Sandra Bacmeister

참여 작품

Death Rider in the House of Vampires
Art Direction
In the Wild West, the mysterious Death Rider enters a dangerous Vampire Sanctuary where the price of admission is a one female virgin.
코스믹 씬
Art Direction
인류가 우주를 식민지로 지배하고 있는 서기 2524년, 연맹의 장군 ‘제임스 포드’는 무리한 작전으로 행성 하나를 파괴하고 불명예 제대를 하게 된다. 인류를 지배하려는 외계 함대의 공격이 발생하자 ‘제임스 포드’ 장군은 정예 부대와 함께 이들을 제압하라는 부탁을 받게 된다. 하지만 외계 함대와 접촉하며 이미 조종된 인류는 연맹 군대를 공격하기 시작하는데...
a Gringo Honeymoon
Art Direction
James Wallace is a young American. To him Mexico was just another adventure in a life lived without any grand plans. A place to go where nobody knew who you were and nobody cared. A chance to drop out and get by within Mexico's flourishing underground economy. When he finds himself working as a 'surgeon' in Carlos Melgarejos' burgeoning organ trafficking ring things start looking up. But that was before he met Rosalita, a prostitute at the amateur lucha libre whose profound beauty shakes his insouciance. Suddenly there's more to life than cutting out kidneys south of the border. James wants out and he wants to take Rosalita with him. For Carlos this is more than just another headache in a life filled with niggling trespasses, this is personal.