Santiago Carabante

참여 작품

아르헨티나, 1985년
훌리오 스트라세라, 루이스 모레노 오캄포, 그리고 젊은 오합지졸 법률 팀의 실화를 바탕으로 한 영화다. 계속되는 위협 속에서 다비드 대 골리앗의 싸움을 벌이는 이들은 아르헨티나 역사상 최악의 군사 독재자를 기소하고 군사 지도자의 희생자들에게 정의를 찾아 주기 위한 시간과의 싸움을 이어간다.
That Weekend
Julia returns to her hometown and the neighbourhood she left years ago after being swindled. She’s here to sign a permit to authorize her daughter to move in with her father, but more than anything, she’s come back to recover money that she left there, and which would solve a lot of her problems. Returning to her past is nothing like she expected it to be.
돌아온 사람들
Production Manager
이구아수 폭포 근처 부유한 영주의 아내 줄리아는 며칠 째 계속 악몽을 꾸고 있다. 남편은 원주민인 과라니 부족의 침입을 막기 위해 울타리를 세우지만 줄리아는 아들 마누엘의 안전이 불안하기만 하다. 어느 날 마누엘이 집에서 사라지고 아들을 찾아 산중을 헤메이던 줄리아는 폭포 아래에서 1년 전 죽은걸로 알고 있던 하녀 케라나를 마주하게 된다.
Far From Us
Ramira returns to the Misiones rainforest from where she ran away after the birth of her son. Her efforts to rebuild the bond with her mother and her son, who does not recognize her as his mother, are complicated. Her family questions her abandonment of the child and fights with her over the deceased father's inheritance. The child struggles between two mothers, while Ramira seeks to find a sense of reinsertion in the middle of a labyrinth of hybrid languages and customs.
Los vagos
Executive Producer
Despite his long-term relationship, Ernesto also has a fleeting romance with a blonde. Only when he is in danger of losing Paula, through his constant flirting with other women, does he see the consequences of his immature behaviour. In a calm tempo, with meticulous camerawork, the film subtly evokes a mood of nostalgia for a carefree adolescence from which Ernesto and his friends have difficulty taking their leave.
Los vagos
Despite his long-term relationship, Ernesto also has a fleeting romance with a blonde. Only when he is in danger of losing Paula, through his constant flirting with other women, does he see the consequences of his immature behaviour. In a calm tempo, with meticulous camerawork, the film subtly evokes a mood of nostalgia for a carefree adolescence from which Ernesto and his friends have difficulty taking their leave.
El Ciego
Production Manager