Yann Goven

Yann Goven

프로필 사진

Yann Goven

참여 작품

클로즈 에너미
Fernandez, narcotics squad
빈민가 출신으로 마약 단속반 형사가 된 드리스는 어릴 적 같은 동네에서 지냈지만 지금은 범죄 조직에 가담해있는 임마한느와 내통해 조직을 일망타진하려 한다. 그러던 중 임마한느가 살해당하고, 현장에 함께 있던 마누엘은 용의자로 지목된다. 범죄 소탕과 복수라는, 서로 다른 이유로 같은 목표를 가지게 된 마누엘과 드리스는 진짜 살인범을 잡기 위해 손을 잡지만, 마누엘마저 표적이 되어 목숨의 위협을 받게 되는데…
몽 루아
스키사고로 심각한 부상을 당한 토니는 재활을 위해 센터에 입원하게 된다. 상처를 치료할수록, 더 강하게 떠오르는 사랑의 기억. 뜨겁게 사랑했지만, 이제는 차갑게 식어버린, 함께 할 수도 없고, 없이 살 수도 없는 그와의 추억이 또 다른 상처로 남겨지는데……
신의 이름으로
독립 전쟁이 한창이던 1954년 알제리. 목동들에게 불어를 가르치며 살고 있는 전직 군인 ‘다루’에게 어느 날 예기치 못한 명령이 내려진다. 사촌을 죽인 죄로 붙잡힌 ‘모하메드’를 팅기트로 인도해 재판 받게 하라는 것. 그를 데려가 죽이라는 것과 다름없는 명령을 도저히 따를 수 없는 ‘다루’와 자신은 반드시 팅기트에 가야만 한다는 ‘모하메드’. 결국 함께 길을 떠난 두 사람은 팅기트로 향하는 길에 알제리 독립군과 프랑스 정부군 간의 교전에 인질로 잡히고 마는데…
Un voyage
A couple leaves their child at kindergarten one Friday morning. The child's grandmother will pick the child up in the evening and look after him during the weekend. The parents are going on a journey to another country.
Ab Irato, sous l'empire de la colère
사랑을 부르는 이름
Le pianiste
바야 벤마무드는 알제리인과 유대인 부모를 둔 여자로 성관계를 통해 보수주의자들을 설득시키는 게 주특기다. 아르튀르 마르탱은 가전제품 회사 이름을 가진 꽉 막힌 중년 남자다. 웃긴 이름을 가졌다는 것 빼고는 정반대인 둘이 사랑에 빠진다.
Nina's House
Starting in 1944 in the wake of the Liberation and continuing into the '60s, 'houses of hope' were established to lend a semblance of continuity to youngsters orpahaned by the war. Nina's Home takes place between September 1944 and January 1946 in an orphanage housed in a chateau outside Paris. At the outset, the country residence is run by Nina who has a core population of French Jewish children whose parents are probably dead. Food is scarce. News of the Concentration Camps hasn't hit yet, but some months later, a contingent of youths arrive form the liberated camps. The children are a disparate, wild, damaged group and conflicts ensue. Nina's challenge is to help them make their first delicate moves toward the future and in the process restore all of them, including herself, to life.
A dramatic love story, set in 1968 in the Gévaudan region. Jacques, in his thirties, is driving at high speed on a steep road. He is drunk. At the same time, in a hospital, Lou, his wife, gives birth to their child, but the delivery goes badly. When the child appears, Lou is still sleeping. Jacques tries to forget their existence in the arms of a girl.
La vie nue
The story is inspired by the biblical myth of Lazarus. The main character is called Lazarus who was a follower of Jesus, brother of Martha and Mary who was resurrected by Jesus.
Martha... Martha
Having received a frosty reception when visiting her parents, Martha drags her husband Reymond and infant daughter Lise to Spain, to renew her acquaintance with her estranged sister Marie. After a quarrel, Marthe and her family return to France, where the young mother shows signs of increasing mental instability. Abandoning her family, Marthe goes to town to get drunk and ends up being raped. With Marthe in a psychiatric hospital, Reymond is left to take care of Lise alone whilst struggling to make a living selling second hand clothes in an open-air market. When Marthe leaves hospital, Reymond takes her and Lise to a holiday home in the country. But Martha’s illness is far from cured…
De l'histoire ancienne
Guy's father was a hero during the French Resistance era but he never talks about it, or so little. When he dies,Guy, his brother and his sister have him incinerated, following a wish their dad had expressed when he was still alive. But Guy soon starts feeling uncomfortable about this move. Haven't they, by cremating the body of their father, make a hero disappear from man's memory? Haven't they used the same method as the Nazis to get rid of the remains of a hated enemy?
Les derniers hommes
March 1945. The Japanese army launches a sudden and extremely brutal assault against the French garrisons in the Far East. Thousands of civilians and soldiers were executed. Hunted by the Japanese enemy, a column of legionnaires already weakened by alcohol and disease decides to enter the jungle to try to reach China and the allied bases.