Mohamed Outaka

Mohamed Outaka

출생 : , Egypt


Egyptian actor who's famous for his role on the comedy series Three Stories (2019) starring Donia Samir Ghanem. He also appeared on several other works including the series The Game (2020) starring Chico and Hesham Maged.

프로필 사진

Mohamed Outaka

참여 작품

Taslim Ahali
Investigation Officer
When Khalil and Zahia discover a deep dark secret about their newly married parents, they find themselves on a rollercoaster of unexpected events.
A singer and his band find themselves facing an unexpected situation, when they accidentally enter a zombie-infested area and clash with them.
Al Baad La Yazhab Lil Maazoun Marratain
A comedy that revolves around the experience of marriage, and if husbands can go back in time will they marry their wives again?
Mama Hamel
When their sixty-something mother announces she’s pregnant, Esam and Basem find themselves in hilarious situations as they try to get her to have an abortion.
Waafet Reggala
After a long awaited reunion, a group of friends must travel to a coastal town in order to save one of their own from trouble.
Vernacular Plan
A light comedy about a man who enlists the help of two people in order to steal important documents from a bank safe, which leads them to pick and train two clueless thieves to do the job.
The Blue Elephant 2
A meeting with a new inmate in the psychiatric hospital flips Dr. Yehia's life upside down. She prophecies that the death of his entire family is only three days away.
Local Dog
A comedy movie revolves around a thief who steals street dogs and sell them, oddly he learned this profession from a female dog, who breastfed him when he was a baby, which led him to acquire a supernatural powers.
Captain of Egypt
Football player Kamal Naguib nicknamed (Congo) became the most prominent football player in Egypt, but when he runs over a police officer by mistake, he's sentenced to 3 years , he decides to form professional football team of fellow inmates in prison.
은밀한 고백
TV쇼 호스트 '헤바'. 그녀의 쇼는 정치적 이슈를 주로 다룬다. 그녀의 남편 '카림'은 정부산하로 운영되는 신문사의 편집부 임원이다. 그의 야망은 편집장으로 승진하는 것. 그는 회사에서의 입지를 점점 굳혀가고 있지만, 늘 정부정책의 반대에 선 그의 아내의 쇼가 발목을 잡는다. 그는 자신의 아내에게 당분간만이라도 정치적 이슈가 아닌 소소한 가십거리로 방송을 꾸며가는건 어떻겠냐며 제안한다. 그녀는 남편을 위해 이집트에 살고 있는 여성들의 소소한 이야기로 토크쇼를 진행해가기로 한다. 그런데 시작되는 그녀들의 이야기는 곧 사회적 정치적억압속에 살고 있는 이집트 여성들의 이야기로 엮어져 가는데...
The Hostage
When Mostafa arrives to Ukraine, he witnesses the kidnapping of an Egyptian scientist. Eventually he gets involved in rescuing him, in a country he knows nothing about.