatter who keeps the members of the family in fear and submission; he is brutal, arrogant, selfish and cruel. His wife, who has long been ailing, and his daughter Mary, are in awe of him. His son Angus, aged 15, alone dear to his heart, suffers under his love as the others suffer under his sternness.
Ships with Wings
Surgeon Comdr.
Before the war, a Fleet Air Arm pilot is dismissed for causing the death of a colleague. Working for a small Greek airline when the Germans invade Greece, he gets a chance to redeem himself and rejoin his old unit on a British carrier. This is regarded the last of the conventional, rather stiff 1930's style Ealing war films, to be succeeded by much more realism and better storytelling.
German General
It's war time London and the Crazy Gang (Flanagan & Allen, Nervo & Knox, Naughton & Gold) are doing their bit for the war effort by running a fish and chip stall using their platoon's barrage balloon for advertising. Their Sgt Major is not happy about this and orders them to take the balloon down, but a freak heavy wind accidentally carries the gang away to Nazi Germany. They are captured and placed in a detention camp where they meet an elderly prisoner named Jerry, who possess a map for the location of a secret weapon which will win the war! Fortunately Teddy Knox's impersonation of Hitler lands him the spot of pretending to be the Fuhrer at a gala dinner and the gang are allowed out of the camp. However the Nazis have other ideas for their substitute leader.
The Ghost Train
Mismatched travellers are stranded overnight at a lonely rural railway station. They soon learn of local superstition about a phantom train which is said to travel these parts at dead of night, carrying ghosts from a long-ago train wreck in the area.
Spare a Copper
George is an inept reserve policeman working in wartime Liverpool, who is chosen by a gang of Nazi saboteurs as the stooge for their planned destruction of the British battleship HMS Hercules. Framed by the villains and forced to go on the run, George sets out to clear his name with the aid of new girlfriend, Jane.
The Case of the Frightened Lady
Det. Inspector Tanner
A classic British thriller set in a sinister old house, based on a story by Edgar Wallace.
A Window in London
A man witnesses a murder that isn't a murder, only to get involved with the magician and his wife who created the illusion. The insanely jealous magician husband eventually kills his wife, making for complications in life of unhappily married man who is now involved more than he ever thought he would be.
The Proud Valley
Mr. Lewis
In a Welsh coal mining valley, a young man with a beautiful singing voice is called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice when a pit disaster threatens.
They Came by Night
Inspector Metcalfe
A man is blackmailed into taking his brother's place in a gang for a jewellery heist.
Now You're Talking
Fred Perkins
Commissioned by the Ministry of Information and specifically target working class audiences; ‘Now you’re talking’ follows a plant worker, who lets slip vital information about some overnight research on a captured enemy aircraft. This inevitably leads to this most important of secrets falling into the lap of the enemy.
Meet Maxwell Archer
Insp. Cornell
Maxwell Archer, a private detective, attempts to clear a young man wrongly accused of murder.
Young Man's Fancy
Park Constable (uncredited)
An aristocrat falls in love with a human cannonball
The Four Just Men
Inspector Falmouth
The Four Men of the title are British WWI veterans who decide to work secretly against enemies of the country. They aren't above a bit of murder or sabotage to serve their ends, but they consider themselves to be true patriots.
Q Planes
Mr. Barrett
An eccentric Scotland Yard inspector thinks something beamed from a spy ship is dropping planes.
They Drive by Night
Detective (Uncredited)
“Shorty” Matthews having recently been released from prison visits his girlfriend in London only to discover her murdered. Fearing he will be wrongly accused of being the culprit he disappears amongst the long-distance lorry driving community. Meanwhile, the real killer, unassuming ex-schoolteacher Walter Hoover, continues to prey on London women. As Shorty had feared he has become the main suspect. He returns to London with old flame Molly to prove his innocence.
The Gaunt Stranger
Police Station Sergeant
A lawyer receives a note telling him that he'll be dead in 48 hours - and Scotland Yard must work fast to uncover the serial killer known as 'The Ringer'.
Convict 99
A disgraced school master, Benjamin Twist, is mistaken for a tough prison governor and assigned the charge of a prison for particularly hardened criminals. Believing he is being sent to a school rather than a prison, he celebrates accordingly only to find that his drunkenness accidently lands him on the wrong side of the prison bars. The Governorship is eventually restored to him, and he sets about popularising himself amongst the convicts by turning a blind eye to their shady dealings.
Mr. Reeder in Room 13
Bert Stevens, club porter
Capt. Johnnie Gray is enlisted by Mr. J.G. Reeder to infiltrate a gang of forgers in Dartmoor jail on behalf of the Bank of England.
The Rat
Pierre Verdier
Jean Boucheron the cat burglar is the darling of the Montmartre whores--and catches the eye of slumming socialite Zelia de Chaumont, who decides to "reform" him. A complication is his lovely young ward Odile... murder and a grand courtoom scene ensue.
영 앤 이노센트
Det. Sgt. Miller
인기 상승의 젊은 여배우가 해안에서 시체로 발견된다. 이를 발견한 로버트 티스달은 구조를 청하기 위해 뛰어가는데, 해변에 놀러왔던 두 여자가 그를 보고 살인을 저지른 후, 달아나는 것으로 오인한다. 로버트는 경찰의 심문을 받게 되고, 정황적인 증거에 의해 살인 혐의를 받는다. 그는 결백함을 증명하고자 법원에서 도망쳐 실제 범인을 추적하는데, 도중에 에리카라는 여자의 도움을 받게 된다. 에리카는 경찰국장의 딸이지만, 순진한 청년 로버트를 믿고, 그의 결백함을 증명하고 진짜 살인범을 잡기 위한 동행길에 오르게 되는데...
Doctor Syn
Mipps the Coffin Maker
A highly respected clergyman is actually a former pirate who exacts vigilante justice in this British production.
The Wife of General Ling
Police Commissioner
In this espionage drama, a Secret Service agent must discover who has been smuggling British arms into China. The prime suspect is a prosperous Chinese merchant-philanthropist and the agent thinks the merchant is working with the notorious Chinese guerilla warlord General Ling.
Windbag the Sailor
Officer on Yacht
Will Hay plays a bragging sea captain whose maritime experience actually extends to navigating a coal barge down inland waterways. His tall tales catch him out when he is co-erced into commanding an unseaworthy ship by an unscrupulous shipping agent who means to have it wrecked. This was the first film to couple Will Hay with both Moore Marriott and Graham Moffatt.
Dusty Ermine
Police constable
A forger returns to his family when he leaves jail vowing to go straight. Although approached by an international counterfeiting gang he keeps his word only to find his nephew is in the Swiss Alps helping the crooks. He sets off to try and put a stop to things, but with Scotland Yard also hot-footing it to the resort his problems are just beginning. Written by Jeremy Perkins {J-26}
Church Warden (uncredited)
그는 1609년 스페인으로부터 독립해 무역국가로 성장, 부유한 부르주아 문화를 꽃피운 네델란드에서 태어나, 루벤스(1577-1640)와 함께 바로크 시대를 대표하는 화가입니다. 레이덴의 방앗간집 여덟째 아들이었던 그는 레이덴 대학을 그만두고 그림의 길을 걷기 위해 암스테르담으로 유학, 28세에 명문가의 딸 사스키아 반 오윌렌부르흐 와 결혼, 최고의 초상화가로서 인정받고 30대 초반에 엄청난 부와 명성을 쌓았지만, 42년(36세)에 아내 사스키아가 사망하고. 이해 그의 대표적 걸작, 야경 을 제작했는데 사람들로부터 외면 당해 결국 빚더미 위에 올라앉게 됩니다. 하지만 아들 타이터스와 그의 정성껏 보살피는 하녀 헨드리케 슈토펠스 와 54년에 얻은 딸 코르넬리아 덕분에 후기 작품에 전념하였으나, 생활은 날로 어려워졌으며, 56년(50세) 파산선고를 받아 무일푼이 되었고, 62년(56세)에는 헨드리케 마저 세상을 떠나고, 68년 아들 타이터스도 27살에 죽자, 이듬해 10월 유대인 구역의 초라한 집에서 임종을 지키는 사람도 없이 63세에 숨을 거둡니다. 에칭에 대한 모든 기술을 완성하기도 한 그는 유화 약 600점, 에칭 300여점, 소묘 천 수백점 등을 남겼는데 루벤스가 화가로서 성공을 거두고 부유했던 반면, 그가 죽을 때 남은 것이라고는 옷 몇 벌과 그림 도구들 뿐이었다고 합니다.
Everything Is Thunder
The story, starring Constance Bennett and Douglass Montgomery, involves a Canadian POW being hidden by a German citizen during World War I.
Educated Evans
Joe Markham
Cockney racing tipster Evans (Miller) is asked by a nouveau riche and socially aspirant couple to train a racehorse they have bought.
The Man Behind the Mask
Det. Insp. Mallory
A young couple attend a masked ball before their planned (but secret) elopement. Suddenly everything goes wrong when the young woman is attacked and held hostage by a crazed attacker.
Prison Breaker
A British secret service agent falls in love with the daughter of a leading London criminal, and soon after becoming involved with her father finds himself in prison facing a charge of manslaughter..
Crime Unlimited
Detective Inspector Cardby
A young police academy recruit tries to break up a gang of thieves.
Me and Marlborough
A woman disguises herself in men's clothes in order to follow her husband to the wars.
Drake of England
Tom Moore
Imposing Canadian-born stage actor and playwright Matherson Lang was one of the twentieth century's great Shakespearean players, and became Britain's foremost screen actor during the 1920s; in Drake of England, one of his final films, he takes the title role in Arthur Woods' portrayal of the life and times of the flamboyant piratical adventurer who founded Britain's sea fortunes. From clandestine romance at the court of Elizabeth I to conquests in the newly discovered lands of South America and spectacular victory over the Armada, Drake of England offers a panoramic overview of Drake's life.
Brown on Resolution
William Brown
Forever England gives John Mills his first leading role as Brown. Born after a brief affair between his mother and a naval officer, he joins the Royal Navy during the First World War. There his bravery and marksmanship keeps a German ship in port so a British ship can sink it. He becomes a hero, but at what cost?
Mr. Cohen Takes a Walk
Pat O'Connor
Old Mr. Cohen (Paul Graetz) simply walks away from his London department store, leaving his sons to run it.
Emil and the Detectives
Erich Kästner’s beloved novel has been adapted for film or television six times since its publication in 1929; this 1935 British version was the first in English. Believed lost for decades, it was recently rediscovered by the BFI and has now been restored. The film moves the action from Berlin to London, where Emil goes to stay with his grandmother and cousin. Thereafter, the tale of Emil’s adventures with a gang of streetwise London children faithfully follows the original plot.
My Song for You
Otto Newberg
In this opera-oriented musical, Riccardo Gatti, an Italian young tenor in Venice, meets a young woman who sneaks into the opera house to try and get her fiancé hired as the orchestra's pianist.
The Fire Raisers
Jim Bronton is an insurance investigator, but he's unhappy with his work and gets involved with a gang of arsonists. His conscience is troubling him ...
Crime on the Hill
Insp. Wolf
In this murder mystery, Vicar Casson looks into the poisoning of a wealthy man. He soon finds that the man they convicted, the fiance of the rich man's niece, was innocent.
I Was A Spy
Captain Reichman
During World War I, a young nurse in a hospital in German-occupied Belgium is secretly feeding military information to the British. Complicating matters is the guilt she feels when she has to treat the German casualties inflicted as a result of the information she's passed on, and the fact that the local German commandant is falling in love with her.
Urged by famous airman Ellissen the Lennartz Company puts into reality the project proposed by his friend Droste: F.P.1, a huge floating platform in the Atlantic that makes long-distance flights viable. Ellissen is in love with company heiress Claire, but when he returns from his adventures to save the endangered F.P.1 he finds out that he has lost her to Droste. English version of F.P.1 antwortet nicht with Conrad Veidt replacing Hans Albers as the jaded pilot Ellissen.
The Ghost Camera
Police Detective
When a photograph is taken at the scene of a murder, the camera is tossed out of a castle window to destroy the evidence and lands in the back of a passing car belonging to chemist John Gray who becomes amateur sleuth after developing the film and goes in search of the woman captured by the photograph. When the camera is stolen from his laboratory, Gray's suspicions are further aroused.
The Lodger
An elderly couple's lodger, a British musician (Ivor Novello), becomes the suspect in a series of killings.
A Gentleman of Paris
M. Duval
A prominent Parisian judge is a witness to a murder while he is at a rendezvous with his mistress. A woman is arrested for the crime and brought before him for trial. It turns out that the woman is his ex-mistress, and the judge knows that she is not the killer - but if he comes forward, he stands a good chance of ruining his marriage and his career.
Émile Zola
In 1894, French officer Alfred Dreyfus is wrongly convicted for the treasonous acts of another man, Major Esterhazy. When investigations begin into the dubious evidence used in the trial, an institutional coverup begins, aided by fears of army disgrace and anti-Semitic paranoia against Dreyfus. But a determined group, headed by prominent author Émile Zola, leads a mounting public call to reopen the Dreyfus case.
A jeweler is targeted by confidence tricksters pretending to be connected with the exiled Russian Royal Family. He manages to turn the tables on them and after collecting the reward for their arrest, uses they money to buy some silver bracelets for his wife to celebrate their wedding anniversary.
Thread o' Scarlet
'Innocent blacksmith hanged on circumstantial evidence.' (British Film Catalogue)
The W Plan
Ulrich Muller
A tense WWI spy thriller in which Colonel Duncan Grant (British star Brian Aherne, in his first talking role), parachutes into Germany to gather intelligence on the enemy’s secret ‘W Plan’ and to assist Allied POWs in digging escape tunnels.