Nigel Green

Nigel Green

출생 : 1924-10-15, Pretoria, South Africa

사망 : 1972-05-15


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Nigel Green (15 October 1924 – 15 May 1972) was a South African-born British character actor. Because of his strapping build and commanding demeanour he would often be found playing military types and men of action in such classic sixties films as Jason and the Argonauts, Zulu, Tobruk and The Ipcress File. Description above from the Wikipedia article Nigel Green, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

프로필 사진

Nigel Green
Nigel Green

참여 작품

Gawain and the Green Knight
Green Knight
The medieval legend of a supernatural knight who challenges the king's men to kill him.
지배 계급
When the Earl of Gurney dies in a cross-dressing accident, his schizophrenic son, Jack, inherits the Gurney estate. Jack is not the average nobleman; he sings and dances across the estate and thinks he is Jesus reincarnated. Believing that Jack is mentally unfit to own the estate, the Gurney family plots to steal Jack's inheritance. As their outrageous schemes fail, the family strives to cure Jack of his bizarre behavior, with disastrous results.
드라큐라 백작부인
Captain Dobi
젊음을 유지하게 위해 처녀들의 피로 목욕했다고 알려진 루마니아의 백작부인 엘리자베스 바토리에 대해 다룬 영화. 2009년 줄리 델피가 감독과 주연을 맡아 리메이크하기도 했다.
The Kremlin Letter
The Whore
When an unauthorized letter is sent to Moscow alleging the U.S. government's willingness to help Russia attack China, former naval officer Charles Rone and his team are sent to retrieve it. They go undercover, successfully reaching out to Erika Kosnov, the wife of a former agent, now married to the head of Russia's secret police. Their plans are interrupted, however, when their Moscow hideout is raided by a cunning politician.
Fraulein Doktor
Colonel Mathesius
A seductive and ruthless spy in the service of Germany steals state secrets- including the formula for poison gas-from England and France during World War I. British intelligence, in turn, tries to hunt her down.
플레이 더티
Col. Masters
2차대전중 아프리카 사막에서 작전에 번번이 실패한 마스터즈 대령은 마지막 기회로서 독일군의 연료저장고를 폭파하는 계획을 세운다. 영국군 블로어 준장은 실제 작전에 앞서서 교란팀을 파견하는데 블로어의 의도는 이들이 작전에 실패하고 붙잡히는 것. 그 지휘관으로 더글라스 대위(마이클 케인)를 선발하는데 그는 대위 계급의 영국군복을 입었으되, 실은 영국 석유회사에서 파견된 직원이고 그 휘하의 대원들은 감옥에서 뽑혀온 범죄자 용병들. 이들은 자신들이 작전의 주인공인줄 알고 이탈리아군으로 위장하여 임무수행에 나선다. 더글라스는 사막전에 밝은 용병 리치 대위(데븐 포트)와 사사건건 충돌하며 일이 꼬이기 시작한다.
레킹 크루
Count Massimo Contini
When Count Contini attempts to destroy the world's economy by masterminding the theft of $1 billion in U.S. gold, ICE chief MacDonald summons secret agent Matt Helm to stop him.
The Pink Jungle
Dennis McCune (incorrectly given in credits as 'Crowley')
A famous fashion photographer is trapped in a remote South American country with a beautiful model and together with some unscrupulous characters, become involved in the search for a lost diamond mine.
Africa: Texas Style!
Karl Bekker
Two American cowboys are hired by a British rancher to oversee his estate in Kenya. Shot on location in Africa, this film led to the TV show Cowboy in Africa starring Chuck Connors.
데드라이어 댄 더 메일
Carl Petersen
British agent Bulldog Drummond is assigned to stop a master criminal who uses beautiful women to do his killings.
Colonel John Harker
In September 1942, the German Afrika Korps under Rommel have successfully pushed the Allies back into Egypt. A counter-attack is planned, for which the fuel dumps at Tobruk are a critical impediment. In order to aid the attack, a group of British commandos and German Jews make their way undercover through 800 miles of desert, to destroy the fuel dumps starving the Germans of fuel.
Let's Kill Uncle
Major Kevin Harrison
A 12-year-old orphan who has just inherited a fortune is trapped on an island with his uncle, a former British intelligence commander who intends to kill him. A young girl is the boy's only ally against the sarcastic uncle, who uses hypnotism, a pool of sharks, fire, and poisonous mushrooms as weapons.
하르툼 공방전
General Wolseley
1821년 이집트는 수단을 침략. 영국의 힘을 빌어 통치하게 된다. 그러나 60년 후 영국인 장교 등이 지휘하는 1만이라고 하는 이집트 병사에 대해 사막의 사람을 모아 대항하는 남자가 있었다. 그들은 모하메드의 자손 마디라고 칭하고 광신적인 회교도 리더로 군림한 그는 수단의 도시 카슘을 포위하였다. 영국의 명예를 더럽혔다고 분노한 한편 수에즈운하마저 확보할 수 없으면 아프리카의 내란에는 관여할 수 없다고생각한 수상 그리도톤의 대응은 대영제국 지배하의 청나라나 아프리카제국에서 빛나는 전공을 지닌 영웅 고든장군을 비공식적으로 파견하고카슘에서 영국군과 이집트사람을 구출시키려고 한다. 고든은 카슘으로파견되고 마디 일당의 손에서 구해낼려고 애쓰나 운명은 고든에 대해 미소를 짓지 않는다.
The Skull
Inspector Wilson
An occult investigator buys the 150-year-old skull of the Marquis de Sade, which turns out to be possessed by evil spirits.
더 페이스 오브 푸 맨추
Sir Nyland Smith
Grisly strangulations in London alert Nayland Smith of Scotland Yard to the possibility that fiendish Fu Manchu may not after all be dead, even though Smith witnessed his execution. A killer spray made from Tibetan berries seems to be involved and clues keep leading back to the Thames.
국제 첩보국
Major Dalby
전초기던 1960년대 중반의 런던에서, 영국, 미국, 소련의 첩보원들이 냉혹하고 치열하게 암투하고 격돌한다
죽음의 가면
에드거 앨런 포의 단편소설 "붉은 죽음의 가면"을 로저 코먼이 영화화했다
Saturday Night Out
Five seamen and a passenger are intent on making the most of the 14 hours they will spend in London.
Colour Sgt. Frank Bourne
영국 식민지인 1879년 남아프리카에서 영국군 1개 연대가 줄루족에 의해 전멸되면서 전쟁이 시작된다. 4천여 명의 줄루족 정예부대의 다음 목표는 백여 명 밖에 되지 않는 영국군 전초부대. 두 명의 장교가 인솔하고 있는 이 부대는 거침없이 밀고 들어오는 줄루족에 맞서 목숨을 건 대결을 펼친다.
The Man Who Finally Died
Sergeant Hirsch
Joe Newman, a naturalised Briton, is telephoned by his German father, whom he believed long dead, at the same time as a funeral is taking place in Bavaria - with his father's name on the coffin. His investigation in Bavaria reveals startling facts and the obstruction he meets makes him suspect foul play.
아르고 황금 대탐험
펠리아스는 아리스토왕을 죽이고 테살리아를 정복하겠지만 아리 스토왕의 자식에 의해 왕관을 빼앗기게 될 것이라는 신탁을 듣게 된다. 이에 두려움 을 느낀 펠리아스는 테살리아를 공격해 아리스토왕의 자식을 남김없이 처치하려 하지 만 제이슨은 헤라 여신의 도움으로 가까스로 살아남게 된다. 한편 헤라는 펠리아스에게 한쪽 신발을 신은 청년에 의해 죽게 될 것이라는 예언을 남기고. 세월이 흘러 청년이 된 제이슨은 헤라의 술책으로 물에 빠져 죽음의 위기에 처 한 펠리아스를 구하게 된다. 그러나 제이슨은 물에 뛰어들 때 신발을 한짝 잃게 되고, 이것을 본 펠리아스는 그가 아리스토왕의 자식임을 눈치채고, 평화를 위해서는 황금양털 이 필요하다는 핑계로 제이슨을 콜키스로 떠나 보낸다. 제이슨은 그리스의 최고의 선원들과 함께 항해를 떠난다. 그 중에는 헤라클레스도 끼어 있었다. 제이슨 일행은 청동거인 타로스와 스케레톤의 군대 등과 맞서 싸우며 천신만고 끝에 콜키스에 도착하지만 펠리아스가 미리 숨겨놓은 그의 아들 아카스터스의 모략으로 함정에 빠지게 된다. 콜키스의 여성 사제인 메디아의 도움으로 함정에서 벗어난 제이슨은 머리가 여럿 달린 괴물 히드라와의 처절한 사투 끝에 마침내 황금 양털을 빼앗아 콜키스를 빠져나온다. 그러나 이 모든 것이 제우스와 헤라가 인간을 말 삼아 벌인 장기게임이었으니.
Mystery Submarine
Chief ERA Lovejoy
A British convoy is trying to elude a group of German U-Boats.
A young policeman becomes involved with a glamorous German woman in London, to his cost.
The Durant Affair
Sir Patrick
An unmarried woman, born illegitimate, is convinced to contest her late mother's will.
더 프린스 앤 더 포퍼
The Ruffler
In the London of 1537, two boys resembling each other exactly meet accidentally and exchange "roles" for a short while. After many adventures, the prince regains his rightful identity and graciously makes his "twin" a ward of the court.
The Queen's Guards
Abu Sibdar
Captains John Fellows and Henry Wynne-Walton finish their Army training at Sandhurst Military Academy and are sent to the Middle-East. John is to lead a parachute battalion while Henry is put in charge of a platoon of armoured cars of the Household Cavalry. John is constantly being told by his father, an ex-Guards officer that he is not as good as his brother who was killed during the war.
Pit of Darkness
When Richard Logan, the partner in a safe making firm, is found unconscious, on an old deserted bomb site, he finds that he has no recollection of the last three weeks. Then he discovers that the private detective, hired by his wife, has been found murdered, and a safe that his firm installed in a large country house, has been cleverly opened, and the contents are missing. So with the help of his wife, he sets out to uncover the truth.
The Man at the Carlton Tower
Lew Daney
The police investigate the murder of an officer, killed during a jewel robbery.
Bulletin Announcer (Uncredited)
한 인간의 무한한 욕망과 상상으로 대참사가 빚어진다. 지하의 괴물이 땅바닥을 가르고 나와 가공할만한 힘으로 대도시를 붕괴하며 살육과 파고를 일삼는다. 현대 과학으로 도저히 풀 수 없는 불가사의한 비밀을 캐내기 위해 집념의 사나이가 이 사건에 뛰어드는데...
Sword of Sherwood Forest
Little John
Robin of Loxley and his men stumble on a plot to overthrow Hubert Walter, King's Chancellor and Archbishop of Canterbury. The plotters, the Sheriff of Nottingham and the Earl of Newark, have set an ambush for Walter and Lady Marian Fitzwater. Will Robin get to them before it is too late?
The Criminal
When a robbery at a racetrack goes wrong ex-con Johnny Bannion is caught and sent back to prison. He won't tell the rest of the gang where he has stashed the loot leading to violent consequences.
Beat Girl
When her architect father brings home a much younger new wife, rebellious and resentful teen Jenny goes to extreme lengths to sabotage their relationship.
Kissing Man in Trunk (Uncredited)
퇴역 군인인 하이드(Norman Hyde: 잭 호킨스 분)는 본성은 나쁘지 않지만 말이 많은 노인이다. 그러던 어느 날 그는 다시 사회에 나가기로 결심을 한다. 군대에서의 지위를 이용해 참모들의 기록을 입수한 그는 계획하고 있는 일에 필요한 적임자를 한 명씩 찾는다. 그가 고른 6명의 퇴역 군인들은 모두가 자기 분야의 최고의 전문가들이지만 모두 불명예스러운 일이나 비양심적인 일로 군을 빨리 떠났던 사람들이다. 하이드의 계획이란 바로 은행 강도였는데...
Witness in the Dark
The Intruder
A killer breaks into an apartment to steal a valuable brooch. He kills an old woman, but in fleeing he encounters a young woman on the stairs who will become his target.
Corridors of Blood
Insp. Donovan
An 1840s British surgeon, experiments with anesthetic gases in an effort to make surgery pain-free. While doing so, his demonstration before a panel of his peers ends in a horrific mishap with his patient awakening under the knife; he is forced to leave his position in disgrace. To complicate matters, he becomes addicted to the gases and gets involved with a gang of criminals, led by Black Ben and his henchman Resurrection Joe.
The Gypsy and the Gentleman
Game Pup
About to enter a marriage he wants no part of, rich nobleman Mitchell takes up with gypsy Mecouri. They marry, but she soon discovers he's deeply in debt. (TCM)
비터 빅토리
Private Wilkins
During the second world war, two British officers, Brand and Leith, who have never seen combat are assigned a vital mission. Their relationship and the operation are complicated by the arrival of Brand's wife, who had a tryst with Leith years earlier.
Find the Lady
Photographer (Uncredited)
During New Year's Eve, a young model spends the day searching for her grandmother, who has suspiciously gone missing.
Reach for the Sky
The true story of airman Douglas Bader who overcame the loss of both legs in a 1931 flying accident to become a successful fighter pilot and wing leader during World War II.
As Long as They're Happy
The suburban peace of the Bentley household is shattered when John Bentley is informed by his wife Stella that their two married daughters, Pat and Corrine are in trouble and need funds to come home and bring their husbands, Peter, a penniless Parisian artist and Barnaby, a Texas cowboy, with them. And the youngest daughter, Gwen, has tricked an American singer, Bobby Denver, into visiting them on the pretext that it is the home of a noted British film magnate. When all the women in the household --- including the maid --- fall for the singer's charms, Bentley consults a crackpot psychiatrist, Dr. Schneider, who almost succeeds in ousting, not the singer, but Bentley's wife, with his advice to Bentley to make her jealous by living it up with Pearl, a showgirl recruited for the purpose.
Stranger from Venus
Second Police Officer
A stranger turns up at an English country pub and asks to stay, although reveals that he has no money. He even claims to have no name. The police become suspicious when he reveals details about Susan North, a local girl who has gone missing. However, when the police try to take the stranger in for questioning, they find that they are unable to lay their hands on him. Susan then turns up, revealing that she has been in a car crash and how the stranger saved and miraculously healed her. The stranger tells them that he is a visitor from the planet Venus. The authorities block off all exits in and out of the town. The stranger tells government representatives that he wants a meeting with heads of world governments for when his people arrive in their ship in four days time. As they set this up, the stranger discovers that the authorities instead plan to lay a trap to capture his people’s ship – something they do not realise could have disastrous consequences for Earth.
The Sea Shall Not Have Them
Met Officer Howard
During autumn of 1944, an RAF Hudson carrying a VIP passenger in possession of highly secret information is shot down and ditches in the North Sea. Fighting the elements and trying to keep up morale, the occupants of the aircraft's dinghy talk about their lives awaiting the rescue they hope will come. The film's title reflects the motto of the RAF's Air Sea Rescue Service, one of whose high speed launches battles against its own mechanical problems, enemy action, time and the weather to locate and rescue the downed crew and the vital secret papers they carry.
Meet Mr. Malcolm
Sergeant Bassett
Celebrated crime writer Colin Knowles finds himself at the centre of a baffling real-life mystery when his estranged wife Louie asks for his help. Her new boss has gone missing at his grand country home -- and when his body is found, the hunt is on for a devious and twisted murderer. Sinister letters from London refer to a 'double crime'. Who will be the killer's next victim?
This Was Paris
German Fifth Columnist , disguised as a French soldier
British agents operate in Paris during the Second World War.