Dean Jagger

Dean Jagger

출생 : 1903-11-07, Columbus Grove, Ohio, USA

사망 : 1991-02-05


Dean Jagger was an Academy Award-winning American screen, stage, and television actor.

프로필 사진

Dean Jagger

참여 작품

'White Christmas': A Look Back with Rosemary Clooney
Major General Thomas F. Waverly (archive footage) (uncredited)
Actress Rosemary Clooney reminisces about the making of the classic holiday film White Christmas (1954).
Evil Town
Doctor Schaeffer
A mad scientist seeks eternal youth by developing a drug derived from human pituitary glands, aided by the local townsfolk, who help abduct visitors to their town for his experiments.
새끼 악어가 하수구에 버려진 12년 후, 생물급성장에 관련 유전자 실험을 하던 어느 약품 회사의 유전공학실험실에서 실험을 끝낸 개의 사체들을 몰래 하수구에 버리게 되리게 되어 여기에 살고 있던 악어가 이를 먹고 거대하게 커진다. 하수구에서 인간의 시체 일부가 연속으로 출연하자 메스컴의 앞을 다투어 화제가 되고 이를 조사하던 형사 데이비드은 이것이 거대한 악어의 짓임을 알아내 파충류 여학자인 메리사와 악어 잡이에 나선다. 본인은 모르지만 하수구에 버려진 새끼 악어는 킨돌이 어렸을 때 집에 데려온 악어였다.
Gideon's Trumpet
6th Supreme Court Justice
True story of Clarence Gideon's fight to be appointed counsel at the expense of the state. This landmark case led to the Supreme Court's decision which extended this right to all criminal defendants.
Dr. Land
연예인들을 상대로 거액의 돈을 상습적으로 갈취하는 범죄 조직이 인기 액션 배우 빌리(이소룡)에게도 위협을 가한다. 빌리는 자신의 출연작에서 화려한 액션 연기를 보여 주는 것뿐만 아니라 실제로도 무술 고수였고, 그런 빌리는 범죄 조직의 협박에도 꿈쩍하지 않는다. 그러자 범죄 조직의 두목 닥터 랜드는 살인 청부업자를 고용하여 빌리를 암살하려 하지만 이는 곧 실패로 끝나게 된다. 끊임없는 암살 작전에 빌리는 자신이 죽은 것으로 위장한 뒤, 닥터 랜드의 조직을 차례차례 소탕해 나가기로 마음 먹는데...
End of the World
Ray Collins
After witnessing a man's death in a bizzare accident, Father Pergado goes on a spiritual retreat, where he encounters his alien double bent on world conquest.
The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case
Fact-based story of the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh Jr., son and namesake of the famed pilot, and ensuing trial of accused and convicted killer, Bruno Hauptmann.
Dr. Shagetz
Dr. Shagetz
Passing through a small town, two young hippie couples stumble upon a town where the old folks all act strange and even stranger things are happening at the local clinic. Filming was completed in 1973 but this original version of the film was barely released two years later under several different titles. It was shot as God Bless Grandpa and Grandma but posters were made for the titles Dr. Shagetz and God Bless Dr. Shagetz, with the "Bless" crossed over and replaced with "Damn."
The Great Lester Boggs
Malcolm's cross-country motorcycle odyssey - just for the experience - "boggs" down in Arkansas, where he acquires his sidekick, LeRoy; befriends moonshine-drinkin', bi-plane stunt pilot, Lester Boggs; falls in love with level-headed Susan; and, all the while, confounds Sheriff Billy Bob and his department.
The Hanged Man
Josiah Lowe
A gunfighter who survives his own hanging helps a young widow who is trying to keep a ruthless land baron from taking her ranch.
I Heard the Owl Call My Name
Jim Wallace
A young priest named mark is sent as a vicar to a native American village in B.C. Canada, there he learns of faith and humanity, as he watches their culture being torn to shreds.
The Lie
Arnold Edgarton
An Ingmar Bergman script. Produced for Swedish Television as "Reservatet" (1970) and for BBC as "The Lie" (1971). An American couple is trapped in their marriage and way of life. Locked up in their bourgeois inferno.
The Stranger
Carl Webster
In this unsold TV pilot, an astronaut enters a vortex and crash-lands on a parallel planet where he's not welcome.
So Sad About Gloria
Frederick Wellman
A young woman just released from a mental hospital moves back in with her family. However, she is soon troubled by disturbing visions in which she commits a series of axe murders.
The Most Crucial Game
Walter Cunnell
The manager of a football team murders its callow owner, making it look as if the young man had had an accident in his swimming pool. Lt. Columbo is on the case.
The Delphi Bureau
Matthew Keller
A government agent with a photographic memory is assigned to solve the disappearance of an entire fleet of old Air Force planes.
The Glass House
Warden Auerbach
Adapted from a story by Truman Capote ("In Cold Blood"), the world of the prison convict is open to the viewer. As the story develops, one thing becomes clear. As in the outside world, there is a "system"; and just as on the outside, there is accommodation, honesty, cynicism, violence and all the other factors that make up our society. The film follows the three newcomers, it records the grim, terrifying, sometimes fascinating events that occur.
Incident in San Francisco
Sam Baldwin
A man who tries to stop a mugging finds himself accused of murdering the criminal after the victim and witnesses fail to corroborate his story. A young reporter believes the man and tries to find out why the parties involved are trying to frame him.
배니싱 포인트
영화사상 가장 쿨한 자동차영화로 칭송받는 작품. 전 레이서이자 경찰인 코왈스키(배리 뉴먼)이 15시간 안에 덴버에서 샌프란시스코로 1970년형 닷지 챌린저를 배달하게 되면서 벌어지는 이야기를 다룬다.
The Brotherhood of the Bell
Chad Harmon
A successful professor has his life disrupted by a secret from his past — in his college days he became a member of a powerful secret society, and now the society has a job for him.
The Kremlin Letter
When an unauthorized letter is sent to Moscow alleging the U.S. government's willingness to help Russia attack China, former naval officer Charles Rone and his team are sent to retrieve it. They go undercover, successfully reaching out to Erika Kosnov, the wife of a former agent, now married to the head of Russia's secret police. Their plans are interrupted, however, when their Moscow hideout is raided by a cunning politician.
Tiger by the Tail
Top Polk
Vietnam war hero, accused of murdering his brother, recruits his socialite girlfriend to hunt for the real killer.
The Lonely Profession
Charles Van Cleve
Private investigator Leo Gordon is hired to trail Karen Mendaros, the mistress of a reclusive billionaire. When they meet, Gordon and Mendaros hit it off and check in at a motel. Gordon wakes up the next morning and discovers that Mendaros had been murdered during the night. Gordon opens his own investigation of Mendaros' past in an attempt to determine who killed Mendaros and why he's been set up as the fall guy.
Judge James C. Brown
When the Indian Jimmyboy is accused of murder of a white man, he flees onto the ranch of Smith, who's well known for his tolerance for Indians, since he was raised by the old Indian Antoine. Smith helps Jimmyboy against the mean Sheriff and promises to speak for him in court, thus persuading him to surrender himself to the police.
Day of the Evil Gun
Jimmy Noble
Two men on a desperate search to save a woman only one of them could have!
A peace-loving, part-time sheriff in the small town of Firecreek must take a stand when a gang of vicious outlaws takes over his town.
First to Fight
Colonel Baseman
Jack is the sole survivor of a Japanese attack on his squad at Guadalcanal. Because of his heroism and the fact that he is still alive, he becomes a Medal of Honor hero. He returns to train new recruits for the Marines and falls for a girl named Peggy. When training and marriage leave him with an empty feeling, he decides on a transfer back to the front lines. Soon he will find that marriage and life will change his outlook on the grueling battles that lie ahead.
Billy Rose's Jumbo
John Noble
The daughter of a circus owner fights to save her father from a takeover spearheaded by the man she loves.
The Honeymoon Machine
Admiral Fitch
Lieutenant Fergie Howard, Ensign Beau Gilliam and navy scientist Jason Elderidge use their ships computer, designed to calculate missile trajectories, to calculate a roulette ball's trajectory and hit the Venice Casino. Things get complex when Admiral Fitch arrives at the same Casino.
Sala Post
Parrish McLean lives with his mother Ellen on Sala Post's tobacco plantation in the Connecticut River Valley. His mother winds up marrying Sala's rival Judd Raike, ruthless planter who wants to drive Sala out of business. Judd insists that Parrish learn the business from the ground up.
엘머 갠트리
William L. Morgan
앨머 갠트리는 1917년 신학교에서 물의를 일으켜 퇴학당한 후 주정뱅이생활을 한다. 어느 날 군중집회 광고를 본 앨머는 부흥사 샤론의 미모에 반해, 군중집회 주최를 하느라 지친 그녀를 위로하는 방법으로 마음을 사로잡는다. 한때 신학생이었던 출신성분을 살려, 앨머는 자신이 술과 여자에 쩔어 살던 탕아라고 고백하여 순박한 시골사람들인 신도들과 샤론을 감동시킨다. 자신이 간증과 설교를 좋아한다는 것을 알게 된 앨머는 박력 있는 설교로 신도들의 인기를 끌고, 샤론과의 애정행각도 발전한다. 이러한 여세를 몰아 군중집회는 샤론을 초청한 기독교 근본주의자 베비트와 개신교 신앙의 순수성을 지키고 싶어 하는 부흥회 반대파간의 논쟁 끝에 공업도시인 제니스 시에서 교회의 재정후원을 받으며 열리게 된다.
Cash McCall
Grant Austen
Wealthy hotshot Cash McCall makes his money by purchasing unsuccessful businesses, whipping them into shape and then selling them for a huge profit. When Cash comes across Austen Plastics, a small manufacturing corporation on its last legs, he realizes it might be a gamble to buy the company. But when Cash finds out that the company's owner is the father of his old flame, Lory, he buys the business just to get a second chance at romance.
Dr. Hubert Van Der Mal
가브리엘(오드리 헵번 분)은 벨기에의 유명한 의사의 딸. 사랑하는 청년의 어머니가 정신병자이기 때문에 결혼하지 못한 것을 비관해 평소 동경해 온 수녀 생활을 하게 된다. 물론 부모들은 그에 대해 반대했다. 그녀는 모범적인 수녀로 벨기에령 콩고의 간호 수녀가 되어 열대 지방으로 떠난다. 그러나 과로 때문에 폐결핵에 걸려 현지 의사의 도움으로 치료하지만 결국, 잉글버트 송환문제로 본국으로 송환된다. 제2차 대전이 발발하고 전선에 나간 부친이 전사하자, 그녀는 수녀 생활을 청산하고 종군 간호원이 된다.
열정의 무대
Mr. Fisher
학교 수업에는 도무지 관심이 없는 대니 피셜은 어느날, 자신을 조롱하는 친구에게 폭력을 휘둘러 퇴학당한다. 클럽에서 그 지 역 범죄 조직의 보스인 맥시와 그의 애인을 만나게 된 대니는 우연히 무대에서 공연할 수 있는 기회를 얻게 된다. 무대에서의 열광적인 공연으로 사람들의 환호를 받은 그는 맥시 소유의 킹 크레올 무대에서 다시 공연을 펼친다.
The Proud Rebel
Harry Burleigh
Searching for a doctor who can help him get his son to speak again--the boy hadn't uttered a word since he saw his mother die in the fire that burned down the family home--a Confederate veteran finds himself facing a 30-day jail sentence when he's unfairly accused of starting a brawl in a small town. A local woman pays his fine, providing that he works it off on her ranch. He soon finds himself involved in the woman's struggle to keep her ranch from a local landowner who wants it--and whose sons were responsible for the man being framed for the fight.
The Dark Side of the Earth
Anton Rojas
A drama set in 1956, during the unsuccessful Hungarian uprising against the Russians.
40정의 총
Sheriff Ned Logan
제시카는 아리조나 변두리에서 임대한 총을 가지고 사설 경비대를 관리하며 자신의 목장을 운영하고 있는 여장부이다. 어느 날 이 지역 보안관 딘은 총잡이 마샬에게 그녀의 구역을 정리해달라고 의뢰한다. 제시카는 마샬의 논리에 점차 설득 당하고, 모든 것은 급작스러운 파국으로 치닫는다. 바바라 스탠윅이 대목장의 여주인 “제시카”로 분해 최고의 연기를 선보이는 이 영화에서 풀러는 니콜라스 레이의 영화 의 여주인공 비엔나와 비견할만한 서부극의 새로운 여성 캐릭터를 탄생시켰다.
J. Fullerton Weldy
A teenager pines for (and sings about) his dream girl.
Armored Attack!
as Rodion Pavlov
A Ukrainian village must suddenly contend with the Nazi invasion of June 1941. Re-edited version of The North Star (1943), to remove positive references to Soviet Union and include narration about the Hungarian Uprising of 1956.
Three Brave Men
John W. Rogers
A lawyer takes the case of a Navy clerk who sues after he's fired for suspected Communist beliefs.
The Great Man
Philip Carleton
Joe Harris, preparing a eulogy for popular radio commentator Herb Fuller, finds that nobody has a good word to say about him.
X the Unknown
Dr. Adam Royston
Army radiation experiments awaken a subterranean monster from a fissure that feeds on energy and proceeds to terrorise a remote Scottish village. An American research scientist at a nearby nuclear plant joins with a British investigator to discover why the victims were radioactively burned and why, shortly thereafter, a series of radiation-related incidents are occurring in an ever-growing straight line away from the fissure.
On the Threshold of Space
Dr. Hugo Thornton
In the early stages of the space program, Capt. Jim Hollenbeck undergoes any experiment needed to ensure success in the new Air Force branch -- even though he's not required to be a subject in the tests. Always remaining a constant source of support, his wife, Pat, accepts his unwavering commitment to scientific progress. When Maj. Ward Thomas becomes the new head of the program, Hollenbeck must convince him of the necessity of taking the extra steps.
Red Sundown
Jade Murphy
When his life is saved in a shootout by a fellow gunman whose life he in turn had saved, Alex Longmire promises to give up his way of life. Riding into town he finds the only job available is deputy to sheriff Jade Murphy, an honest man caught between small farmers and a local cattle baron. And he has a pretty daughter. So Longmire decides to stay and see if he can use his expertise with firearms for good.
It's a Dog's Life
Mr. Wyndham
A bull terrier tells his life story, from the streets of the Bowery to a life of luxury.
The Eternal Sea
Vice-Adm. Thomas L. Semple
Biography of Admiral John Hoskins' efforts to retain active command despite WW2 injury.
배드 데이 블랙 록
Tim Horn
4년동안 기차가 한번도 서지 않았던 마을에 한 남자가 도착한다. 한쪽 팔은 주머니에 감춘 채, 어떤 사람을 찾는 맥크레디. 스미스를 비롯한 마을 사람들은 맥크레디를 경계하고, 맥크레디의 일거수일투족을 감시한다. 맥크레디가 찾는 것은 무엇이고, 마을 사람들이 두려워하는 것의 정체가 점점 드러나는데...
화이트 크리스마스
General Waverly
노래와 춤으로 유명한 봅(Bob Wallace: 빙 크로스비 분)과 필(Phil Davis: 대니 케이 분)은 전쟁 후 한팀을 이루어 열띤 활동을 해오고 있었다. 어느 겨울, 그들의 애인의 베티(Betty Haynes: 로버메리 클루니 분), 쥬디(Judy Haynes: 베라 엘렌 분)과 함께 버몬트로 크리스마스 여행을 떠난다. 물론 그들은 애인들과 즐겁게 보낼 생각을 하고 있었으니 옛 군대 상사가 경영하는 여관이 재정적인 어려움을 겪고 있는 것을 보고 봅과 필은 그를 도울 모험을 시작한다.
프라이빗 헬 36
Police Capt. Michaels
두 형사가 삼십만 달러의 지폐를 대량으로 위조한 범인을 추적하던 중 현금을 발견한다. 그런데 형사 중 한 명은 수사 과정에서 매력적인 여성에게 마음을 뺏겨버리고, 그녀의 마음을 얻기 위해 무엇이든 하려고 한다. 하지만 그의 주머니에는 돈이 별로 없고, 그는 곧 큰 유혹에 빠지고 만다. 아이다 루피노가 각본가로도 참여했다. (2018년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 탄생 백 주년 기념 아이다 루피노 회고전: 거칠게, 빠르게, 아름답게)
Executive Suite
Jesse Q. Grimm
When the head of a large manufacturing firm dies suddenly from a stroke, his vice-presidents vie to see who will replace him.
티베리우스 황제 치하 18년의 로마. 마루셀루스(Marcellus Gallio : 리차드 버튼 분)는 원로원의 유명한 갈리오 의원의 아들로 여자와 도박에 빠져 지낸다. 어느 날 마르셀루스는 그리스인 노예 드미트리우스(Demetrius : 빅터 마츄 분)의 경매에서 왕세자 칼리굴라(Caligula : 제이 로빈슨 분)가 드미트리우스를 원한다는 걸 알면서도 높은 가격을 불러 드미트리우스를 차지한다. 이 일을 계기로 마르셀루스는 예루살렘 수비대로 쫓겨난다. 마르셀루스는 예루살렘에서 예수라는 청년과 다른 두 사람을 십자가형에 처한다. 그후 꿈에 예수가 걸쳤던 성의가 나타나 악몽에 시달리고, 마침내 성의를 찾아내 없애버리기로 결심한다. 그러나 성의는 자유인이 되어 떠난 드미트리우스의 손에 있었다. 마르셀루스는 드미트리우스를 찾아 나서고 그 과정에서 많은 기독교인들을 만나게 된다. 마침내 마르셀루스는 드미트리우스를 찾아 성의를 손에 넣는다. 마르셀루스가 성의에 손을 대는 순간 평화와 안식을 느끼고, 성의의 주인인 예수의 추종자로 돌아선다. 한편 칼리굴라는 마르셀루스가 기독교인의 무리에 합류했다는 소식을 접하고, 그를 체포하기 위해 혈안이 된다.
It Grows on Trees
Phil Baxter
The Baxters are a typical happy American family trying to live on too little money. Mrs. Polly Baxter acquires two mysterious trees that got into a nursery shipment by mistake. They turn out to be money trees. After initial problems, Polly decides to spend the money.
Denver and Rio Grande
General William J. Palmer
Jim Vesser and his team of railroading men try to build a rail line through a mountain pass, while a group of less scrupulous construction workers sabotages the entire operation in the hopes that they can get their tracks laid first and get the money from the railroad.
나의 아들 존
Dan Jefferson
작은 마을에 사는 제퍼슨 부부는 신앙심이 깊고, 투철한 애국심을 가진 미국의 보통 가족이다. 둘째와 셋째 아들이 입대한 뒤 얼마 후, 워싱턴에서 연방 정부 관련 일을 하는 장남 존이 오랜만에 부모님을 찾아온다. 그런데 부모님은 물론, 신부님도 함께 한 자리에서 존은 도발적인 발언을 쏟아 내고, 부모님과 마을 사람들은 존의 언행을 납득하지 못한다. 결국 존과 아버지가 언쟁을 하고 만다. 미국의 매카시즘이 절정을 향했던 시기에 만들어진 반공산주의 영화. (2018년 영화의 전당 - [시네마테크] 레오 맥커리 특별전)
Sam Quade
John Vickers has spent eight years hunting for the three men who murdered the woman he loved. He finds one, Woodson, and kills him in a gunfight, but not before learning that the other two men have joined the U.S. Cavalry.
Not a Rowdy Yates in sight in this western set in a stop over for the California to St Louis mail stagecoach run. The two staff are warned that four dangerous outlaws are in the area, and together with a female stage passenger and her baby they wait patiently for the word to go round that these men have been caught. Can you guess where the outlaws decide to hide out while they plan a large gold robbery? What follows is a film that concentrates on small details (like attempts to slip a warning note to a passing stage, or to reach a hidden gun that the bad guys don't know about) as the captives try anything to get away from the outlaws.
다크 시티
Captain Garvey
Gamblers who "took" an out-of-town sucker in a crooked poker game feel shadowy vengeance closing in on them.
Jeff Hassard
Ring Hassard and his father Jeff, wild horse breakers, live in a hidden mountain eyrie as Jeff is wanted for a murder he didn't commit. Things change when they take in a lost young lady, Riley Martin, who finds that Ring has "never seen a woman close up." Jeff is injured, Ring runs afoul of horse thieves and the law, and Riley (who is a lawyer) labors to clear the Hassards (who others would prefer dead).
정오의 출격
Major / Lieutenant Colonel Harvey Stovall
2차대전의 와중, 미 8군 아치베리 918 연대는 영국에 주둔하고 있다. 키스 대령이 이끄는 대원들은 계속되는 비행과 전투로 지쳐가는데 상부에서는 고도를 2,700km로 낮춰 적을 전멸시키라 지시하고 키스는 불가능한 작전이라며 공군사령관 보좌관인 프랭크를 찾아간다. 그는 프랭크 앞에서 군인들을 머릿수로만 여기는 상부를 비난하고 프랭크는 감정적인 그에게 불안을 느낀다. 결국 공군 사령관은 키스를 전출시키고 그 자리에 프랭크를 배속시킨다. 부대에 도착한 프랭크는 직급을 조정하고 장교클럽을 폐쇄하는 등 군기를 새롭게 다진다. 그러나 과도한 비행에 따른 스트레스와 정신적 지주였던 키스의 부재는 그들의 사기를 떨어뜨리고, 급기야 전 부대원들이 전속을 신청하는 사태가 벌어진다. 프랭크는 이에 아랑곳하지 않고 대원들의 훈련에 함께 동참하면서 그들의 문제점을 파악하고 개선해나간다. 그리고 드디어 실전 명령이 떨어지는데...
Cliff Holden, alias William Harrah
A customs agent follows a jewel smuggler's trail of corpses from Paris to New York.
Dr. Steve Webster
An orphan helps a doctor fight an epidemic in a small western town, in one of Allan Dwan’s closely observed studies in Americana.
어렸을 적에 가족들이 몰살을 당하고 혼자 살아남게 된 제브는 캘럼 부인의 손에 의해 그 집안에서 자라게 된다. 하지만 그의 뇌리에 남아있는 기억은 간헐적으로 그를 괴롭힌다. 서부극이면서도 당시 유행하던 필름 느와르의 스타일을 차용해 '느와르 웨스턴'이라 불린 걸작이다. 당대 최고의 액션감독이었던 라울 월시의 대표작중의 하나이다.
Sister Kenny
Kevin Connors
An Australian nurse discovers an effective new treatment for infantile paralysis, but experiences great difficulty in convincing doctors of the validity of her claims.
I Live in Grosvenor Square
Sgt. John Patterson
The WW II romance set in Grosvenor square aka Eisenhower's home where the GIs stayed in London. Neagle loves Harrison. There arrives patriot GI Dean Jagger to rouse things up in the square. Snotty British Neagle and Jagger clash and fall for each other. What will Harrison have to say or do about these? What will the consequences be? Will the three finally become two and which two in this extremely patriotic love and war story.
John Masters
A man who has been framed on a murder charge is placed in the custody of a crooked U.S. marshal, who is secretly running a murderous claim-jumping gang.
When Strangers Marry
Paul Baxter
A naive small-town girl comes to New York City to meet her husband, and discovers that he may be a murderer.
The North Star
Rodion Pavlov
A Ukrainian village must suddenly contend with the Nazi invasion of June 1941. Later re-edited and released as "Armored Attack."
I Escaped from the Gestapo
Torgut Lane
A forger is forced to work for a Nazi spy ring. His conscience gets the better of him, though, and he secretly conspires with the FBI to turn over the gang.
The Omaha Trail
'Pipestone' Ross
The coming of the railroad to the West triggers an Indian war.
Valley of the Sun
Jim Sawyer
An Arizona frontiersman steals an Indian agent's girlfriend, followed by trouble.
The Men in Her Life
David Gibson
A circus performer becomes a ballerina and then begins her life of a career versus marriage and a home-life. She marries her first husband, her mentor and instructor, primarily out of gratitude. After his death, she marries an American thinking that can be her escape from the world of ballet. But she leaves him to return the dancing. She has a child but does not tell her husband. When her daughter is two-years-old, the husband finds out and takes the child to America. The ballerina continues to dance until her best dancing days have gone by.
Western Union
Edward Creighton
When Edward Creighton leads the construction of the Western Union to unite East with West, he hires a Western reformed outlaw and a tenderfoot Eastern surveyor.
Brigham Young
Brigham Young
Based on the story of the famous Mormon leader, it follows Brigham Young and his challenge to transport his people across the Rocky mountains to settle in Salt Lake City. The plot focuses on two fictitious characters, Jonathan Kent and Zina Webb and the hardships they have to face along the way.
Having Wonderful Time
Charlie (uncredited)
Teddy Shaw, a bored New York office girl, goes to a camp in the Catskill Mountains for rest and finds Chick Kirkland.
Exiled to Shanghai
Charlie Sears
A fired cameraman by way of a girl's mistaken identity wins back his job through pioneering work in television.
Escape by Night
James 'Capper' Regan
Runyonesque crooks on the lam hide out on blind man's pastoral farm and decide to go straight.
Song of the City
Paul Herrick
A carefree San Francisco bachelor rediscovers life's values when he's rescued from the sea by an Italian fisherman with a wise and earthy family. Drama.
Dangerous Number
Hank Medhill, artificial silk manufacturer, has returned to the U.S. from Japan to learn that his former girlfriend, Eleanor Breen is about to marry. Hank convinces Eleanor to leave the groom-to-be and marry him. Shortly after the marriage, they discover that they have nothing in common. They separate. Hank decides to pick any name from the phone book and date them. That date results in a wild and frightful night for Hank, thanks to Eleanor's clever plan.
Woman in Distress
Fred Stevens
Investigating rumors that a priceless Rembrandt, believed destroyed years ago, is actually in the possession of an elderly spinster, a male newspaper reporter and his female rival determine that it is genuine but subsequently learn it has been stolen by a gang of art thieves who plan to kill the spinster to prevent her from later identifying it.
Under Cover of Night
Alan Shaw
A detective (Edmund Lowe) trails a professor (Henry Daniell) who stole credit for his wife's research, then killed her.
Star for a Night
Fritz Lind
Blind Mrs. Lind comes to American to visit her three children whom she thinks are successful.
Bob O'Ryan
Young Pepper Jolly enters the life of sour old millionaire John Wilkes. She convinces him to take her gang to Coney Island and prevents his daughter from marrying a phony aristocrat.
Revolt of the Zombies
Armand Louque
The story is set in Cambodia in the years following WWI. Evil Count Mazovia (Roy D'Arcy) has come into possession of the secret methods by which men can be transformed into walking zombies and uses these unholy powers to create a race of slave laborers. An expedition is sent to the ruins of Angkor Wat, in hopes of ending Mazovia's activities once and for all. Unfortunately, Armand (Dean Jagger), one of the members of the expedition, has his own agenda.
13 Hours by Air
Hap Waller
Womanizer and airline pilot Jack Gordon must fly the world's fastest airliner from New York to California while dealing with dangerous jewel thieves on the run from the law.
Woman Trap
'Honey' Hogan
A gangland murder is the motivating factor of this fast-moving crime drama. George Murphy stars as reporter Kent Shevlin, whose investigation of the murder leads to a tenure as a temporary FBI agent.
It's a Great Life
Desperate for work, Johnny Barclay leaves Ma and Grandpop to join the newly formed Civilian Conversation Corps. On the way he meets cynical young hobo Roscoe "Rockie" Johnson, and, although Rockie believes that hopping freight trains is a great life, Johnny convinces him to join the Corps.
Wanderer of the Wasteland
Adam Larey
Adam Larey becomes a fugitive from justice when he escapes after being blamed for a crime he did not commit. He wanders into the desert wastelands and joins an outlaw gang who prey on gold prospectors. Years later, he meets his wife and her gold-prospecting father as they have come there seeking their fortune, and not knowing the danger of the treacherous desert wastes, the poisoned-water holes and the outlaw bands of marauders who roam the desert in search of the gold found by others. He comes to their aid and, eventually, manges to clear his name of the false charge against him.
Men Without Names
A G-man woos a newswoman and corners bank robbers with a hostage in a factory.
People Will Talk
Bill Trask
Henry and Clarice Wilkins have been married twenty-three years and are a model suburban couple who have never had a quarrel. But when their daughter, Peggy, and her husband, Bill Trask, have a squabble, Clarice has a plan to show the daughter just how distasteful domestic bickering appears; She enters into an agreement with Henry that they will fake a fuss to serve as an object lesson. Clarice's will to play the game and her sense of humor play out at about the same time when Henry's remarks become more pointed as the charade goes on. Their fake fight is soon a real barn-burner.
Car 99
Trooper Jim Burton
A story of the Michigan State Police and the strong sense of loyalty and duty it instills in its men. It follows the career of a newly-inducted rookie, Ross Martin, who has joined the force at the urging of his sweetheart, Mary Adams. Martin soon distinguishes himself by his bravery in the apprehension of criminals. But when the leader of a gang of bank robbers falls into his hands and then escapes, because of carelessness on Martin's part, he is suspended from the force.
Home on the Range
Two men, Thurman and Beady, and a woman, Georgia, ply a confidence game in Alaska by selling 'salted' gold mines to gullible newcomers. But the cold Far North gets too hot for them and they move to greener pastures in the western United States. Business is good until a young cattleman, Tom Hatfield, falls for their trap. But Georgia falls in love with him and this causes problems for her partners.
Wings in the Dark
Top Harmon
In his dedicated pursuit of technology that will aid pilots to safely "fly blind" during adverse conditions. aerial innovator Ken Gordon is literally blinded in an accident, but this setback doesn't deter him from his goal.
Behold My Wife!
After Michael Carter's fiancée commits suicide, Michael vows to seek revenge on his wealthy family, who sabotaged their marriage. He drives across the country angrily, and lands up at a saloon, where he is shot by an Indian, Pete. Pete's girlfriend, Tonita nurses Michael's wound and falls in love with him. Michael realizes this, proposes marriage to Tonita - a perfect revenge for his prejudice family. They marry and he takes her to New York, in full Indian dress hoping to embarrass the family.
College Rhythm
Coach Robbins
The story deals with the college rivalry of a piccolo player and an All-American halfback on the football team who both love the same co-ed. After graduation they carry their their feud and collegiate ideas over into the department store business.
You Belong to Me
Military School Instructor
When vaudeville performer Florette Faxon is left penniless with her six-year-old son Jimmy, she relies on the friendship of fellow performer Bud Hannigan to help her get a job. Bud is reluctant to become her partner, as he has proven to himself to be unreliable in relationships, but he tells her to call him whenever she needs help. While working in a beer garden, Florette meets Hap Stanley, an avaricious performer who marries her to get the rights to perform her show routine. Hap dislikes Jimmy and eventually convinces Florette to send him away to school. Both Jimmy and Florette are broken-up over being apart, but Jimmy pretends it is what he wants so Florette can be happy with Hap.
Deputy (uncredited)
Western sheriff Bob Wells is preparing to marry Sally Morgan; she loves part-Indian Wanenis, whose race is an obstacle. Sally flees the wedding with hypochondriac Henry Williams, who thinks he's just giving her a ride; but she left a note saying they've eloped! Chasing them are jilted Bob, Henry's nurse Mary (who's been trying to seduce him) and others.
The Woman from Hell
Jim Coakley
Dee Renaud is a girl playing the "Devil" in an amusement concession at a beach resort. Slick Glicks, the barker, promises the yokels that if they're able to catch the "Lady From Hell," she will reward them with a kiss. But when Glicks tries to go beyond kissing, Dee is rescued by Jim Coakley, son of a New England lighthouse keeper...