Set in modern day Helsinki, Finland, Virality portrays the lives of several main characters confronted with viral themes. The film links emerging viral aspects in our modern day societies, such as the spreading of news on the internet, with the viral nature of life itself, as in the storyline of a cancer patient being treated with virotherapy. Being primarily a crime film, the main storyline centers around a bitcoin heist that connects the lives of the main characters. Character storylines involve a young rapper searching for a breakthrough, a policeman who falls for an aspiring musician with a promising international career, a hacker choosing his own path and a cancer patient and a banker who reconcile ten years after the end of their marriage.
Council of the Realm
스웨덴의 여왕이었던 크리스티나의 이야기다. 크리스티나는 관습에 저항하고 전통에 도전하며 역사를 새롭게 썼다. 그녀는 이성적 사고와 열정, 여성의 몸 과 왕자로 길러지며 받은 교육, 중세사회와 근대사회, 교양 인의 탁월함을 가진 자아와 복합적인 감정으로 인해 두려움 을 느끼는 자아 사이에서 괴로워한다.