Eileen Crowe

Eileen Crowe

출생 : 1899-03-02,

사망 : 1978-05-08

프로필 사진

Eileen Crowe

참여 작품

Girl with Green Eyes
Mrs. Byrne
Catholic-Irish farm girl Kate, along with her gregarious best friend Baba, moves to Dublin to pursue a more exciting life.
Cradle of Genius
Cradle of Genius is a 1961 Irish short documentary film directed by Paul Rotha on the history of the Abbey Theatre. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.
A Terrible Beauty
Mrs. Kathleen O'Neill
In 1941, the IRA plans a campaign to coincide with the planned German invasion of England. Dermott O'Neil finds it easy to get into the IRA, but can he get out?
Home Is the Hero
Daylia O'Reilly
This well-acted drama about an Irishman just released from jail is filled with rich characterization. The story is adapted from a stage play by Walter Macken who also plays the role of the ex-convict Paddo in this screen version. Direction is by J. Fielder Cook. Once Paddo returns home after being sentenced to five years for killing a man, his old friends try to put him back in their niche of local hero but Paddo will have none of it. He is disillusioned and changed. His son Willie (Arthur Kennedy) walks with a limp that keeps him too self-conscious to assert himself as he would like with the young woman of his dreams. While other people come in and out of Paddo's life, from his taciturn friend the trapper to the local tinker, it is Paddo's son Willie suffering from his own disability who makes the difference in his father's life.
라이징 오브 더 문
Mrs. O'Hara - Police Sergeant's Wife (3rd Episode)
영화는 세 개의 짧은 에피소드들을 통해 아일랜드 사람들의 애국심과 향토의식을 그리고 있는데, 첫 번째 에피소드인 "법의 권위 The Majesty of the Law"는 나쁜 술을 만든 양조업자를 패주고 당당하게 감옥으로 향하는 한 늙은 양조업자를, 두 번째 에피소드인 "1분간의 정차 A Minute's Wait"에서는 무질서한 기차역에서 벌어지는 우스꽝스런 소동을, 세 번째 에피소드인 이 영화는 도망중인 혁명분자와 그가 곤경에서 벗어나도록 돕는 경찰의 이야기다. 존 포드의 가장 개인적인 영화로 꼽히는 이 영화는 무르나우를 연상케 하는 몽환적 이미지와 사무치는 비애의 정조를 마술적으로 결합한다. 존 포드의 저평가된 걸작 중의 하나.
말 없는 사나이
Mrs. Elizabeth Playfair
미국에서 아일랜드로 온 숀은 곧장 이니스프리로 향한다. 동네 사람들은 그를 관광객이라 생각하지만 사실 7대 째 이 마을에서 나고 자란 토박이 출신이다. 마을에 도착한 숀은 양을 돌보는 아름다운 여인 메리를 만나 첫 눈에 사랑에 빠지지만 자신이 태어났던 옛 집의 소유권 문제 때문에 메리의 오빠 레드와 다투기 시작한다.
Steel Town
Millie McNamara
Steve Kostain (Lund), nephew of the owner, begins working at a steel mill to learn the business from the bottom up. He rooms with a steel working family, the McNamaras, and falls for the daughter, "Red" (Sheridan), who is already involved with another steelworker, Jim (Duff.) Although he is at first has a hard time with his co-workers, he eventually wins them over, and also wins the girl.
Top o' the Morning
Biddy O'Devlin
A singing insurance investigator comes to Ireland to recover the stolen Blarney Stone...and romance the local policeman's daughter.
Hungry Hill
Life becomes a tragedy for the wife of an Irish heir to a 19th-century family feud and fortune.
The Plough and the Stars
Bessie Burgess
A husband clashes with his wife over his membership to the Irish citizen army during the Easter rebellion.