Abbey Grace wants nothing more than to find her place in the world as she flourishes into a beautiful young woman. There's just one problem she's the daughter of a notorious serial killer, and the whole world knows it. As she struggles to break from her father's shadow, Abbey finds romance in the unlikeliest of places in this twisted, dark comedic tale that proves love knows no bounds.
Drone Operator
Five hundred miles north of Vancouver is Kitamaat, an Indian reservation in the homeland of the Haisla people. Growing up a tough, wild tomboy, swimming, fighting, and fishing in a remote village where the land slips into the green ocean on the edge of the world, Lisamarie has always been different. Visited by ghosts and shapeshifters, tormented by premonitions, she can't escape the sense that something terrible is waiting for her. She recounts her enchanted yet scarred life as she journeys in her speedboat up the frigid waters of the Douglas Channel. She is searching for her brother, dead by drowning, and in her own way running as fast as she can toward danger. Circling her brother's tragic death are the remarkable characters that make up her family: Lisamarie's parents, struggling to join their Haisla heritage with Western ways; Uncle Mick, a Native rights activist and devoted Elvis fan; and the headstrong Ma-ma-oo (Haisla for "grandmother"), a guardian of tradition.
Drone Operator
불을 켜도, 혼자 보지 않아도 무서운 공포!
1994년, 200년 동안 내려온 블레어 위치의 전설을 찾아 3명의 영화과 학생들이 버키츠빌 숲에 들어간 후 실종된다. 그리고 1년 후 그들이 찍은 필름이 발견된다. 1999년 오랜 법정 싸움 끝에 필름은 유가족에게 돌아가고 영화화가 결정된다. 영화는 전세계를 충격에 빠트린다. 그리고… 2016년 유가족 중 헤더의 동생은 SNS에 올려진 1999년의 영상 속에서 누나가 생존해 있을지 모른다는 단서를 발견한다. 그는 팀을 꾸려 버키츠빌로 떠나는데…