Trent Reznor
출생 : 1965-05-17, New Castle, Pennsylvania
Michael Trent Reznor (born May 17, 1965) is an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, composer, producer, actor, leader of industrial rock band Nine Inch Nails, and member of How to Destroy Angels alongside his wife, Mariqueen Maandig, and Atticus Ross. He was previously associated with bands Option 30, Exotic Birds, and Tapeworm, among others. Reznor left Interscope Records in 2007, and is now an independent musician.
Reznor began creating music early in his life, and cites his Western Pennsylvania childhood as an early influence. After being involved with a number of synthesizer-based bands in the mid-80s, Reznor gained employment at Right Track Studios and began creating his own music during the studio's closing hours under the moniker Nine Inch Nails. Reznor's first release as Nine Inch Nails, Pretty Hate Machine (1989), was a commercial and critical success, and he has since released seven major studio releases. Outside of Reznor's chief project Nine Inch Nails, he has contributed to many other artists' albums, including Marilyn Manson and Saul Williams. In 1997, Reznor appeared in Time magazine's list of the year's most influential people, and Spin magazine described him as "the most vital artist in music."
Reznor, in collaboration with Atticus Ross, composed the score for The Social Network, a 2010 theatrical film about the founding of Facebook. The duo won the 2010 Golden Globe for Best Original Score and the Academy Award for Best Original Score for their collaboration. The soundtrack album was released by The Null Corporation, Reznor's own independent record label. Earlier this year, Reznor announced that the pair would once again be collaborating with David Fincher by composing the score to the US film adaptation of the novel The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, set for release in late 2011.
Description above from the Wikipedia article Trent Reznor, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
Original Music Composer
결정적 순간에 아슬아슬하게 타깃을 놓친 암살자. 사적인 감정은 없다면서도, 이 응징을 위해 국제적인 추격전에 뛰어든다. 그 여정에서 의뢰인들, 그리고 그 자신과의 싸움이 시작된다.
Original Music Composer
Tashi, a tennis player-turned-coach, has taken her husband, Art, and transformed him from a mediocre player into a world-famous Grand Slam champion. To jolt him out of his recent losing streak, she makes him play a “Challenger” event — close to the lowest level of tournament on the pro tour — where he finds himself standing across the net from the once-promising, now burnt-out Patrick: his former best friend and Tashi’s former boyfriend.
Original Music Composer
After years of being sheltered from the human world, the Turtle brothers set out to win the hearts of New Yorkers and be accepted as normal teenagers through heroic acts. Their new friend April O'Neil helps them take on a mysterious crime syndicate, but they soon get in over their heads when an army of mutants is unleashed upon them.
Original Music Composer
격동의 시대에 펼쳐진 인간관계에 관한 감동적인 드라마
Original Music Composer
열여섯 살이 된 매런은 유일한 가족인 아빠마저 곁을 떠나자 한 번도 보지 못한 엄마를 찾는 길에 오른다. 절망 가운데 자신과 같은 식성을 가진 소년 리를 만나고, 동행하는 길 위에서 사랑을 느끼지만 매런에게 사랑은 늘 파멸과 마찬가지였기에 이 감정을 숨길 수밖에 없다. 평범한 삶을 갈구하는 매런은 리와 끝까지 함께 할 수 있을까? 이 길의 끝에서 매런은 고대하던 것을 찾을 수 있을까?
Music Producer
Featuring music from her fourth studio album produced by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, this evocative film experience stars Halsey as the young and pregnant Queen Lila, who wrestles with the manipulative chokehold of love.
Original Music Composer
픽사의 “소울”이 진행되기 바로 직전, 22는 지구에 가기를 거부하며 다섯 명의 새 영혼들을 모아 반란을 계획한다. 하지만 공범이 된 영혼들의 활동이 예상치 못한 결과로 이어지는 덕에, 모든 것을 뒤엎으려는 22의 작전은 오히려 삶의 의미를 깨닫는 놀라운 계기가 될지도 모른다.
Original Music Composer
뉴욕에서 음악 선생님으로 일하던 조는 꿈에 그리던 최고의 밴드와 재즈 클럽에서 연주하게 된 그 날, 예기치 못한 사고로 영혼이 되어 태어나기 전 세상에 떨어진다. 탄생 전 영혼들이 멘토와 함께 자신의 관심사를 발견하면 지구 통행증을 발급하는 태어나기 전 세상. 조는 그 곳에서 유일하게 지구에 가고 싶어하지 않는 시니컬한 영혼 22의 멘토가 된다. 링컨, 간디, 테레사 수녀도 멘토되길 포기한 영혼 22, 꿈의 무대에 서려면 22의 지구 통행증이 필요한 조. 그는 다시 지구로 돌아가 꿈의 무대에 설 수 있을까?
Original Music Composer
할리우드는 진정 어떤 곳이었을까. 신랄한 사회 비평가이자 알코올에 중독된 시나리오 작가 허먼 J. 맹키위츠. 그는 오슨 웰스의 시민 케인 시나리오를 마치고자 모든 것을 쏟고 있다. 그런 그의 시선으로 1930년대 할리우드를 새롭게 조명한다.
Cold and Black and Infinite, North America 2018
Original Music Composer
고등학생 타일러는 완벽해 보인다. 부유한 부모와 멋진 집, 착한 여동생, 예쁜 여자친구까지 있는 그는 교내 레슬링 대표 선수다. 하지만 그의 삶을 한 꺼풀 벗겨 보면 치명적 부상을 입은 상태에, 아버지는 강압적이며, 여자친구는 임신을 한 상황이다. 이제 이야기는 파국으로 향하고 이내 다른 이야기가 시작된다.
Original Music Composer
미지의 재앙이 인류를 휩쓴다. 세상이 뒤집힌 지 5년. 용케 살아남은 여자와 그녀의 아이들이 또다시 위기에 처한다. 안전한 곳을 향해, 그들은 필사적인 모험을 감행한다.
November 18, 2018 - Mexico City, Mexico, Corona Capital Festival
Original Music Composer
1990년대 로스앤젤레스, 13살 스티비의 여름은 처음으로 뜨겁고 자유롭다. 그에게는 넘어져도 좋은 스케이트보드, 그리고 함께 일어서는 나쁜 친구들이 있다.
The true story of punks, queers, & criminals on a ride with two men who accidentally changed music along the way.
I Can't Seem To Wake Up 2017 Festival Tour -- Live from Panorama NYC.
The Black Ghiandola is a story about a young man risking his life to save a young girl he has grown to love, after his family has been killed in the Apocalyptic world of Zombies.
"스타워즈", "007", "반지의 제왕" 시리즈부터 "매드맥스: 분노의 도로"… 할리우드를 빛낸 세기의 명작 뒤에는 그들을 빛내 준 영화음악이 있다! 한스 짐머, 존 윌리엄스, 하워드 쇼어 등 최고의 음악감독들이 직접 밝히는 전설의 명작을 완성시킨 영화음악의 탄생, 과정, 비하인드 스토리 그리고 잊을 수 없는 전율의 순간들까지!
미 국경일 ‘패트리어트 데이’를 기념하는 축제의 현장 보스턴 마라톤 대회, 두 번의 폭발과 함께 평화로운 일상이 무너졌다. 사건 발생 2시간 후, 경찰과 FBI는 컨트롤타워를 세우고 시민들의 제보로 수집한 10TB 증거 자료를 분석하며 테러범의 실체를 파악하기 위한 대대적인 수사에 돌입하는데… 주어진 시간은 단 3시간 45분! 뉴욕으로 향하는 테러범을 막기 위한 정부와 경찰, 그리고 시민들의 위대한 추격이 시작된다!
Original Music Composer
기후변화로 변해가는 지구의 충격적인 모습을 담아냈다. 우리 모두가 개인으로, 하나의 사회로 기후변화가 초래한 비극적인 변화를 막기 위해 취할 수 있는 행동도 소개한다.
Collaboration between NASA and Apple for the Destination: Jupiter project.
An independent documentary film about the phenomenal resurgence of the modular synthesizer — exploring the passions, obsessions and dreams of people who have dedicated part of their lives to this esoteric electronic music machine. Inventors, musicians, and enthusiasts are interviewed about their relationship with the modular synthesizer — for many, it's an all-consuming passion.
Original Music Composer
모두가 부러워하는 삶을 살아가는 완벽한 커플인 닉과 에이미. 결혼 5주년 기념일 아침, 에이미가 흔적도 없이 실종된다. 유년시절 어린이 동화 시리즈 어메이징 에이미의 실제 여주인공이었던 유명인사 아내가 사라지자, 세상은 그녀의 실종사건으로 떠들썩해진다. 한편 경찰은 에이미가 결혼기념일 선물로 숨겨뒀던 편지와 함께 곳곳에서 드러나는 단서들로 남편 닉을 유력한 용의자로 지목한다. 미디어들이 살인 용의자 닉의 일거수일투족을 보도하기 시작하고, 시간이 갈수록 세상의 관심이 그에게 더욱 집중되는데...
1. All Time Low
2. Sanctified
3. Came Back Haunted
4. Copy of A
5. The Frail
6. The Wretched
7. The Big Come Down
8. In This Twilight
9. While I'm Still Here
10. Hurt
Nine Inch Nails perform songs off their newest album "Hesitation Marks" along with classics such as "March Of The Pigs" and "Hurt" during an extravagant concert filmed at Staples Center, Los Angeles on November 8, 2013.
Self (archive footage)
The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy itself, which began in 1927 when Louis B. Mayer, then head of MGM, led other prominent members of the industry in forming this professional honorary organization. Two years later the Academy began bestowing awards, which were nicknamed "Oscar," and quickly came to represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.
90 mns of NIN performance in 2013 during the famous American Festival
Nine Inch Nails at Little John's Farm, Reading, England Copy of A
Came Back Haunted
Find My Way
Me, I'm Not
The Warning
Somewhat Damaged
The Beginning of the End
Terrible Lie
March of the Pigs
Gave Up
Nine Inch Nails at Hockenheimring, Hockenheim, Germany Copy of A
Came Back Haunted
March of the Pigs
Terrible Lie
Gave Up
Help Me I Am in Hell
Me, I'm Not
Find My Way
The Way Out Is Through
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like a Hole
Setlist Copy of A Sanctified Came Back Haunted 1,000,000 March of the Pigs Piggy The Frail The Wretched Terrible Lie Closer Gave Up Help Me I am In Hell Me, I'm Not Find My Way What If We Could? The Way Out Is Through Wish Survivalism Only The Hand That Feeds Head Like a Hole Hurt
1 Copy Of A 2 Sanctified 3 Came Back Haunted 4 1.000.000 5 March Of The Pigs 6 Piggy (Nothing Can Stop Me Now) 7 Reptile 8 Terrible Lie 9 Closer 10 Gave Up 11 Help Me I Am In Hell 12 Me, I'm Not 13 Find My Way 14 The Way Out Is Through 15 Wish 16 Survivalism 17 The Good Soldier 18 Only 19 The Hand That Feeds 20 Head Like A Hole 21 Hurt
A group of Nine Inch Nails fans who call themselves a tiny little dot have spent the last three years sifting through fan-shot footage from the final show of Nine Inch Nail’s “Wave Goodbye Tour” at Los Angeles’ Wiltern on September 10th, 2009 to form a three-and-a-half hour, 37-song concert film. The film is culled from over 75 hours of footage taken from 27 unique fan shot HD footage sources. Over 3,500 hours was spent on per-production treatment, a team of nine editors and seven peer reviewers then spent over 680 hours editing each song, and audio from five sources was dubbed in over the course of 65 hours in a professional studio to create final stereo and 5.1 audio masters.
음악 다큐멘터리
부패 재벌을 폭로하는 기사를 쓰고 소송에 시달리던 신념 강한 기자 미카엘(다니엘 크레이그). 곤경에 빠진 그에게 또다른 재벌 헨리크가 40년 전 사라진 손녀 하리에트의 사건을 조사해 달라며 손길을 내민다. 거부할 수 없는 거래에 응한 미카엘은 방대한 조사에 착수하기 위해 조수를 요청하고, 용 문신을 한 범상치 않은 외모의 천재 해커 리스베트(루니 마라)를 만나게 된다. 미카엘의 본능적인 집요함과 리스베트의 천재적인 해킹 능력으로 미궁에 빠졌던 단서의 퍼즐 조각을 하나씩 맞춰나가는 두 사람. 하지만 진실에 가까워질수록 예상치 못했던 곳에서 역사상 가장 잔혹한 악의 실체가 드러나게 되는데…
Provides an insider's view of the groundbreaking, outrageous, creative juggernaut that was the band Ministry - during their world tour - as front man Al Jourgensen slips into drug addiction. Ministry made industrial rock mainstream, and along the way their music and take no prisoners lifestyle influenced the leaders of today's most important bands, many of whom are in the film.
Original Music Composer
2003년 가을, 하버드대의 컴퓨터 천재 마크는 비밀 엘리트 클럽의 윈클보스 형제에게 하버드 선남선녀들만 교류할 수 있는 하버드 커넥션 사이트 제작을 의뢰 받는다. 하지만 여기서 획기적인 아이디어를 생각해낸 마크는 인맥 교류 사이트 페이스북을 개발, 절친 왈도의 도움으로 사이트를 오픈한다. 페이스북은 순식간에 모두의 마음을 사로잡고, 유명한 냅스터의 창시자 숀의 참여로 전세계로 번지면서 마크는 기업가치 58조원, 전세계 최연소 억만장자가 된다. 하지만 그 순간 윈클보스 형제는 물론 왈도마저 전대미문의 소송을 제기하는데...
An in-depth look at the Canadian rock band Rush, chronicling the band's musical evolution from their progressive rock sound of the '70s to their current heavy rock style.
Filmed in Sacramento, Portland, and Victoria by the Nine Inch Nails team, and directed, edited, and produced by their fans, The Gift is a stunning work in 1080 High Definition video with 5.1 Surround Sound, multi-language subtitles, and artistically-driven ethics.
On the 23rd of August 2009, Nine Inch Nails performed their 1994 album, The Downward Spiral in its entirety. Filmed in High Definition at Webster Hall by fans of the band, this concert film is gritty, loud and in the thick of the action. A moment in history filmed on the "Wave Goodbye" tour.
the first part of the amazing last show, recorded by fans for fans! On September 10, 2009, Nine Inch Nails, played their last show in Los Angeles, CA, at The Wiltern. with a set list of 38 tracks!! with guests Mike Garson, Gary Numan, Atticus Ross and Dave Navarro, Greg Puciato and Ben Weinman, and Dillinger Escape Plan.
Nine Inch Nails plays in Australia
Documentary about the influence of Lou Reed's experimental fifth album 'Metal Machine Music', released in 1975 and widely considered to mark the beginning of industrial rock music, of which the band Nine Inch Nails have been leading proponents.
The Lights In The Sky Tour took place between July and December 2008 in North America and South America in support of Ghosts I-IV and The Slip. The tour was also essentially supporting Year Zero for the audiences it reached, as the Performance 2007 tour had not covered those parts of the world.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Club Ciudad
Pepsi Music Festival
October 2nd 2008
Live From Rehearsals June 2008: "1,000,000" (Live) "Letting You" (Live) "Discipline" (Live) "Echoplex" (Live) "Head Down" (Live)
Capturing the powerful intensity and artistry of Nine Inch Nails' amazing live performances during the 2005-2006 “Live: With Teeth” Tour, the Beside You In Time concert film showcases the band in peak form. A visually stunning experience with an array of inventive and ingenious lighting designs that draws the viewer in while focusing the force of NIN’s epic sound into visual form.
Recorded live in New Orleans on October 29th, 2005. On this historic night in the band's 20 year history, Trent Rezner and his Nine Inch Nails display the sheer brilliance that their live performances have become known for. The concert's incredible set list includes all the hits. Head Like A Hole, Closer and Hurt are just to name a few.
Music Consultant
세계 각지에서 수 많은 죽음을 집행했던 전 CIA 전문 암살 요원 존 크리시(덴젤 워싱턴). 암울한 과거로 인해 알코올에 의지하며 정처 없이 떠돌던 그는, 오랜 친구이자 동지인 레이번(크리스토퍼 월켄 분)의 권유로 마지못해 멕시코 시티에서 보디가드로 일하게 된다. 크리시가 맡은 임무는 멕시코인 사업가 사뮤엘(마크 앤서니 분)의 아홉 살짜리 딸 피타(다코타 패닝)를 보호하는 것. 세상을 향해 단단히 벽을 쌓고 살던 크리시에게, 이 무한한 호기심과 생기로 똘똘뭉친 소녀 피타는 닫혀 있던 그의 마음의 문을 여는 열쇠가 되어 준다. 처음엔 귀찮도록 질문을 해대는 소녀의 관심과 배려를 달가워하지 않던 크리시였지만, 점차 아이의 진심에 동화되고 결국 그는 오랫동안 잊고 지냈던 웃음을 되찾는다. 하지만 피타를 통해 행복을 느끼면서 새 출발을 꿈꾸던 크리시의 희망은 오래가지 못한다. 어느날, 피타를 기다리던 크리시는 수상한 사내들이 몰려오는 장면을 목격하고 그녀를 지키기 위해 사력을 다하지만 결국 총격을 받고 쓰러진다. 치명적인 부상에서 가까스로 의식을 회복한 크리시에게 전해진 소식은 유괴된 피타가 결국은 살해당하고 말았다는 것. 피타를 지키지 못했다는 죄책감과 이로 인해 절망과 분노가 극에 달한 크리시는, 자신의 목숨을 걸고서라도 반드시 납치범들을 찾아내어 모조리 없애버리겠다고 다짐한다. 이제 이 고독한 보디가드는, 유괴를 둘러싼 멕시코의 거대 범죄 조직에 맞서 그들 뒤에 숨겨진 진실들을 하나씩 밝혀내며 가장 잔인한 복수를 감행한다...
Rob Sheridan and other members of the band's crew filmed the Fragility 2.0 tour using consumer DV cameras.
Nine Inch Nails performs at the Sydney Big Day Out Festival in 2000
Closure is the 12th official Nine Inch Nails release. It consists of music videos interspersed with snippets from educational films, as well as exclusive footage shot by Peter Christopherson including antics by Nine Inch Nails and their tour guests: Marilyn Manson, Jim Rose Circus and David Bowie. Originally scheduled to be released on DVD in 2004, the disc appeared on internet torrent sites in 2006, including behind-the-scenes footage of the "Closer" video with commentary by Mark Romanek. Fans speculate that Reznor may have been the source of this leak.
Live performance of Nine Inch Nails & David Bowie on their 1995 Outside Tour
Nine Inch Nails Live in San Jose (1994)
"Terrible Lie" "Sin" "March Of The Pigs" "Something I Can Never Have" "Closer" "Reptile" "Wish" "Suck" "Burn" "The Only Time" "Down In It" "Dead Souls" "Help Me I Am In Hell" "Happiness In Slavery" "Head Like A Hole" Category: NIN Bootlegs
A collaboration between Nine Inch Nails and Shinya Tsukamoto for MTV Japan Station.
In 1992, Nine Inch Nails released the "Broken" EP. It was followed in 1993 by a short film, roughly 20 minutes in length, known as the "Broken Movie". The movie wove Broken's four music videos together via a violent "snuff film" and included its own video for the song "Gave Up" as its conclusion. Due to its extreme graphic content, the Broken Movie was never officially released. But in christmas 2006, Nin secretly released it on bittorrent along with the free 2 dvd set closure deluxe prototype.
In 1992, Nine Inch Nails released the "Broken" EP. It was followed in 1993 by a short film, roughly 20 minutes in length, known as the "Broken Movie". The movie wove Broken's four music videos together via a violent "snuff film" and included its own video for the song "Gave Up" as its conclusion. Due to its extreme graphic content, the Broken Movie was never officially released. But in christmas 2006, Nin secretly released it on bittorrent along with the free 2 dvd set closure deluxe prototype.
In 1992, Nine Inch Nails released the "Broken" EP. It was followed in 1993 by a short film, roughly 20 minutes in length, known as the "Broken Movie". The movie wove Broken's four music videos together via a violent "snuff film" and included its own video for the song "Gave Up" as its conclusion. Due to its extreme graphic content, the Broken Movie was never officially released. But in christmas 2006, Nin secretly released it on bittorrent along with the free 2 dvd set closure deluxe prototype.
Terrible Lie, Sin, Something I Can Never Have, Sanctified, That's What I Get, Suck (Pigface cover), The Only Time, Get Down, Make Love (Queen cover), Down in It, Head Like a Hole
Setlist Intro (Hate 1990 Intro) Terrible Lie Sin Something I Can Never Have Sanctified That's What I Get The Only Time Kinda I Want To Get Down Make Love Ringfinger Down In It Head Like a Hole
The Problems
Cleveland siblings rise with a rock band while coping with personal problems.
Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor introduces The Cure for their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame at the Barclay Center in NYC on March 29th. Robert Smith and co played 5 songs for the occasion to a very appreciative crowd.
Following the fascinating story of British Rock Star Gary Numan, this documentary timelines his turbulent careers - from the crushing lows to the exhilarating highs.