Self (archive footage)
Making-of documentary about the 1933 musical, 42nd Street.
Shimkey (uncredited)
금주법 시대의 뉴요크. 몰래 술을 빚어 치부한 캬바레 주인 유드는 길거리 사과장수 노파 애니의 사과가 행운을 가져다 준다고 믿고 무슨 일이 있을 때마다 그 사과를 산다. 애니는 스페인에 살고 있는 딸 루이즈에게 생활비를 보내느라 고통을 받고 있었는데...딸에게 자신이 귀부인이라고 거짓말을 한 뒷골목의 여장부를 위해서 모든 뒷골목 사람들이 힘을 합쳐서 그녀를 잠시 귀부인으로 변모시켜주는 이 인정이 넘치는 스토리에는, 비록 밑바닥 인생이지만 의리 하나만은 한결같은 서민들의 끈끈한 정이 전편을 흐르고 있다. 뉴욕의 멋쟁이 데이브는 사과 행상 애니의 사과가 늘 자신에게 행운을 가져다 준다고 믿는다. 여느 때와 마찬가지로 데이브는 애니를 찾아가는데, 그녀는 무척이나 불안정한 모습이다. 사실 애니에게는 어릴 때 유럽으로 보낸 딸 루이즈가 있는데, 루이즈는 어느새 장성해 명문가 자제와의 결혼을 앞두고 있다. 그런데 루이즈의 뉴욕 방문을 앞두고, 애니는 자신을 부유한 귀부인으로 알고 있는 딸과 예비 사위에게 정체가 탄로날까 봐 걱정이 태산이다. 카프라는 오랫동안 자신의 작품 (1933)를 다시 만들고 싶어했는데, 약 20년 후에 결국 리메이크작 을 내놓았으며, 이는 카프라의 마지막 장편영화가 된다. 이후 이 작품을 토대로 성룡은 자신이 연출은 물론, 매염방과 함께 주연을 맡은 작품 (1989)을 만든다.
Proprietor (uncredited)
소문난 도둑 대니 오션은 뉴저지 감옥으로부터 출소한 후 채 24시간이 되기도 전에 '한탕'을 구상한다. 그는 최상급 라스베가스 호텔 세 곳의 카지노로부터 1억 5천만불을 터는 희대의 범죄를 계획하고, 작업에 동참할 11명의 멤버를 모은다. 목표로 삼은 카지노들은 품위를 갖춘 동시에 냉혹한 기업가인 테리 베네딕트의 소유. 드디어 세계 챔피온 타이틀 매치가 벌어지는 밤, '사상 최대의 작전'은 시작된다.
New York Bar Gibson Girl Fan (uncredited)
Insurance salesman Milford Farnsworth sells a man a life policy only to discover that the man in question is the outlaw Jesse James. Milford is sent to buy back the policy, but is robbed by Jesse. And when Jesse learns that Milford's boss is on the way out with more cash, he plans to rob him too and have Milford get killed in the robbery while dressed as Jesse, and collect on the policy.
Toothpick Charlie
색스폰 연주자인 조와 베이스 바이올린 연주자 제리는 갱단의 살인장면을 우연히 목격하게 된다. 얼굴이 노출되고 얼떨결에 갱들에게 쫓기는 신세가 되어 버린 두 사람은 도시를 무사히 빠져나갈 방법을 궁리하게 된다. 유일한 방법은 여자로 변장하고 마이애미로 향하는 여성순회 공연단에 숨어드는 것. 감쪽같이 변장하고 오디션을 통과한 두 사람은 아름다운 여인들과 그야말로 꿈만 같은 생활을 시작하게 된다. 그 중에서도 극단의 리드싱어인 슈가에게 홀딱 반해버린 조는 서서히 그녀와 가까워진다. 조는 그녀가 좋아하는 남성상으로 자신을 위장하고 그녀에게 접근하는데...
Slim (uncredited)
1948년, 작가였던 퇴역 군인 데이브 허쉬가 형이 남아 있는 인디애나의 고향으로 돌아온다. 오래 전, 부유한 아내를 맞았던 프랭크는 데이브를 기숙 학교로 보내 버렸고, 이후로 형제의 관계는 소원해졌다. 16년 만에 고향에 돌아온 데이브는 형의 경쟁 은행에 거액을 예금한다. 데이브의 예금 소식을 들은 프랭크는 급히 동생을 찾아온다. 한편, 술기운에 인디애나까지 데이브와 함께 왔던 발랄한 여성 지니가 떠나지 않고 데이브의 곁에 머문다. 『지상에서 영원으로』의 원작자이기도 한 소설가 제임스 존스의 동명 소설을 각색했다.
The devil and the spirit of mankind argue as to whether or not humanity is ultimately good or evil.
Courageous newspaper editor Manuel Acosta Mesa tries to take on the mob in Tijuana through his newspaper, reporting on the violence, prostitution and drug sales in the border town.
A jukebox operator helps promote a calypso craze.
Barfly Dan
A prospector becomes a small town outcast after he rescues a man about to be lynched.
Mr. Trosk
Jungle natives are treated by a physician who goes against the wishes of a witch doctor to provide burn healing methods caused by radioactive rocks discovered when the elephants were felling trees.
Sibilant Sam (uncredited)
몽골족 족장 테무진은 어렸을때 아버지가 타타르 족장에게 독상당한 후 흩어진 부족민을 모아 부족의 중흥을 꾀하던 중 메르키트 족장에게 시집가던 타타르 족장의 아름다운 딸 보타이에게 마음을 빼앗기게 되어 결혼 행렬을 습격, 보타이를 취한다. 보타이를 되찾으려는 타타르족의 습격을 받아 보타이는 타타르족에게 돌아가고 테무진도 포로가 되지만 테무진을 사랑하게 된 보타이는 자신의 부족을 배신한다.
( 이 영화는 핵폭탄 실험 장소인 유타주 근처에서 촬영되었는데, 이 때문에, 웨인, 감독 딕 포웰, 수잔 헤이워스, 아그네스 무어헤드가 이른바 암으로 사망하는데 영향을 미쳤다고 전해진다. )
Roos (uncredited)
Kleptomaniac Dorothy Lyons is paroled from prison into the custody of her sister June, secretary to "reform" politician Frank Jansen. Ben Grace, associate of crime boss Sol "Solly" Caspar, sees this as a way to smear Jansen's campaign. Seductive Dorothy will do anything to get what she wants, which includes having a good time with Ben-- whom June is now in love with.
Sam Markette
넬슨 앨그렌의 소설을 바탕으로, 마약의 유혹에서 벗어나려 애쓰는 한 남자의 분투를 극도로 사실적으로 그린 걸작 드라마. 프랭크 시나트라가 헤로인 중독자 역할을 실감나게 해내며 아카데미 남우주연상 후보에 오른 영화로, 시나트라의 연기가 너무 실감났던 까닭에 검열당국으로부터 심의보류 통보를 받기도 했다고 한다. ‘황금 팔을 가진 사나이’라는 별명을 가진 전설적인 카드 도박사 프랭키는 심각한 약물중독으로 국립요양소에서 6개월간 입원치료를 받고 돌아온다. 음주운전으로 아내 조슈의 다리를 다치게 했던 그는 도박과 마약에서 손을 씻고 새 삶을 시작하려 한다. 하지만 조슈는 다리가 다 나은 것을 속이고는, 일확천금을 바라며 그를 다시 도박장으로 내몬다. 게다가 프랭키는 마약밀매상 루이스의 살해혐의까지 받게 된다.
Society Max
나싼(Nathan Detroit: 프랭크 시나트라 분)은 나이트 클럽의 가수 아델레이드(Miss Adelaide: 비비안 블레인 분)와 약혼한 사이지만 장장 14년이 지나도록 도박에 빠져 그녀와의 결혼은 안중에도 없다. 급기야 파산하기에 이른 나싼은 도박 장소를 빌리기 위한 천달러를 구하러 동분서주한다. 한편 건달들의 아지트인 타임 스퀘어. 오늘도 흥청망청한 건달들의 세계는 여전하다. 그곳에서 선교사 활동을 결심한 사라(Sarah Brown: 진 시몬스 분)는 의욕적으로 활동을 벌이려 하지만 일은 뜻대로 쉽사리 되지 않음을 깨닫는다. 결국 그녀의 선교사는 사람이 없어 문을 닫아야 할 처지에 놓인다. 뉴욕의 둘째가라면 서러울 도박사 스카이 매스터슨(Sky Masterson: 마론 브란도 분)은 궁지에 몰린 나싼과 내기를 하게 된다. 바로 그것은 스카이가 나싼이 지목하는 여자와 하바나에서 밤을 보낼 수 있는지에 관한 것. 나싼은 선교사 아가씨 사라를 가리킨다. 사라와 하바나로 가지 많으면 당장 천달러가 날아가게 생긴 스카이. 그는 꾀를 내어 사라에게 선교사에 수용할 인원 12명을 알선해 주겠다고 약속한다. 그 대가로 하바나로 향하는 스카이와 사라. 운명적인 사랑의 감정! 그러나 건달들은 사랑의 위기에 처하고. 다시 뉴욕으로 돌아온 사라는 스카이가 내기에서 이기기 위해 자신을 이용한 사실을 뒤늦게 알게 되고 그의 사랑을 거부하기로 맘먹는다. 14년간이나 나싼을 기다려 왔던 아델레이드도 나싼이 결혼을 계속 미루기만 하자 이별을 결심한다.
Story follows the rise and subsequent fall of the notorious head of a New York crime family, who decides to testify against his pals in order to avoid being killed by his fellow cohorts.
Solly, Convict Chef, segment "The Chef"
Drama set in San Quentin prison.
Executive Reception Guest
Needing to fill the position of general manager of his company, and believing that an executive's wife is crucial to her husband's success, auto industry mogul Gifford brings three couples to New York to size up: Jerry and Carol: he hard-driven and self-reliant, she willing to use her beauty to further her husband's career; Sid and Elizabeth, he ulcer-ridden and torn between achieving success and restoring their troubled marriage, she positive that his job will kill him, but gamely agreeing to play the good wife for the duration; and down-to-earth Bill, whose good-natured Katie fears that his promotion would spell the end of their idyllic familiy existence.
Louie Mott
Fed up with the raising crime in Miami, the police chief and the leading members of the city council hire a former Miami gangster, gone straight, to help eliminate the biggest crime syndicate in the city.
Brown - Medic
A tough sergeant helps a raw recruit find courage under fire during the Korean War.
Gracchus (uncredited)
티베리우스 황제 치하 18년의 로마. 마루셀루스(Marcellus Gallio : 리차드 버튼 분)는 원로원의 유명한 갈리오 의원의 아들로 여자와 도박에 빠져 지낸다. 어느 날 마르셀루스는 그리스인 노예 드미트리우스(Demetrius : 빅터 마츄 분)의 경매에서 왕세자 칼리굴라(Caligula : 제이 로빈슨 분)가 드미트리우스를 원한다는 걸 알면서도 높은 가격을 불러 드미트리우스를 차지한다. 이 일을 계기로 마르셀루스는 예루살렘 수비대로 쫓겨난다. 마르셀루스는 예루살렘에서 예수라는 청년과 다른 두 사람을 십자가형에 처한다. 그후 꿈에 예수가 걸쳤던 성의가 나타나 악몽에 시달리고, 마침내 성의를 찾아내 없애버리기로 결심한다. 그러나 성의는 자유인이 되어 떠난 드미트리우스의 손에 있었다. 마르셀루스는 드미트리우스를 찾아 나서고 그 과정에서 많은 기독교인들을 만나게 된다. 마침내 마르셀루스는 드미트리우스를 찾아 성의를 손에 넣는다. 마르셀루스가 성의에 손을 대는 순간 평화와 안식을 느끼고, 성의의 주인인 예수의 추종자로 돌아선다. 한편 칼리굴라는 마르셀루스가 기독교인의 무리에 합류했다는 소식을 접하고, 그를 체포하기 위해 혈안이 된다.
Willie, Police Desk Clerk
매카시즘이 득세했던 50년대 초반 미국사회의 강박증을 필름누아르 형식을 빌어 그려낸 사무엘 풀러의 걸작. 우연히 공산주의 스파이의 마이크로필름을 훔친 소매치기가 통제 불가능한 상황에 빠지게 되는 과정을 긴장감 넘치게 그려내고 있다. 유연하고 힘찬 카메라워크와 정교한 폭력의 안무가 일품인 작품으로, 이후 누벨바그 작가들에게 열렬한 찬사를 받았으며 사무엘 풀러의 영화적 스타일이 확립된 작품이기도 하다. 원래 제목은 ‘소매치기’로 영화 초반부의 장면은 로베르 브레송의 작품을 떠올리게 한다
Ropes McGonigle
A musical comedy based on several Damon Runyon short stories. When a bookie on the run, Robert 'Numbers' Foster, falls for a pretty country songbird, Emily Ann Stackerlee , he'll do anything to help her make it big -- including a stint in jail to pay for his crimes. But will the tough guy's sacrifice of the heart pay off when it comes to his girlfriend's singing career?
After two sailors are conned into buying a lame race-horse, they go ashore to sort out the problem, but when they realize that the horse is one of a pair of identical twins, their plan for revenge becomes more complicated.
Film Cutter
Emery Slade was one of the brightest stars in Hollywood in 1932, but by 1949 his career has hit the skids. Fortunately, he is able to convince studio head Melville Crossman to cast him in the adaptation of a hit Broadway show. Crossman has one condition: Slade must travel to New York and convince the female star of the stage production to join the film. Slade goes, but, when he eyes the winsome Julie Clarke, he hatches a different scheme.
A cowboy sets out to capture an escaped Brahma bull that is terrorizing local ranchers. Based on a story by Eli Colter that appeared in The Saturday Evening Post.
The Runt
Blackie is the natural suspect when an expensive pearl necklace is stolen while he is supposed to be guarding it.
Waiter (uncredited)
Daisy Kenyon is a Manhattan commercial artist having an affair with an arrogant and overbearing but successful lawyer named Dan O'Mara. O'Mara is married and has children. Daisy meets a single man, a war veteran named Peter Lapham, and after a brief and hesitant courtship decides to marry him, although she is still in love with Dan.
Isaac Cohen
Cultures clash when a Jewish boy wants to marry an Irish girl.
The Runt
Blackie performs in a magic show at a women's prison, which gives an inmate an opportunity to escape.
The proprietor of an ice-skating revue promotes a peanut-vendor at the show to a management position based on suggestions he made to improve the act of the show's star, who also happens to be the owner's wife. However, he soon begins to notice that his new manager is paying more attention to his wife than he believes is appropriate...
The Runt
Boston Blackie, in the 11th film of the Columbia series, indulges in some wit-trading with a squirmy spiritualist who deals in blackmail, murder and the occult. "Blackie" out to help his pal, "Runt," recover some jewels, finds himself involved in the homicides, and also finds himself as the prime suspect, and now has to find the real culprit in order to clear himself. So "Blackie,", a man of many talents and already a proved magician from cases past, shows he knows a little bit about dancing skeletons, walking phantoms and spiritualism himself, and holds a séance to unmask the murderer.
Toy Hawker (uncredited)
An actress becomes taken with Hitty, a young orphan prone to dreaming. Julie soon finds out that she is ill and has only a short time to live. She decides to adopt the child so that her husband Bill will not be alone when she dies. Unfortunately, Bill is not charmed by Hitty.
Cab Driver
In this thriller, psychiatrist Dr. Cross kills his wife and expects to get away with murder, until he discovers that the slaying was observed by a next-door neighbor, Janet Stewart. As Janet attempts to convince her husband of the doctor's dastardly deed, Cross shows up to advise him that Janet is in dire need of some in-depth counseling.
The Runt
Blackie runs into a woman he formally loved who now is married with a kid. When her husband gets out of prison he's killed in Blackie's apartment and of course the police thing Blackie pulled the trigger. Blackie must set out to prove his innocence as well as capture the real killers.
Stage Manager
Burlesque queen Doll Face Carroll is dismissed from an audition for a legitimate Broadway show because she lacks culture. Her boss/manager Mike decides that she can get both culture and plenty of publicity by writing her autobiography. He hires a ghost writer to do all the work, but doesn't count on the possibility that Doll Face and her collaborator might have more than a book on their minds.
Joe Wells
Two reporters search for a missing body in a wax museum.
The Runt
Blackie helps the police rescue hostage from an escaped maniac on a killing spree.
A meek reporter happens upon a murder, an escaped gangster and a stolen jade chess set.
The Runt
Blackie is implicated in a murder when he accidently sells a phony Charles Dickens first edition at an auction.
The Runt
After a rare gem is stolen from an exhibition at a posh hotel, Inspector Farraday decides to recruit former thief Boston Blackie to find the stone. Along with his assistant, "The Runt", Blackie focuses his investigation on the hotel manager, George Daley, and his sister, Eileen. Through disguises and ruses, Blackie and the Runt try to trick their way to discovering the thieves.
A priest relates the tale of his friend, a WWI veteran, to the Post-War Planning Committee. Unable to get a job upon his return from the war, he puts off his marriage and works for a bootlegger. He is forced to take a rap for his boss, goes to prison, and forms a gang.
"Ice Box" Hamilton
Set during Prohibition, the movie centers on Touhy's rise from small time thug to the city's most powerful bootlegger whose empire is rivaled only by that of Al Capone (who is referred to, but never named in the story). It is his rival who frames Touhy for kidnapping and arranges for him to serve a life-long term in Stateville prison. Determined to be free again, the desperate Touhy and his cellmate Basil "the Owl" Banghart, begin plotting a violent break out.
Russ Evans, A WWII veteran army pilot, decides to check up on the widow of an old war buddy of his, Elaine Graham. The logging company she inherited is doing poorly, but Elaine gets an order in for a huge shipment of lumber. Russ and his friend Squirrel volunteer to help her cut the timber for the shipment, along with her friends Smacksie Golden and his girlfriend Lil Boggs, who are not used to doing physical labor. Russ pilots the plane to deliver the lumber before the company falls to a slimy businessman.
The Runt
A mad scramble for stolen loot ensues after Boston Blackie has prisoners released for work in a wartime defence plant.
The Runt
Blackie is arrested when retrieving stolen gems from a safety deposit box for a friend.
The Runt
Blackie receives a call from a friend who asks him to retrieve some money from his apartment and deliver it to him in California. Performing this good deed, he is accused of theft, but is allowed to proceed to Hollywood to help the police find a lost diamond.
Suki Yaki
Adolf Hitler, Benito and Suki Yaki are placed in a series of Three-Stooges routines, with the premise that the Board of Directors of Hell has put the Devil on notice they intend to replace him with Adolf Hitler unless he can get Hitler to commit a good deed. The devil has his work cut out for him, and doesn't appear likely to escape being replaced by the German leader.
Filmed in the months immediately following Pearl Harbor, 20th Century-Fox's Little Tokyo USA is 63 minutes' worth of speculation about prewar Japanese espionage activities. Los Angeles cop Preston Foster suspects that there's dirty work afoot in the city's Japanese community, but no one will believe him except for intrepid girl reporter Brenda Joyce. When the spies frame Foster on a trumped-up murder charge, Joyce does a little detective work herself. The enemy agents are rounded up just before they can do any real damage. Because of its strident insistence that most (if not all) Japanese-American citizens were secretly loyal to the Rising Sun, Little Tokyo USA is seldom seen these days.
The Runt
It is the Christmas Holidays and reformed thief, Boston Blackie goes to Castle Theater to pick up players who will perform for prisoners that are still in prison. He takes a girl with him who has a brother already in prison. She has visited the prison twice in the month, so is not suppose to visit again. However when the group is completed the girl is included as well as Inspector Farrady. One of the clowns in the show is kidnapped and replaced by a con who wants to get even with two ex-partners. Boston Blackie figures out that a con has replaced one of his clowns but is unable to stop him. Blackie's clothes are stolen and a murder is committed. Of course, the Inspector immediately suspects Blackie of being involved. Now it is Blackie's job to find the killer, exonerate himself and help the girl free her brother.
Mousey Scarlatti
A New York radio personality travels to the small town of Fernville to oversee a contest to identify retired safecracker Jimmy Valentine, believed to be living there under an assumed name. The close-knit town of upstanding citizens is understandably upset by this venture, all the moreso when some of its citizens begin to be murdered. The radio personality and the local newspaper's young daughter collaborate on solving the murders while revealing Valentine, who has become one of the suspects.
Texas Ranger Buck Dunne is assigned to round up a gang of bank robbers. The leader of the gang turns out to be the "respectable" Judge Longstreth, making life difficult for Dunne inasmuch as he's in love with Longstreth's niece Barbara.
The Runt
A murder is committed during the auction of a valuable statue. The prime suspect is Boston Blackie, whose reputation for living on the edge of the law makes him an easy target for the police. When the body disappears, Blackie must find it to prove his innocence.
Based on Zane Grey's tale of a man who gains an unfair reputation as a gunfighter while out to avenge his father's death.
A publicity stunt staged on a train known as the Broadway Limited gets out of control, as no one wants to be responsible for the baby that was brought in for it.
Rich playboy Drogo Gaines is in imminent danger of marrying a gold digger, and escapes by feigning insanity. The joke's on him when he wakes up in an asylum full of comical lunatics. There he befriends Colonel Carraway, and together they escape, catching a ride with a beautiful blonde who proves to be Penguin Moore, carnival owner.
In this low-budget thriller, Peter Lorre plays Janos Szabo, an immigrant from Hungary who is a skilled craftsman. After he's caught in a fire, his face is horribly scarred; his terrifying appearance makes it impossible for him to get a job. With nowhere else to turn, Janos begins working for the criminal underworld. Janos begins having second thoughts about his life of crime when he falls in love.
Johnny Pelang
Texas Ranger Dusty Rivers ("Isn't that a contradiction in terms?", another character asks him) travels to Canada in the 1880s in search of Jacques Corbeau, who is wanted for murder. He wanders into the midst of the Riel Rebellion, in which Métis (people of French and Native heritage) and Natives want a separate nation. Dusty falls for nurse April Logan, who is also loved by Mountie Jim Brett. April's brother is involved with Courbeau's daughter Louvette, which leads to trouble during the battles between the rebels and the Mounties. Through it all Dusty is determined to bring Corbeau back to Texas (and April, too, if he can manage it.)
A con man tries to sell phony stocks to unwary investors.
Abe Gabbert
Richard Dix stars as Dave Morrell, the new marshal of Goliath, Oklahoma. Immediately upon arrival, Morrell finds himself at odds with banker Coy Barrett (Victor Jory), who is actually the leader of all local criminal activities.
Undercover agent Mark Sheldon gets paroled to a remote tropical island with a diamond mine manned by slave labor run by sadistic Stephen Danel.
On return from Europe Dr. Decker foils glamour girl Georgi from jumping overboard. At Decker's suggestion to keep busy, she assists at his clinic in the slums.
Sammy Kayn
A playwright has his career ruined when he is drunk on the first night. His wife dies having left him, and when his daughter triumphs in the revival of the play he dies contented.
A mobster's moll leads a newsman, cub reporter and photographer to a scoop.
Johnnie learns crime from petty thug Frank Wilson. When Wilson kills a pawnbroker with a gun stolen from Johnnie's sister Madge's fiance Fred Burke, Fred goes to Sing Sing's death house. Wilson uses all the pressure can to keep Johnnie silent, even after he and Johnnie themselves wind up in the big house.
Danny Welch
A racetrack melodrama, The Long Shot features Marsha Hunt and Gordon Jones as trainers of a thoroughbred horse. Despite the rivalries of their parents, the couple prepares to jointly enter the Santa Anita handicap. The odds are against their entry, but Hunt and Jones have every confidence of winning. Just before the starting bugle, gangsters intrude, demanding that the trainers throw the Big Race.
Seaman Irving Goldfarb
A naval officer is demoted for negligence and put in command of a run-down submarine chaser with a motley crew.
Mr. Morris, the owner of a large metropolitan department store, gives jobs to paroled ex-convicts in an effort to help them reform and go straight. Among his 'employed-prison-graduates' are Helen Roberts and Joe Dennis, working as sales clerks. Joe is in love with Helen and asks her to marry him, but she is forbidden to marry as she is still on parole, but she says yes and they are married. In spite of their poverty-level life, their marriage is a happy one until Joe discovers she has lied about her past, in order to marry him. Disillusioned, he leaves, goes back to his old gang and plans to rob the department store.
Harry and Joey are reluctantly out to capture "Black Pedro" the bandit.
Jerry Connors
Celebrated as supersleuth, Mr. Moto comes out fighting when a brutal boxing match turns into cold-blooded murder! Assisted by detective-in-training Lee Chan, Moto sets out to track down the killer based on a single ominous clue: a poisoned boxing glove! But when Moto's hunch points to a corrupt gambling syndicate, he's forced to wager his very life to unmask the culprit—or go down for the count...permanently!
Gyp Hatton
When a singing, song-writing prizefighter is framed for murder and sent to the state pen, his girlfriend sets out to prove his innocence.
Former bootlegger Remy Marco has a slight problem with forclosing bankers, a prospective son-in-law, and four hard-to-explain corpses.
Pete, a Reporter
The third of nine Torchy Blane movies. Angry that police detective Steve McBride (Barton MacLane) is giving preferential treatment to his reporter-fiancée, Torchy Blane (Glenda Farrell), reporters from a rival newspaper plan a fake murder with the idea that Torchy's paper will print the story and look foolish. The tables are turned when the fake murder turns out to be the genuine article.
'Tough Tony' Burke
A man who has been railroaded into prison is framed for the murder of a fellow inmate and must prove his innocence.
Mac (as George Stone)
Morning Express ace reporter 'Timmy' Blake uses her wiles and charms to get the scoop on rival papers, and keep her editor happy. When the Express gets a tip that a wealthy old man was poisoned and 'Timmy' spots the young widow in a nightclub only a day later, she descends on the town where the death took place to dig out the facts. When her reporting results in the arrest of the young widow, 'Timmy' continues to dig, since she isn't quite convinced that the facts she reported cover all the angles.
Don't Get Me Wrong is a 1937 British comedy film co-directed by Arthur B. Woods and Reginald Purdell and starring Max Miller and George E. Stone. It was made at Teddington Studios with sets designed by Peter Proud. Unlike several of Miller's Teddington films which are now lost, this still survives. Miller plays a fairground performer who meets a professor who claims to have invented a cheap substitute for petrol. They team up and persuade a millionaire to finance them to develop and market the product, while unsavoury elements are keen to steal the formula and try all means to get their hands on it, involving slapstick chases and double-crosses. It then turns out that the miracle fluid is diluted coconut oil, and the genius professor is an escaped lunatic. The millionaire finds himself taking the brunt of the disappointment.
Time marches on.
Nick Torga
Gamblers try to pressure a star hockey player into throwing a game.
In this children's adventure, the children of a small town are enthralled by the tales of the town drunk.
A young man allergic to horses decides he has to learn to play polo in order to impress the girl he loves. Comedy.
A radio commentator avenges an old wrong by blowing the whistle on Hollywood scandals
Based on the novel by Hervey Allen, this expansive drama follows the many adventures of the eponymous hero, Anthony Adverse. Abandoned at a convent by his heartless nobleman father, Don Luis, Anthony is later mentored by his kind grandfather, John Bonnyfeather, and falls for the beautiful Angela Giuseppe. When circumstances separate Anthony and Angela and he embarks on a long journey, he must find his way back to her, no matter what the cost.
Mr. Sweeney
The Jones family goes to a convention traveling in a trailer. The oldest daughter gets involved with a convict, the oldest son has a love affair, and the youngest son gets into photography.
A reporter gets himself sent to prison so he can solve a murder behind bars.
Cowboy Jeff Larabee returns from the east and meets Doris Halloway, a young girl, that he regards as a vagabond, till he learns that she's the owner of the farm where he works. He tries to win her heart, but without success, until she is endangered by gangsters
Wires Kagel
After Police Captain Dan McLaren becomes police commissioner, former detective Johnny Blake publicly punches him, convincing rackets boss Al Kruger that Blake is sincere in his effort to join the mob. "Bugs" Fenner, meanwhile, is certain that Blake is a police agent.
Man Aiding Ann (uncredited)
Fate brings a job at Boulder Dam and romance with a saloon singer into the life of a young man on the run.
A bored small-town teacher gets mixed up with an escaped bank robber.
E. Prendergast Biddle
A star rower is forced to join a good school under a pseudonym because his wealthy dad doesn't like schools that have high academic standards.
Solomon "Solly" Green
After a roustabout sailor avoids being shanghaied in 1850s San Francisco, his audacity helps him rise to a position of power in the vice industry of the infamous Barbary Coast.
Small Change
A singing medicine-show cowboy and his magician partner catch a killer.
A college economics professor's "radical" ideas about capitalism get him fired. When he decides to put those ideas into practice, he finds that they actually do generate him huge amounts of money. Soon a local banker and others who scoffed at his ideas see the amount of money he's making and try to cheat him out of his system.
G-Man Jeff Crane poses as a crook to infiltrate the notorious Purple Gang, a band of hoodlums which preys upon other hoodlums. Orchestrating the jailbreak of the gang's leader, Crane joins him in a Dillinger-like flight across the country.
Bennie South Street
A pretty young socialite falls for a charming but shady hustler, who abandons her when he finds that she has been disowned by her wealthy father. Three of the hustler's partners, who have also been left high and dry by heir former associate, come up with a plan to get her to the annual Yale-Harvard football game to reunite with her former sweetheart, an honest but nerdy bookworm.
A husband-and-wife vaudeville team disguise their young son as a girl so he can enter a contest run by a movie studio that's looking for "a new Shirley Temple".
When the romance between radio-singer Eddie Blake and Bessie Dunn goes sour through a series of misunderstanding, Bessie packs to take a week-end trip with the station boss,Stephen Barclay, and Eddie proposes to Hazel, who appears to be open to any kind of proposal. With all of the principals involved and in the office elevator, a cable breaks and the elevator is suspended between floors...and the resolvements begin.
Murder results when a group of houseguests converge on a chateau, each plotting to steal a valuable Gutenberg Bible.
Jerry Randolph is an inveterate and obnoxious practical joker. Things take a serious turn when it looks as though Jerry's latest prank has resulted in the death of his best friend.
Ken Tatum
Wonderful idea to give a party with people who dislike each other. Late at night, everyone decides to go into the pool, except Stamm, who is drunk. Montague dives in as does Greeff and Leland, but only Greeff and Leland come out. Montague is no where to be found so Leland suspects foul play and calls the cops. Luckily, Philo is with the D.A. and comes along, but they do not find Montague. When they drain the pool the next day, they find nothing except what looks like dragon prints. Philo has his suspicions and tries to piece the clues together to find out what has happened.
Soapy McCoy
"The Terror", a killer whose identity is unknown, occupies an English country house that has been converted into an inn.
Emilio Chavito
In this fictionalized biography, young Pancho Villa takes to the hills after killing an overseer in revenge for his father's death.
Abe Ruskin
Earp agrees to become marshal and establish order in Tombstone
Sammy Kohn
Jimmy Kelly, who can't hold on to a job because of his hot temper, finds his calling as a process server. He serves process on a gangster and exposes a criminal conspiracy while trying to stop his long-suffering girlfriend from taking a vacation with her lecherous boss.
A prizefighter is convicted of a murder that was actually committed by his sister.
Lighthearted comedy film following the (mis)adventures of four gold diggers.
Tim Murtoch
Gertie Waxted knows how notorious gangster Jim Crelliman runs his rackets, because she's long been under the hoodlum's thumb. She's secretly helping lawyer Jackson Durant in a snoop job aimed at pinning a murder on the thug. Her life will be in peril when that secret gets out.
A singer on a gambling ship is married to a wealthy playboy. When he is found murdered, all evidence points to her as the culprit, and she is put on trial for the crime.
Max Werner
A small-town barber finds himself short of stature but a giant in the world of stock promotion. As his bank account grows, Stone's ethics diminish, and soon he's playing fast and loose with other people's money. Disgruntled investor Fay Wray is the one who finally blows the whistle on the prevaricating hair-snipper.
Sam Shapiro
The Wrecker is a flinty-eyed demolition engineer named Regan (Jack Holt). While he's off on another assignment, Regan's wife Mary (Genevieve Tobin) and supposed best friend Cummings (Sidney Blackmer) engage in some heavy petting. About to wash his hands of his faithless wife and his back-stabbing chum, our hero is compelled to save both their lives when they're pinned under the wreckage of a collapsed schoolhouse. George E. Stones supplies some good-natured ethnic humor as Regan's junk-dealer pal Shapiro.
Sammie "Kid" Jacobs
A surgeon and an ambulance driver fight racketeers who take over their hospital.
This drama centers on the fight for certain post-Prohibitionist groups to gain total control over the liquor industry. Much of the tale is focused upon a family endeavoring to keep their little brewery.
Andy Lee
불경기가 계속되자 파산 상태인 무대 감독 줄리앙 마쉬는 뮤지컬 코미디 '귀여운 숙녀'의 연출 제의를 쾌히 승낙한다. 심하게 병을 앓던 처지라 여생을 편하게 지낼 돈이 필요했기 때문에 그는 쇼의 성공 여부에 연연해한다. 주역을 뽑는 테스트 결과 도로시와 빌리가 선발된다. 연극에서 이미 여러차례 비중있는 역을 해낸 도로시는 제작자 애브너 딜런의 개인적 선택으로 행운을 잡았으며 빌리 또한 잘 알려진 젊은 유망주. 빌리는 브로드웨이 극단에 전혀 경험이 없는 어린 페기에게 호감을 갖게 된다. 그래서 그는 코러스 테스트가 있자 긴장하지 않도록 그녀를 도와주는데 테스트 결과 페기, 안무가의 결프랜드 애니 그리고 로레인이 역할들을 맡게 된다. 그러던 어느날 연출 책임자 마쉬는 도로시가 애브너를 속이고 전 애인인 팻과의 관계를 계속하고 있다는 걸 알게 된다. 그는 제작자인 애브너가 이 사실을 알고 쇼의 후원을 철회한 것을 겁내 사람을 사서 팻에게 폭력을 휘두른다. 주일의 연습 기간이 눈깜짝할 사이에 지나가고 공연팀은 필라델피아에서 첫 공연을 하도록 계획되었다. 그러던 중 도로시는 우연히 팻이 다정하게 페기와 이야기 나누는 것을 목격한다.
A Navy boxer (Jack Oakie) meets a dance-hall hostess (Vivienne Osborne) who tries to sober him up for a fight.
When the villagers of Kleinschloss start dying of blood loss, the town fathers suspect a resurgence of vampirism. While police inspector Karl Brettschneider remains skeptical, scientist Dr. Otto von Niemann cares for the vampire's victims one by one, and suspicion falls on simple-minded Herman Gleib because of his fondness for bats. A blood-thirsty mob hounds Gleib to his death, but the vampire attacks don't stop.
Based on a novel by Émile Gaboriau.
The Cat
Five men have to prove their innocence when a blackmailer is murdered.
Joe Berg, Cell 1
Richard Walters is condemned to death for a murder he claims not to have committed. He arrives on death row just before a brutal inmate leads the other convicts in a violent uprising. Walters gets caught up in the riot, while on the outside his friends are trying to find evidence of his innocence.
During the 1917 Russian revolution, a group of artistocrats find themselves in the custody of a brutal Communist revolutionary. He lusts after one of them, a ballerina, and gives her an ultimatum: give in to him or her friends will face the firing squad.
George E. Stone
Running Hollywood is a comedy short.
Le Duc
On the eve of WW-I the French Navy ship Lafayette returns to its Toulon base for one night. There is no shore leave, although wives are permitted to come to a party. The strain of command on the older captain and his new, young wife is very great.
Amidst a backdrop of growing violence and intimidation, independent cab drivers struggling against a consolidated juggernaut rally around hot-tempered Matt Nolan. Nolan is determined to keep competition alive on the streets, even if it means losing the woman he loves.
Johnnie the Sheik
Jane Ray, a very clever reporter of crimes of passion, or "sob sister," for a New York tabloid, begins to feel depressed by the sordidness of her latest assignment, the investigation of a young woman's murder by her husband. Despite her growing distaste for her profession, Jane gets her story and, with typical ingenuity, frustrates her competitors' attempts to follow her lead.
Dr. Blackstone
Lowe plays Chatrand the Great, a magician with great hypnotic and magical powers. During his evening performance at an upscale theater, a murder occurs. A hand wearing a sinister spider ring raises a revolver, the lights go out, and a shot rings out! When the lights come on, the body of a patron is lying on the floor, dying. Who is the mysterious killer? What is the strange secret of Lowe’s clairvoyant, amnesia-plagued assistant? After the police restrain the audience from leaving, Lowe uses his magical powers to help expose the killer. Watch for the terrific séance scene where weird ghost-like creatures float above the stage.
Ziggie Feinstein
An unscrupulous newspaper editor searches for headlines at any cost.
Shorty (as Georgie Stone)
While trying to nab a gang of diamond smugglers, the police are notified by Scotland Yard that the gang's leader, a beautiful Englishwoman who was on her way to the States to take control of the gang, has been caught. Because the American gangsters don't know what their English boss looks like, the police persuade a female impersonator to pretend to be her and infiltrate the gang.
Famous actress Norma Shearer's jewels are stolen… (Star-packed promotional short film intended to raise funds for the National Variety Artists Tuberculosis Sanatorium.)
Earl Williams
[특종 기사]는 미국에서 제작된 루이스 마일스톤 감독의 1931년 코미디 영화이다. 아돌프 멘주 등이 주연으로 출연하였고 하워드 휴즈 등이 제작에 참여하였다. 제4회 아카데미상의 작품상, 감독상, 남우주연상 부문에서 지명을 받았다.
Sol Levy
서부개척시대를 배경으로 진보적인 남편과 현실과 가정에 안주하려는 아내 그리고 슬하의 아이들까지 한 가족의 영토 개척에 관한 이야기
시골출신 3류 깡패가 큰 뜻을 품고 최고의 댄서를 꿈꾸는 친구와 함께 대도시로 올라온다. 제법 세력권이 큰 조직에 들어간 시저는 자신의 뜻을 펼치기 위해 온갖 악행을 저지르면서 조직에서 벗어나고자 하는 친구까지 끌어들여 은행을 털고, 결국에는 경찰까지 죽이게 되는데...
The son and daughter of an abusive shopkeeper turn to a medicine show salesman for help.
A cowboy arrives in a small town and winds up trying to help a local rancher stop a gang of cattle thieves while romancing a pretty young girl.
A songwriter leaves his chorus girl sweetheart to join the US Army in WWI. In France he falls in love with French singer Madelon. He is crippled in action. Back in the States, his girl friend there leaves him. But Madelon can't forget him and comes to the USA to work there as singer. Per chance she meets the songwriter, and he is cured. Singing one of his love songs, he knows that he has found the right girl.
A pretty young cashier at a movie theater has a few problems--a local thug is interested in her and won't leave her alone, and she discovers that her uncle is stealing the box-office receipts.
A Sewer Rat
The Redeeming Sin (1929) is a crime drama part-talking silent film with Vitaphone music and sound effects. It was produced and distributed by Warner Bros. and stars Dolores Costello. This film is currently a lost film.
A gangster is put in prison, but finds salvation through music while serving his time. Again on the outside, he finds success elusive and temptations abound.
Tony Caponi
A cloak room girl (Alice White) falls for a rich boy who may not actually be rich.
Joe Scarsi
A renegade police captain sets out to catch a sadistic mob boss.
Unassuming clerk Tom Blake is framed for the murder of a policeman in the midst of a violent bank robbery.
Assistant Director
A young Russian peasant feels pity for the Princess Anastasia and saves her life by accidentally wounding her in the massacre of the Romanovs during the Russian Revolution.
Jazz age youngster Smoke Thatcher "borrows" a neighbor's car to take Patsy, his sweetheart, to a dance after his father refuses to lend him his car. A car-fight with a rival results in the borrowed automobile's being so wrecked that Smoke cannot return it. The garage to which he and Patsy take the car for repair turns out to be actually a gang's hideaway and a place where stolen cars are brought and later fenced.
Flash Hoxy
Young lawyer John Vickery is in love with his wife, but he thinks she is in love with another man...
Rose Shannon, a dancing girl at "Kelly's," in the 'Tenderloin' district of New York City, worships at a distance Chuck White, a younger member of the gang that uses the place as their hangout. Chuck's interest in her is only just as another toy to play with. Rose is unknowingly placed in a position in which she is implicated in a crime which she knows nothing about.
Turn Back the Hours is a 1928 American silent drama film directed by Howard Bretherton and starring Myrna Loy, Walter Pidgeon, and Sam Hardy.
Sewer Rat
A dejected Parisian sewer worker feels his prayers have been answered when he falls in love with a street waif.
Dried fruits and less-perishable varieties of citrus had been sent east for decades, but Sunshine Gatherers promotes the canning of delicate fruits like apricots and peaches that had previously been consumed out of season in the Northeast only after the expensive luxury of shipment in refrigerated trains. Now California’s sunshine would be packaged for the nation year-round.