Jean-Pol Dubois

Jean-Pol Dubois


Jean-Pol Dubois est un acteur français.

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Jean-Pol Dubois

참여 작품

Rien ne vaut la douceur du foyer
Maître Cazenave
If You Saw His Heart
Vieil homme pavillon
Cast out of his insular community, a damaged and down on his luck man teeters between a life of crime and the path to redemption.
몽펭지에 공주
Le Cardinal de Lorraine
마리는 아버지의 정치적 야심때문에 한번도 만난적 없는 귀족 필립 드 몽펭시에와의 결혼을 강요 당한다. 필립이 왕의 요청으로 전쟁에 나간 후 그녀는 샤반 백작의 보살핌을 받지만 곧 법정의 성적, 정치적 음모에 연루되게 되는데...
Before I Forget
The man
A portrait of a 58-year-old man battling his inner demons on the search for self-discovery.
Fan-Fan the Tulip
In this 2003 remake of the classic 1952 French film, Fanfan la Tulipe is a swashbuckling lover who is tricked into joining the army of King Louis XV by Adeline La Franchise, who tells Fanfan that by doing so, he will eventually marry one of the king's daughters
18세기 파리에 나타난 정체불명의 '거울가면'을 쓴 살인마가 나타난다. 비명소리를 지를 새도없이 죽어나가는 사람들을 보며 시민들은 불안에 떨게 되고 그들의 영웅 '비독'이 두려움으로부터 자신들을 해방시켜 줄 것이라는 굳은 믿음을 가진다. 혁명전야, 불길한 악마의 기운과 함께 불길이 치솟는 지하 동굴에서 두 남자의 혈투가 벌어진다. 정체불명의 살인마 '거울가면'과 그를 뒤쫓던 비독과의 마지막 결전의 밤. 악의 기운이 강한 '거울가면'의 신비한 힘에 의해 '비독'은 사라진다. '거울가면'의 잔인한 연쇄살인에 떨고 있던 시민들은 그들의 마지막 희망이었던 '비독'의 죽음에 절망에 빠지게 되고 도시는 공포와 두려움으로 휩싸이게 된다. '비독'의 죽음을 아는 자들은 모두 '거울가면'의 표적이 되고. 젊은 저널리스트 '에띤느'는 평소 존경하던 '비독'의 전기를 집필하던 중 그의 죽음 소식을 듣고 충격에 빠진다. 비독의 비밀스런 죽음에 의문을 품고 있던 그는 죽음을 무릅쓰고 조사에 나선다. 조사를 시작한 후 혼란에 빠진 사회의 어두운 면들을 발견하고 한 도시의 이면에선 극악무도한 사건이 벌어지고 있었다는 것을 알고 경악한다. 사건의 실마리는 좀 체 잡히지 않고 조사 작업은 제자리 만을 맴돈채 미궁 속으로 빠져들고 사건과 관련이 있는 자들은 모두 '거울가면'에 의해 비참한 최후를 맞이하게 되는데.
Little Girls
The Headmaster
Inès, Stella, Marion and Emilie are four young women who become friends and never leave each other. They band together during their teenage years. This film discusses their first meeting and what happens afterward.
Le tronc
Le juge Noll
Monique Zimmer, in her sixties, killed her lover, Oscar Foulard, cut up the body of the corpse, and is now walking with a suitcase containing Oscar's trunk. This one continues to speak, and comes to testify during the trial of his widow.
Louis, the Child King
Abbé La Rivière
History buffs will glory in the riches of Louis, Enfant Roi, others will perhaps find this complex story of intrigues and betrayals in the court of the young king tough sledding. When Louis the Fourteenth (1638-1715) was born, the power of government was shared between the monarchy, the church, the nobility, and the Parlement. His predecessor had greatly centralized the powers of government following the advice of Cardinal Richelieu. Louis XIV (often called "The Sun King" for the brilliance of his rule) followed the advice of Richelieu's successor, Cardinal Mazarin (Paolo Graziosi), and brought the powers of government under the sole sway of the monarch. He expanded the territory and influence of France in a series of wars throughout his reign. How he came to be so autocratic and ruthless both personally and politically is the subject of this biographical drama.
The Austrian
A woman is detained at La Conciergerie. She's 37 but her hair are already white. She's suffering from terrible haemorraghe. Her name is Marie-Antoinette of Lorraine, from Austria, and she's living her last four days.
Life and Nothing But
André, le chauffeur
January, 1920. 350,000 French soldiers remain missing in action. Major Dellaplane tirelessly matches the dead and the wounded with families' descriptions. Honor and ethics drive him; he hates the idea of "the unknown soldier." Into his sector, looking for her husband, comes a haughty, politically connected Parisian, Madame Irène de Courtil. Brusquely, Dellaplane offers her 1/350,000th of his time, but as their paths cross and she sees his courage and resolve, feelings change. After he finds a surprising connection between her missing husband and a local teacher, Irène makes Dellaplane an offer. This man of action hesitates: has he missed his only chance?
Le beauf
Le chef de Gilbert
Gilbert, assigned to incinerate old banknotes at the Bank of France, lives with his wife, Gisèle, and his young son, Thomas. A few years earlier, he had formed a rock band with Serge and Gisèle's brother, Marc. The latter, abusing his naivety, make him believe that he has been robbed of a briefcase containing a million dollars and that, because of his fault, Marc is in danger of dying. The objective is to force Gilbert to put his incinerator out of order to facilitate the bank robbery. Gilbert refuses at first, then gives in. But he discovers that he has been cheated. To get revenge, he tells the police the date and time of the robbery.
평범한 소시민 월터 로이드(Walter Lloyd: 진 핵크만 분)는 아내가 파리로 여행 간 사이, 이미 10대의 반항아가 된 아들 크리스(Chris Lloyd: 맷 딜런 분)와 낚시를 즐기며 부자간의 정을 회복하고자 한다. 그러나 낚시에서 돌아온 그를 기다리는건 아내가 납치됐다는 소식이었다. 둘은 급히 파리로 향하는데, 드골 공항에 내리자마자 로이드는 괴한으로부터 총격을 받지만 운좋게 살아난 그는 아내의 행방을 찾기 위해 옛 친구 테이버(Taber: 조셉 소머 분)를 찾아간다. 크리스는 자신의 아버지가 살인 경험이 있는 전 CIA요원이라는 사실을 알고 충격을 받는다. 계속되는 살해 위협 속에서 아내는 미끼일뿐 표적은 자신이라는 사실을 깨달은 로이드는 동독 스파이 슈로더 일가 몰살 사건의 주모자로 자신이 지목된 사실을 알게 되는데...
Les îles
A Captain's Honor
During a televised debate on the Algerian war in the early 1980s, Professor Paulet denounced the methods of Captain Caron, killed in action in 1957. The widow of the captain, Patricia, decided to file a defamation suit.
La gueule du loup
Upset by the death of one of her patients, Marie, a young nurse, decides to go in search of the relatives of the deceased. This is how she meets the gang of thugs of which he was a part.
The Boy Soldier
Capitaine des Aubelles
In the 1930s a young fellow, Simon Chalumet, is sent to a military school by his overbearing father, an ex-soldier who has little sympathy for his son's more gentle temperament, or for his interest in films.
In a Jesuit secondary school , the headmaster imposes an iron discipline on the unfortunate students. Enter Father Godard who believes in Christian love.