Art Direction
Danny La Rue stars in this 1970s drag comedy as Fred Wimbush, a Shakespearean actor who is drafted into WWII and is appearing in a camp show in France when the Nazis advance. Unless he continues in his female costume, Fred is certain to be shot as a spy. The risque gags and double entendres fly as he attempts to make his escape in the company of a troupe of Girl Guides.
Production Design
1882년 영국에서 드라큐라와 헬싱 교수와 치열한 결투를 벌이고 마차의 바퀴에 박혀서 드라큐라가 죽는 장면으로 영화는 시작된다. 이후 100년이 지나 1970년대가 되서 헬싱 교수와 헬싱 교수의 딸이 등장하고, 죽었던 드라큐라는 어떤 여자의 피를 받고 무덤 속에서 부활하게 되는데...
Art Direction
스트리아 지방에 내려오던 전설에 따르면 칸스타인 백작(마이크 라벤 분)의 부인 까밀라(유트 스텐스가드 분)가 납치된 미녀의 정혈로 환생을 한다. 때맞춰 심슨 부인(헬렌 크리스티 분)의 발레 학교에 헤리짼 백작 부인(바바라 제포드 분)이 조카 미칼라를 입학시키러 찾아온다. 그때부터 의문의 실종사고가 계속해서 발생하고, 찾아낸 학생들의 목에서 끔찍한 이빨 자국이 발견 된다.
Art Direction
A serial killer, who drains his victims for blood is on the loose in London, the Police follow him to a house owned by an eccentric scientist.
Art Direction
After discovering the body of a murdered female agent in their trendy Soho, London nightclub, groovy owners Charles Salt and Christopher Pepper partake in a fumbling investigation and uncover an evil plot to overthrow the government. Can our cool, yet inept duo stop the bad guys in time?
Art Direction
마을축제에서 Dr. Diabolo의 Torture Garden에 들어선 사람들..그저 허접한 고문이나 시체들을 보여주겠거니 했더니 디아블로는 5파운드를 더 내면 무시시한 공포를 보게해 주겠단다..이에 5명이 돈을 내고 들어서는데..닥터 디아블로는 그저 돈은 태워버리고 다섯 명에게 무시무시한 경험을 안긴다.
Art Direction
Jonas Wilde, a British secret agent licensed to kill, wants to resign from his murderous work, but his superiors pressure him into taking on a new assignment-the assassination of a defecting Soviet scientist. In the course of the dangerous mission, he discovers a mole has infiltrated British intelligence.
Art Direction
A group of scientists are possessed by an alien force when they investigate a meteor shower in a rural field.
Art Direction
Archaeologists discover the final resting place of a boy king, removing the remains to be exhibited in a museum. By disturbing the sarcophagus they unleash the forces of darkness. The Mummy has returned to discharge a violent retribution on the defilers as the curse that surrounds the tomb begins to come true. One by one the explorers are murdered until one of them discovers the ancient words that have the power to reduce the brutal killer to particles of dust.
Art Direction
A deformed tormented girl drowns herself after her lover is framed for murder and guillotined. Baron Frankenstein, experimenting with the transfer of souls, places the boy's soul into her body, bringing Christina back to life. Driven by revenge, she carries out a violent retribution on those responsible for both deaths.
Art Direction
Following a nervous breakdown, Gwen takes up the job of head teacher in the small village of Haddaby. There she can benefit from the tranquillity and peace, enabling her to recover fully. But under the facade of idyllic country life she slowly unearths the frightening reality of village life in which the inhabitants are followers of a menacing satanic cult with the power to inflict indiscriminate evil and death if crossed.
Art Direction
Harry and Valerie Spalding arrive in the remote Cornish village to an unwelcoming and suspicious population. Harry's brother dies suddenly, bitten by a lethal reptilian bite. They befriend a young woman Anna whose tyrannical father controls her life and, as they discover that others in the village have suffered a similar fate, their investigations lead to Anna. What they uncover is a victim of the most terrifying legacy... a destiny of mutilation and murder.
Art Direction
러시아의 로마노프 황실을 이야기할때 빼놓을 수 없는 인물이 하나있다. 바로 라라 라스푸틴의 노래가사로도 유명한 "그리고리라스푸틴이다. 그는 고려 말 황실을 좌지우지하며 온갖 엽기적인 행위로 결국 고려를 멸망하게 만든 괴승 "신돈"의 러시아판 이라고 할 수 있다. 괴승신돈처럼라스푸틴도 러시아 로마노프 왕조의 멸망과 직결된 인물이다. 음탕하고 술에 취해 수도원에서 쫓겨난 라스푸틴은 운을 시험해 보기 위해 상트페테르부르크로 여행을 합니다. 기다리던 차리나의 여인들 중 한 사람과 장난을 치면서 그는 자신이 제일 잘한다고 하는 치유와 최면술의 힘으로 그들을 완치 하면서 곧 궁정에서 커다란 권력과 영향력을 얻게 됩니다. 그러나 권력에 도취한 그는 자신을 죽이고 싶어하는 적들을기필코 죽이는 만행을 저지르고 맙니다.
Art Direction
전작에서 반 헬싱과 드라큘라의 대결 이후 켄트 일가가 우연히 드라큘라의 성에 방문하는데, 드라큘라의 새로운 하수인이 주인인 드라큘라를 다시 부활 시키면서 벌어지는 이야기
Art Direction
저명한 과학자인 제임스 포브스 경은 그의 수제자였던 콘월의 의사 피터 톰슨한테서 마을에 퍼지고 있는 이상한 전염병에 대한 편지를 받는다. 딸 실비아와 함께 톰슨을 방문한 제임스 경은 그 병이 단순한 전염병이 아니라 부두교 흑마술과 관련이 있음을 알게되는데...
Assistant Art Director
The lost city of Kuma is ruled by the cruel, arrogant, beautiful queen, Ayesha, gifted with eternal life. She lures Leo Vincey into her world, seeing in him the reincarnation of the lover she long ago murdered in a fit of violent jealousy. Against all advice Leo is determined to stay and Ayesha persuades him to bathe in the flame of eternal youth... with disastrous consequences.
Art Direction
19세기 중엽의 유럽 어느 마을. 사람들은 글자 그대로 돌로 변해 버린다. 지도자들이 이 문제를 해결하려 골몰하지만, 속수무책이다. 보름달이 뜨면 메두사는 자신의 성을 떠나고, 그 후 그녀의 얼굴을 본 누구든지 돌로 만드는 흑마술을 사용한다. 그런데 라이프찌히 대학의 전문가들이 이 곳을 방문하고, 메두사와 일대 대결을 펼친다.
Art Direction
A pirate ship, fighting in 1588 on the side of the Spanish Armada, suffers damage and must put into a village on the British coast for repairs. The village is small and isolated and the Spanish convince the villagers that the English fleet has been defeated and that they, the Spanish, are now their masters. This results in the villagers' sullen cooperation, but rumors and unrest begin to spread and soon the Spanish pirates find themselves facing a revolt.
Art Direction
Once hounded from his castle by outraged villagers for creating a monstrous living being, Baron Frankenstein returns to Karlstaad. High in the mountains they stumble on the body of the creature, perfectly preserved in the ice. He is brought back to life with the help of the hypnotist Zoltan who now controls the creature. Can Frankenstein break Zoltan's hypnotic spell that incites the monster to commit these horrific murders or will Zoltan induce the creature to destroy its creator?
Art Direction
11살 때 자넷은 정신질환을 앓는 엄마가 아빠를 칼로 찔러죽이는 걸 목격한다. 기숙학교에 다니는 틴에이저가 된 자넷은 아직도 엄마가 나오는 악몽을 꾸는데, 엄마의 광기가 자신에게 유전되었을지도 모른다고 의심하고 있기 때문이다. 결국 학교를 떠나 집으로 돌아간 자넷. 맞아주는 건 충실한 하인들과 후견인 헨리 백스터가 고용한 간호사 그레이스. 집으로 돌아온 뒤에도 자넷은 계속 악몽에 시달리는데, 이번 꿈에 나오는 여자는 엄마가 아닌 생전 처음 보는 사람이다. 한 번도 본 적이 없는 사람이 꿈 속에서 도대체 뭘 하는 걸까?
Art Direction
한 커플이 자동차로 신혼여행을 하던중, 남부 유럽의 조그만 외딴 마을 앞에서 자동차가 고장난다. 어쩔 수 없이 며칠간 그 마을에서 시간을 보낼 수밖에 없게된 커플은 그 마을에서 한 박사의 성으로 초대를 받게되는데..
Art Direction
A 1964 British action adventure film from Hammer studios. The Scarlet Blade is set during the english civil war. A cruel Roundhead Colonel is on the trail of royalist sympathisers, but unaware of his daughters royalist sympathies. When she falls into a love triangle with Cavalier Edward Beverly and Roundhead officer Captain Sylvester the stage is set for double crossing and derring do.
Art Direction
A psychotic man schemes to drive his sister mad so that he can claim her inheritance, but a deadly game of cat-and-mouse begins when an imposter intervenes.
Art Direction
An American tourist, a youth gang leader, and his troubled sister find themselves trapped in a top secret government facility experimenting on children.
Art Direction
A group of ruthless pirates attack a 17th Century Huguenot settlement on the Isle of Devon in search of treasure and will stop at nothing to obtain it.
Art Direction
A London opera house is haunted by tragic events on its opening night, but when its star is kidnapped, a producer tracks down the Phantom who is intent on seeking his revenge.
Art Direction
A captain and his sailors investigate the rampaging "Marsh Phantoms" terrorizing a coastal town, but their search is hindered by a local reverend and a horrifying curse.
Art Direction
Sailor Albert gets a message from the Navy saying he can't marry for certain unexplained legal reasons. Everyone, including his domineering mother-in-law to be, jumps to the conclusion that there must be another woman involved.
Art Direction
Tabitha, once the placid, gentle and devoted pet, adopts all the characteristics of a ferocious, wild animal following the murder of her mistress. The three guilty people are all trapped by the cat's power and each will come to untimely deaths of horrific proportions without anyone being able to solve the mystery that surrounds their brutal death.
Art Direction
드라큘라와 프랑켄슈타인 시리즈를 간판으로 내걸었던 해머가 새롭게 수혈한 장르. 유니버설사의 (1941)을 변형한 이 영화는 인간에서 늑대인간으로 변하는 청년의 비극적 사랑을 그린 괴수물이다. 선천적으로 늑대인간의 저주를 받고 태어났다는 설정이 과는 다르다. 인상적인 괴수 분장은 물론 긴장감을 조성하는 분위기 연출이 뛰어나다.
Assistant Art Director
In 1910, Hong Kong, under the rule of the British Empire, is a prosperous and bustling city, but, hidden in the shadows of its many narrow streets, the hideous members of the Red Dragon gang, a branch of the evil Chinese secret society of the Tongs, lurk and murder those who oppose to their tyranny, which thrives on vice, crime and the fear of the weakest.
Art Direction
After a series of scientific experiments directed towards freeing the inner man and controlling human personalities, the kindly, generous Dr Henry Jekyll succeeds in freeing his own alter ego, Edward Hyde, a sadistic, evil creature whose pleasure is murder.
Art Direction
Peter Carter, his wife Sally and their young daughter Jean move to a sleepy Canadian village, where Peter has been hired as a school principal. Their idyll is shattered when Jean becomes the victim of an elderly, and extremely powerful, paedophile. The film was neither a box office nor a critical success, it garnered criticism for breaking a significant public taboo.
Art Direction
Set during the Burma Campaign of World War 2, this is the story of courage and endurance of the soldiers struggling at close quarters against the enemy. The film examines the moral dilemmas ordinary men face during war, when the definitions of acceptable military action and insupportable brutality become blurred and distorted
Edward "Teddy" Bare is a ruthless schemer who thinks he's hit the big time when he kills his older wife, believing he will inherit a fortune. When things don't go according to plan, Teddy sets his sights on a new victim: wealthy widow Freda Jeffries. Unfortunately for the unscrupulous criminal, Freda is much more guarded and sassy than his last wife, making separating her from her money considerably more challenging.