April 1954. 12 year old schoolgirl Sadako thinks her main problem is being unable to pass the baton in relay races. But just as her team starts winning, she starts getting tired more easily. She is sent back to the American Base Victory Hospital, where the diagnosis is lymphatic leukemia. And she has no more than a year left to live. Her parents agree with the doctor that Sadako should not be told, but will she find out anyway ?
Old Priest
원폭의 중심지 히로시마에 내린 검은 비, 즉 방사능 낙진을 맞은 시즈마 부부와 그들의 조카인 야스코는 5년 후 당시 생존자들과 한 마을에 살고 있다. 야스코는 방사능에 의한 병증이 아직은 나타나지 않고 있지만, 시즈마 부부는 그녀가 결혼하고 나서 미래에라도 방사능에 의해 고통을 받을까 노심초사하는데...
On August 9, 1945, the Americans dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. This film, based on a story by Mitsukaru Inoue, describes the daily life of people in Nagasaki the day before that fateful event. It presents the human drama of people's lives, and their feelings of joy and sadness. These include a newlywed couple, an expectant mother, and lovers who must say farewell because the boy is called to serve in the army. Each of these people, like others in the city, hoped to live with their dreams for ‘tomorrow’. But tomorrow never comes for them, as their lives are brought to an abrupt and unexpected end. Knowing how the story ends, in this case, doesn't detract from it at all; rather, it enhances the emotional impact, which is further heightened by the poignant musical score from Teizo Matsumura. 'Ashita' is the first film in Kazuo Kuroki's 'War Requiem Trilogy,' which also includes 'Utsukushii Natsu Kirishima' (2002) and 'Chichi to Kuraseba' (2004).
미국에서 활동 중인 록밴드의 멤버 웬디는 팀에서 소외감을 느낀다. 그런데 마침 그녀의 앞으로 일본에서 온 엽서가 도착하고, 웬디는 충동적으로 도쿄로 떠난다. 도쿄에 도착해 무명 록밴드의 리더 히로와 새로운 활동을 시작한 그녀는 ‘외국인 컨셉’으로 인기를 얻기 시작한다. 하지만 시간이 흐를수록 낯선 땅의 낯선 문화는 그녀를 지치고 힘들게 한다.
1945년 8월 6일, 히로시마에 원자폭탄이 떨어졌고 수많은 사람이 사망했다. 그중에는 작은 유랑 극단의 단원들도 있었다. 감독은 당시 사망한 단원들이 어떤 사람이었는지, 또한 그들이 어떤 활동을 펼쳤는지 살아남은 자들의 인터뷰와 재연을 통해 기억하려 한다.
Shokichi Shimamura
Tatsuhiko and Shofumi are hoodlums living in downtown Hawaii, who have flown out of Japan and entered the country illegally for a reason. The two make a living by trafficking marijuana under the pretext of selling tea leaves, but they are in a foreign land where they don't speak the language well.
우에노 교수는 제자로부터 하얀 강아지 한마리를 선물받는다. 초롱초롱한 눈망울의 강아지는 단번에 식구들의 귀여움을 독차지하고, 우에노 교수는 힘차게 땅을 박차고 서있는 이 강아지를 보고 八자라는 뜻의 '하치'라는 이름을 지어준다. 하치에 대한 우에노 교수의 사랑은 부인도 질투할 정도로 각별했다. 이에 보답이라도 하는 듯 하치는 매일같이 시부야 역으로 교수를 배웅하고 마중을 나간다. 그러던 어느 날, 우에노 교수는 강의 도중 쓰러져 다시는 일어나지 못하게 되고, 이를 알지 못한 하치는 여전히 역에 나가서 그를 기다리는데...
제겐(일본 에도시대, 유곽에 여인을 조달하는 사람을 일컬음)이란 별명으로 더 잘 알려진 무라오카는 1901년에 홍콩에 건너 갔다가 빈털터리가 된다. 그는 현지 일본영사의 제안을 받아 러시아군을 정찰하기 위해 만주로 건너간다. 그 이후 그는 일본이 아시아에 대제국을 건설할 것이라는 것을 믿고 동남아시아 각지에 창녀촌을 설립한다. 그리고 일본의 영향력이 커지자 날로 그의 사업도 번창한다. 그는 자신의 사업이 단순히 돈을 벌게 해주는 것 이상으로 일본에 도움이 된다고 굳게 믿고 있다.
During the winter in Toyama in 1962, Tatsuo Mizushima is fretting about his feelings for his classmate Eiko Tsujisawa while agonizing about his upcoming high school examinations. When he was little, he and Eiko had heard that in April of a year when the winter has been very harsh, any couple finding fireflies together needs to get married. However, his family's situation does not allow Tatsuo to continue his worrying about such things for very much longer.
Haru, an aging scriptwriter, has isolated himself somewhere in the woods of Nagano to work on his first novel. As the last surviving member of his kin, he intends to chronicle the family he grew up in.
Shipwrecked African-American slaves arrive in the midst of Bakumatsu-era Japan; they soon carve out a niche in the market with their musical talents.
The culturally isolated, nomadic Seburi people of western Japan are the subject of this tragedy about a few of the community's members who especially experience difficulties as modern Japan encroaches on their world. The setting is World War II, and conflicts have already arisen when the military police come to take Seburi men away into the army. Still following their own customs that can be harsh at times, and are particularly cruel to women (women must give birth alone and unaided, a woman's adultery is punished by burying her up to her neck in the earth and then leaving her for days), the Seburi are mainly treated with fear and animosity by the non-Seburi townspeople of the region. Along with the hardships arising from cultural clashes, nature's own vagaries present other challenges to the Seburi -- who still lived in tents until the 1950s. Winter avalanches and snowstorms cause as much havoc as the tensions engendered by the slow encroachment of the modern world.
Hoshino Bunzo raises up his orphan grandson, Keiji whose right leg gets paralyzed when he was an infant. Bunzo loves Keiji so much that he does every thing to protect his grandson. Sonoda Keiko, a new young teacher comes to the school when a new term starts. She wants Keiji to go back to school. After two years absence from school, Keiji tries to attend the class but he cannot continue. All pupils hold an exhibition of Keiji’s paintings in the village shrine to make him happy. He is very pleased and gives his paintings to them and to Keiko, he gives a painting entitled "Spring Pony". When this picture is awarded a prize in the National Friendship Painting Compettition, it is like a new beginning for Keiji’s family.
The melodramatic story of a pink crew’s tragi-comedic adventures on location. A fictionalized adaptation of set photographer Ichiro Tsuda's 1980 book The Location (Za Rokēshon), an illustrated 229-page document about the cameraman’s experiences with pink cast and crew on the sets of several films produced in the late 1970's.
Internationally acclaimed for his cinematic realism and social commitment, Kaneto Shindo based the story of THE HORIZON on his sister's experiences. The film concerns Hideo, a young girl who leaves Japan in 1920 to settle her family's debt by being sold in marriage to a Japanese farmer in San Francisco. Over the next 20 years the couple works hard and raises 4 children. After Pearl Harbor is attacked they are interned with other Japanese immigrants in a camp, losing both their land and their assets. Hideo has now been uprooted twice and has to adjust to her son's going to war and her daughters' post-war assimilation and marriage to Americans despite her protests. But Hideo is a survivor and she awaits a new immigrant from Japan with hope.
사토미가의 시즈공주(静姫)는 성을 공격한 괴무장들의 손아귀로 부터 달아나던 중 일행을 잃고 산 중을 헤매다 신베이(犬江親兵衛)라는 남자를 만난다. 그러나 신베이가 남장한 공주가 실은 여자라는 사실을 알아차리고 달려들자 그것을 피해 달아나다 이누야마 도세츠(犬山道節)와 이누무라 다이카쿠(犬村大角) 를 만나 성을 공격한 자들이 타마즈사(玉梓)의 부하들이며 사토미가에 걸린 저주와 팔견사의 존재에 대해 듣게 된다. 두 사람은 공주에게 자신들과 함께 다른 동료들을 찾기를 청하고 곧 세 사람은 길을 떠나게 된다. 한편 신베이는 자신이 만났던 남장여인이 사토미가의 공주라는 것을 알고 그녀를 타마즈사에게 넘겨 사무라이가 될 생각으로 공주 일행을 뒤 쫒는다. 이후 두명의 동료를 만난 일행은 적의 습격을 무찌르고 나머지 4명의 팔견사를 찾기 위해 여행을 하는데 그 때 그들을 기다리고 있던 신베이에 의해 공주가 납치 당한다.
공주와 신베이는 계속 티격태격하지만 타마즈사의 부하들이 마을을 습격하고 아이들을 잔인하게 죽이는 것을 보고 그들의 무덤을 만들어주는 것을 계기로 조금 가까워지게 된다. 그러나 그들을 잡아 적에게 넘기려는 마을 주민들의 공격을 피해 도망친 동굴안에서 헤어졌던 동료와 다른 2명의 팔견사를 만나게 되면서 신베이는 그들에게 쫒겨나게 되는데……
Nakata, an author, resides utilizing the painful memory regarding the death of his partner, whoever life had been cut short a few many years earlier. Ended up being it a crash or ended up being it suicide? Doubt persists. In order to escape his guilty Nakata, conscience gives up on marriage and fatherhood. Hence freed, he embarks on an obsessive intimate records and jeorney his activities in a book, "The Dark Room". A philisophical essay on sexuality, reproduction and the fate of mankind.
이마무라에게 처음 칸영화제 그랑프리를 안겨준 작품. 일부 평자들은 와 와 같은 반열의 걸작으로 평가한다. 시대도 장소도 확실하지 않은 일본의 옛날 산속 마을이 무대다. 이곳에는 식량 부족 때문에 사람은 70살이 되면 자식에게 업혀 나라야마 정상에 버려지는 한국의 고려장 같은 풍습이 이어져오고 있다. 오린이라는 헌신적인 노인은 진심으로 슬퍼하는 자식에게 업혀 산으로 향하지만 이것이 신의 부름이라고 생각하며 순응한다. 기노시타 게이스케의 58년작을 리메이크한 것이지만, 이마무라는 여기다 원작자의 에로틱한 소설 하나를 더 끌고 들어와 스토리를 뒤섞어놓는다. 죽음을 향한 노인들의 산행 와중에 인구 억제를 목적으로 장남 이외엔 결혼할 수 없다는 마을의 규율 때문에 벌어지는 성적 소동과, 동물들의 성행위가 교차된다. 이마무라가 평생에 걸쳐 묘사해온 인간이 지닌 외설성과 원시성이 죽음과 마찬가지로 하나의 자연적 과정임이 암시된다. 지나치게 포르노적이라는 비판이 일기도 했지만, 대부분의 서구 평론가들은 이마무라의 대표작으로 올려놓는다.
A gripping and entertaining historical drama that follows the actions of the thief Nezumi Kozo Jirokichi during the Edo period.
Father of Ogin
Saotome Mondonosuke is Hatamoto (a high-class warrior who is allowed to see the Shogun in person) who has a crescent-moon-shaped scar on his forehead with flashy clothes and a handsome face, and is proficient in all the military arts and called Bored Hatamoto. Mikijiro Hira acts as such a hero in history. Mondonosuke is secretly ordered to look into the suspicious movement in Nagoya castle by the Ometsuke, and he found out about the misconduct and sole it. This is a period movie about the hero!
Ayame, a courtesan, attracts the attention of street vendor Kisuke and decides to run away with him to America. Unfortunately, a crazed tattoo artist is obsessed with Ayame's perfect skin as a potential canvas, so he kills Kisuke to keep Ayame in Japan. Later, Ayame is sold to a brothel in Yokohama. Kisuke's ghost possesses her, causing his image to appear tattoo-like on her skin whenever she has sex.
Tora-san gets into an argument with his uncle and sets out on the road again. In Kyushu he meets a young woman named Keiko and the shy zoologist Saburō, and attempts to play matchmaker between the two when they all return to Tokyo.
To satisfy her lover's fetish for tattooed women, Akane agrees to have her body covered in eloborate tattoos by Kyogoro, an old craftsman. Kyogoro has developed a special technique, by which his assistant, Harutsune, keeps Katsuko's mind off the pain while Kyogoro does his work. After the work is done, Harutsune makes the shocking discovery of how Kyogoro mastered his technique.
Model Reiko Higa is injured after being hit by a car pursued by motorcycle cop Tomishima. Tomishima's supervisor refuses his request to apologize to Reiko, as it would be an admission of police responsibility. Forced to give up her career, Reiko leaves Tokyo to return to her hometown on Okinawa, travelling by road up to Kagoshima, and Tomishima pursues her in order to apologize.
The man has a monotonous job punching tickets for the Japanese railway. One night, while walking home, he saves Jun from getting raped by two hoodlums. A few days later, he sneaks into her house but gets discovered. Later, as he watches his son subdue an insect with a chemical, the man gets an idea to subdue women while they're sleeping so he won't be discovered sneaking into their home. His new hobby spirals out of control as his confidence grows.
When a broadcasting company takes away its financial support from a symphony orchestra, some of the members refuse to admit defeat. The first violinist returns to his home and manages to get the orchestra back together for a grandiose performance, saved at the last minute by their original conductor -- and boding well for the future of the die-hard musicians.
Loosely based on a 1926 short story by Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, the film opens as an artist and a young woman are in a dentist's waiting room. Though he is attracted to the woman, he says nothing to her. They are later in the same examining room. When he is given an anesthetic, he begins to imagine a series of scenes in which the woman undergoes various forms of sexual abuse, including rape and torture. When the artist recovers from the anesthetic, he finds clues showing that he may not have been hallucinating.
야시로 세이이치의 동명 희곡을 영화화한 작품. 춘화도를 그렸던 카츠시카 호쿠사이의 이야기를 그린다.
요코하마(横浜) 변두리의 초라한 바에서 매일밤 노래를 부르는 BJ는 노래만으로는 목구멍에 풀칠하기 어려워 생활을 위해 사립탐정 비스꼬롬한 부업을 해서 푼돈을 벌고 있었다. 그런 어느날, 실종된 소년 "아키라(明)"의 행방을 찾아달라는 의뢰를 받은 BJ는 소년의 소재를 파악해 내지만, 소년은 게이인 어둠의 조직의 보스의 남창이 되어 있었다. 다음날, 오랜만에 재회한 뉴욕 시절의 절친 형사 "무쿠 케이스케(椋圭介)"가 눈 앞에서 저격되어 살해당하고, BJ를 어쩐 일인지 안좋게 여기던 "무쿠"의 동료형사 "베니타니 사토시(紅谷悟志)"에게 살인용의로 취조란 명목의 린치를 당한다.
게다가, 어둠의 조직으로부터도 마약거래를 하는 조직의 메카니즘을 건드렸다는 이유로 목숨을 위협받는 등 BJ는 궁지에 빠지는데...
Man on festival boat
1955년 일본 오사카의 하천가에 있는 우동집 아들 노부오는 어느 날 건너편에 정박한 작은 배 속에서 살고 있는 키이치와 누나 긴코를 알게 된다. 키이치 어머니는 매춘을 해서 생계를 꾸려 가면서 동네 사람들의 멸시 속에서도 순수함을 잃지 않은 키이치와 누나 긴코를 노부오의 부모는 그들과 친하게 지내는 걸 꺼려하면서도 한편으로는 그들을 친절하게 대해준다. 그러던 어느 날 우연히 키이치 어머니의 방을 들여다본 노부오는 충격을 받게 되는데...
영화 속 노래의 후렴구이기도 한 ‘에에쟈나이카’는 새로운 사회적 분위기가 만들어지던 에도 말기에 발생한 대중적 운동, 또는 현상을 폭넓게 지칭하는 말이다. 격변의 에도 말기, 한 가난한 농부가 미국에서 일본으로 돌아온다. 겨우 고향으로 돌아왔지만 그는 다시 한 번 힘든 시기를 보내야 한다. 당시 일본 사회의 급격한 변화를 여러 인물과 사건을 통해 스케치하듯 그린 작품.
(2017년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 이마무라 쇼헤이 회고전)
Japanese film based on the life of Zen Master Tetsugen Doko.
Fireworks Hand 2
A member of the jieitai ("Self-Defense Force"; i.e. Japanese military) is on leave and finds a woman giving birth in a graveyard in the former Yoshiwara district. He takes her to an inn to gove birth, and stays on a few days as she recovers, but becomes fascinated with the strange people he meets there, particularly the owner, who visits a house in his courtyard every day to talk and give food to his mother. He says she is very sick and can't leave bed, but no one else has ever been inside or seen her.
Restaurant's Owner
Intellectual collegue professor Sasa becomes obsessed with beautiful Sugiko, a virgin. Eventually, luring her to a love hotel.
A couple originally from Okinawa run an inexpensive restaurant in Kobe, with their grade-school daughter, Fuuchan. The movie depicts the warm interaction between her and adults that grew up with the rough history of Okinawa and discrimination from the mainland. Shots partly on location at beach of Itoman, Yogi Park and Hateruma Island. This is the movie version of the well-known novel by Kenjiro Haitani.
“Quit working as a nurse!” “All right, I will!” thus began the married life of Yasuo and Keiko. But the reality is harsh. Keiko even had to work on the first night after her marriage. Ten years later, the married couple is still at it. Yauso tends to the house and their children, while Keiko sacrifices family life for life as an overworked nurse. One day, after Keiko comes home utterly exhausted and dejected from her work, Yasuo makes up his mind and writes a letter of resignation in her place. Upon learning of this, Keiko angrily declares that nursing is what she lives for and she will keep on working. Realising that that is one battle he will never win, Yasuo sends a letter to a newspaper -- “Nurses’ husbands, aren’t you having a hard time? Get together nurses’ husbands. Contact me.” There is a tremendous response. This leads to the formation of many unions of nurses’ husbands throughout the country.
Tora-san's opinions about Americans get challenged when another wandering peddler Michael Jordan stops by Shibamata.
The men who surround and torment the young protagonist (demanding teacher, owner of the company that rapes his own daughter, despotic and uncompromising father) are opposed to women (victims of men) as embodiment of salvation.
A motorcycle cop and a freelance photographer, having learned the location of 1 billion yen's worth of the Imperial Navy's gold, team up to salvage it.
Tanejiro Shibata
떠돌이 카츠는 두 명의 남자를 살해하고 현금을 훔쳐 달아난다. 자신을 쫓고 있는 경찰의 수사망을 따돌리기 위해 그는 동거녀와 부모님께 남기는 유서를 써놓고 투신자살을 위장한다. 이후 그는 대학교수, 변호사 등으로 위장하여 살해, 절도 등을 저지르며 여자들과 놀아난다. 사상 최대의 수사망에도 불구하고 극악무도한 범죄를 저지르고 다니던 카츠는 하마마츠의 하숙집에 머무르는 동안 하숙집 주인 여자의 정부가 되는데...
High school student Keiko struggles with the pressures of college entrance examinations and a chaotic home life, ultimately succumbing to alcohol, marijuana, gang members and rape.
산골마을을 넘어서 일터를 향해 가는 인력거의 발걸음이 분주하면 분주할 수록 집으로 돌아오는 그의 지친 몸은 천근 만근이다. 술 한잔으로 피로를 달래 보지만 역시 아내와 잠자리를 갖기에는 무리다. 젊은 아내는 아직도 팽팽한 육신으로 아기의 젖만 물릴 수 없었던지 마을의 낯선 남자와 정을 통하고 만다. 한 번 정을 통하게 된 이들은 수시로 관계를 갖게 되고, 이제는 걸림돌이 된 남편을 죽이려 한다. 부인은 술로 남편을 취하게 한 다음 정부와 함께 남편을 목졸라 죽인다. 그리고 남편의 시체를 숲 속 우물에 버린다. 남편의 죽음은 실종으로 처리되고 두 남녀의 사랑 행각은 계속 이어진다. 하지만 아버지를 찾는 딸 아이와 남편을 찾기 위해 호시탐탐 부인의 주변을 맴도는 순사로 인해 여자의 죄의식이 점점 고개를 든다. 그리고 그 죄의식은 남편의 망령을 통해 점점 거세화된다.
Sen Rikyu is a ceremonial tea master who advises warlord Hideyoshi in sixteenth-century feudal Japan. His daughter, the beautiful Lady Ogin, has an unrequited love for Lord Ukon, who has angered Hideyoshi by becoming a Christian convert. Ogin's father Rikyu also displeases Hideyoshi by opposing the warlord's plan to invade China and Korea. When the animalistic Hideyoshi is rejected by Ogin, he threatens her and her father with arrest and worse.
Taizô Sakata
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Mountain Man
선천적으로 앞을 볼 수 없는 오린은 연주와 노래를 하며 떠돌아 다니는 맹인 여자 예인들인 고제가 된다. 남자와의 관계를 금하는 고제의 계율을 어겨 홀로 떠돌아 다니는 하나레 고제가 되어 힘든 생활을 하던 중 한 남자를 만나게 되는데...
Ayako is a 7-year-old girl with a dark, tanned face and a somewhat mysterious expression on her face. She shows up at the elementary school and acts strangely, but the children don't know her name and just call her "that girl". There are two groups of children at the elementary school, and the conflict between the groups intensifies...
Taro Kuroki, 42, is a stuntman with a samurai's heart. He loves adventures, plays pranks with the police, tries to cure a cat lady by reversing her trauma, and finally, rescues his niece who is about to be lured into prostitution.
Set in the time of steam locomotives and covering a period of almost 30 years, this sensitive film tells the story of the wife of a railroad worker in the northern part of Japan. The ferocious local class restrictions work to keep her husband in his place, as does his lack of education.
In the summer of 1947, various men and women gather at a mansion in the countryside at the invitation of Kazuma Utagawa. They are artists, novelists, poets, painters, playwrights, actresses, etc. Then the murders begin, one after another. The incident seemed to have no continuity...
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Old Beggar
나가노의 요리점 <요시다야>에서 일하는 여종업원인 사다는 그 곳에서 주인인 이시다 기치조를 만나게 된다. 그녀는 순식간에 그와 격정적인 정사를 나누고픈 욕망에 빠져든다. 첫눈에 반한 두 사람은 늦은 밤 응접실이나 객실 등에서 지속적으로 밀회를 나누다가 기치조의 아내에게 발각된다. 결국 사다는 요리점을 나갈 수 밖에 없는 상황에 놓이자 기치조의 부인을 속이고 도망을 나와 요정 마사키에 틀어박혀 격렬한 사랑을 수 차례 나누게 된다. 두 사람의 사랑은 애정을 넘어서 서로의 육체에 대한 집착으로 나타나고, 결국 사다는 기치조를 영원히 자신의 남자로 만들고 싶다는 욕망에 사로잡히게 되는데...
Kinetarô Kitamura
Roman Porno from 1975.
The Master
Roman Porno from 1975.
Roman Porno from 1975.
Genzô Kakinuma (Bath-house Manager)
A sly gangster hatches a plot against his own wife, who works at a brothel-cum-bathhouse, with the help of the bathhouse owner’s wife.
Genji's father
The Taisho era was a time of turbulence in Japan. From new marks of modernity to full-blown riots, a sense of revolution filled the air. The Dam Dam Group is a small anarchist organization lead by Daijiro, a silver tongued "Benshi", a performer who provides narratives for silent films, playing multiple roles. In other words, he was a master at the art of deception, a handy talent when it came to 'doing jobs' for his group. His revolutionary ideals attracted many to his squadron, but among them was a young girl who was oblivious to his group's activities. Her name was Shino.
Personal tale of Okita Soji who fights to survive in a world without pity in the merciless era of the downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Publican at Ebisu
Two detectives are tasked to investigate the murderer of an old man, found bludgeoned to death in a rail yard.
The Homeless is a picaresque tale in the truest sense of the word. Two inmates are simultaneously released from jail, but go their separate ways, only to cross paths again in the nearest brothel. There they make the acquaintance of a would-be prostitute with a childlike mind and serious problems with the yakuza. They help her escape from the mob-infested cathouse and decide to guide her on her quest for sunken contraband somewhere off the coast, whose location only she knows, but which the yakuza are very eager to learn about. It is a remake of the French film The Last Adventure (1967).
Kofukuya's Owner
일본의 홍등가가 폐쇄되기 이전의 창녀집인 고후쿠에서, 나오코는 과거 하루 동안 26명의 손님을 받았던 시게코의 기록을 깨려고 한다. 한편 시마코는 도박에 빠진 남자친구 때문에 자꾸 돈을 빼앗기고 있었다. 그러던 어느 날, 창녀집을 떠나 결혼했던 기미코가 돌아와 자신을 편하게 해주는 손님을 찾는데...
Yoshizo Kawamura
Based on a true story, an elderly woman resiliently spends nine months attempting to retrieve her husband's dead body, fighting government bureaucracy and indifference all along the way.
A college professor wants to bring the joys of sex to his frigid wife. He convinces his son in law to sleep with her because the idea arouses him, while also making him insanely jealous. The professor keeps a journal of his fantasies in a locked cupboard and hopes that his wife will find the key and read it.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Sex Show Manager
Roman Porno from 1974.
Adaptation of Natsume Soseki's classic novel in a modern setting.
When his pistol is stolen, police detective Murakami is humiliated, especially when the gun is later implicated in a crime. Working with his superior, Chief Detective Sato, Murakami works feverishly to trace the location of his pistol, ultimately clashing with a gang of youthful Okinawans.
Japanese “kayo” film based on the song by "Namida koi" by Aki Yashiro.
Reform schools are a way of protecting society by ridding it of lawless juvenile delinquents. But who's protecting the juvenile delinquents from corrupt reform schools? Rica could be considered a bit of an expert on reform schools, having spent most of her early life in and out of them. When Rica is dragged back once again, she gets a severe beating and is finally sent off to a mental hospital with the intention of selling her and her pals into a slave trade. A trader takes Rica's friend Jun to a mountain cottage where she's pegged for the lead in his clandestine porno film operation. Once again, it's up to tough-as-nails Rica to bust up this corrupt racket once and for all!
Poor Yoko knows she is getting played and used by a playboy, but she loves him with all her heart and soul.
Rica wanting a fresh start leaves her friends and past life behind or at least that is what she thinks as trouble always seems to find her. Rica's looks into a ship that exploded and everyone who survived this disaster who comes in contact with her dies. Rica only chance of solving the mystery of the sunken ship is if she can locate a old friend of hers who just happened to be on that ship the night it blew up.
Minoru visits his home on Okinoerabu island for the first time in thirty years. Seeing the old man who used to be in love with his mother, Minoru recalls the old days spent on the island with his young, beautiful mother.
Roman Porno from 1973.
Tokuzô Kasai
섹스 앤 퓨리는 오초가 등에 새겨진 독특한 문신(사슴, 멧돼지, 나비)으로 확인되는 아버지의 살인자들을 찾아다니면서 오초의 위업을 기록한다. 그녀는 또한 유명한 정치인 구로카와를 살해하기 위한 급진주의자 쇼누스케와 도박꾼 행세를 하는 미국 스파이 크리스티나와 길을 건넌다.
A young outlaw can’t escape his rebellious past despite connections to a well to do family.
About a girl who marries in the middle of the Pacific War, is widowed at 18, and her unflagging struggle to survive during and after the war with her son.
The story tells of the adoration of Sasuke for his mistress, the blind samisen-teacher Shunkin, who treats him imperiously and subjects him to cruel beatings.
For a girl who works in a 3rd rate bar, Ayuko is full of vanity. Nomura, her patron, is besotted by her and it is their habit that they cannot reach a climax unless they peek at a couple, across the way, making love. Intent on climbing up in the world, Ayuko uses all her wiles to get her patron, who is putty in her hands, to move her from her grubby apartment house to a dreamboat of a place. She then tries to find a place to work more befitting her new home but all the elite night clubs will have nothing to do with her and with time heavy on her hands, the devil finds mischief for idle hands to do.
Sunaoko come to Okinawa to find his brother Tsuruo. Her searching is not very painless because it tears up old wounds in complicated relationships, some of which date back to the horrors of war.
Natsuko is so good at using that super-strong vagina of hers that she can fuck guys to death. In the end, she’s pitted against a sexual superman and a showdown ensues. There’s also a subplot about a mad scientist type who needs vaginal juices to create a potion designed to turn Japanese girls black.
Hiroshi (Tatsuo Umemiya) has the biggest penis in all of Japan and everyone who touches (or is touched by) it, is blessed by good fortune. After buying his sister a washing machine for her wedding, he travels to Tokyo, where he must help his friend Masa out of a half-million yen debt. Among other hijinks, he becomes a penis god in the process.
Kiyohime, a daughter of Tokugawa Ienari is married-off to Tadateru Ogura, the lord of a Kyushu clan. However, the lord's sexual inexperience and Kiyohime's strict morals lead to significant crisis in their marriage. To improve his sexual prowess, the lord is introduced to Sandra, a French woman held captive by usurer-smuggler Hatakaya. This results in the lord's choosing Sandra as his mistress. Kiyohime's attendants see this move as an insult and have Sandra beaten and imprisoned. Nevertheless, Sandra escapes with the help of Morita, a retainer of the lord. Out of bitterness and as some sort of revenge, the lord imposes a sex ban on his subjects.
A woman takes revenge on her husband after he leaves her for a younger woman by harassing the couple with unwanted phone calls at night.
The brief love story of an attentive young man and a beautiful woman who meet, fall in love and part during the course of a train ride.
Prison guard
Two Jesuit priests encounter persecution when they travel to Japan in the 17th century to spread Christianity and search for their mentor.
The film depicts the youth of Kinzo, a heretic painter who worked in Tosa during the late Edo period, and the hurricane-like inner side of his life.
2 years ago, Kumi broke up with Shuhei and decided to forget everything about him for good. However, after being told that her younger sister, Junko, fall in love with a man and is currently living with him. She was determined to discover who was the man who won her sister's heart. But what will happen when she found out that the man in question is Shuhei, her first love?
Pinku from 1971.
Pachinko owner
Murase is a bodyguard of yakuza group. Ochiai is a police officer who once was a student activist. When they meet, they are surprised how identical they look.
세상을 놀라게 한 연쇄총기살인사건을 소재로 극심한 빈곤 속에서 자란 불행한 청년의 절규를 그린 문제작. 가정을 돌보지 않는 아버지와 행상으로 가정을 꾸리는 어머니를 둔 미치오는 여덟 남매 중 일곱 번째 아들이다. 그는 중학교를 졸업하고 취업을 위해 도쿄로 떠나지만 인간적 모멸감만 느끼고 점점 타락의 수렁으로 빠져든다.
Rivalry between a hoodlum group and a gangster organization.
A man is inspired to build a hospital after his mother falls ill and becomes a host to swindle money out of women.
After the bankruptcy of her foster-father's condom factory, Tamae sets out to make a living on her own and ends up working as a geisha at a hot spring resort. After rising in popularity, a climactic sex battle is held to decide who gets to lay claim to her.
A truck driver is reunited with friends from his youth in a seedy bar and gets drawn into a web of crime.
Rokurō starts a part-time job on a fishing boat, but the ship has an engine failure in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Old man
시네마스코프와 컬러로 촬영된 무정부주의 코미디. 세 소년이(키 큰 소년을 연기한 가토 가즈히코는 ‘새디스틱 미카 밴드’의 리더이다), 바닷가에서 수영을 하다가 해변에 놓아 둔 옷을 도둑맞는다. 담배가게 주인은 그들을 불법 입국한 한국인으로 착각해서 경찰에 신고하고, 소년들은 위기에 빠진다. 그러나 소년들의 옷을 훔친 사람들이야말로 베트남에서의 군복무를 피해 일본으로 밀입국한 한국인들이었다. 그들은 이제 옷과 함께 따라온 신분으로 위장하기 위해 살인마저도 저지를 태세다. ‘주인공들’의 죽음 직후에, 오시마 감독은 한국인에 대한 생각을 묻는 인터뷰에 대답하는 도쿄 행인들의 모습을 몽타쥬로 삽입한다. 흥미롭게도 질문을 받은 사람들은 모두 자신이 한국인이라고 얘기하고, 그들 중 두 명은 의 주연을 맡았던 유도윤과 오시마 나기사 본인이다. 다행스럽게도 그 순간 영화는 다시 시작된다. (2002년 제7회 부산국제영화제_토니 레인즈) 밀리언셀러가 된 히트곡의 타이틀과 같은 제목으로 이 곡을 노래한 가수를 주연으로 캐스팅한 희극으로, 이야기 도중에 이전의 시퀀스가 똑같이 반복되는 오시마 나기사의 이색적인 작품. (2013 한국영상자료원 - 오시마 나기사 추모 특별전)
헤이안쿄의 라조몬에 미녀의 모습으로 변신하여 사람들을 홀리는 능력을 지닌 고양이가 나타나 사무라이들을 차례차례로 물어 죽여 세상을 떠들썩하게 하고 있었다. 상부로부터 변신하는 능력을 지닌 고양이의 퇴치 명령을 받은 주인공이 조속히 라조몬으로 향하지만 , 그런데 죽은 아내와 똑같은 여자를 만난다. 당황하면서도 여자의 집으로 가는데 이번엔 죽은 어머니와 똑같은 여자가 기다리고 있었다. 전쟁 중에 사무라이들에 의해 강간당하고 불태워진채 살해당한 주인공의 어머니와 아내는 사무라이의 생혈을 먹고 살 것을 요괴에게 언약하고 요괴로서 살아 나가고 있었던 것이다…. 민간 전래 전설에서 영감을 얻어 각본을 쓴 신도 가네토 감독이 헤이안 중기의 쿄토를 무대로 괴기 환상적인 터치로 생명의 근원인 "성"을 깊게 파고 든 이색의 공포 시대극. 신도 감독이 스승으로 받드는 고 미조구치 켄지 감독의 대표작 「비오는 밤의 달 이야기」에의 오마쥬로서 제작된 주목작이다. 고 타이치 키와코가 관능적으로 연기한 요염한 변신하는 능력을 지닌 고양이가 압권이다.
About an establishment where old men pay to sleep besides young girls that had been narcotized and happen to be naked, the sleeping beauties. The old men are expected to take sleeping pills and share the bed for a whole night with a girl without attempting anything of bad taste like putting a finger inside their mouths.
오사카의 상인인 카미야는 유녀 코하루가 있는 곳을 드나들며 장사는 뒷전으로 한다. 이에 그의 부인인 오상은 코하루에게 편지를 써서 상황을 알리고 헤어지라고 부탁한다. 오상의 마음을 이해한 코하루는 카미야에게 매몰차게 대하는데...
aka Libido.
Third film of the yoidore hakase series
During a Soviet circus tour in Japan, a small street musician, Ken, meets a clown, Yuri Nikulin. Upon learning that his sick father is being treated in the Soviet Union, Ken sets off in search of him. The friendship of the great clown and the boy continues in Moscow.
A well-respected drama teacher confesses to his housekeeper that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima has left him impotent. With the coming of spring, the sympathetic housekeeper suggests that the Master observe the Yobai , a custom in which the young men of a village steal into the bedrooms of susceptible women to have sex.
School director
신슈의 농촌, 빈농의 딸 시노는 여교사인 마츠코, 촌장의 아들인 겐지, 가난한 청년 에이스케와 함께 이상적인 농촌공동체를 꿈꾸며 공동사육을 한다. 그러나 홍수로 인해 사육장은 날아가고, 겐지가 마을 임원이 됨으로써 공동체는 무너진다. 시노는 겐지와 동반자살을 시도하지만 혼자만 살아남게 되고, 실신 상태의 시노를 강간한 에이스케는 이후 '백주의 살인마'가 된다. 신문에 실린 연쇄살인사건에서 영감을 받아 다케다 다이준의 원작을 각색한 작품으로, 2천 컷에 이르는 쇼트를 통해 피사체를 여러 각도에서 분할하는 실험적 편집기법으로도 유명한 걸작. (한국시네마테크협의회 - 2010 오시마 나기사 회고전)
Seeking revenge against the guard who tormented him, a young man returns to the island where he was imprisoned in reform school. But his plans for vengeance are disturbed when he encounters a strange and beautiful young woman
무능한 포르노감독은 과부 미용사를 등쳐먹고 살면서, 과부의 딸과도 관계를 맺는다. 과부는 아들과도 엉겁결에 성적 관계를 가진다. 병든 과부는 죽어가며 딸과 결혼해달라고 부탁한다. 과부의 딸과 유산은 물려받았지만, 포르노감독은 경찰서에 수시로 끌려가는 등 시련을 겪고 성불능까지 닥치자 문득 뭔가를 깨닫고 한 가지 일에 몰두한다. 어떤 불평도 없고 완벽하게 아름다운 여자, 바로 마네킹을 만드는 일. 북극수출 제안도 거부하고 바다 가운데로 밀려가는 돗단배 안에서 늙은 감독은 마네킹에 음모를 심어준다.
A film dealing with the trials and tribulations of a primary school before and after the Pacific War, set in Fukashima Prefecture.
Shochiku's popular series of gang films, this one has the hero returning from prison bent on revenge. He runs into Chinese hoodlums, blackmailers and gold-smugglers. But he also aids and abets young lovers yet, despite his help, their love ends in tragedy and he tracks down his prey in Kobe.
Yamashiro-no-Kami Munemura
Provincial 14th century governor Moronao, attracted to the wife of a court magistrate, tries to seduce her and when she rejects his advances plots to send her husband into battle.
Ayako, a young woman from a rural fishing village, is sold by her family into a brothel when her father takes ill. There, she is quickly stripped of her innocence and illusions.
Retired man
세이사쿠는 러일전쟁 시기의 한 가난한 농촌에 살고 있다. 그가 전쟁에 징집당하게 되자, 그의 아내 오카네는 남편을 정쟁에 보내지 않기 위해 무서운 음모를 꾸민다. 전쟁이라는 상황 속에서 사랑하는 남자를 위해 싸우는 여자의 소름끼치는 면모 속에 깃든 아름다움을 그렸다. 2차대전 전에 영화화 된 요시다 겐지로의 원작을 리메이크한 작품으로, 단순한 반전영화가 아닌, 섬뜩하면서도 아름다운 연애영화의 걸작이다.
A young girl in an industrial town is saving her money to enter college. But her drunken father loses his job, her mother cannot make ends meet, and then the boy she likes loses everything when his factory fails. She takes all her savings out of the bank and offers them to him to make a new start. He refuses at first but eventually agrees and so she goes back to school to tell her teacher that she has decided not to continue college, that she is young and strong, and can make her own way in life.
남자들이 모두 전쟁터로 끌려간 중세 일본. 시어머니와 며느리는 생존을 위해 함께 살아간다. 그들이 선택한 삶의 방법은 하이에나 같은 수렵이었고 대상은 인간이었다. 강을 타고 떠내려오는 사무라이 시체들의 장구류와 일본도를 벗겨 근처 동굴에 사는 노인네와 물물교환을 하고 그러다가 급해지면 살인도 한다. 두 명의 여인은 생계가 걸려있는 문제이다 보니 이러한 작업이 매우 능숙하다. 그러던 어느 날 시어머니의 아들이자 며느리의 남편 대신에 살아 돌아온 하치라는 남자가 등장한다. 그는 풀밭을 껑충껑충 뛰어다니고 고기도 터프하게 뜯어먹는 남자다. 죽은 남편에 대한 도덕적 신념과 성적인 욕망 사이에서 갈등하던 며느리는 결국 하치와 깊은 사랑에 빠지게 되고 시어머니는 우연히 그 사실을 알게 되어 복잡한 감정에 사로잡히는데...
사다코는 소심한 남편과 시어머니에게 부주의하다며 매번 꾸중을 듣는다. 그녀는 남편이 출장간 사이에 집에 침입한 히라오카라는 남자에게 강간을 당한다. 이에 사다코는 자살을 시도하지만 아들 때문에 감히 죽지 못한다. 이틀 후 히라오카는 다시 돌아와 사다코를 범하며 그 후로 사다코에게 강박적인 애정을 추구한다. 사다코는 히라오카를 떼어내기 위해 돈을 줘보기도 하지만 히라오카는 거절한다. 후지하라의 원작을 하세베 게이지와 이마무라 감독이 함께 각색해서 만든 작품. 이마무라 감독의 작품들, 예컨데 등에 등장하는 여성들은 사회적인 약자로 남성에게 강간을 당하거나 모진 수난을 겪기 일수다. 하지만 어떤 어려움 속에서도 좌절하지 않고 당당하고 강한 모습으로 거듭나는 것으로 그려져 이마무라 감독의 일관된 작품관과 여성관을 엿볼 수 있게 한다.
Misawa Ihei (Nagato) is traveling with his wife Tae (Iwashita Shima) who abhors the practice of sword fighting for prize money. Tae is the daughter of the clan's chief counselor who married the low-ranking Ihei to avoid becoming the clan lord's mistress. Into the mix comes Oba Gunjuro (Tetsurō Tamba), a mysterious ronin who will do anything for money. This leads to a fitting climax as the forces of hate and love converge while the couple attempt to break through the border!
A sake factory worker on holiday returns to his home town, where he rapes the wife of one of his co-workers in the forest. The other man returns home to find his wife changed and suspects that she has been unfaithful.
Picked up and raised on an island in the Seto Inland Sea, Yasukichi's only trait is his innate mischievousness. However, because his love for his hometown is exceptionally stronger than anybody's, he is trying everything he can to somehow help the inhabitants of the island which are going through a recession. He saddles himself with a debt to bring a cheap band onto the island and tries to market the underwater sightseeing ship on the island without regards for the Marine Act.
A Tokyo student transfers to a rural school and finds it difficult to adjust himself to its customs and traditions. One of the customs is the wearing of an old school cap by a senior. It is a symbol of courage and bravery and is handed down to a new senior each year.
Boss Izu
야쿠자 두목의 딸인 도키코는 단순한 호기심에 친구 하나코와 함께 도박장에 구경을 간다. 그러나 경쟁 조직의 조직원인 후유가 하나코에게 마음을 뺏기고 일은 점점 커지기 시작한다.
수기모토 도메는 1919년 야마카타의 산촌에서 태어났다. 아버지는 정신지체자, 어머니는 어떤 남자하고도 잠자리를 같이하는 여자. 그래서 도메도 누구의 아이인지 알 수 없다. 그래도 도메는 아버지를 좋아해서 어려서부터 함께 잤다. 도메는 아버지와 자신이 부부라고 생각했다. 도메는 초등학교 졸업 후 방직공장의 공원으로 일하다가 계장인 마츠나미의 여자가 되어, 공장을 그만두고 아이를 낳는다. 농사일을 다시하게 된 도메는 젖이 나오자 정신지체자인 아버지에게 빨아 달라고 한다.
전쟁은 끝났지만 가난한 사람들의 삶은 나아질 기미를 보이지 않는다. 병으로 눈이 안 보이는 아들을 남편 없이 키우고 있는 다미코는 아들에게 눈 수술을 시켜주려 한다. 한편 아들 뿐 아니라 다른 가족들도 돌봐야 하는 다미코에게 나이 많은 남자와의 혼인 제안이 들어온다.
Based on a novel by Tsutomu Mizukami, this haunting melodrama focuses on a young bamboo worker who takes his father's prostitute as his wife.
낮에는 조선소에서 일하고 밤에는 철조망이 쳐진 기숙사에서 지내는 시마자키는 거친 일과 가난한 현실이 불만스럽다. 패싸움 등 하루가 멀다 하고 사건이 발생하는 힘든 일상 속에서 그나마 위로가 되는 것은 이웃에 사는 미코지만 그는 그녀에게도 쉽게 마음을 주지 않는다. 하지만 시간이 흐르며 조금씩 여유를 갖기 시작한 시마자키는 동료들과 짧은 일탈을 시도한다.
Shinsaku Tsuda
After a businessman is murdered, an investigation identifies a suspect who is then put on trial for that crime.
Shinko Terasawa was always considered to be the odd ball of the bunch. At a time when romance was against school regulations, Shinko was the first to take a bite out of the forbidden fruit. Expelled from her former school, she finds herself in an all-girls school in Jokamachi, where rumors fly. One day, Shinko delivers an anonymous love letter addressed to her English teacher, Ms. Shimazaki. Convinced that the students are playing a prank, Ms. Shimazaki is adamant about getting to the bottom of this "problem”.
The film takes place at the junction of the two eras of Meiji and Taisho. Sakata Sankichi, an uneducated zori sandal maker, becomes a professional shogi player through his genius shogi skills and lives a fanatically devoted shogi game supported by the love of his family. This is the 3rd adaptation of Hideji Hojo's famous play.
The ship Kaijin Maru is left adrift after losing all means of navigation in a storm. The four people on the ship are becoming increasingly desperate as food and water run out.
Japanese drama.
Zenkichi Segawa
Keiko is pretty and intelligent but her home life is not a happy one. Never having known a father's love, she develops a possessive attachment to Mr. Mazaki, the new mathematics teacher.
Not too long ago, Soichiro was considered one of the most powerful men in business. But his business had failed, his granddaughter had committed suicide. There was nothing in his life anymore that he could look forward to. Sochiro was ready to put an to it end to all. As he drives down the Usui Pass, headed toward his summer house in Karuizawa, a girl in red heels, wearing nothing else but a coat jumps in front of the car.
오카다 마리코가 직접 기획한 요시다 기주의 초기 대표작. 어느 온천여관을 배경으로 펼쳐지는 남녀의 사랑을 그리면서 물이 지닌 관능성을 빼어나게 보여주고 있다. 세상을 비관하여 자살하려던 청년과 그의 목숨을 구한 여관집 딸이 시간의 흐름을 두고 다시 만나는 순환적인 구조는 알랭 레네나 안토니오니의 영화를 떠올리게 한다. (2014년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 요시다 기주 + 오카다 마리코 특별전) 일본 남부의 한적한 온천의 만난 두 남녀의 17년 간에 걸친 사랑 이야기이다. 아름다운 풍경을 배경으로, 남녀간의 애정이 변하면서 이윽고 비극적 라스트를 향해 흘러가 끝내 죽음을 맞게 되는 과정을 훌륭한 영상미로 승화시켰다.
이 영화의 여주인공 오까다 마리꼬는 이 작품이 100회 출연 기념작일만큼 당시 인기 여배우였는데,신인감독인 요시다 요시시게를 지명하여 이 영화에 출연했다. 2년 뒤 두사람은 결혼했고,그녀는 남편이 된 요시다 감독의 작품에 다수 출연했다.
A crime film released in 1962
동경 북쪽에 있는 가와구치를 배경으로 가족의 안위보다는 의리를 중시하는 가부장적인 아버지 다츠, 가족의 생계를 위해 술집에 나가는 어머니, 가정형편 때문에 매번 좌절해도 항상 꿋꿋하게 일어서는 쾌활한 성격의 소유자인 장녀 준 그리고 철없이 말썽만 부리는 아들 다카유키.
President Toyotomi
Mr. Mito, a former president of an instant food company, with two young men’s help, solves the quality problems and wins a big ramen contract with a large Chinese company.
Based on the original novel by Tokuda Shusei, adapted by frequent Masumura scribe (and renowned director in his own right) Kaneto Shindo, this downbeat melodrama features a battle of women for the affections and commitment of the same man, a handsome car salesman. Masuko (Ayako Wakao) is the number one hostess at a cabaret, living with her lover, ... but finds out that he has a wife. When Masuko’s niece arrives the competition further ratchets up. (Also occasionally known in English as “Inflamation”)
A touching story of a girl who sails away from her love to keep her family together.
Two obaachans become fast friends listening to music in front of a record store. They both boast about their loving sons but in reality, one had just escaped a retirement home and the other was looking for an escape from her son and daughter-in-law. With nowhere to go, the two wander around, befriending a cosmetics salesman and a kind waitress who give them beer. This biting social satire starring two memorable grandmothers, scripted by Yôko Mizuki, picked up on Japan’s aging population problem far ahead of its time.
Late romance by acclaimed filmmaker Kinugasa Teinosuke.
야쿠자들이 미군 기지에서 나오는 잔반으로 돼지를 길러 일확천금을 노린다는 설정의 희극이다. 주인공은 그런 야쿠자 조직의 말단으로, 이 새로운 사업이 성공했을 때 지급될 예정인 15만엔의 보너스를 받기 위해 돼지 기르기에 열심이다. 그러나 야쿠자와 미군 사이에 끼어든 수상한 브로커로 인해 예상 밖의 자금들이 추가로 들어가기 시작하면서 그 사업은 순조롭게 진행되지 못한다. 급기야 브로커가 거금을 횡령해 달아나자 그들은 좌절에 빠진다.
A comedy of a high-spirited geisha, Koharu, who is at risk of being trapped in a conspiracy to take over a lucrative diamond mine business.
Senta, the father
세토 내해의 작은 섬에서 보리와 고구마를 키우며 살고 있는 한 가족의 이야기. 물이 전혀 나오지 않는 섬에서 부부는 밭에 주기 위해 하루에도 몇 번씩 근처 섬에 가서 물을 길어와야 하고 아이들은 물고기를 잡아 육지에 내다 판다. 그러던 어느 날 장남 타로가 병에 걸리고, 아버지가 필사적으로 의사를 찾는 사이 타로는 그만 죽고 만다.
Inosuke Uematsu
Kohei Misugi works in a vegetable market, but his ambition is to be a photographer. He is given his first opportunity to demonstrate his talent by the Sakura Film Company which offers him an assignment to "Cover Tokyo" with a camera. But he is disillusioned when he is told he must work together with Miharu, a good looking girl in the film company's publicity department. Then the fun begins.
In the autumn of 1945, Petty Officer Tadashi Yamaji is among the numerous war crimes suspects facing death on the gallows for maltreatment of Allied women and children interned in camp Kampili. Kampili is located some ten kilometers outside Macassar on the island of Celebes. Eighteen-hundred Allied women and children were interned for the duration of the war. Yamaji's iron rule for camp administration is : No violence; hands off internees; He also endeavors to establish self-administration by internees while aiming at a self-supporting camp economy within six months. His ingenuity gains the camp numerous pigs to enrich their diet, and sewing machines with to make fatigue uniforms for the military. The internees are grateful for what little aid he can give them. As the tides of war changes, Allied planes bomb the camp in error. But the surrender of Japan changes everything, and the internees join forces to save their former camp commander from the gallows.
Popular geisha Koharu suspects that Yusaku, a handsome stranger she falls in love with, is involved in a robbery of precious diamond.
Kumakichi Takeda
Koharu, a young geisha, is in love with Kenichi, an apprentice carpenter to her father Masagoro. Their love life comes to a sudden halt after an argument between their two fathers. Can their love survive in spite of the bitterness between their two families?
Hemmi Gengoro
석탄 산업이 불황기로 접어든 1954년 봄. 사가현의 즈루노하나 탄광에서는 감원에 반대하는 파업이 한창이다. 그 와중에 광부이면서 야스모토 일가의 기둥이었던 기이치, 요시코, 다카이치(작은오빠), 스에코의 아버지가 죽는다. 남겨진 네 형제를 돕기 위해 이웃집 헨미 씨는 장남인 기이치를 임시직에서 정식 직원으로 채용해줄 것을 탄광회사 간부에게 부탁해 보지만, 조센징은 감원 대상 1호라는 말만 듣게 된다. 결국 기이치는 임시직마저 잃게 되어 지금까지 살아온 사택에서도 쫓겨나게 된다. 헨미 씨가 잠시 그의 집에 거두어 들이지만, 곧 헨미 씨마저 사고로 부상을 입고 사직하게 되어, 장남인 기이치는 나가사키로, 차남인 요시코는 어느 정육점으로 각각 일자리를 찾아 떠나고, 다카이치와 스에코만 남겨진다.
Drama which shows the struggle of Fumiko, a female teacher, at work and at home.
Teppei Sasada
Airline captain saves passengers from a brutal murderer on a plane during four hours of terror.
Oshiuri no Otoko
오밀조밀 모여 서로가 서로에 대해 훤히 알고 지내는 마을에서 이웃들간에 사소한 여러 가지 일들이 벌어진다. 접촉이 많으니 만큼 별 것 아닌 마찰도 많고 서로에 대한 구설수도 많다. 보수적인 이웃사람들로부터 문제아로 손가락질받는 신세대 부부는 텔레비젼을 갖고 있고, 그래서 그 집에는 동네 아이들이 항상 들끓는다. 어른들은 아이들이 신세대 부부와 접촉하는 것을 못마땅해 하며 눈살을 찌푸린다. 그 집에 모이는 아이들 중에는 미노루와 이사무 형제도 끼어 있는데, 부모에게 텔레비젼을 사달라고 조른다. 부모는 안된다고 딱 잘라 말하지만, 어린 두 꼬마는 묵비권을 행사하며 불만을 표시한다. 가족들에게는 물론 이웃 어른에게나 학교 선생님에게까지도 계속되는 침묵의 시위는 많은 문제를 야기시킨다. 아침인사를 먼저 건낸 이웃집 아주머니는 아이들의 묵묵부답이 부모가 시켜서 일부러 모른 척하는 것이 아닐까 하는 오해를 하게 되고, 이것은 이웃간의 불화를 조장하는 하나의 시발점이 된다.
Kiku and her brother Isamu are social outcasts, children of a prostitute mother and black GI father, in postwar Japan.
An ageing fishing boat, Dai-go Fukuryu Maru ("Lucky Dragon No. 5") sets out from the port of Yaizu in Shizuoka Prefecture. It travels around the Pacific line fishing. While the ship is near Bikini Atoll, the ship's navigator sees a flash. All the crew come up to watch. They realize it is an atomic explosion, but take time to clear their fishing gear. A short time later, grey ash starts to fall on the ship. When the ship returns to port the sailors have been burned brown. They unload the fish, which are then transported away. They visit the local doctor and then go to Tokyo for an examination. It turns out they are all highly radioactive. Their symptoms become worse, and the contaminated fish causes a panic.
세계 2차 대전 당시 대기업에서 종사하고 있는 카지는 군대에 집영되는 대신 광산에 가서 군대에 납품할 광물들을 생산하는 광산의 간부로 발탁된다. 군대 입대 때문에 하지 않으려고 했던 결혼을 하고 부인인 미치코와 함께 광산으로 간다. 양심으로 똘똘 뭉친 카지는 그곳에서 일본인에게 당하는 중국 노동자들의 생활개선과 동시에 포로로 잡혀온 중국 노동자들의 인간적인 생활을 찾아주기 위해 노력하지만 일본군과 광산의 다른 간부들과의 갈등으로 이어지고 결국 일본군에 눈 밖에 나서 군대에 입영되게 된다.
Ramen shop owner
Set in post-war Japan, a group of five, four men and one woman, gathers in the basement of a butcher shop to dig up a cache of morphine buried during the war. A grimly humorous tale of twisted relationships as one by one each of the group is eliminated.
Former boxer Daishiro lost his wife, and his only son, Kaoru, went missing, it was a heavy blow for Daishiro. One day, Daishiro got a call from his relative Morihiko. He said he forgot the winning lottery ticket of 2 million yen at the hotel, so he wants Daishiro to go and pick it up. Morihiko used the hotel for secret meetings, so he said he couldn't go there himself because he was afraid it would become public. When Daishiro entered the hotel, the Yakuza, who learned about the lottery from the newspaper, threaten the hotel maid Noriko, and want to rob her. Daishiro helps Noriko and safely picks up the lottery, but a message arrives from his relative Seikichi from Osaka. His missing son Kaoru is said to be a boxer in Osaka. "My son... He has the blood of a boxer in him..." Daishiro is heading to Osaka in a hurry...
The film marked Yōko Mihara's debut as the star of Shintoho's series of ama films, a role she took over from Michiko Maeda.
детектив Мацумото
버스회사에서 근무하는 게이코는 비행청소년을 위한 사회단체에서 활동하다 노부를 만난다. 게이코는 노부를 바른 길로 이끌기 위해 갖은 노력을 하지만 노부의 옛 친구들이 노부를 가만히 두지 않는다.
Following a yearlong attendance upon his shogun in Edo, samurai Hikokuro makes a long-awaited return to his home and doting wife, Dane. Initially greeted by the effusive welcome of his family, spiteful whispers also reach his ear about an adulterous affair carried on, in his long absence, between his wife and a famous drummer. With Hikokuro’s honor imperiled by rumor, his family insists on a formal investigation into the veracity of the gossip. Through the combined testimony of many witnesses, a tale unwinds around the visits of a traveling musician hired to tutor the family heir, the spurned attentions of the man who started the rumor, and the ultimate truth behind the accusations. The conclusion of events prove as much an indictment of bushidō as it is of the reluctant parties involved. Adapted from a 1706 play by Chikamatsu Monzaemon and based on a true case.
A chance meeting between two traveling gamblers leads to a case of mistaken identity when the farmers transporting gold to the governor think they are about to be robbed as the two gamblers face off against each other swords in hand.
Live-action adaptation of Yoshiro Kato’s manga.
Yajiro, Heiichiro's uncle
1957 drama from director Kôzaburô Yoshimura
Shokichi, the owner of the clothing store, lives with his daughter Hideko and plans to open an art gallery. One day, Hideko led a handsome art student, Shohei and a poor painter, Sohei. Sohei’s painting was praised by a great printer at the completion ceremony of the art gallery. Since he became successful as a painter, but he looked quite indifferent. Around the same time, Shohei’s sister brought Sohei’s pictures to the gallery and Shokichi noticed that she was a daughter of his first love.
A scrap iron carrier arrived at Tokyo bay. The ship swarmed with the stevedores, the souvenir seller and the hookers. The crews of ship were oppressed by arrogant captain and his officers. The crews caused an uprising. A manager of stevedore ordered his employee leader to suppress an uprising...
시대는 막부. 시나가와 유곽에 위세 좋게 뛰어든 사베이지는 사실은 한 푼없는 가난뱅이다. 일해서 빚을 갚으려고 여관에 남은 사베이지는 요령 좋게 일하는 척을 한다. 친한 손님을 둘러싼 유녀들끼리의 싸움이나 밀린 돈을 받아내는 일 등, 끊임없이 일어나는 귀찮은 일들을 차례차례 해결하여 모두의 보배로, 유녀 오소메와 코하루는 완전히 마음을 빼앗기고 말았다. 장기 숙박을 하고 있는 쵸슈(長州)의 무사 다카스기 신사쿠 일당이 영국 영사관을 불태울 계획을 세우는 것을 알고 사베이지는 출입하는 목수에게 도면을 만들게 한다. 슬슬 철수하려고 여행 준비를 하는 사베이지 앞에 행방불명의 코하루를 찾는 억만장자 노인이 나타난다. 코하루는 죽었다고 거짓말을 하고 엉터리 묘지로 안내 하지만, 묘비에 새겨진 글자를 잠깐 보아도 이는 아이의 이름. 속았다고 화를 내는 노인을 무시하고 사베이지는 동해의 소나무 가로수 길을 가볍게 뛰어서 사라진다.
Harsh film about a car dealer who gets into financial trouble.
Eikichi Yamashiro, who is a former contender for the boxing title, works as a manager at a Club Champion owned by his fiancé Natsuko’s father. He lost a title match five years ago as he was besotted by Natsuko, but Eikichi actually cannot give up the dream of the championship. One day, he meets Shuntaro Fuma, who is a punk kid but a promising boxer, and realizes the dream that he himself could never fulfill. Then, they together start to train with the aim of the title. Mari Shiraki is an up-and-coming ballerina under the patronage of Eikichi as well. Eikichi forbids Shuntaro and Mari to be romantically involved with someone during their training, however, they start to go on a date. (source: Nikkatsu International)
Senkichi Hanamura
Kawai Midori's father left the family a long time ago and since her mother passed away, she has taken care of her younger siblings by herself by working with a group of itinerant camellia oil peddlers. While she is In Izu selling camellia oil, she meets a young student, Katō Yutaka, who asks her to let him take her picture. The peddlers also meet a jazz band, and when Midori sings a song, teased by the band's star singer Nanjō Haruo, the band members are enraptured by her beautiful voice. She eventually joins the band and quickly becomes a popular jazz singer.
Based on Kakuko Mori's autobiography, about her life and retirement from acting due to her increasing blindness.
Dotanba - Last Minute
Doctor Otsuki
A 1956 alien invasion tokusatsu film directed by Shinichi Sekizawa, the screenwriter noted for his immense contributions to Toho's Godzilla series by providing the screenplays/stories for the majority of the original Showa films.
Japanese drama film.
In the backstreets of Ginza, the boss of a hairdressing salon is found dead, killed by strangulation. The detective on the case soon hears rumors about the murder.
In 1906, after finishing a tough migrant job in the Philippines, Takichi has returned to Japan. He starts to work as a rickshaw driver, but his lover had died of an illness, leaving a baby girl, Hatsue. Hatsue grows up beautifully and falls in love with Shintaro. But Takichi objects to their relationship...
Uhei Matsumura
Police beat a murder confession out of four innocent men who are then sentenced to death. Based on a true story.
Based on the novel by Torahiko Tamiya.
From runaway brides to a typhoon, the continued adventures of Ushikata police station.
Kabuki adaptation: A princess, a figure from the literary past who anticipates a modern woman, tempts a self righteous priest.
Five years have passed since the three comrades who saved their lives on the Burma Campaign-Kenichiro Kishi, Eiji Shiga, and Daizo Kobayashi promised to meet again five years later at the platform of Shinagawa Station, which was crowded with repatriates. , The day of reunion is approaching.
Bartender (segment 1)
A group of five rookie insurance salespersons, driven to desperation by the impossibility of their work in Japan's failing postwar economy, form a plan to rob a cash delivery truck in order to provide for their families.
Mr. Yamaguchi
The female members of the family of the Minister of Health and Welfare, who has just proposed a program of birth control, become pregnant one after the other. - Nikkatsu
Patrolman Kuramochi
Lending money, job hunting for civilians and babysitting. All these things are usually not listed on a policeman's job description. But for the officers of this local police station, it‘s part of their daily routine. One day, patrolman Yoshii (Hisaya Morishige) finds an abandoned baby and a six year old girl standing in front of the station. When he's declined by the welfare office, orphanage and local health clinic to take them in, he decides to take care of them himself.
Shigeki Kachi, Tosuke Satomura, and Nanako, who belong to the theater company Vuanbert around Dosa, withdrew at the indignation of the chairman Hayashi and seeked their own careers in the film industry.
Toku, a factory worker gives food to a starving woman, Tsuru, who then follows him home. He shares a shack in a shanty village in Kawasaki with his friend Pin-chan. The two men try to get rid of her but then let her stay when she gives them money. Tsuru tells the people of the village that she lost her job due to a strike, then was robbed of her severance pay, then sold to a brothel in Tsuchiura. She ran away with a friend from Kawasaki. Toku and Pin-chan sell her to a geisha house and spend the money. She is thrown out. The owner demands his money back. Tsuru earns the money to pay their debt by working as a prostitute outside the station. The other prostitutes beat her. She fends them off with a policeman's revolver and is then shot dead by the police.
Gen'ichi Inoue
Based on Philippines war experiences. Military doctor Leutenant Hanada deserts with a local girl. The officer in command orders Lieutenant Uji to shoot Hanada. Uji takes a sharpshooter called Takagi and tracks him. At first Uji cannot forgive Hanada but as Uji is isolated from the main force he too starts to think of desertion.
1950s Japanese drama.
12세기 에도 시대, 곳곳에서 반란이 일어나고 혼란과 공포가 교토를 뒤덮는다. 교토의 산조성 또한 공격을 당하고, 왕족인 키사는 젊은 사무라이 모리토에게 구출된다. 이때의 인연을 시작으로 모리토는 그녀를 사랑하게 되지만 키사는 벌써 모리토 보다 계급이 높은 사무라이 남편이 있는 몸이다. 모리토는 충성스러운 사무라이지만 그녀를 향한 사랑 때문에 결국 이성을 잃게 되고 키사의 고모까지 인질로 잡으면서 키사를 자기 것으로 만들려고 한다. 일본에서 처음으로 이스트만 컬러를 사용한 작품으로, 화려한 색감과 의상으로 한 순간도 눈을 떼지 못하게 만든다. 기쿠치 칸의 역사극을 영화화했으며, 1954년 칸 영화제 그랑프리를 수상했다.
Nobuko Otowa won the Blue Ribbon for the Best Actress for this movie among others.
Ginko, a poor cobbler's daughter, becomes a geisha to support her family. She passes from one geisha house to the next, trying to find love and hope in the process. No matter how hard she tries, she just can't escape her sad fate.
Kazuo Miyagawa’s prizewinning black-and-white cinematography draws out the moral shadings of Nobel laureate Yasunari Kawabata’s 1952 novel Thousand Cranes, a quietly devastating story of a young man, orphaned during the war, who stumbles into a passionate yet tragic relationship with his late father’s mistress and her daughter.
A group of Okinawan high school girls are drafted as nurses during the American invasion of the island. As the enemy army advances further, the situation for the girls becomes increasingly desperate as food and shelter run out and the number of injured climbs, leading to the film's tragic finale.
President of Akabane Construction
Office worker comedy by Nobuo Nakagawa
Owner of a ship
작은 섬의 학교에서 교편을 잡고 있는 다카코는 여름 방학을 이용하여 히로시마를 방문한다. 원폭 당시 유치원 교사로 일했던 다카코가 과거 자신이 가르쳤던 아이들의 소식을 듣기 위해 다시 히로시마를 찾은 것이다. 그렇게 아이들을 찾던 다카코는 길거리에서 우연히 예전 자신의 집에서 일했었던 이와키치 아저씨를 만난다.
A family of Kyoto textile workers struggles after tragedy.
Dedication of the Great Buddha is a 1952 Japanese film directed by Teinosuke Kinugasa. It was entered into the 1953 Cannes Film Festival.
Story of a Beloved Wife is an autobiographical work based on Shindo's first marriage. Jūkichi Uno stars as a struggling screenwriter, and Nobuko Otowa stars as the wife who supports him through his early struggles.
Directed by Senkichi Taniguchi
A Japanese adaptation of Guy de Maupassant's short story Boule de Suif, directed by Kimura Keigo
기온의 게이샤 오키쿠의 딸로 무언가에 대한 반발심에 만나는 남자를 수시로 갈아치우는 기미쵸(君蝶)와 시청에서 근무하는 여동생을 비교하며 화류계를 리얼하게 묘사함. 각본 신도 가네토가 미조구치 겐지에의 오마쥬로 써내려간 작품.
Aoye's friend
신진 화가와 인기가수의 만남이 잡지 카메라맨에게 들통난다 - 스캔들 잡기에 혈안이 된 매스컴 비판 영화
Ango Shindo
An attempt is made to suppress a journalist's investigation of collusion between a rural police chief and the local gangster bosses.
The tale of a feudal swordsman who cynically takes no responsibility for anything, relegating it to others, and then taking the credit.
Life and love in corrupt postwar Tokyo, as a young couple struggles against both the law and the mob.
A 1948 Japanese film.
Shop Proprietor
전후의 일본, 한차례의 세력 다툼이 있은 후, 두목이 된 젊은 야쿠자가 알콜 중독자인 의사에게 치료를 받는다. 의사는 그 젊은이에게 결핵이라는 진단을 내리고 치료할 것을 권하며 곧 두 사람 사이에는 묘한 우정이 싹튼다. 하지만 얼마 후, 감옥에서 출소한 이전의 두목이 자신의 자리를 되찾으려 하면서 그 젊은 야쿠자는 곤경에 처하게 되는데...
A young lawyer falls in love with the daughter of his former professor, whom he's hired to tutor his children.
제2차 세계대전에서 일본이 패전한 후, 부와 명예를 누려왔던 안조가(家)는 그동안의 삶의 방식은 물론 저택마저 포기해야 하는 상황에 이른다. 안조가의 저택에서 마지막 무도회가 열리는 날, 새로운 삶을 찾아야 하는 가족은 서로 갈등을 겪는다.
1947년 패전 후 오즈가 만든 첫 작품으로, 류 치슈와 이다 조코의 호연이 돋보이는 작품. 동시대 감독들이 전쟁 체제에 대한 비판이나 반성 등을 그린 작품을 양산해내던 당시에도 전쟁 전과 마찬가지로 오즈가 선택한 첫 제재는 ‘인정’이었다. 전후 일본 사회에 대한 귀중한 다큐멘터리와 같은 이 작품은 오즈 특유의 정적인 영상 속에 인간적이면서도 감동적인 삶의 메시지를 전해 주고 있다. 도쿄의 한 거리에서 잡화상을 운영하는 다네에게 길 잃은 아이 고헤이가 억지로 맡겨진다. 사람에 대한 정과 사랑에 무심했던 다네는 고헤이를 부랑아 취급하며 귀찮은 존재로 여기지만, 소년에 얽힌 여러 일들을 겪으면서 차츰 사랑을 깨달아 간다. 그러던 중 아이를 찾는 친부모가 그녀 앞에 나타나고, 다네는 아이를 보내야만 하는 처지에 놓이게 된다.
Rokuzô Ôkuma
This epic depicts the battle between Uesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen. The focus of the story is the struggle by the unit leader in charge of the main supply wagons and the supply troops to transport materiel to the Uesugi army. To this are added episodes involving an itinerant woman.