Director of Photography
A woman is kidnapped when she goes to get help for her husband who is trapped on a beach with the tide coming in to surely drown him.
Director of Photography
부푼 꿈을 안고 도시로 떠난 캐리는 열차에서 찰스 두루에라는 남자를 만나 함께 살게 되지만 정작 다른 남자 조지를 사랑하게 된다. 조지는 그녀와의 사랑을 위해 모든 것을 버리지만, 조지의 아이를 임신했다가 유산까지 하게 된 캐리는 조지를 위해 그의 곁을 떠난다. 이후 그녀는 뉴욕에서 여배우로 성장해나가는데.. '부도덕한 작품'이라는 평가를 받았던 미국작가 데어도어 드라이저(Theodore Dreiser)의 자연주의 걸작 소설을 원작으로 한 영화이다.
Director of Photography
A burlesque comic doubles for a spy in Tangier and meets the spy's girlfriend, who is also a spy.
Director of Photography
Gamblers who "took" an out-of-town sucker in a crooked poker game feel shadowy vengeance closing in on them.
Director of Photography
멕시코 국경에 인접한 "T.C.제포드" 일가의 대목장을 운영한다. 그의 아들 "클레이 제포드"(죤 브롬휠드)가 집으로 돌아오면서 영화는 시작된다. 대평원의 목장과 부를 함께 가지고 있는 "제포드"에게는 아들 외에 딸이 하나 있는데 그녀의 이름은"반스 제포드" (바바라 스탄웍) . 그녀는 그의 집에서도 가장으로서의 권위와 힘을 함께 가지고 있다. 그는 아들이 있음에도 딸인 반스에게 소유권을 넘겨주려고 하며, 딸이 사랑하는 남자를 데려왔을 때 둘의 사이를 갈라놓기 위해서 이간질도 서슴지 않는다. 아들이 정상적으로 결혼함에도 반스는 사랑하는 남자와 결혼하지 못한다. 그 뿐 아니라, 후일 아버지에게 애인이 생기자 딸의 질투는 극에 달해 딸이 아버지의 애인에게 상해를 입히는 지경에 이르고 만다. 그러나 아버지가 파산에 이르게 되면서 딸은 아버지를 돕게 되고, 결국 아버지는 자신에게 원한을 품은 사람이 쏜 총알에 맞아 딸의 품안에서 죽는다.
Director of Photography
Before he left for a brief European visit, symphony conductor Sir Alfred De Carter casually asked his staid brother-in-law August to look out for his young wife, Daphne, during his absence. August has hired a private detective to keep tabs on her. But when the private eye's report suggests Daphne might have been canoodling with his secretary, Sir Alfred begins to imagine how he might take his revenge.
Director of Photography
A bandleader falls in love and marries a small town girl.
Director of Photography
Seriously ill, concert pianist Karen Duncan is admitted to a Swiss sanitorium. Despite being attracted to Dr Tony Stanton she ignores his warnings of possibly fatal consequences unless she rests completely. Rather, she opts for a livelier time in Monte Carlo with dashing Paul Clermont.
조지 베일리는 베드폴드 마을 사람들을 위해 평생을 봉사하며 살아온 인물. 그는 항상 여행을 원했지만 마을 전체를 인수하려는 구두쇠 포터의 계략을 막기 위해서 그 기회를 버릴 수 밖에 없었다. 그를 저지하기 위해 그와 그의 아버지가 만든 대출회사는 애를 쓰지만, 크리스마스 이브에 빌리 삼촌이 사업비 8000달러를 은행에 예금하려던 중 돈을 잃어버린다. 포터는 돈의 위치를 알아내고 이를 숨긴다. 조지는 책임을 떠안고 감옥에 구속되고, 회사는 파산한다. 마침내 포터는 도시를 인수한 것이다. 사랑하는 아내, 자식 그리고 마을 사람들을 생각하며 조지는 자살을 생각하지만, 그의 앞에 수호천사 클라란스가 나타나는데...
Director of Photography
Three childhood friends, Martha, Walter and Sam, share a terrible secret. Over time, the ambitious Martha and the pusillanimous Walter have married. She is a cold businesswoman; he is the district attorney: a perfect combination to dominate the corrupt city of Iverstown at will. But the unexpected return of Sam, after years of absence, deeply disturbs the life of the odd couple.
Director of Photography
Boisterous nightclub entertainer Buzzy Bellew was the witness to a murder committed by gangster Ten Grand Jackson. One night, two of Jackson's thugs kill Buzzy and dump his body in the lake at Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Buzzy comes back as a ghost and summons his bookworm twin, Edwin Dingle, to Prospect Park so that he can help the police nail Jackson.
Director of Photography
실베스터는 비열한 행동를 했던 연예인으로 영국에서 추방되어진다. 배를 타고 미국으로 떠나기 위해 해외여행을 하던 중 그는 예쁜 마가렛공주를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 그녀는 그에게 관심도 없다. 그러던 중 높은 파도 속에서 그녀가 탄 배는 해적에게 납치당한다. 해적은 공주의 신분을 알고 그녀를 유괴하여 왕에게 몸값을 받아내려 계획은 세운다. 공주의 유일한 희망은 비열한 코미디언 실베스터 뿐이다. 과연 실베스터는 하찮은 농담 따윈 그만 두고 그녀를 구조해 낼 수 있을까?
Director of Photography
The biography of Dr. W.T. Morgan, a 19th century Boston dentist, during his quest to have anesthesia, in the form of ether, accepted by the public and the medical and dental establishment.
Director of Photography
As the Japanese sweep through the East Indies during World War II, Dr. Wassell is determined to escape from Java with some crewmen of the cruiser Marblehead. Based on a true story of how Dr. Wassell saved a dozen or so wounded sailors who were left behind when able bodied men were evacuated to Australia.
Director of Photography
After the mysterious disappearance of a German soldier from a Prague cafe, the staff and customers are held captive by the Nazis accused of murder and collusion with the Czech resistance.
Director of Photography
독창적이고 흥미로운 코미디 영화로 명성을 날린 프레스턴 스터지스의 1942년도 작품. 코믹한 오프닝 타이틀에서 톰과 제리의 결혼 장면이 보이고, ‘그리하여 두 사람은 영원히 행복하게 살았습니다’라는 자막이 뜬다. 그리고 뒤이어 ‘정말 그랬을까요?’라는 자막이 또다시 등장하는데 당연히 대답은 ‘아니오!’다. 결혼한 지 5년 된 톰(조엘 맥크레)과 제리(클로데트 콜버트) 부부. 그러나 발명가인 톰은 돈을 한 푼도 벌어오지 못한다. 아파트 월세조차 못 낼 형편이 되자 제리는 돈 많은 남자와 재혼해 톰이 발명에 전념할 수 있도록 재원을 마련해주기로 한다. 부자들이 모인다는 플로리다의 팜비치로 가는 기차를 탄 제리는 우연히 서반구에서 가장 부유한 남자 중 하나라는 존 하켄색커 3세를 알게 된다. 하켄색커는 제리에게 관심을 보이면서 선물공세를 퍼붓고, 한편 제리를 단념하지 못한 톰은 아내를 찾아 팜비치로 온다. 얼떨결에 하켄색커에게 톰을 오빠라고 소개한 뒤 제리는 진퇴양난에 빠지는데…
Director of Photography
키웨스트에 해적들이 우글거리면서 배를 일부러 난파 시켜 화물을 건지고 이익을 얻고 있었다. 주빌리의 선장인 잭 스튜어트도 부선장이 해적과 손을 잡고 배신을 해서 화물을 잃게 되었다. 키웨스트에서 록시 클레이본을 만나게 되고 사랑을 하게 된다. 데보로사가 있는 찰스턴으로 돌아간 잭은 킹 커틀러의 짓이라는 걸 알지만 아무도 증거를 찾지 못한다. 데보로사의 직원인 잭은 증기선인 써던크로스를 지휘하는 것이 소원이지만 배가 난파하여 펠리칸호를 타고 대기하게 됐다. 록시는 데보로 준장을 만나기 위해 찰스턴으로 가지만 데보로사의 변호사인 스티브 톨리버를 만나게 된다. 잭을 돕기 위해 스티브를 계속 만나는데 스티브는 록시를 사랑하게 된다. 록시는 잭과 결혼을 하려고 하지만 스티브가 그걸 막는다. 킹 커틀러는 잭과 스티브를 고래잡이 배에 팔아 넘기려고 하지만 실패한다. 잭은 자신이 써던크로스의 지휘를 맡게 된 사실을 알게 된다. 하지만 아팠던 데보로 준장이 죽고 스티브가 데보로 회장이 된다. 그렇게 되면 자신이 지휘를 하지 못하게 될 거란 걸 킹으로부터 들은 잭은 킹과 돈을 잡고 일부러 써던크로스를 난파 시키기로 한다. 써던크로스는 난파당하고 재판을 하게 된다. 재판을 하는 과정에서 배에 록시의 사촌인 드루실라가 몰래 탔다는 사실이 드러난다. 증거를 찾기 위해 잭과 스티브는 난파당한 배를 찾아간다. 바다 속에서 왕문어가 나타나 스티브가 위험에 빠진다. 잭은 스티브를 구하고 자신은 죽는다. 해적들의 모든 소행이 밝혀지자 킹의 동생인 댄을 사랑하는 드루실라가 죽은 걸 알고, 킹의 모든 짓을 이야기하려 하지만 킹은 동생을 쏴 죽인다. 위기의 상황에서 필 선장은 킹을 죽이고 록시와 스티브는 연인으로 발전한다.
Director of Photography
A man thinks his high-spirited wife is cheating on him.
Director of Photography
John Evans encounters his lookalike, Malcolm Scott. When Scott is killed in an accident, Evans finds himself mistaken for Scott and decides to do some good in his new role.
Director of Photography
After a young woman is coerced into prostitution and her brother framed for murder by an organized crime syndicate, retribution in the form of an ape visits the mobsters.
Director of Photography
프레스턴 스터지스가 시나리오를 쓰고 직접 감독한 고전적인 로맨틱 코미디로 헨리 폰다와 바바라 스탠윅이 주연을 맡았다. 재기 넘치고 생기발랄한 남녀간의 밀고 당기는 싸움을 그린 이 영화에서 헨리 폰다는 대부호의 상속자, 찰스 파이크를 연기했다. 뱀에 관한 전문가인 찰스는 아마존에서 일년간의 연구를 마치고 뉴욕으로 돌아오는 여객선에 오른다. 승선하자마자 찰스는 능력 있는 결혼상대자를 찾는 배 안의 미혼여성들의 관심의 초점이 되는데, 찰스를 주의 깊게 보는 사람들 중에 전문도박사들인 해리 해링턴 대령(찰스 코번)과 그의 파트너 제랄드, 그리고 대령의 딸 진(바바라 스탠윅)이 있었다. 만찬장에서 모든 여성들이 찰스에게 눈독 들이는 걸 지켜보던 진은 찰스의 발을 걸어 그의 관심을 끄는데 성공한다. 대령과 제랄드는 찰스를 속이기 쉬운 상대로 보고 게임을 하려고 하지만 진 역시 찰스에게 끌리는 자신을 발견하고는 놀란다. 그러던 중, 어린 시절부터 찰스를 돌봐온 경호원 먹시는 대령과 진이 전문도박사임을 증명하는 사진을 찰스에게 보여준다. 충격을 받은 찰스는 진에게 사기꾼임을 알고 거짓으로 그녀에게 끌리는 척했다고 말한다. 화가 난 진은 복수를 다짐하고 영국의 귀족 여인, 레이디 이브로 행세하며 다시 찰스 앞에 나타난다. 찰스는 진과 똑같이 생긴 레이디 이브를 보며 혼란스러우면서도 또다시 이브에게 빠져드는데…
Director of Photography
An office clerk loves entering contests in the hopes of someday winning a fortune and marrying the girl he loves. His latest attempt is the Maxford House Coffee Slogan Contest. As a joke, some of his co-workers put together a fake telegram which says that he won the $25,000 grand prize.
Director of Photography
Texas Ranger Dusty Rivers ("Isn't that a contradiction in terms?", another character asks him) travels to Canada in the 1880s in search of Jacques Corbeau, who is wanted for murder. He wanders into the midst of the Riel Rebellion, in which Métis (people of French and Native heritage) and Natives want a separate nation. Dusty falls for nurse April Logan, who is also loved by Mountie Jim Brett. April's brother is involved with Courbeau's daughter Louvette, which leads to trouble during the battles between the rebels and the Mounties. Through it all Dusty is determined to bring Corbeau back to Texas (and April, too, if he can manage it.)
Director of Photography
At a family gathering, an elderly man reflects on the follies of his youth during his freshman year at college.
Director of Photography
A high-school student in a small town becomes smitten with the sophisticated new girl who's just arrived from Chicago. Based on Booth Tarkington's story.
Director of Photography
In his last film assignment, portly Walter Connolly fills the title role (in more ways than one) in The Great Victor Herbert. Very little of Herbert's life story is incorporated in the screenplay (a closing title actually apologizes for the film's paucity of cold hard facts); instead, the writers allow the famed composer's works to speak for themselves. In the tradition of one of his own operettas, Herbert spends most of his time patching up the shaky marriage between tenor John Ramsey (Allan Jones) and Louise Hall (Mary Martin). Many of Herbert's most famous compositions are well in evidence, including "Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life", "March of the Toys" and "Kiss Me Again", the latter performed con brio by teenaged coloratura Susanna Foster. Evidently, the producers were able to secure the film rights for the Herbert songs, but not for the stage productions in which they appeared, which may explain such bizarre interpolations as having a song from Naughty Marietta.
Director of Photography
Jackie Cooper stars in this first film in the wholesome "Henry Aldrich" series of teen comedies.
Director of Photography
Lem Schofield, a lawyer in a one-time small-town turned industrialized big city, runs his firm on examples set by Abraham Lincoln and is a friend to the poor. Clay Clinton, his late partner's son joins the firm but is anxious for fast success and considers Schofield's old-fashioned principles antiquated. Being in love with Schofield's daughter and impatient for success he moves to offices supplied by the city's most powerful industrialist, J.T. Tapley, who has plans to use Clay's good family lineage as a stepping stone to political power. The unscrupulous Tapley precipitates a strike in his factory mill which causes a rupture between the former partners. Schofield sets out to bring Tapley and his political henchmen to justice.
Director of Photography
One of the last bills signed by President Lincoln authorizes pushing the Union Pacific Railroad across the wilderness to California. But financial opportunist Asa Barrows hopes to profit from obstructing it. Chief troubleshooter Jeff Butler has his hands full fighting Barrows' agent, gambler Sid Campeau; Campeau's partner Dick Allen is Jeff's war buddy and rival suitor for engineer's daughter Molly Monahan. Who will survive the effort to push the railroad through at any cost?
Director of Photography
An American golf pro falls in love with a woman while visiting France; before long they are married and in the US. Upon their arrival, they are dismayed to discover that the golfer's parents have arranged for him to marry a wealthy socialite so they can use her money to support their business....
Director of Photography
Jim and Walter are two brother sailors in the United States Navy. Walter tells Jim as soon as they get home he is going to ask his beautiful girlfriend, Nancy Larkin to marry him. But Jim is also in love with Nancy so he begs Nancy's ugly duckling sister, Letty to help break Walter and Nancy up. Letty agrees only under one condition, he help her to win Walter!
Director of Photography
Prep football star Jimmy Howal gets a reception far different from what he expected when he enters West Point.
Director of Photography
Notorious racketeer Joe Albany kills James Flowers when he discovers he is embezzling from the club they own. Joe escapes through a window and hails a taxi, but when he gets nervous at the sound of sirens, he jumps out. Hardware salesman Peter Harris accidentally hits Joe with his car, and unharmed, Joe seizes this opportunity to hide in Peter's car. Peter is so drunk that Joe is able to con him into believing that he is Charles Edwards, a fellow hardware man who was with him at a convention, and in the guise of friendship, accompanies Peter to his suburban home. The next morning, Joe gets antsy and wants to leave, but Peter's family, his wife Mary, young son Robert and daughter Jane all entreat him to stay.
Director of Photography
Gracie Alden tries to graduate from college to get an inheritance.
Director of Photography
French pirate Jean Lafitte rescues a girl and joins the War of 1812.
Director of Photography
An ad man gets his model girlfriend to pose as a debutante for a new campaign.
Director of Photography
The setting is a small town in 1870s Pennsylvania. Sally Waterson and her father have stopped in town with their traveling medicine show, but when their wagon catches fire, they find themselves stranded. They're taken in by Mrs. Cortlandt and her grandson, Peter, who is trying to set up a pipeline that will supply oil throughout the state. Sally and Peter soon fall in love and marry. Neither their marriage nor Peter's pipe dreams flow too smoothly.
Director of Photography
Drummond manages to save a woman from jumping in front of his car but she runs away with his car. He traces her and she asks him to help her out of a dangerous situation.
Director of Photography
China, 1930s, during the ravaging civil war. General Pen entrusts O'Hara, an intrepid American adventurer, with the mission of providing a large sum of money to Mr. Wu with the task of buying weapons in Shanghai to help end General Yang's tyranny that keeps an entire province under his ruthless iron boot.
Director of Photography
남북 전쟁 직후 존라티머가 인디언들에게 총을 밀매하려 하면서 이야기가 시작된다. 이를 막기 위해 서부 개척자의 정의로운 사내 대장부인 빌 힉콕과 그의 친구 버팔로 빌 코디는 그를 쫓는다. 시끄러운 칼라미티 제인은 빌 힉콕을 사랑하지만, 빌은 그런 그녀를 피하고만 싶다. 그는 여자나 가정 그리고 결혼에 대한 생각보다 자유로운 생활이 아직 더 좋다. 빌은 인디언들과 평화롭게 지내려 했으나 칼라미티가 인디언들에게 붙잡히자 마음을 바꾼다. 그녀를 구하려 가다가 빌 힉콕 자신이 붙잡히게 되고 칼라미티가 그를 구한다. 결국 빌은 라티머를 처라하지만, 다른 사람에게 죽음을 당한다.
Director of Photography
In London, August 1914, Austrian star Elsa Duranyi (Gertrude Michael) and English matinee idol Alan Barclay (Herbert Marshall) are in love and plan an immediate marriage. But the War comes and Elsa mysteriously disappears. Alan's ease in speaking German results in his appointment to the British Intelligence and, to aid his use as a spy, they announce he was killed in action. He takes the name and personality of "shell-shocked" Hans Teller, a German prisoner, and is sent into Germany on an exchange of prisoners.
Director of Photography
After being introduced to the world of opera, a fisherman (Jan Kiepura) falls for a woman (Swarthout) whose guardian is a noted composer (Philip Merivale). They met when the fisherman evaded the police by seeking refuge in the village church. While there, they are each captivated by hearing the other singing Mass. The beautiful woman falls in love with the fisherman with the wonderful voice.
Director of Photography
During the American Civil War, Valette Bedford waits patiently for her husband Duncan Bedford, to return home, praying that she will not become a widow.
Director of Photography
King Richard the Lionhearted launches a crusade to preserve Christianity in Jerusalem.
Director of Photography
Secretary Marilyn David falls in love with British aristocrat Charles Gray, to the dismay of her best friend, reporter Peter Dawes, who secretly loves her. When Peter learns that the already-engaged Charles has hurt Marilyn, he fabricates an article casting her as the "No Girl" who refused to marry a callous aristocrat. But when the publicity brings Marilyn unexpected fame, and Charles returns, she is forced to choose between the two men.
Director of Photography
The queen of Egypt barges the Nile and flirts with Mark Antony and Julius Caesar.
Director of Photography
On the wharfs of San Francisco, saloon girl Toy, also known as Mary, lives over Mother Bright's bar. When Como Murphy, a fugitive from the law, hides in her room, she falls in love with him. He explains that after he spoke out about the rights of man to a crowd, a riot ensued, during which a policeman was killed. Como took the gun from the killer, but is thought to be guilty of the crime himself. Como, who reciprocates Mary's love, spends the night with her, but leaves to keep her out of danger. He joins the crew of a ship sailing to China after he is befriended by Turk, a big lumbering sailor who is also in love with Mary. Each man is unaware that they love the same woman.
Director of Photography
광고미술을 하는 길다는 파리행 기차에서 젊은 예술가 조지와 토마스를 만난다. 두 청년은 동시에 길다의 매력에 빠지고, 그녀를 사랑하게 된다. 두 청년 중 한 명을 선택할 수 없던 길다는 그들의 친구이자 뮤즈가 되어 셋이 함께 지내자고 제안한다. 그러나 그들의 플라토닉러브는 유통기한이 그리 길지 않고, 그들의 관계에는 균열이 생긴다.
노엘 카워드의 동명희곡을 각색한 작품으로, 루비치는 세 남녀의 모호한 관계를 통해 할리우드의 도덕성을 꼬집는다.
Director of Photography
Middle-aged dentist Biff Grimes reminisces about his unrequited love for beautiful Virginia Brush and her husband Hugo, his ex-friend, who betrayed him.
Director of Photography
After her father dies, Lily moves to the city to live with her strict aunt. During the day Lily works in her aunt's bookstore, and at night she sneaks across the street to model for Richard, a sculptor with whom she falls in love. A patron of Richard's, Baron von Merzbach, develops an interest in Lily that may not be with the best of intentions.
Director of Photography
This drama offers a few slices from the lives of those who live, work, and travel upon a luxurious trans-atlantic ocean liner.
Director of Photography
악명 높은 도둑이면서 상류 사회의 신사이기도 한 가스통은 베니스에서 아름다운 귀부인 릴리를 만난다. 그런데 릴리 역시 귀족 행세를 하지만 정교한 실력을 가진 소매치기였다. 서로의 실력에 반한 두 사람은 사랑에 빠지고, 함께 파리로 건너가 유명 향수 회사를 소유한 콜레 여사의 금고를 털 계획을 세운다. 그런데 콜레 여사가 신분을 위장한 가스통에게 관심을 보이고, 가스통 역시 여사에게 특별한 감정을 느낀다. 릴리는 금세 두 사람 사이의 이상 기류를 눈치채고는 질투심에 사로잡히는데...
지적이면서도 우아하고 유쾌한 농담이 빛나는 ‘루비치 터치’가 돋보이는 에른스트 루비치의 대표작이며, 로맨틱 코미디의 원형이라 할 수 있는 작품이다.
Director of Photography
파리의 양복재단사 모리스는 바레즈 자작에게 값비싼 양복을 만들어주지만, 귀족의 허울뿐인 자작은 재단비를 지불하지 못한다. 결국 모리스는 자작의 성을 찾아가는데, 당황한 자작은 가족들에게 모리스를 남작이라 소개한다. 겁을 내던 모리스도 아름다운 미망인 자넷을 보자 그녀의 마음을 얻기 위해 남작 행세를 이어간다. 마물리언의 뮤지컬 코미디. 배우의 노래와 필름 편집을 절묘하게 결합한 방식이나 한 노래를 여러 배우들이 이어 부르는 방식은 당대엔 매우 혁신적이었다. (2015 영화의 전당 - 세계영화사의 위대한 유산 - 월드시네마 XII)
Director of Photography
When Stephen, the husband of Gerald’s mistress, Claire, discovers a pair of tickets for their planned trip to Venice, Gerald must invent a wife to cover their tracks. He is then forced to hire a woman to play “his wife” when Stephen insists he and Claire accompany them to Venice.
Director of Photography
앙드레는 사랑스러운 부인 콜레트와 행복한 결혼생활을 하고 있다. 그러나 콜레트가 친구 미치를 소개하면서부터 두 사람의 믿음은 흔들리기 시작한다. 바람둥이 미치의 집요한 유혹에 완강히 저항하던 앙드레는 결국 그녀의 귀여운 매력에 굴복하고 만다. 한편 미치와 이혼하고 싶어하는 그녀의 남편은 증거를 잡으려고 미치의 뒤를 밟는다. 루비치 자신의 무성영화 (1924)을 리메이크한 작품. 그러나 당시 이혼을 겪은 루비치는 결혼에 대해 한층 더 냉소적인 시선을 보여준다. 최상의 플롯과 활기찬 대사, 아름다운 노래, 탁월한 연기가 어우러진 가장 매혹적인 로맨틱 코미디 뮤지컬. 특히 이중의미와 오해와 억측이 낳은 마지막 장면은 루비치 영화 중 가장 즐겁고 유쾌한 장면이라고 할 수 있다.
Director of Photography
음악가를 꿈꾸던 폴은 1차 세계 대전에 참전했다가 전투 도중 독일군 발터를 죽이고 만다. 종전 후에도 엄청난 죄책감에 시달리던 폴은 발터의 가족을 찾아 독일로 가는데, 발터의 가족과 약혼녀는 폴이 반갑지 않다. 하지만 가족들은 이 낯선 프랑스 청년에게서 발터의 모습을 발견한다. 모리스 로스탕의 동명 희곡을 바탕으로 한 반전(反戰) 드라마로, 루비치 특유의 유쾌한 로맨틱 코미디에서 살짝 벗어난 작품. 전쟁과 평화, 용서와 화해의 묵직한 주제들을 진지하게 다루었다. ((재)영화의전당)
Director of Photography
At her Chinese father's bidding, a woman goes to murder an enemy and meets a Scotland Yard detective.
Director of Photography
A wealthy New York socialite falls for and marries a cowboy while out West. Her father disinherits her, and after trying to make a go of it as a cowboy's wife, they agree to divorce and she returns back east to her family. However, she soon changes her mind and determines to get her husband back.
Director of Photography
Chick Hewes is released from prison and finds work as an accountant. Two years later, Chick's crooked friend, Benny LaMarr, to whom he is indebted for past kindnesses, steals a diamond necklace from the home safe of the district attorney. When the district attorney threatens to accuse the police of inefficiency in crime fighting, Garvey, who is campaigning for the office of police commissioner, promises to catch the thief in twenty-four hours.
Director of Photography
A society gigolo goes after a rich mother and her daughter, but tries to find true happiness with his girlfriend, who is neither rich nor in "society."
Director of Photography
A young American girl visits Paris accompanied by her fiancee and her wealthy uncle. There she meets and is romanced by a worldly novelist; what she doesn't know is that he is a blackmailer who is using her to get to her uncle.
Director of Photography
Theater usherette Bunny O'Day (Clara Bow) inadvertently becomes hostess of a private gambling den, and gets involved in a romance with a ne'er-do-well gambler.
Director of Photography
A countess fleeing her husband mistakes a count for her hairdresser at a Monte Carlo casino.
Director of Photography
The company of a musical comedy gets shipwrecked on a tropical island inhabited by a "king" from Brooklyn and his coterie of wild native girls.
Director of Photography
Ruby is a counter girl at the San Diego Soda Shop with a habit of being a girlfriend to Sailors stopping by. Things get a little zany when she sets her eyes on Bull's Eye McCoy a gunner who refuses to settle down.
Director of Photography
Outlaw Llano Kid poses as a rich Mexican widow's son and falls in love with a cousin.
Director of Photography
The queen of mythical Sylvania marries a courtier, who finds his new life unsatisfying.
Director of Photography
Charming Sinners was a stilted adaptation of Somerset Maugham's play The Constant Wife. Robert Miles (Clive Brook) starts the ball rolling when he falls in love with Anne-Marie Whitley (Mary Nolan), the best friend of his own wife Kathryn (Ruth Chatterton). In retaliation, Kathryn begins a flirtation with her former boyfriend Karl Kraley (William Powell). After reels and reels of verbal fencing, the status quo is re-established, and Robert and Kathryn are reunited.
Mississippi, 1830's. Tom Rumsford comes back to Magnolia Landing, his parents'estate. Having been brought up in the North by Quaker relatives, he just hates violence and accordingly refuses a duel. As this is the only way in the South to settle a dispute between gentlemen, Tom's father is so infuriated by his behavior that Tom has no other choice but leave. Away from Magnolia Landing, Tom learns bravery and returns seven years later as "the notorious Colonel Blake", the terror of the Lower Mississippi.
Director of Photography
Philandering actor Richard Hardell is murdered at a movie studio. His jealous wife Blanche, his director Rupert Borka, and a girl he mistreated, Helen MacDonald, all have substantial reasons for having wanted him dead.
Director of Photography
Wild girls at a college pay more attention to parties than their classes. But when one party girl, Stella Ames, goes too far at a local bar and gets in trouble, her professor has to rescue her. Gossip linking the two escalates until Stella proves she is decent by shielding an innocent girl and winning the professor's respect.
Director of Photography
A silent film directed by Ludwig Berger.
Director of Photography
Rachel becomes the leading actress in the Comédie Française through the patronage of three influential men: Baron Hartman, the wealthiest man in France; Count Vareski, a relative of Napoleon; and Dr. Durande. All three men are in love with her, but she throws them over when she falls in love with Raoul Duval....
Director of Photography
Patience Winslow is an impulsive heiress who marries a much-older man whom she really doesn't love. While honeymooning on her yacht without her new husband, Patience is marooned on a desert island with handsome Captain Edmunds. Her head full of notions that she's gleaned from radio dramas and pulp novels, Patience demands that she and Edmunds enter into an in-name-only marriage, observing the responsibilities and proprieties of matrimony without the sexual entanglements. Complications naturally arise.
Director of Photography
A woman allows her husband, who she knows no longer loves her, to believe that she has been killed in a train wreck. Her husband later finds her as a hostess in a gambling den.
Lizzie Stokes, an obscure and colorless actress, is elevated to stardom through publicity and better coaching from Daniel Hoffman, a theatrical producer. As Olga Rostova, an exotic Russian, she meets Norman Brooke, whose infatuation turns to love. Hoffman suggests that Norman could never care for Lizzie and proves his point. Heartbroken, Lizzie decides to see no more of him. On closing night, when he proposes to her in her dressing room and she refuses, Norman declares he must believe all the lurid details of her past; in desperation, she bares her true identity, only to find it is not her glamorous image but rather her real self that he loves.
Director of Photography
The story takes place in Milwaukee during the early 1900s with a bank clerk named August Schiller who is happy with both his job and his family. He is tasked with transporting $1,000 in securities to Chicago. On the train he meets a blond seductress who convinces him to buy her a bottle of champagne, and takes him to a saloon. The next morning he awakes alone in a dilapidated bedroom and without the securities.
Director of Photography
Though billed second, the stunningly beautiful Louise Brooks is the focal point of the campus comedy Rolled Stockings. It's the old one about two collegiate brothers, Jim and Ralph Treadway (James Hall, Richard Arlen), in love with the same girl, Carol Fleming (Brooks).
Director of Photography
A young flapper tricks her childhood sweetheart into marrying her. He really loves another woman, but didn't marry her for fear the marriage would end in divorce, like his parents'. Complications ensue.
Director of Photography
Rafi arrives in the city in search of Pervaneh who was taken by the Sultan. He is joined by Hassan the confectioner. Rafi is captured by the Sultan, but Hassan leads a surprise attack on the palace and the lovers are united.
Director of Photography
On her way to the theater, Vera, star of a Russian vaudeville troupe, is rescued from a falling girder by Eugene Foster, a wealthy broker who persists in his efforts to win the girl. Foster engages the troupe to perform at his home, and Vera, stunned by a fall, awakens to find Foster pleading his love, while Norodin, her partner who loves her, sees them embrace. Norodin, who performs an underwater stunt, asks Vera not to be present for his act and causes her to believe him dead; heartbroken, Vera tells Foster of her mistake; and enraged, he attempts to seize her. The magician appears, pins Foster to the wall with knives, and advises him to leave before the last blade is thrown.
Director of Photography
Convent-bred to assume her position of nobility when the time comes, Princess Antoinette plays hooky from school one day to attend a theatrical performance. Here she meets a handsome young American, and it's love at first sight. Meanwhile, in the Princess' home country, the Prime Minister plots to quell a rebellion by arranging a marriage between Antoinette and the Grand Duke.
Director of Photography
A 1925 film directed by Sidney Franklin.
Director of Photography
After being educated in England, Daisy Forbes returns to China, the country of her birth, and discovers that her father has recently died and that she has become a social outcast, owing to the public revelation that the oriental nurse who raised her was actually her mother...
Director of Photography
Jean and Marise, young lovers forced from their homes, flee to Paris. Irrevocably separated there, their lives deviate into the slums and hard labor of low-class French society. All the while, the two desperately search for one another.
Director of Photography
A Spanish soldier seduces and falls in love with the young wife of a smuggler.
Director of Photography
A 1921 film.
Director of Photography
On a beach in southern Italy, Gianna Russelli practices her dancing with her devoted brother Russino, looking forward to the day when she will begin formal dance studies. One day the beautiful Countess Michetti comes to the village and engages in a flirtation with Russino, but when her former lover, Prince Viscomte, arrives with his closest friend, Count Paul Trovelli, the countess resumes her affair with the prince.